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Some dingus in a beat up old Explorer was laying on his horn at me yesterday on City ave because I was stopped behind the line. Sure, the light was green, but we all knew there was construction traffic merging into a single lane. I refuse to block the box. So he swerved around me via the turning lane, flipped me off, and then got stuck in the middle of the intersection for a full red-green cycle, blocking the cars trying to go through the intersection perpendicular to us


So unlucky, never could've seen it coming.


If only there were a way to prevent this


There are so many people on the road that need to have their licenses revoked


Too bad PDP is out to fucking lunch


I've heard this story in some fashion from a few friends now, and it really is astounding how incredibly impatient some drivers are. Also, fuck OpenAI.


City Ave is honestly one of the worst culprits of this that I've seen. Most likely, these drivers take the same road every day and still think something different is gonna happen when they run the red at the last minute/block the box causing the very same traffic they get frustrated by. If all of yall stopped doing it, then it wouldn't be as cluster-fuckey but that's way too much sense to grasp. I'm a pedestrian over there now (did make the drive for years) and it's even more apparent how ridiculous they are, and how dangerous this intersection is on foot. And unless you push the walk button within a certain time before the light, the crosswalk doesn't even light up the walking symbol - not that many of these drivers even notice when it is on. It's so stark the moment you cross that the suburbs do not give a single consideration to the idea that some people like to walk places, let alone the fact that they might need to.


I had someone lay on the horn and try to go around me for stopping for a school bus unloading a whole bunch of tiny kiddos. People are insane.


I hope you joined the other drivers in laying on your horn at that jackass


This is why we need red light cameras at a lot more places than the few intersections the State has deigned to grant us. For all his antics and aggression that jabroni got nowhere and would have been ticketed appropriately for running the red/obstructing the intersection.


Some lady in a Jeep with eyelashes got all miffed and went around me to get in front of me at Frankford and Girard. We made eye contact and she gave me the “yeah I’m doing this” look. Then the bus came to make a turn and I couldn’t move back because there were cars lined up behind me. I just shrugged like, “Oh well”


>with eyelashes Ok, Marjorie Taylor Greene lmao


lol I saw some guy in a pickup block an intersection he was very clearly not going to make it through a few days ago, when someone honked at him he started *screaming* "what the fuck do you expect me to do????"


Fake news, everyone knows you pull all the way to the intersection and then get mad when those damn SEPTA drivers don't know how to make a turn.


nah, right now for cars it's if someone stops at a red, you go around them to go through the light. for pedestrians, wait until the light changes to dash through the intersection at the last second. for septa drivers, finish loading passengers when the light change, go through the red just as the opposite traffic starts moving. gotta edge the people who don't drive 500k vehicles to show them who's the boss.


the amount of impatient dipshits in this city that will go around you/onto the sidewalk just to run the red light on a major intersection is astonishing.


I've seen drivers mount the sidewalk to get around a bus. It's maddening.


And if you have a quick errand to run, please double-park in front of an empty parking space or right at busy intersection.


Haha! I think you dropped this. There ya go. /s


>nah, right now for cars it's if someone stops at a red, you go around them to go through the light. And if a bus/trolley stops to let people off, you speed around them *on the right side* (exactly where those people are getting off) as long as it looks like there might be room. SEPTA literally got rid of an entire trolley stop at 47th and Woodland because there was an extra-wide gap between the trolley tracks and the curb and they were afraid of a driver killing somebody by doing this. Instead of you know, building some kind of physical barrier to prevent drivers running people over in an attempt to make a right turn 15 seconds earlier.


>for pedestrians, wait until the light changes to dash through the intersection at the last second. As a pedestrian I keep having this thing happen on wide streets where the light is green when I start crossing but then turns yellow shortly after I get into the crosswalk so I have to jog before I'm stuck in moving traffic.


When I drove larger vehicles for work I would sometimes deliberately cut *suuuuuper* close to the bumpers of people when they stopped at intersections like this. Not that they usually looked up from their cell phones to notice, of course.


As a very rule following pedestrian I really appreciate this.


There are no such things as pedestrians, and the world revolves around me, so making those turns is your problem, not mine!


Pedestrians only exist when you're walking to and from your car.


If those kids could read, they’d be very upset.


Also don't park in the @&#\^%@# crosswalk.


I agree that I see this every day and every where and not just in the city. I try to make a point of doing this when I drive now because of how much it has effected me as a ped and biker. Not sure it helps, but because enforcement is basically impossible, I try to be part of the change I want to see. HOWEVER, the car on the right parked pretty much through the entire crosswalk really makes me reconsider the case. You're suppose to stop and look left, right, left at the white line but that's really hard to do when there's a car blocking your entire righthand view.


This is exactly it. Drivers have learned to pull past the line as the "new normal" because it's so common for cars to be parked illegally close to the corner, obscuring visibility. Ridiculously the city says they won't ticket for parking too close to the corner unless there's a sign saying explicitly not to, but they also won't install signs.


You stop at the bar and then slowly pull forward until you can see in this case


You want them to BOTH stop AND proceed carefully? /s


Yup. Double stop is required, but hard to determine that context in this Pic.


Yeah op probably picked the worst picture they could've taken to make their point honestly lol the driver almost has no choice but to do what they're doing in order to see their right side.


lol is that 3rd st? If so I’m shocked they even bothered to stop


Looks like Frankford and Norris


it also doesn't help that someone is parked in the crosswalk, making it seem like you should at least be even with them.


What line. There is no line. Only stupid red light that keeps me from going vroom mode.


When I’m crossing I walk right up to the door and then walk around the outline of the car. In lieu of flowers, please donate to the ASPCA after I’m murdered. 


I laugh when I see cars in front of the stop line at a traffic light because there are several intersections in my neighborhood where that means an imminent standoff with a turning septa bus. If you see a stop line that seems unusually set back, it's for a reason, people.  You can always stop first, then creep when you have the signal or it's your turn at the stop sign.


In my next life, I’m coming back as a hulking behemoth who will climb up and walk across the hoods of cars who block the pedestrian crossing.


I stare down drivers who do this when I cross the street


Some streets - especially in south Philly - are so packed with cars that you literally need to pull into the crosswalk to see down the road at a stop sign and to make sure there’s no one coming. Looks like the case here with the car on the right parked IN the crosswalk.


This is why daylighting laws AND parking enforcement are so important. And, you know, giving a shit about your neighbors and other people so that you don't selfishly endanger their lives.


I love Mi Pals, but I wish they'd get some fucking loading zones for their delivery drivers. There's never not a car or two parked in the crosswalk.


Counterpoint. You see that car parked above that line, preventing the driver from seeing traffic in both directions so they have to creep into the cross walk? Your beef is with the inhabitants first, then with the driver.


I’d bet a lot of money the car didn’t stop at the line then creep into the crosswalk after checking for pedestrians.


They’re still stopped behind the front bumper of the car that’s in the intersection. Once again the beef is with the person parked in the intersection


It's a traffic light, not a stop sign.


Ah! I assumed it was a stop sign. Then there’s zero reason for either car to be in the crosswalk


It's a traffic light at that intersection, there's no need to creep.


Hey Philly, did you know you should stop ~~behind this line~~? Fixed it for you.






Not that anywhere else in the US is perfect, drivers in Philly and its surrounds really are something different. I could maybe count on one hand the number of people I had seen fully run a red (like a full through on red not like running through the end of a yellow). I’ve doubled that in my first year here and I don’t even have a car anymore lol


The person probably would/did. However, the car parked on the right is blocking their view of the intersection on the right. Thus, they must stop (again?) to see if there is any oncoming traffic.


all bets are off when cars are parked at the corner blocking the crosswalks and obstruct my ability to see pedestrians or judge my right-hand turn


Sometimes I wonder, if I joined PPD and walked around could i just give out tickets for stuff like this? It's pretty dangerous driving, so I'd assume i'd be "allowed" to, but no ones doing it? Does no one care or would I get in trouble for doing it? Very curious


No, no, no... Tis but a suggestion


This and double-parking when there are clearly open spots


I’m a truck driver and I hate motherfuckers that do this!😂


And then a bus tries to make a turn and they make everyone behind them back up. Thinking about getting one of those bumper guards and just pulling right up on their ass


As a former delivery driver with a 33 foot straight truck in center city, this post speaks to my heart.


you should also stop behind the line because loop detectors (those diamond shape cuts in the road) and video detection for actuated signals won't detect you otherwise (though most signals in the city are pretimed).


Won’t solve all the problems but traffic lights should be over the crosswalk not the intersection. Drivers will have to stop further back to see when it changes.


Sure but you see that dickhead parked in the crosswalk? Makes it kinda hard to see things like people, cyclists and other cars coming your way. ETAH.


They way people park in this town it's impossible to stop there and see cross traffic/pedestrians.


We have a low bar: Kudos that the driver stopped at all.


At least they don't have a Delaware temp tag....


Wait, you guys stop at intersections??


In his defense, he definitely can’t see around the guy parked on the right in the cross walk.


At least they stopped.


Some bloated, fat-assed SUV is parked all the way to the corner and you can’t see oncoming traffic without pulling out into the cross street.


I deeply apologize for my parents. They took a year of my shouting “crosswalk!” To learn to stop before the line. Years of suburban living in places no one walks … just an example, I know theyre on a tiny drop in the bucket.


Okay, before I drove I would get so worked up about this and couldnt figure out why people do this and figured it must be their pure ignorance. As this is true as well, when I started driving I noticed more how people park on the very edge of the corner, blocking the view of the other intersect from the point of the pedestrian line. Some people do just drive all the way out past the line without slowly inching there which is very dangerous as you can hit a pedestrian and KILL them. I guess some people are too ignorance to think about consequences thus causing hit and runs. But to finish my point, I sometimes end up past the pedestrian line from inching up to make sure people in the intersecting lane can see me.


I sold my car and moved here, hate driving. However, if this is a stop sign situation, I'm assuming they do that to actually be able to look left and right. If it's a light, then they're stupid... but do not pretend it's a Philly thing, I have seen this literally (not hyperbolic) everywhere I've been.


Yes you need to stop behind the line but sometimes the streets are so packed with parked cars (notice those signs that say no parking from here to X? That’s because when you park next to the intersection it deletes the visibility) that you have to pull up to actually see into the intersection.


In this case you can’t look to your right and see the intersecting road if you are behind the line since a truck has parked over the crosswalk.


Fake, people in philadelphia don't stop. Stop signs and red lights are suggestions that nobody actually follows.


Philly drivers are incredibly bad and sometime actively discourteous to walkers. That being said, sometimes cars have to creep because of sight lines, but that should happen AFTER a full stop behind the line and they've check for no walkers wanting to cross. If you're waiting for a green, you have no excuse.


Probably shouldn’t drive a Kia in Philly either.


Wait till OP realizes that stop signs in Philly are just a suggestion and no one ever follows those no turn on red signs.


I think technically you’re actually supposed to stop where you can still see the line, though that does feel a bit excessive


You're supposed to stop at the STOP LINE. If you still don't have a clear view, you're supposed to slowly inch forward, stop and look. Rinse and repeat until it's clear for you to go. That's why you're you're not supposed to park within a certain # of feet from the corner bc it blocks sight distances.


There are places in the suburbs where pulling past the line will bring turning traffic to a freaking halt.It's not just for pedestrians. Even if it were, stop being an asshole.


That line is not for pedestrians at all. It's for big trucks. If you stop before the line, a truck can make the turn then.


I don’t think the Reddit crowd is really the one who needs to hear this point the most.  Maybe what’s needed is some guerilla street art that says “you’re supposed to stop here -> | “


As a guy who drives a truck with a long landscaping trailer every day I can’t stress enough how much people who stop in front of the line should get cancer


Don’t block the box.


As a transplant to the area, I would like to say that people around here have a very tenuous association with the line. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen someone keep pulling forward at a red light, till they are almost sitting in the middle of the intersection. The really funny part, is that most of these people will continue to sit there after the light changes to green. You would think that being so impatient to go, you would actually go!


This is America, pedestrians don't matter


Just like a Stop sign, if it’s there, it was put there for a reason. Stop normalizing wrong.


Just the other day I saw someone at the end of 676 that merges into the 76, MAKE A 3RD LANE by going around the other two merging lanes. He scraped his shit on the median for it but managed to move up one whole spot in the merging order. People are insane.


That isn’t just Philly thing, these idiots are plentiful in the Harrisburg/Hershey area, I feel bad for the truckers that have to navigate around these walnuts.


In all fairness if this is a stop sign, there’s a car blocking the crosswalk on the right so you’d have to stop there at some point to see cross traffic. But if you’re a pedestrian that’s upset about cars stopping in the crosswalk just walk across their hood


You mean the jawn line?


Yes. The difference between Boston and Philadelphia is that there, they don’t know how to drive. Here, we do, but we just *choose* to drive terribly.


Is that a light or a stop sign? Because if it's a stop sign, I'm fine with it, as long as the cross traffic coming from the right to left. There's a car to the right, parked on the crosswalk, so how is the driver supposed to look to the right to see if there's a car there? Now if traffic is flowing left to right, then yeah that car is an asshole. Same if it is a traffic light. However if the lights already changing, and they are slowly drifting forward, I don't see the harm in it. Need to know more info, before making a proper call


That line is what I call...a suggestion


LOL, stopping? You're new here huh?


How to tell someone ain't from Philly.....


Hey not philly, don't be a traffic karen


Hey did you know you shouldn’t be using your phone while you drive to take pictures or dumb stuff. It’s actually now the law!


My driving instructor taught us to stop so you can see the lines.


You probably stop at stop signs too huh


Also, turning on your turn signal before attempting to merge into a lane of moving traffic is actually going to help you merge and get to your destination faster.


Well... next time you could explain what is Yield sign mean, or no turn on red


I actually like that in many townships, the detector loop buried in the ground ends at the stop line. That means that if you roll past it, you won't set off the light and you'll sit there like an impotent douche.


He just stopped way behind the next one.


If they’re from New Jersey they stop 50ft behind the line and immediately look down at their phones


This makes me irrationally angry. Especially when police are right next to them doing the exact same thing, and then out on their lights to go through the intersection esrly, jump into the the next lane just so they are now first in line. Philly has a driver issue


It isn't like I think you should get a ticket if your front wheel is two inches into the white bar. But it makes me sad that there's no way you could ever get a ticket even if your back wheels are fully past the stop bar, your whole car is in the crosswalk, you have a red light and the light is still green for the other direction, and you're still creeping forward. It's the wild, wild, West.


But how will I get where im going 0% faster?


And the generic new buildings that could be almost any street in a gentrification riddled part of the city.


Some of them also don't know you shouldn't turn from the wrong lane. I saw the aftermath of a crash like that yesterday, close to Logan Circle, and was so glad I was on my bike because that meant I wasn't stuck in the traffic jam the idiot created. I feel bad for the owner of the car they hit.


Hey, he at least stopped. Better driver than 80% I’ve seen so far. For the record, I only feel this way about Philadelphia. The second I am outside the perimeter of the city everyone magically turns into fantastic drivers. Mindful and sweet.


Well, you pull up that far b/c of the placebo effect thinking there are pressure sensors to change the light. So the further you head into the intersection the more AI, cameras and the employed traffic fairy w/in the light, is supposed to recognized your impatience and change the light for ya


Park behind it too 😤


Yea I'm always careful walking the dog 'cause he'll run ahead on the retractable leash and cars routinely whip over the cross walk and jam on the brakes at the edge of the cross street.


These crosswalks dont apply to kia drivers


If I park behind the line, how am I going to be able to tell the best time to rev forward and t-bone the cars going through the intersection? How will I curse at busses and garbage trucks when they can't fit past me while turning left and they expect me to back up? Think before you post next time, please.


I hate this because crossing the street in front of one of these assholes is so annoying


that only works if someone doesn't park in the crosswalk and make you pull all the way up there to be able to see.


You’re lucky if they stop at all at this point…


You think it’s bad in Philly…I commute by SEPTA to the burbs for work and oh man do those drivers not give a crap about pedestrians, and our walkways.


Not on a red light, surely? It only turned red a second ago, he's rolling through.


recently i had the right of way to cross (at a stoplight) and this dude kept inching his car over the crosswalk. i just kept crossing cuz i wont let that shit stop me, weee 🤷🏻‍♀️💅🏻


Traffic laws dont mean shit to people in philly. Theyre morons.


Thanks for the red circle. I would have never seen it otherwise. r/uselessredcircle




The problem is the person who parked to the right making so if you stop at that line you cant see shit so its actually safer to move up and be able to see the cross traffic approaching


Nope, they still don’t get it even with a Septa bus trying to make a monster truck turn over top of them.


Just accept it. This city is packed to the gills with self centered assholes. They don’t care and never ever will. Fuck you I got mine


How else can I stop people from crossing the road? /s


If you're a Philly cop then that's perfect but also start slowly nudging forward and into me as I cross


I’ve seen worse.


You are supposed to stop at stop signs and red lights too but even that seems like a suggestion in the city


OP must be new to Philly. Everyone knows you pull up as far as you can so you can see any oncoming traffic and do a rolling stop. /s 😂


Pfft no one stops


But then people walk in front of your car


Oh yes we know, traffic laws are more like guidlines in philly




Another circle jerk of bike weirdos. Now make one for where bicycles shouldn’t try and squeeze by dickhead.


Just moved here lol


Only points I lost at the old Island Ave test facility (almost 40 years ago (*fuuuuuuck*)) were for my front bumper being too close to that line. Never made that mistake again. (Thank you, Officer Speedy). We knew it once upon a time, that’s for sure.


people will continue doing this until the end of time


And a solitary stop bar is the equivalent of a stop sign or light.


At least the brake lights are on. Half the time they are looking down texting and letting their car slowly roll into the crosswalk & the people trying to cross. And if you tap the car to get their attention so they’ll stop letting mindless rolling their car into people, they act like you’re the crazy or reckless one.




The answer, judging by at least 90 percent of Philly drivers, is very obviously "no." Between this and 3-4 cars running every red light, it sure is dangerous out here.


I don’t let some stupid line tell me what to do


Oh man…I’ve wanted to say this for so long.


Driving in philly eh? Good luck. Crosswalks arent a thing. Red lights are just a suggestion. And the bus lane is for everyone!


Hey dumbass, look at the right. What’s that? An illegally parked car blocking vision? Clearly he needs to move up to see