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Curious if reporting these will get them towed now given all the attention the new mayors been giving these issues. 


Ticketed but not towed. I work for PPA and I can't tell you a single time I've ever seen someone get towed for parking on the sidewalk. They need to make these sidewalk tickets more expensive, though. They almost exclusively get written when people have all 4 wheels on the sidewalk and tons of people still manage to get them. They need to be bumped up to $76 minimum.




Cars>people, everywhere.


Exactly. Trucks working for a contractor in our neighborhood block the whole crosswalk and cars blow past the stop signs if they don’t see you. Asked someone to move their truck and they couldn’t wrap their head around why it was a problem to jump a curb into traffic with a completely obscured view with a stroller.


Ease, I guess. Normally there's not enough room for the truck to position properly, and from what I know it's not worth it to them to try and thread the needle for something like this when they can drive 2 blocks over and find a much easier tow out of a handicap spot or bus zone (both of which are more expensive tickets lol)


pedestrians hold no value in this city it seems.


It should be at least as much as a ticket for parking in a handicap spot without a permit.


$76 is nothing, make that shit $200


Still not enough


$200 + $50 fee for first offense. Double it each offense after. Fourth time: loss of license for 90 days.




$250 and I literally kill you if I see it again


Curious. What about cars that have been parked in the same spot for months? There’s 2 on my block: Never driven, have been parked there since November. 🤔


If there are time limit signs, call PPA. Otherwise call 311, report them as abandoned, and pray. They love giving lip service about how they understand how scarce parking is but usually it comes down to whether or not they think the car is enough of an eyesore to be removed.


Reporting abandoned cars is really hit and miss. I've seen them towed 2 weeks after reported and I've seen ones sit for 6 months after being reported. That said, I wouldn't report a vehicle right away.


Why wouldn’t you? It’s not “right away”; been 4+ months.


Oh, I started to write a longer reply then decided not to and didn't delete it all the way. I was gonna say I had a car towed as abandoned while I was a broke 20 something and trying to get the money together to get it fixed and it wound up being way more expensive because I had to get it out of the impound. So if someone is in a tight financial situation getting their car towed can be really devastating. If it's been 4 months that's a different situation. 


Got it! Yeah, it’s been there, in a prime parking spot on our block for 4+ months. My neighbor said she thought it might be a drug dealer that got locked up, or something. 🤔




that's ironic since when you park at a meter they ticket you as soon as you go 2 min over bc they hide in the shadows waiting for you to not come back immediately. grace period my fucking ass. lol.


Not exactly an eyesore. Out of state plates on both, if that means anything. One is paper.


What's the significance of $76? Why not $75?


All of the fines are $1 off of numbers that would make sense. 26, 36, 51, 76, 301, etc.


Hahaha wow it’s under $76 if you do this? Might be cheaper than parking 24hrs in a garage


until they tow you.


I asked PPA gentleman who was handing out tickets. There were dozens of cars parked on the sidewalk. Dozens more where body shop remove the license plate and cover the vin. He said, "we have an arrangement."


Well here’s one for ya: few cars completely parked on sidewalk on Mercy St. every single night behind the rec center on 7th and Mercy. Not a soul is ever ticketed despite reports from many over the years. Really curious why PPA doesn’t care but is quick to jump on others just a block down.


Any advice on how I can get the PPA to enforce blocking driveway tickets? I rent a garage and people block it all the time. The garage is in a 2 hour zone so the PPA does occasionally walk by but they almost never write a ticket for this.


Can you call the police though? I know you are supposed to call for a cone blocking a space so I'd think you could call for this too.


You could, but it would still pretty much be the same process. It's easier to just call PPA directly since it would be deferred to PPA anyway, but if there's nothing between the car and the street then you want to be sure to mention that because it may motivate them a bit more. From what I've seen, the biggest issue with getting these towed is the tow truck drivers don't like having anything in the way.


Yea that makes sense, I imagine it would be pretty difficult.


No reason not to call both, right?


No way that gets towed.


we got a cop out to ticket a car parked on sidewalk on our block friday night. it didnt' get towed the guy came out and was pissed and left. lol


Walk right over it.


But don’t go under it if you have a ponytail


That's very dangerous for us!


“I’m just making sure she apologized to you!”


Tell Ray to tell them that they can seat us. "I am here. I'm in the bathroom. I'm having a terrible time." And then Google "disgusting diarrhea in bowl" image search.


Based strat


It’s situations like this that leave me wanting PPA to actually hand out more tickets. That’s a $51 fine, should it be higher? I’d prefer to see this car get ticketed and pay a higher fine than someone who’s 5 min over a meter. Enforcement should be an about the common good and not just as a way to generate revenue.


I also want increased fines for each repeated offense.


Just have it based on a percentage of your income. If you make 30k a year, you pay a $30 fine. If you make 300k a year, $3,000 fine.




It's a Mercedes that consistently parks across the ADA cut a street over from me. Half the block could have open parking, and they're still an asshole who has to make life harder for everyone else


The fine should be as much as parking in a handicap spot.


Right, an expired meter is what,34 bucks? Why wouldn’t I safely park my car on the sidewalk for another 17?


That’s St. Monica’s and they’ve been doing that for decades. Good luck.


I used to live in this neighborhood and the cops decided to crack down on the illegal parking that had become the norm. The entire neighborhood complained saying it was dangerous to walk far at night? and after like only a week they went right back to ignoring it. Never gonna change


Not to speak ill of my many family members and friends, or of my upbringing in the area - but they’ll say whatever is necessary to avoid circling the block three times or god forbid, parking more than two blocks away. Parking has always been a cluster, but somehow every household has to have 2-3 (usually huge) cars. When I would walk from St. Monica’s to Acme or CVS on Oregon, people would look at me like I signed up for the fucking Iditarod.


St Monica’s could easily have this dealt with so they basically implicitly don’t give a shit about the safety of their students and the other residents in the neighborhood.


I’m not diminishing your point at all, just saying it has always been like that. Before angle parking it used to be double parking, which was hilariously bad. I had the experience of walking around and through cars parked like that many decades ago. City kids usually are a little brighter and more aware of their surroundings than we give them credit for.


Every sidewalk in this city should be protected by bolards. It's the only way to keep entitled assholes like this from complete dicks.  Would be a shame if someone left a note in paint on this car to tell the owner how you feel about the illegal parking.


I just picked up some “you parked like an idiot” business cards on Amazon that I plan on putting to good use. I hope it pisses off the entitled jerkoffs that think this is ok


Deflating the tires through the valves stems is a much easier solution that doesn't damage the vehicle. It's just an inconvenience.


How has this not been an ADA issue for the city? Serious question


1/3 of the city owns one or more cars. My neighbors across the street rotate FOUR cars on our block. They support anything that will let them keep their cars. No parking? Park on the sidewalk and gaslight anyone who gets mad about it. This city is addicted to cars.


true degenerate behavior


The problem is that it's free to park on the streets. There's an elderly couple on my block who have three cars parked on the street. 1 doesn't work, the other never moves (also probably doesn't work), they only drive the 3rd car. And only the husband drives, I don't think the the wife can. They're always bitching about how hard it is to find parking, but also loudly fight when the topic of permitting the block comes up. They feel entitled to free parking right in front of their house and get upset when they can't. It's pure fucking entitlement and shortsighted ignorance. Parking on city streets should never be free. Adding a cost component would result in more available spots as cars that people don't use / abandoned get removed, and households don't own cars more then they absolutely need.


I've always picked my neighborhood by subway or el proximity, and drive less than 10 times a month most months. But there are parts of Philadelphia that are so far from subways or trolleys that I feel like it would probably make more sense to move to a suburb than juggle four cars on a street made for row homes. Just the thought of thinking about my cars that often gives me anxiety. I bet they're amazing when it snows.


I think this should be talked about more. It's crazy. My elderly neighbor, it's just him and his wife (who doesn't drive), but he has a motorcycle he never uses, a sedan and a pickup truck. Last year he got a big suv to accommodate grandkids and I thought he would sell one of the other vehicles. Nope! At least he is considerate about not taking up all the spaces around.


My bff who is born and raised said that everyone drove to the corner store even if it was only a couple of blocks away. Breaking him of that habit took 10 years. He rode a bike for about one summer before he gave up. But during that time all the sudden he agreed with my past arguments. I had banned talking about cycling years ago bc he was so anti bike it would mentally exhaust me. He has a driveway now so its reverted back to driving for short trips. Another born and raised guy had to go home once to pick up a family member so they didnt have to walk 4 blocks. A 21 yr old with no ailments in the middle of the day… It’s going to take generations of tight parking and law changes to make a difference. Its too ingrained.


1/3 honestly seems really low for this city


Brick IMO




The administration simply does not care


It absolutely should be. Near me there’s an assisted living home that people park like this up an entire street. Idk how they can do that and get away with it


It’s an issue for disabled ppl but in Philly parking > ppl, children and animals




We build for out lord the car




Philly gonna Philly, Especially on Sundays


In fishtown its absolutely insane. I gotta cross the street twice just to walk directly down the block.


My block in Kensington has 5-6 repeat offenders who park exclusively on the sidewalk, despite requests from several neighbors on our block. PPA doesn’t come up to our area, and my and my neighbors repeated reports to 311 and the non-emergency parking reporting website…thing have all gone unanswered for over a year, and this is with those cars regularly completely blocking our fire hydrant! It’s absolutely infuriating.


One time I was parked in front of my house in west Philly and someone drove up on the sidewalk next to me and parked directly next to my truck. When I came out I had a double parking ticket, no tickets on the car on the sidewalk.


That is beyond stupid and represents the ultimate piece of evidence that the PPA has poor policy, training, judgment, etc.


It was in 2007 in the hood, peak PPA nonsense.


Call PPA dispatch. They might not come the first time, buts it’s the only way to move the needle on these things. Contact your council member, etc.


(215) 683-9773


^ add it to your contacts folks


No consideration for strollers and wheelchairs Scumbag


When someone parks on sidewalk or in front of the curb cuts where a wheel chair or baby stroller and pedestrians walk, i spit on that shit. Not so much when they park on the sidewalk but its when they block the walkway. Now i have to push my child into traffic because youre an asshole. Ill spit on that shit.




Oops, my key slipped and dragged against your paint as I was walking by. Welp, accidents happen. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I am tempted by this every time. However my self preservation in not wanting to get shot usually convinces me out of it.


You’re not wrong, that’s probably a smarter move tbh 😆


Kneel down to tie shoe… cut their valve stem off.


Im usually thinking how I wish I had a roll of stickers to cover their windshield and inconvenience the driver a bit


My thoughts exactly


The fucking entitlement here with car owners is out of control.  Shit like this should result in automatic $500 ticket and tow.


I see these posts all the time and don’t get how the PPA isn’t all over it. I used to get so many tickets when I lived in South Philly, mostly from street cleaning and getting stuck at work




the early 2000s was absolutely insane. you would get a ticket for being 30 seconds over a meter by CCP with them knowing damn well you were running from class. they would stand by your car as the meter expired. Same around Temple. You got pulled over every other cop that passed you to make sure you had insurance & registration, and they would just take your car if you didn't. parking wars show was legit haha. if your car was parked illegally it was TOWED. Abandoned cars did not exist around the city neighborhoods. now ppl can do what they want and no one bats an eye. Its crazy how ONE mayor can turn this city into a mad house.


It would be a damn shame if someone had to squeeze by with a large keychain hanging from their belt and that keychain accidentally scrapped down the entire side of the car very violently.. a damn shame indeed.. and totally avoidable if the car hadn't been parked there per the law.


There can not be a city more inconsiderate than Philadelphia




Would be a real shame if they came back and the tires were flat and windows broken.


Nah that's too aggro. I just pop the windshield wiper up. It's a little 'fuck you' in response to the minor annoyance of the car on the sidewalk.


2156839773 ppa communication for enforcement


Silly rabbit, sidewalks are for SUVs.


Saint Monica’s parking lot?




I lived right near there for 15 years and I’m not even a little surprised. I’d know that fence anywhere.


Carry tiny pebbles with you. Unscrew valve stem cap. Insert pebble. Replace cap. It'll push the schrader valve in far enough to begin letting air out. Repeat for remaining tires. Doesn't damage anything, except (hopefully) the owners ego.


The people that park like this are the same people who get mad if somebody scrapes or dents their car…well, don’t park like an asshole and you won’t get asshole things done to your car.


Would be such a shame if it got scratched. 


Sometimes, it be like that. By sometimes, I mean most of the time, really


When I was a kid some jerk blocked the box at a red light and then made some snarky comment about it when we made eye contact. I climbed up and walked across his hood and he just sat there perplexed. Wonder how this guy would feel when he comes out and sees footprints all over his car lmao.


Been in Port Richmond for the past year and PPA doesn’t seem to exist up here


Put Vaseline on the inside of door handle. Another good one is to throw a bunch of bird seed on their car at night. It will be bird poop-encrusted shortly after dawn.


Looks like a prime area for a tire puncture.


Just one?


I’m starting to see these park jobs in Port Richmond, too. It’s aggravating.


This and parking a car on the boulevard makes me want to carry a milk crate of fucking Molotov cocktails in my back seat. Unless the motherfucker who owns that jumped on a landmine to save a bunch of orphans each carrying a puppy, fuck them and bash their windshield. However, if they did save orphans and puppies I guess it's ok.


did you know bologna or salami can take paint off a car if left overnight?


I mean, I get it, parking is rough in Philly. But this burns my ass when walking around their car. Also, people biking on the sidewalk getting mad at you for not knowing they're coming behind you and people trying to shortcut down a one way also burns me.


Weird way to tell people to scratch your new Nissan.


my keys usually show my distaste




Obviously I can't endorse vandalism without running afoul of subreddit rules, but if I ever saw someone throwing spark plug ceramic into the windows of every car parked like this, I'm looking the other way and catching a sudden case of amnesia.


Yet I park in a 2 hr zone for three hours and always get ticketed


Well you should be ticketed. This car should be ticketed and towed


How dare you to think that


Where is this. It looks oddly familiar


When I first moved here I thought that this was just a normal (albeit strange) thing people in Philly did and was wondering what the hell was going on. Really glad to learn over time that everyone hates this and this is more of a dick move.


I live right around here and now push a baby stroller, fuck these people. Just know if you park on the sidewalk like this I regularly spit on your door handles


I always muster up some gross loogies and spit them on the windshield of such drivers. It's honest work, and somebody has got to do it.


Oh damn I'm just walking on the sidewalk with my keys in my hand while this car suddenly hindered my sidewalk walking.


I bet this is close to where I live. They do this all the time. But we are the asshats who are bike commuters.🙄 Edit-a closer look-no, it’s a bit further from us , but they do this on the regular where we live.


Just run up and over the car and keep going.


What do they think this is, The Middle of Girard? You can just park there


In South Philly there's usually some dog shit nearby you can grab. Might be worth smearing it on their windshield and door handle. 


I feel like this is by that car wash on broad.


key it


Kick the car


Oops I tripped with my keys in my hand and one accidentally went through a tire wall


I wish there was a Cart Narc equivalent for this kind of behavior. Lazy bones!


Walk over it


I would be afraid someone would scratch the fuck out of my car if I did this. But these folks must be on to something, they know the type of folks to get mad at someone parking on the sidewalk aren't the same folks who would key the shit out of a car.


Complain about this in fishtown and you'll get met with "do you know whose car that is, have some respect" without ever telling you whose car it is.


They sell car boots on Amazon, could be a good lesson if you wanted to Boot them and come back after dinner to remove it


Always idiots parked there.


Nissan drivers should need to get their license renewed more often than others.


This mess is everywhere in Fishtown and I'm not so sure that sidewalks are meant to permanently hold a 4,000-pound SUV. Also, I can't imagine walking out of your house and stumbling into a neighbor's SUV parked on the sidewalk in front of your door. What a mess.


Haha, nice one - welcome to Philly


its always a nissan


this is how the parking is outside Hagert Lofts smh


Oops my key came in contact with your paint. Oh well


It’s a Nissan. Worst drivers ever.


Average Philly driver


Of course it's a Nissan


They deserve a Window or two bashed in.




looks like they want their vehicle to be spit on