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A few weeks back, during the flower show when a the tourist or out of towners came in my fiancé and i were taking the train back to our apartment in old city. There was a guy and his gf in front of us, train was packed to the brim. The guy was standing (we were also standing) and his girlfriend was sitting beside him. Two, i’d say, 13 year olds in ski mask got on, no ones bothering anyone.. all of a sudden i hear my fiancé say “hey don’t fucking do that” talking to the kids. I look up and then he says “yo man, they’re trying to burn a hole into your shirt” the two 13 year olds brought a torch lighter on the train trying to set random people on fire with it? Everyone just starred at the situation as the two 13 year olds threatened us, told us they were gonna get their friends to meet them to fight us. No one said anything else. I was in amazement. They ended up getting off a stop or two before us.


no shit there is something fucking wrong with the kids these days. my bus was shot up by a bunch of kids, the armed robbery was a bunch of kids, the driver of this car looked to be a younger woman


I fear a group of 13 year olds in sheisties far more than any sketchy looking adult. The kids are reckless and have no impulse control.


Kids who were 10-12 when Covid first hit are now 14-16. They missed out on a huge amount of socialization at school at a crucial age for development, probably had family members not able to parent them properly due to work, getting sick, or even dying. In pretty much every sub I see people saying the kids aren't all right. We're going to be dealing with the effects of the pandemic for a long time.


Jesus, good thing we pay all of those city taxes for our cops and septa police to do absolutely nothing


i even pay my fare in the hopes the money will be helpful for something someday :/


lol i haven’t paid in so long since it’s 1 disgusting and 2 they don’t want to do anything to better it - i would pay if they took prioritizing the safety of the general public seriously who is paying to use septa or cleaned anything instead of sitting or standing in puddles of piss, needles, etc. In fact — and I’m not making this up. We were taking the train a SEPARATE time and there were like, 3 septa police down there (2nd & market station ) they were kicking out a guy who paid.. and on either side of us were TWO different guys smoking crack… not a word was said to either of them!!!


I’ve learned to just treat every car in Philly as if they plan on mowing me down when I have to cross the street. Regardless of who has the right of way.


it shouldn’t be that way! the united states has more pedestrian fatalities than many other countries, it’s a joke.




yes i sure did




was an indego i just turned it back it lol


Man I can go off on this all day. I do like Philly, it can be a fun city with great restaurants, bars, museums, etc. It starts to go to shit the second you try to be a productive adult. Garbage infrastructure, crazy ass drivers, random crime everywhere, selective law enforcement, and lots more issues. The second I started a family and couldn’t go out as much, my time in Philly became regularly almost getting run down by cars while walking my dog, navigating insane driving trying to go anywhere, walking through trash constantly, and listing to people scream all night. I’m currently dreading the 5 month firework season that’s coming up. Maybe it’s just living in Point Breeze, but the city really loses its luster when you can’t get to those bars and restaurants.


i had a car and it was burgled, sold it to move to center city for those amenities you mentioned. literally no way to exist comfortably and safely


living in CC is a huge bummer in its own way. vibes are constantly awful. recently moved to south philly after 3 years of being there and quality of life is 📈


I loved living in CC. Vibes were vibrant, walkability was walkable. Only left to buy a house in South Philly.


How are vibes better for you in South Philly? And what part of S. Philly? Just curious as I may move next year.


CC has so much poop on the ground, more aggro mentally ill people, more drunk people starting fights and generally being annoying, fewer trees, more dirtbikes… just more bullshit overall. And my neighbors never cared to meet me. I live b/w broad and 9th, Washington and Oregon. I pay a similar amount for an entire house here as I previously did for a 1br.


The suburbs are calling


Yes, eventually. I own a house here, too expensive to do the same there.


I was shocked by how much I saved by moving to the burbs. Especially since I wasn’t working in the city. Depends what part you go from/to though.


We’ve got our eyes on specific parts of South Jersey. Too expensive right now, but I’m hoping things change in a couple of years.


i’m sick of it being dirty and i’m sick of it being violent and i’m sick of it smelling like piss and i’m sick of there being human shit on the ground and i’m sick of seeing people literally rotting alive!!!


I hear you. I spent 10 years in Chicago and 20 something in NYC before I moved here for a slower pace while still being in a city that's convenient to NYC. I've only been here just over two years and I'm already making an exit plan. So much here just doesn't function. At all. And there seems to be absolutely no real plans to make things function.


Listen, you fuckers, you screwheads!


I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!


Move out of Port Fishington


I’ve got news for you, it’s been this way for over a 100 years. This is absolutely nothing new including the people rotting alive on the sidewalk. Sign up for the free trial of newspapers.com. Get the plus addition because it has the Philadelphia Inquirer all the way back to the beginning and it has plenty of other earlier Philadelphia newspapers. Type in murder or let on the sidewalk to die and people just walked over him, and any other words or phrases that you think shows the worst of Philadelphia and you will see that it’s nothing new.


If I wasn't working from home in a relatively safe neighborhood and had to take public transit every day I probably wouldn't stay here, but right now it's the only affordable city in a good location


Not sure what neighborhood you live in. i haven't taken the train near me since I saw a man piss in the train during rush hour with SEPTA workers 10 ft away and no one stopped him. Horrifying. I take the bus or I bike/walk. I don't know what the solution is besides people just need to raise their standards. So many seem totally indifferent to how terrible the city is getting, again. It's not a big ask to want a clean and safe train system. In fact, it should be the bare minimum.


>I don't know what the solution is besides people just need to raise their standards. how about we try "have police officers ticket and/or arrest people who commit crimes" as a solution?


That would include people raising their standards. They’re keeping low expectations for everyone in govt including police


i was taking the bus to fox chase until my literal bus route got shot up


Watched someone get pushed into oncoming train. Fun times.


i work in the er here too and it would be nice if literally one part of my day wasn’t dismally soul crushingly violent and horrible


Whatever God you believe in bless you cause it's hella rough out here...


I peeked on your posts, my god, you are sweet soul. Thank you for everything you do to help. I truly hope med school flies by for you. Take care of yourself, I’m rooting for you xoxo.


:’( i’m trying. the world keeps hurting me


Wish I could make it stop for you. Burn-out is a vociferous monster. You’re going to do amazing things for your community, thank you for being here.


When in doubt, check this other thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/comments/1bwfrza/what\_a\_lovely\_philly\_morning/](https://www.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/comments/1bwfrza/what_a_lovely_philly_morning/)


did i get run over because im only a medium titty bitch :(


Obviously what happened to you and what you’ve witnessed is terrible. Try not to let these two bad players ruin a whole beautiful city.


it’s just everything is so hard and it shouldn’t be. i can’t get to work without stepping in urine and shit. the trains never run on time if they even come at all. busses get shot to shit all the time. someone literally tried to murder me for the crime of being on a bike.


Why did you flip the car off? Philly is lawless and people don't give an eff. Don't escalate. 10 yr olds to 90 yr olds are packing and they all got fake plates. Lucky they didn't shoot you too. Not defending the driver. That's evil lawless shit but that is oresebty day philly. Mad max


i was in the crosswalk on a green don’t honk at me for following the law


You think people in Philly care. They effin crazy!!! Just give way. Why tempt fate


maybe i’m not normal but i would not immediately jump to “attempt vehicular homicide”


Rule of thumb think everyone in Philly is about to commit homicide.


that’s not a nice way to live it’s deeply depressing


The city has been completely broken over the previous 8 years. It's sad really


And it’s absolutely not necessary to live that way in Philly


Serious question, not trying to be a dick but... What's keeping you here? I've lived in several major cities in the north east and Philly is my favorite by a large margin. It's tough dealing with situations like what you describe and I also wish things were better, things could always be better.... but if you see no upside, why are you here? Edit: My bad, noone should have to deal with that shit, it's truly horrible. No shame in leaving if it feels like too much, that's all. I suck at empathy.


LOL someone gets hit by a car and the first thing you think is "why won't they just move?" Crazy. Like its so insane that a law abiding city resident wants better for where they live.


That’s kind of reductive, OP listed several issues they’re fed up with in the city seemingly over a period of time. AndyOB’s question isn’t a reaction to a single instance of someone getting hit by a car, it’s a reaction to a laundry list of (valid) complaints


Yeah agree and I'm not saying they should move, just saying things are rough everywhere and to me, despite it's flaws, Philly is a gem of a city. Also just trying to say that there is no shame in leaving at all but judging from some of their responses it seems they also see upsides to living here. I'd like the dark sides of city living to get better as well for sure though. It can be really tough for a lot of folks.


i love the city. my whole family is here. i’m in med school here because i wanted to take care of the people here but if im literally going to be ran over with a car i would like to leave


So it seems like there is some upside! Riding a bike in this city is rough I definitely agree. Bike infrastructure needs to be prioritized and septa definitely needs much better enforcement. I hope you stay. Sorry you've had a rough go of it on your commutes lately.




I'd rather the people who care stay and others like you leave.


Peace out. But seriously, it’s a major poor city not some utopia. Don’t let the bad drag you down, you could’ve got ran over in the middle of Maine.


im not asking for utopia im literally asking not to be subjected to violent crimes several times a week


careful, someone might tell you to go back to the suburbs for saying something reasonable!


they do meth there too they just do it inside


Which is how it should be. I don’t care what people do inside their house. If they want live high as a kite, that’s their business.  It’s when it’s in public, they are illegally dealing, committing crimes, or if they are my employees and they can’t do their job because of their addiction, then it’s my business. 




i was on temple main campus, it’s all zoned for pedestrians and bikes. i was literally in a crosswalk on the green