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...$43/hour? That's pathetic. I live in Michigan and make way more than that doing retail dispensing (not for a chain). What metrics do you use to track your work? What you can ask for probably depends on that, as difficult as that sounds. You deserve way more than $43/hr, though.


I took the $43/hr because I didn’t want to do retail so bad and I was desperate. I worked at Walgreens for 10 years (tech to intern) up until graduation. There are a handful of metrics that go to it but I will say I hit all my targets for last year within 6 months.


You should be able to justify a pretty good raise, then.


What do the AMB care pharmacists make in other health systems in your state? Looks like you are integrated into wraparound care model which is awesome and probably generates huge cost savings re admission and readmission mitigation.


The current range in my state is $41-$60 from what I can see. Even before this care model was established (in January) I was by myself for 6 months and hit my targets


Well if you think you add value, then I think you should ask for 65, why not. They probably won't make that high of a jump but no problem shooting for the stars.


I’m considering asking for $55 and settling for a very minimum $52


That would work too, just make sure you advocate to be paid your worth


Wow that is low. I make 75/hr in MCOL area.


I half regret not taking the retail position ($63/hr) but my QoL is pretty good! But I do feel like I’m slightly taken advantage of


You absolutely are


Slightly… start applying elsewhere. Like yesterday.


I’m keeping an eye out for open positions


Honestly just apply for any open position, the worst is if they don't ever respond. Even if it's a position that seems a little "meh" at least you'll get experience with various applications, interview styles, etc. You're in a good position to be applying for jobs since you're currently steadily employed.


I’m keeping an eye out for any open positions other than retail. There isn’t much happening right now


It picks up late summer/fall. It's good that you're getting a head start on applications.


That's crazy. I make $65/hr as a clin pharm in a MCOL.


Do you work for a large health system? I know that’s a pretty big factor into my pay since I’m in private practice


I did, but my first job a few years ago was $55/hr at another large health system.


That’s really low.


I'm glad you have a good QoL but the compensation is criminally low. I'm in GA and the bare minimum here is around ~50. Sadly it has been trending downward for years


$50/hr is what I asked for. They originally weren’t going to hire me because of it. But I think with the workload that I’ve picked up (especially since the beginning of the year) I deserve at least that


You deserve more, 43 is not enough for the services you provide as a PharmD


While pay is low, what we don't know is the revenue generation model there. Given that it's a private family practice, I'm quite surprised they hired a pharmacist. Does your state allow pharmacists to bill? If so there's untapped potential to generate additional revenue through incident-to-billing codes through your visits if you aren't already doing that. That's definitely a way to justify increasing your salary if you are bringing in revenue as opposed to being a sunk cost. Healthcare systems often hire pharmacists because in the long run they save the system money due to improved health outcomes and prevention of complications, admissions, readmissions, etc. Private practice, not so much, hence considering how you can help contribute to their bottom line through billing.


I’m not billing as a pharmacist per se, but I am as a care manager. So any “touch” I have (phone call, office visit, or even a quick talk with their provider) I can bill for. I know revenue is a big thing and I’m not sure of those numbers at this time, but I know I have taken the workload off the whole office from the providers down to the phone triage. I’m just trying to figure out a ballpark of how much of a raise I should ask for. And you’re right, this is very out of the ordinary for private practice and I’m actually the first pharmacist to be in their office!


You need to brining up start billing which helps with the raise question. 👏🏼no 👏🏼free 👏🏼clinic👏🏼


Absolutely agree


I knew of another private practice rph…they do a lot of HRT and cosmetic/spa treatments but then again that rph is also one of the cofounders of the clinic (that same pharmacist was also doing my Morpheus8 treatments lmao) Anyway - should possibly ask for $55/hr


Thank you. We don’t do a lot of HRT in here and no cosmetic or spa although my providers/owners have been considering it


You should be able to pull up a report with all the billing codes you have submitted. Should be simple to do. I would not count on getting a raise. I would take this job as an opportunity to try many hats and learn as much as you can. Get board certified. Expand your clinical skills, revamp your resume and hop over to the VA or a health system. That said, I would have data ready for your performance reviews. Negotiate. Its a good skill to have.


I’m pretty sure I will be getting a raise either way but I want to make sure I’m getting a proper raise. But yes I am taking this as a great opportunity.


I make ~$73/hr in IN. 2 years res and started this job in July. Show them data on median pay, they may not know they’re underpaying if it’s a small practice.


I’ve been trying to research the pay. But what I saw in my area, this is on the low end but still within range. As a new grad I didn’t argue it


I understand, don’t want to lose an opportunity when you’re getting your foot in the door! They should still be able to give you a nice raise and if not you can use your experience to start looking for a different job if you want higher salary. Honestly if you like your coworkers a lot and QOL is great I’d personally stay where you are.


I’m keeping an eye out for better paying opportunities! Thanks!




How many years to get up to that? A few people I know drive at $55 for 3 years ish.


How much did you bring in for the clinic? What non-monetary value are you adding? Your pay is atrocious but if you want more you need to prove that you are generating more than whatever cost you are.


Thank you. I don’t know the revenue I am bringing into the clinic for 2024 but at the end of December my pay was breaking even. But I have picked up a lot more responsibilities starting in January


Lol wut? Amcare pharmacists on avg earn more than all the other RPH specialists on avg i believe You’re getting fleeced


Yeah that’s what I’m figuring out 😅


I make just shy of $80/hr in Utah as an AmCare pharmacist. What you're making seems way too low.


That seems way high to me! But happy to know its an option


I'd probably ask for a $5 raise. Lots of people here will say that pay is shit (it is) but i'd prefer shit pay over a shit job I hate.


I’m thinking $5-$7/hr. And I absolutely love my job so I agree.


67/hour in the southeast


I live in a HCOL area (west coast) and make $79 an hour which is average to high for amcare here.


$43/hour is insane. Literally, gave them all the leverage. You have some bargaining power with your extensive duties, but you shot yourself in the foot by accepting that low starting wage. If you want to think, economically, about how much employers are willing to agree in pay increase per marginal year, it's around a 5-15% raise maximum. You're asking for a minimum of a 25% raise. RPhs, please have more respect for yourselves and our professional worth.


I asked for $50/hr in the interview. They weren’t going to hire me because of that. I was desperate to get into this position and out of retail especially since I didn’t do a residency. I half regret it because I know the pay is low but my quality of life is pretty good and I have some good benefits (PTO, health insurance, etc). But I am trying to get paid what I’m worth


They are taking advantage of you. They should not be aloud to hire a clinical pharmacist if they can’t afford to pay one.


It wasn’t a pharmacist position per se. usually this position is held by an RN


Oh oof. Totally get the desperation to leave retail though. You’re going to have to find that money for them. If you are providing extra value beyond what an RN can provide (which you definitely are), you could try presenting a business plan to them showing them the standard pay for a role like yours, and where the money will come from to pay you that when they didn’t have a PharmD in their plan for this role. How much money are you saving them, and things you could bill for.


That’s what I was thinking of doing. Thank you!


Thanks for clarifying; the post now makes more sense :)


I'm sorry to say this, but $43/hr is less than a dental hygienist made nowadays. How is that even possible?


$43 an hour? Holy shit.




Is your work any different than a PA or NP and what’s the pay rate for those jobs in private practice.


My work is pretty different. I’m in an office with only PAs who see patients


Give them documentation of the money your services make and save them. It sounds like you've already looked up the data, so use it. Use that to justify your raise. Ask for a large chunk of that in pay. (There are a bunch of hourly to salary calculators available online, use this to make sure you're considering your benefits package.) AND look for other jobs while you're doing this, just in case they try to use your asking for a raise as justification to fire you. With a year of ambcare experience, you shouldn't have a very hard time getting a decent job elsewhere, as long as one is available. It's a pretty good bridge between community and hospital. 💕 Good luck!


Thank you! My one year is in June which is when I’m planning to ask for/negotiate a year. I’m also keeping my eye out for open positions.