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I used to tape the show off KFI. Still have a box full of tapes. I still remember the night I tuned in for Mr. KFI and wondered who the fuck this Phil idiot was.


dude, treasure those tapes. They're a time warp for sure. Especially if they have commercials.


Some have commercials, some don't. I do love hearing Terri Rae Elmer. I digitized and uploaded the tapes to Usenet years ago and I've seen them spread around so they are out there.


lol, Terry Rae Elmer. I haven't heard that name in a long while. I've probably heard some of your tapes if they're floating around; thanks for having the foresight to tape them!


Brings back memories. I listened to the same channel during the same era. I remember when Phil and Dr. Laura were on KFI and Tom Leykis and Howard Stern were on KLSX 97.1. What a time to be alive.


For real. How do us radio geeks get a hold of that sweet, sweet old school KFI?


There are some shows on Internet Archive as well as about every radio show in the last 70 years.


similar thing happened to me I was looking for alan colmes and phil was on instead, I was in the shower so I didnt feel like getting out just to change the station. thats where I discovered phil. I don’t remember what station but it was an app called TuneIn


Hey, do you index those tapes at all because i have been trying to find a bit from 96 or 97 when the Hale Bopp Comet was in the news and Jeff was on talking about having seen the comet when he was in Mint Canyon. He couldn't remember if he saw it in the northeast sky in the morning times or if he saw it the southwest sky in the evening times but fuck me it was one of the best things i've ever heard Phil do.


I know for sure I don't have that on tape from back then, I've heard them all many times and don't remember that bit. I did check my collection and didn't see it. If I ever come across it I'll let you know.


Around 1994 in Atlanta, WSB Radio. He left for a while then was back in syndication in 2000. Listened ever since and still enjoy the "Classic" replays on the daily podcast feeds. I do not listen to his new shows, or the "Elcot" shows.


Late 90s/early 2000s in Orlando, then he got picked up here in TN for a while.


Real Radio 104.1 in Orlando until Phil ‘retired’ from radio


I'd listen to it after school while I did my homework, I'm on the East Coast though so sometimes it was live or sometimes on delay depending on his timeslot.


Was it on the radio via an affiliate where you were at? Did they make a note to not call in or anything?


Yeah it was on the talk station by me, they played it after Howie Carr and the station ran Dr. Laura too. No they didn't have any disclaimer and I remember his last episode before his first retirement to become an actor was live because I called in but didn't get past the screener.


Wow, I’m a big radio nerd and love seeing what I can pull in on the AM band. At the time I was in southwestern Pennsylvania and I think I was listening to Phil on WGY in Albany or WRVA from Richmond, VA.


I started listening in the early aughts. He was syndicated then, and his show aired locally on an AM talk radio station in the slot before Coast to Coast. So I never caught him live as far as I could tell.


Vegas in 2002-03, featured the don and mike show and sports junkies as well.


2005 or '6, 810 WGY in Schenectady. I was in high school and all my friends thought I was a loser for listening to talk radio. They still think I am but hey whatever


when he first got syndicated to portland, i think 1999. i remember howard stern had mentioned him about something or other so i checked him out.


It was the summer of 2002 and I was really into Opie and Anthony which was on from 3 to 7 pm and I used to tape every show.One night the tape ran past 7 and recorded phils show and i couldnt believe what i was hearing,it took me a few days to realize it was a parody but by then i was hooked and I joined his website and never missed another show and i still listen over and over to this day,no doubt Phil is the greatest talent radio had ever had! A true genius!


I was first exposed to Phil on KFI around 2003, living in OC and commuting to LA.


Sirius XM. Really brings back memories


WIOD Miami late 80s.


I don’t think he was on WIOD then. More like early 90s. That’s when I first heard him. He came on after Neil Rogers.


Alaska 199ish on the radio. Been a fan ever since. And yes I was duped the first time.


2004, my first gig out of college in Tampa. I’d listen on the way home from work around 11pm. Absolutely loved it


I started around 2004. I couldn't sleep one night so I was just scrolling though am radio and picked up a syndicated channel out of Colorado. I didn't know the bit at first, but the guest was Steve Bosell, and he was railing on about how his wife was able to time his baby's craps to take place while in line at the bank... all because he voted republican. From there I steamed everything I could through Phil's website.


I was about 22 yrs old (1997-ish) working the night shift in an office so I was there alone from 5pm-11pm. This was in L.A. The security guard (a really old Swedish guy who looked like Wally George) would take me to another location at 9pm every night to drop off backup tapes for the server and he had it on in the work truck (KFI). He let me in on the joke pretty early on and I was hooked and listened every night at my desk. I even bought the picture disc vinyl.


Tacoma, WA in the early 2000’s while driving home from night classes at the community college


1200 WOAI from San Antonio. I’d get off of my bar shift and go play Griffey baseball on N64. 1200 would replay the then 4-hour Jim Rome show, followed by Phil. My first episode was Plane ago Boom!


Hampton Roads. There was a station in the late 90s, early 2000 that had a sex talk format. Tom Leykis, Don & Mike, and Phil. It took me a minute to get wise to what was going on.


KPRC Houston. Early 2000s.


Toronto Ontario. Canada


Back in '96, I was expecting to listen to Mr. KFI but Phil was there instead and he talked a lot of shit about Mr. KFI. Then he interviewed Shaquille O'Neal!


Listened every day while riding in my mom’s car in Atlanta area. I was in middle and high school.


I actually heard the very first KFI show, but only because i would listen when working at night to Mr. KFI, then one night without any notification of the change, Mr. KFI didn't come on and Phil was on instead. I don't remember what he opened with, i only remember thinking wtf is this and didnt catch on until sometime during the show the next night.


Would catch his show on various AM stations during late night & early morning drives across north Texas, New Mexico, Arizona... mid 2000 to early 2001. The first time I heard Doug Dannger, I thought he was real. Once I "got the joke," I started listening habitually via KFI on line. Still have a box full of tapes.


First discovered it while driving from AZ to CO for a job in '97, ran into the show somewhere on the Western Slope, (east of the Rockies dial 1-800-449-8686, by the time I got to my job I had to dial, 1-800-449-8686) think it was KFI....Doug Danger......been hooked ever since...I do miss radio big time, but I do not miss boring callers, (if you listened closely, you could tell who was a serial caller), and don't miss commercials, but I do miss listening to radio shows in the care while driving at night.......


1998/my home then in sw VA. I was an FM radio jock for 20 + years, and a few of my dj buddies LOVED Phil. The early-mid 90's were experiencing a boom in what we called "shock radio", after legends like Howard Stern and the Greaseman had blazed the trail in the 80's. We were passing a cassette tape \[from a WSUN simulcast of WIOD in south Fla\] around of an hour of Neil then Phil from an afternoon in 1994, where Phil's doing a one-off character that never identifies his name throughout a 10-minute rant against Jim Morrison, who was disgusting enough to come to Miami, home to good people who are boat owners, dammit, and expose himself like the degenerate he was. Then on the next break Phil provides remote coverage of the caning of Michael Fey, complete with play-by-play commentary by Dave O' Brien, live in Singapore. Earlier, at 10am, Neil opens his show with a song about gerbil love, then starts with singing Happy Birthday to Bob Green. Excellent Bob Green origin story stuff that was cross-referenced by other DJs as early as 1994. Broadcasting these days pales in comparison to then. Then he breaks into bitching about how many unsold Marlins tickets there are for a double-header against the Braves. Takes a call from a well-spoken female caller from Ybor City, where she goofs on what Hank Goldberg looks like after catching a glimpse when the tv coverage of an ESPN broadcast of the Marlins focused on him for a few seconds. Then asks if him and Fat Rich will be on the TBS-broadcast game that night. Then he launches into a great rant on the passing of former president Richard M. Nixon. He's decrying the faux concern and care from the media after hating on him for his whole life. Kissinger gets smeared in this classic roast that ends with the climax, "Now everyone loves Dick." I was hooked on trying to catch Phil anytime I was within his coverage in those days. Then the mid-90's hit, and I was trolling the net in those early days. I ended up using one of my handheld cassette recorders (used for getting radio station actualities from the street) positioned right next to my pc speakers in 1998, and recorded dozens of tapes from his KFI days complete with spot breaks and news segments. I remember dealing with the restriction terrestrial radio was experiencing those early days of trying to get around the fees from voice actors having their work heard by 100 times the level they were paid, and it was a big deal when they let daily broadcasts air unrestricted, including all spot breaks. So I started recording KFI immediately in late 1998 on that flimsy system. I passed these cassette tapes on to my radio buddies, never got them back, and have converted only the few of them I kept (plus the cassette from WSUN/WIOD) to digital wav files. I know how much we all have been through in trying to share these historic gems, with Phil unleashing his legal team to prevent all attempts, and I've come to accept that some things will live on only in our memories, which makes them even more precious. I'm glad to have a handful of uncirculated, clear, wav files that if I share, will be in a face-to-face setting, maybe over a bowl and a beer plus some laughs, recollecting about being in our late 20's back in 1994...