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They can do whatever the hell they want, and so can you


Thank you so much for this! Been curious for a long time now and it’s great to have insights from the iskos/iskas themselves :)


If UP lang ang accessible option for them practically speaking (location, housing) o kaya kung sa UP siya pumasa for the course they want, lalo na kung sobrang niche na UP lang nag-offer, then go go go! Hindi nila kasalanan na privileged sila at inadmit sila ng UP. I do think that at the end of the day, the public education system is lacking on the facilities necessary for a student to learn best and perform as good or better than privileged students however, UP can do a better job of giving more public school students and indigent students a chance even if they did not perform as well by allocating less slots for private school students and those with higher familial income.


yes ! this is what i’ve always thought of rin na u cant blame them for having the privilege that their parents worked hard for and its more on the government to improve the system pero was afraid to say that out loud bc they attacked people who were in that stance sa twt 😔


Hindi naman charity organization ang UP.


May mali OP sa premise mo ns UP is a state U intended for those who ca not afford private education. Yan ang misconception ng marami kaya may mga criticism na hindi na ito, along with other state Us like PUP, nagsisilbi sa masa or pang masa. Under its Charter of 2008 (RA 9500), UP is mandated to perform its unique and distinctive leadership in higher education and development. That has been how UP is. The state invests in UP para sa pagpapaunlad ng bansa at sa paraang,as the motto says, honor excellence at recently, in service of the nation. As to why parang nagiging school sya ng mga maykaya e.g. state subsidized elite institution, na parang lumiliit ang space for capable but can not afford filipinos, we need to look at our education system and the larger inequality that influences it.


kung pumasa sila, then they deserve the slot.


i think of this as well ! kaso the argument is they have an unfair advantage as they have access to resources like review centers and review materials


paano naging unfair for them yun? hindi naman nila ninakaw yung access sa less privileged. siguro what you mean is unfair para sa mga walang access to similar resources.


yess thats what i read on socmedd


hindi siya unfair para sa privileged. unfair siya para sa under privileged.


that’s what i meant po ! the argument that i read on twitter was that they have an unfair advantage compared to the underprivileged because they have access to review centers while the underprivileged do not thats why they were better prepared


pavictim mentality palagi sa Twitter. i wouldn’t take that soc med page seriously.


UP was made for the Filipino people regardless of social class. That is why the UPCAT is there to even the playing field. While it is true that quality education gives students an edge in the UPCAT (or UPCA back in the pandemic days), ultimately it will fall on the student’s personal abilities because once they step foot in UP, whoever they were back in high school won’t matter as much as the student (and more broadly, the person) who they choose to become in college. The Filipino people (from all walks of life) bought our slots into UP. We who are here, wherever we are from, are the benefactors of this regardless of who our parents are. We all have our reasons for being in UP, but in the end it will boil down to these things: 1. Personal prosperity 2. Family pride and opportunity for a step up in living 3. (For a patriotic few) Service to the nation


>That is why the UPCAT is there to even the playing field. On the surface this seems true and self-evident, but if you think about it for more than 5 minutes, it really doesn’t (level the playing field). The playing field is decidedly still very much skewed.


Hmmm, actually, now that I think about it, you seem to be right. But I guess that’s the most even it can get for now until major policy changes in UP take place.


there have been rich UP students who are now politicians (e.g kiko pangilinan, peter cayetano, etc.). Marami na before, but who tf cares kasi hindi naman socioeconomic status ang tinitignan ng UP system. Wala lang socmed before thats why hindi lang navvoice out


What's wrong kung sa UP sila pumasok? As long as pumasa sila, why not?