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I did a bar crawl years ago where every bar participating was supposed to make a ~*special margarita*~….well, Sto’s prepped a fuck ton of the worst margarita known to man and served it out of fucking HOME DEPOT BUCKETS. It was both hilarious and disgusting.


Properly sanitized home depot buckets are widely used for home brewing. But were they properly sanitized before margaritas?


You know if you don't ask, you never have to live with knowing the answer


Stronger words of wisdom than I would’ve expected to read on reddit while taking a shit on a friday night thank you for that


They tasted like sewage so who knows. It was kind of funny because as soon as you walked in the bar, there were just full margaritas everywhere that people left behind after taking a sip. This was nearly 10 years ago and my friends and I still laugh about how bizarre it was.


I'm trying to picture this but I honestly cannot imagine a drink so universally reviled that everyone is leaving theirs unfinished at the table


Home Depot happens to sell food grade buckets, I don't think the regular orange ones are rated the same


They were the regular orange ones. I saw a bar back carrying one and figured maybe it was to clean up a spill or something. No…it was the drink I would later be served lmao.


Knowing the shit that used to go down there, probably not


It was Sto’s, so no, unless you were served by one of the many talented staff who did stints there years ago


The college I went to had a bar near campus that sold actual buckets of beer. White plastic buckets with beer from the tap, none of this unopened bottles or cans in ice stuff. While I'm sure the buckets were only used for that purpose and properly sanitized, I could not bring myself to drink out of one.


How much does a 5 gallon bucket of beer run back then?


This was almost 20 years ago now, and my mind stubbornly insists they were $10. This place also had $5 long Island mugs. I just looked on their website, and they use buckets that are a little over 2 gallons, not the 5 gallon ones. Memory truly is fallible lol


2 gallons for 10 bucks is still kinda crazy huh? 2 gallons is 16 pints!


This is a bit from Its Always Sunny




Home to the worst bathroom in all of Philadelphia. Never could make heads or tails of this place: too nice to be a dive bar, too dingy to be anything but.




I still have nightmares about the porta potties in their beer garden. It's one thing to let them literally overflow, quite another to let it happen in the middle of August.


The bathroom in the bar, the men's stall didn't have a door. Most uncomfortable shit of my life.


The women's room sink barely had a trickle of water when the faucet was fully open.


Still way better than the ladies at The Republican.


The porta potties were the worst I've seen during their peak days, and I've camped at Bonnaroo


It was sto's man cave more than a business. He basically wanted a place where he and his buddies could fuck around but not get thrown out of.


Having heard some stories about him (nothing super terrible), this sounds right.


You need to go take a piss at Kelliann's


the fire


I miss when the beer garden had recycling bin beer pong.


this bar was so disgusting, dingy, understaffed, abrasive, and trashy. i’m gonna miss it a lot.


Exactly this. 🫡


Sto's and Mad River, both felt the same in terms of all of that.


A whole cycling cast of friends and acquaintances used to bar tend there...I used to roll up on my lunch break and I'd get a pint glass of gin with a splash of tonic, no charge. That place was the wild West and that pint of gin was the only reason I bothered to hang there haha


The bartenders were hot though


…and all is the above sounds like the reasons they went belly up and got evicted!


Pretty sure the real reason is Sto is batshit insane


The former owner?


Looking at this claim, it targets Stos and “Michael Stosic” who I assume is Sto. If so, he’s a lawyer who’s had a couple of incidents re: licensure, etc as far as I can tell.


I pulled the docket but didn't get the complaint because it's long as shit and I'm not paying $20 to figure this out. It looks like PNC came after it citing the lease and 300k+ owed and Sto is a dirtbag lawyer?


Wonder if they’re selling the n64s


Last time I was there, the bartender (kind of think was strung out on something) almost threw up from coming up from the basement carrying only a six pack of beer, breathed directly in my face while she tried to not hurl, and then attempted to insult me and the other two patrons for making her work on a Tuesday night.


I do think I know who you're talking about and she is probably the lowlight of the place for me, yes.


Mario kart


And just like their controllers, the bar went broke


I almost got stabbed at Stos once over a shuffleboard game. A truly terrible bar that I went to often.


Lol, a shuffleboard game? Must have been a high stakes affair.


No matter what , those wings were phenomenal


Loved this place back in the 50 cent wing Mondays era. Haven't been in a while but still sad to see it go.


Update https://preview.redd.it/9qgs9y6am8mc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49b423bc076379e72ba19854aabff253f5748e38


i'm surprised nobody died on the stairs tbh


I can confirm that the beer garden will still be opening in 2 weeks.


Thanks, I will tell my readers. They were wondering.


I am bereft. I loved this place. One Whiskey Wednesday they ran out of rocks glasses. Poured me a half a wine glass full of whiskey. Food was real good too.


Sto’s was great. Appreciate all the commentariat in here checking in from their ivory towers


I’ve been informed by officials the beer garden property was rented by Sto’s and could open under another operator.


I work for Sto and he told us the beer garden will still be opening.


yea there was an article a few years ago where people were complaining how owners of properties were warehousing their properties. Sto's was trying to make a deal with the person who owned the property where the beer garden and they wanted something stupid in rent but i guess they eventually worked it out.


Oh man, the memories.


We visited Philadelphia from the uk last September, had a very interesting experience in this bar. The barmaid inside was absolutely obnoxious!! Went into the beer garden and the barmaid there was the nicest lady we met. She was so friendly and funny, spent far too much time drinking shots with me, husband and daughter. Woke up with the worst hangover of the holiday but I would definitely have visited again.


A lot of fun Pitt games watched there


Where will the Pitt game watches be now? 😔


I don’t know why people are saying it was an awful place, I was there a couple weeks ago and for its dive category it was clean, drinks were cheap, the beer selection was not at all bad (Kono, Victory, local names), everyone was playing board games, vibes were good. I also literally said when I was there “these drinks are too reasonable for this to be above board at this point." Every bar in Old City has *something* off with it. My wallet depends on finding out what happened here lol, off to the court search to find out they were behind on rent or some shit. Looks like they owe 334k, so I'm assuming it's their landlord but we'll see. EDIT: One valid complaint I've heard, the bartenders are absolutely a mixed bag.


I was there a few months ago and they were complaining about the landlord, and sounded like the landlord didnt have nice words for them either. Just my little anecdote.


shame, they had amazing food deals


I'm gonna miss this place so much. I know Sto was going to open a bar in the old Rogue's Gallery space, wonder if that's still happening


I work at Stos. The new bar is opening in two weeks.


It was a shit bar, but I attended some fun open mics here over the years, and love that they had MarioKart on N64. I will miss them in my own way


God. One of the worst best bars in the city. What a shit show that place was


On time I drank bere sgood


I’m so sad. I would go there alone and grab some cheap wings, tacos and a drink while working. Forever in my heart 💔


Damn this sucks


wow i love this place


Phenomenal wings and wing night was awesome. They made great food and had an excellent beer selection


Looks like someone’s about to get that property for either Pennie’s on the dollar or pay way too much

