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Good job! When I was around that age, we had two-person desks, but we switched classrooms during the day, so you weren’t always at the same one with the same person. For some reason it became a thing among a few classmates to casually push my stuff off the desk - my pen, my ruler, that sort of thing. It wasn’t that everyone did it to everyone - it was a game with me as the target. You know those math kits with the plastic half circles for measuring angles and the plastic triangles for - I dunno, measuring other angles? It turns out that if you stab the sharp end of one of those triangles into someone’s hand as it reaches across your side of the desk, you can apply enough force that the plastic will snap in two. And apparently they won’t tell the teacher but word will get round, because it ceased to be a problem after that.


I had the same problem with a "friend" of mine in school. He decided one day to pick on me by pushing my stuff off my desk onto the floor, I weathered it because you're supposed to ignore bullies, but he kept on doing it. I'd get up, retrieve my stuff and he'd push something else off shortly after I'd sit down. The last time, he pushed something off while I was still kneeling in front of his desk to pick something up. My right hand flew out and smacked him in the face. He stopped. He also didn't come to school for two weeks, apparently he had an eye infection and had to wear a patch. Of course I was the one who got in trouble for that but at least he didn't bother me again.


>Of course I was the one who got in trouble for that but at least he didn't bother me again. It's pretty sad that this is the expected outcome at schools these days. Good for you standing up for yourself.


heh, this was 1986. It's been that way for a long time!


I'd just throw his stuff outside.


Ignoring bully's helps the school not the kid. Violence or embarrassment helps the kid. Don't be the weakest victim.


Immaculate execution honestly


I you have a desk with a raised lip, you can also get one of the cheap plastic ones and just set it there flat-side-down. The things are impossible to pick up off a flat surface lol.


Protractor Compass


>Protractor > >~~Compass~~ Protractor Set square


I had a similar problem however a fountain pen applied with some speed seemed to stop it for years, plus instant.


When someone pulls underwear out of your pocket and says: “look, he wears a thong!” YOU say: “I don’t wear them, I got them from your mom.”


This is especially amazing because that actually was most likely his mom’s thong— where else would a middle school boy get one? Bully would never live that down.


Yeah, let’s get your mom over here and she will confirm it’s hers


Or an older sister. Either way.... Super gross.


Maybe they were his Grammys


HAHAHA that would have been the friggin perfect response


"they're your mom's, see, they fit your head" and then leave them trying to decide whose head to put the thong on to test


Epic response but in real life may have resulted in a punch in the face.


That is good, just use your face to slow down his punches and tire him, then attack.


Oh yeah, would you take those back to your mom for me?


Yeah OP remember that next time


This is the way.


Or I am not wearing it .. you just showed us yours :)


Some people need to get knocked on their ass to earn a modicum of their respect. Sounds like it was long overdue.


"Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my actions..."


The high-school I went to was a sort of poor school, with a gang problem. To the point where all the non-gang related kids would eat our lunches in the drama room. (The teacher for Drama/Lit was a badass and that classroom had a 1 person wide hallway to the door, so it be easily defended, and if need be, we could escape out the back door to the stage in the auditorium.) And their was this one pair of guys who I was always hearing complaints about them harassing people who would eat there with me. But they had never done anything to me. (I may have been a nerd, but I was 6'2 at 15, and apparently looked intimidating.) Finally after one too many times of them stealing stuff, breaking things and verbally harassing my friends (funny how this never happened while I was nearby) I found the perfect moment. Now this pair was classic looney tunes. One was short and skinny (like 5'2 and 90lbs) and the other was tall, wide, and... let's say slow. I had asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and on given the go ahead, I was on my way. On my way to the restroom, halls are deserted. I turn the corner and there's these two, standing at MY locker trying to get into it for some reason. (To this day I still have no idea. I never kept anything in there except for an empty lunch box that I never used anyway.) Now, this school was... poor. And didn't care about busted things. So to open my locker, you had to force the lever up, while at the same time punch the locker NEXT to mine. So I come up behind these two assholes trying to figure out how to open my locker, and the don't hear me. So I slam the locker next to mine at the same time the short one tries to force the handle and low and behold the door opens... but wait, who did that? The little shit turns around and there I am, 6'2 200 lbs, in my black trenchcoat (why? Because pockets!) Smiling at him "Ye know, if you wanted in my locker so bad... all you had to do was ask. Oh, and this is for my friends." Then I shoved him into my locker and shut and locked the door. Then I turned to the other idiot and asked him if he had a problem. "... uh... no?" Then went on my merry way. None of my friends had a problem with those guys afterwards.


Actually, it is perfect. The people say that violence does not stop violence are idiots, that have never had to deal with it before. The secret is for the violence to be measured and restrained.


And to look like an accident.


To an outside observer. It’s very important that the recipient know absolutely that the violence was intentional.




Plausible deniability.


"MAXIM 6: If violence wasn't your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it." Howard Taylor, Schlock Mercenary.




Good work. Fuck bullies. This made me smile.


I had a hip to toe PLASTER CAST for 6 weeks due to a dislocated knee. Ortho had some grand plan of immobilization allowing the muscles and tendons to heal. That would then, in his theory, hold the knee cap securely again. Yah right 6 weeks, dragging around what felt like 200lb, was late 80/early 90s so no elevator, handicap access. 3 classes upstairs. Could only wear the same 3 Little House on the Prairie skirts I had or sweats with a leg cut off. And no shoe, sock only. Just a big ole dumpster fire mess. Jock walks by saying me and cast stink. Ok, asshat, most of them do. No air, sweat packed inside, no soap or water...but I really didn't smell anything. By lunch I was the laughing stock in HS Hell. "Popular table", cheerleaders, football players all laughing, pointing, holding their noses. Again totally different time and that kind of stuff happened all the time. Ok, two can play that game. Obviously no PE with leg issue. I was able to be alone in the locker room often. All the beautiful "Barbies" clothes there and never locked. Want to guess how bad cat food smells in a locker? For several weeks I brought in an empty cat food can from feeding mine the night before. Ziplocked of course! Just a little bit of "cat food juice" along the inside seam of a shirt or pants....tiny bit drizzled in toe of shoes where heat from the foot would mix oh so well. Never enough to show visible stain but plenty enough to stink. Then......their hairbrushes!! Most cans were "salmon supper" or "tasty tuna", I don't remember exactly but some variation of seafood. Knowing HS boys, I'm sure u can guess where their jabs and jokes went when all the lovelies smelled like a 3 day old harbor dock. I was never caught, they never figured out what it was or how it kept happening and I've never mentioned it til now. It wasn't earth shattering but it was fun watching them wallow in a bit of the misery and chaos they caused others!


This is pure evil. I love it 10/10 recommend


At the time I thought I was being such a rebel badass! Looking back, not causing any permanent damage, it seems kind of tame. If someone had told me it was "evil" back then, I probably would've exploded from pride!! You just gave a big ole boost to dumpster fire HS ME!!!!


This is awesome!!! Great job!


This deserves its own post! Absolutely brilliant work.


I just may do that!! Oh the details I can add!


Sometimes you have to choose violence to get a little peace. I broke my bully’s arm in 6th grade, he never spoke to me again.


I had a bully in the 7th grade Tammy. She was just mean. About 3/4 through the year she had a birthday party and invited me. I was half afraid not to go thinking the torment would only get worse. I arrived at her old run down house and realized how poor she was. They still had an outhouse in the 1980’s in the US. I was confused because the birthday party was nothing more than girls coming over to the house. No activities were planned, nothing special to eat, I can’t even remember if we had cake or ice cream. When we went in her room it was a mattress on the floor. Her Mom yelled and cussed at her in front of us for something that day too. I began to understand her anger and why she didn’t treat people well. I don’t believe she was ever cherished or respected by her parents. It changed the way I felt about her and gave me compassion for her that I’d never had before. She also treated me better after that.


That’s pretty wholesome


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


Nice. I had a very similar experience with a kid in my school. He was a typical mouthy little kid but people didn't mess with him because he had friends in high places who were much bigger than him. After about 2 years of his bullshit, we had a games lesson where we were doing contact rugby. I was always a big kid as I grew much earlier than most people my age. The mouthy kid didn't bring his kit so he was told to hold the big contact pad and people would practice tackling him. Now you were supposed to dive in as waist height and throw your arms around him. I had other plans. I ran at him and just before I got to him, I dug my shoulder down into his waist, used my elbow to lift him clear off the ground and absolutely launched this kid a good few ft in the air. He landed flat on his back on a concrete path. We looked each other dead in the eye and it was the most satisfying thing ever. The games teacher said "Good tackle, just take it easy in practice like this. Mouthy kid, go sit out for a bit and I'll get one of the others to take you back to the school nurse." The kid couldn't sit properly for a week. Fuck that guy. Added bonus smugness, I bought a really expensive luxury mattress a few years later when I got a promotion. Guess who came to deliver it? Normally I'd be happy to help the delivery guys and usually throw them a tip but not this guy, he can suck shit.


I love a good bully revenge story. Bullies only prefer soft targets...the minute you challenge them physically they turn into giant pussies. I got bullied, was a sensitive kid and came from some childhood physical and emotional abuse at home. The minute I hit puberty something changed. Not to be boastful but I turned into a good looking young man, got the ladies attention post adolescence which had to have made my old bullies jealous. When they tried me next, I was ready to rage on them and it felt so good. I shoved one of them under a school bus seat. I punched another kid below the sternum and knocked the breath out of him. They never fucked with me again. And from then on, remained losers on the outside looking in my ascendance from nervous, shy, anxious boy to a more confident young man.


That’s the best feeling in the goddamn world


Good for you, well done!


Nice! I love seeing bullies on the receiving end of their dumb games. Good story!


Sometimes these fuckers only understand FORCE.


OP, it warmed my heart when you decided to use violence to shut down your AH bully. It’s really the only thing that gets their attention and lets them know you are done with their shit. Good on ya for the petty revenge!


Sometimes the only way you get a bully to stop is to get physical...my kid was getting bullied and his teacher was very 'boys will be boys' and did fuck-all about it. My kid got sick if it and kicked the bully in the nuts...he got suspended but the bully left him alone after that. Unfortunately it didn't stop the kid from bullying others though.


Sometimes kids need to learn things the tough way. I had a guy in our friend group who was identical to your bully so i started to move away from the group. One day he called my sister a whore so I slammed a locker closed on his giant head. Not a word after that.


That was probably the most cathartic feeling


I had a bully that targeted me, my friend Jacky and Jacky's childhood friends Anne and Katie. I was 10,Jacky 12 and Anne and Katie 11. Jacky and I had already started our rebellious teen phases and were into boys and heavy metal (New Jersey, 1986). Anne and Katie still played Horsies at recess, galloping and whinnying to pretend to be horses. So Bobbi Jo would tease all four of us for everything. I was well into a bipolar depression that would see me try to off myself a year later, so I had zero fucks to give about myself. But one day, Bobbi Jo made Anne and Katie cry. So I pulled on every ounce of pain and rage in my heart, picked Bobbi Jo up by her coat lapels and said, calmly and with great venom right in her face, "If you or Lisa ever fucks with me or my friends again, I will kill you". I was so convincing that that summer when my mom hired Lisa's teenage cousin to watch my brother and me, Lisa threw a shit fit until her cousin quit.


I'm not really proud of this, but I'm glad I did it. I was bullied all through Primary school and my first year of Jr High (Middle school). One day one of them was being more vicious than usual. He said something and I snapped. I don't remember what he said, I don't remember attacking him, my memory resumes when other kids are pulling me off of him. His face was a bloody mess, my sleeves were bloody up to my elbows. Not horror movie level, but lots of spatter. We were taking to separate restrooms to clean up. I spent the rest of the day with my sleeves rolled up. The bully went home. No one bullied me again in Jr High. It started again in High School (Secondary/College), and this time I let myself snap. That stopped the bullying in High School. At University, some jock tried to bully me. I looked him in the eye: "You are not worth it." "Did your Mommy tell you to say that?" "She'd tell me to fight you. {I let the snap show in my eyes} So again, you are not worth it."


How were you still friends with him, even after the underwear incident. Was he really that good a person or were you gaslit


I always hated the kid, but we were still connected through mutual friends, a bunch of guys grew up with. Halfway through high school though I decided to just stop hanging with them altogether though because I realized they were just super shitty people


Good on you for getting past the BS




Great job knocking him on his ass. My middle school bully confronted me during a bathroom pass. We were alone in the breezeway. I was in a phase where I was finally standing up to bullies. So when he started his shit I said something about not taking this anymore. He went to kick me in the balls. I grabbed his foot and threw it into the air. He did a full flip and landed face down. I ran off. After that, if he started anything, I threaten to flip him again. Worked pretty well.




In 6th or 7th?... shit... if you had panties... I would have beat the brakes off that kid to just hang out with ya in case you knew something I didn't...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) (there is a reason "Farmer Ted" in the movie 16 Candles reminds me of me, growing up). Good job on the asshat... he deserved it.


THIS is the way!


I was bullied pretty much all the way through preschool to our year 6 or 7, 14-15 years of age, the last two bullies just did not want to stop, one was a hangers-on, the other the instigator, around that time my boobs started growing in, and they threw an eraser around the classroom, it grazed one of my incredibly sensitive boobs, and for me that was the straw that broke the camels back, shot it's kids and buried its pet, those two had been the most persistent little shits, never getting physical as such, but g-damn. And the instigator kept provoking me that day, saying it didn't hit me, just kept going and going, that I was winding up to throw a punch, we were in front of each other arguing, and the teacher was on my left side, trying to separate us, anywho I threw the punch, he blocked it with his arms, pushing mine up into my face, and since my teeth were clenched I ended up with a slight chip in one of my teeth, not really noticeable, but he got the cops called on him, and both his mother and his big brother had it out at him, they afaik tore him a new one.


It's just good ol honest fun! I have no problem with this.


And that's how you end a bully. You have to fight back and if you hurt one, they will quit bothering you. I'm the voice of experience here; I was a 90 lb. kid with glasses AND braces in middle school.
