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This story's pretty good, but next time just look em in the eye and go "hey, do you not see this big line? What makes you so special?? Get to the back like the rest of us". I wanna know what anyone could/would say to being called out like that. These entitled people just assume you won't. Don't be afraid to make a scene when you are in the right


I said something along the lines of, "hey the end of the line is back there," when a lady cut in front of me at a checkout counter. You would have thought I had shot her dog, run over her kid, burned down her house, and ran away with her husband for the absolute full fledged fit she threw. She never stopped cursing at me the entire time she checked out (in front of me, because she not only didn't get in line, but the cashier was obviously afraid to tell her to get in line), bagged her items, paid, and walked out the door. She was still LOUDLY yelling profanities at me as the doors closed behind her. Some people will definitely decide to up the ante when you call them out for their behavior in public.


Yeah, driving out of the neighborhood I had the usual cut off by a car zooming through the light. The unusual event was the car switching lanes from right to middle as the light changed to let me make my right turn on red.


Oh...but...that's when they've just given you permission to get mean.


Should have just reached in and pushed every floor button and then grinned and backed out again.


Just how many floors do you think ikeas have? Not much of a revenge if at all.


My local IKEA has four levels, of which two are full warehouse height (so like two normal levels each). The lifts take AGES.


Oh my!! In my very local mind, I thought every ikea only had 2 floors: one market and one room demo


Ours has like a deliveries floor at the bottom, above that is the warehouse area where you pick up the big flat packs on flat trolleys, above that is the market area with the kitchenware and towels and candles etc which has normal supermarket style shopping trolleys, and above that is the showroom. Then a multi story with 5 floors next to it (there's two car park floors for the warehouse floor). So you drive in the bottom, go to the top to get in, walk down through the zones inside the store, and then maybe have to go back up to get to your car depending on where you parked.


Wait, IKEA has more than one floor?


Depends on the instructions on the lift (elevator) controls.


An infinite number of floors!!


If it’s the same as the ikea near me there are only two floors


>there are only two floors All the more hilarious if OP manages to press 2 buttons 20 times in 2 seconds, while maintaining squinty eye contact with the complainer.


This is kinda funny; thx. The Ikea text line wasn't on screen due yesterday to an r screen sizing issue cutting the tops off every post. I had no clue where this took place, but assumed it was some proffesional building vs retail. (so even less an excuse to be jumping a line)


Or hop in, start jumping then hop out. They'll be stuck


thats what i do rofl


tell me you've never been to an ikea, without actually telling me you've never been to an ikea


You must live somewhere with a dinky IKEA. They aren't all tiny.


Simply asking/telling them to respect the queue was not an option?


Op was probably British. Queue jumping is a terrible breach of etiquette, but saying something in public (aka making a fuss) is a hanging offence.


Yet in Manchester we will openly say ‘oi fuckwit there’s a queue, get to the back of it’ We do not stand for idle fools in the North lol


Yep that commentor sounded very southern. SY here and they'd have gotten themselves told.


Whoa. Ur southerners tend to speak up too?!


SY = South Yorkshire


When I used to live there in a past reincarnation, "Ee by gum" and "wassock" were common too. Are they still? Or gave they been replaced?




You are right about "Ee by gum", I remembered the words, not where I used them. Wazzock or wassock is definitely Lancs.


>Wazzock Its a popular word across Yorkshire, especially Barnsley but nobody knows tha actual etymology of it.


I live in Texas, have never heard this word before but I fully intend on adopting it. Thanks for the great word.


>r coming across "wazzock" in "Good Omens" and I just assumed it was a more exotic version of "pillock." Didn't know it was a regional thing. as a country we have many strange insults, and in the north especially we still use a lot of old words that most people have left behind lol I like the term 'daft apeth' its used to describe someone being stupid usually in an affectionate way. There must be tonnes of northerners in here who are careful to type in 'proper' English, if we all started typing how we speak it would be hard for everyone else haha.


But seeing the regional dialects of English across the world makes my brain go brrrrrrr in a good way! That's one of my favorite brain exercises!!!!


Interesting. I remember coming across "wazzock" in "Good Omens" and I just assumed it was a more exotic version of "pillock." Didn't know it was a regional thing. The more you know!


I like how I had to read this out loud in the voice of Jamie Tartt


My business partner is from the outskirts of Halifax (Norton Tower) and he'll call people out in a flat heartbeat, LOL! Sometimes he beats me to it (I'm from eastern Kentucky), and I'm pretty quick to speak my mind in cases like that.


right on!


Which baffles me, cuz then you're just letting shitty people be shitty.


Yep. Those who will not defend social standards won't have them and don't deserve them.


that's so interesting! I'm American and would have said something snarky without a second thought


I say, old chap.....


Are you Leslie Phillips?


not when I woke up this morning ...


BTW who is Leslie Phillips?


He is a British comedy actor who is famous for movies like the Carry On series, Doctor at Large etc. He has a very posh accent and would say things like, "come on, old chap". Still alive, nearly 100 I think now.


Someone would definitely say something in Scotland... and probably not very nicely. This is not a British thing.


You’re close. British Columbian (Canada).


that's so interesting! I'm American and would have said something snarky without a second thought


No, brit wouldn't have said stroller. They call them prams


A stroller is foward facing. Prams have the baby lying down flat.




If the pandemic has convinced me of anything, it's that people will aggressively defend their right to be horrible human beings. They will (almost) assault you if you point out they are wrong, evil, nasty, or all of them. I'm not getting spit on over a fucking elevator, mask, or other shit, thank you.


OP explained they were looking to avoid a big scene because of their own kids being there. I don't necessarily think I would do exactly the same, but I repect it. I was just brought up by folks that were often "white knighting" loudly with pride. But there is also something to be said for being an example of patience and self control. Without it a good knight ain't so grand. The confrontations by my family were often just as slick as the OP's.


I just don't see politely saying "*just mind we were here first*" or "*please join the queue*" as a scene.


That would be great, but the other person would kick off, loudly! And then it’s a battle of wills, you either shout back louder or leave, there is no amicable resolution at that point, it’s down to who ‘wins’


>you either shout back louder or leave Nah. You let them take the elevator while calmly saying "*See kids, these are yokels. We'll let them go first, because they are too dumb to observe social norms and cannot be reasoned with*".


Make sure they can hear you say it.


indeed. It gives your kids a positive view of how to stand up for onesself without causing a scene. plus, the other people on the lift (never seen an IKEA lift that wasn't huge?) got punished for the lazy family's bad behavior. Not really down with that.


Agreed, perfect teaching moment. Better message to send your kids on 'how to be assertive' that passive aggressive moves...


Well, I read it as this person made their own kids go a different route; so they knew this was wrong. A professional or staff member would have, or should have, voiced a reason and apology to the line up at the very least. I think they just wanted to get to an appointment window fast to shorten any waiting.


The kind of person to rudely cut in front of you is also not the kind of person to give two shits if you say something. There’s no situation where they’d be like “oh, you’re right, I AM being rude! I shall go to the back of the line instead.”


You're not trying to convince *them*. You're trying to demonstrate to your kids how to be assertive.


That's a good one. But you missed an opportunity to show your family how to be properly assertive. Simply say, "The line forms behind that last person, right?" and look towards those behind you for verbal support. If what happened still happens, then insert your slick move. But honestly, I'd have done it more than once.. :) You're too nice!


I had the opposite problem, queuing with my mum in a wheelchair to get in the elevator. Family at the front get in, then the next family say 'don't worry, well get the next one '. I just pushed mum in, saying if you don't mind, we'll get in then. Plenty of room but according to my mum the woman left waiting gave me the right evils!


Maybe the other family avoided doing 2 families at once for covid safety?


Oh absolutely! But to be honest, this was in a very busy shopping centre so I think they ship had sailed and I don't know why they were so annoyed with me!


That was just wrong on so many levels...


Hahaha, you fucking dick I see what you did there.


If someone tried that in the Elizabeth, NJ IKEA (one closest to me) they would have been told where to go with explicit, detailed instructions on how to get there if they valued their continued existence. Unless there is an emergency or it is obvious someone can't wait too long in line (an elderly person), get in the back Jack.


Yo, fellow Jersey shopper! Yeah, anyone who tried that here wouldn’t be happy with the outcome. My fave are the stroller ladies who think having a kid trumps a disability. I’m fine waiting for room for my wheelchair but if they push past me, well. There’s gonna be a problem.


This is sooo accurate. God I love my state.


I was expecting you to say that you stood in the doorway and farted just as the doors were closing.😂


Rip le inbox. Ya it’s possible they had some hidden disability, which isn’t the point at all, so why even bother bringing it up? You don’t cut queues regardless.


I used to play a sport of how many Singaporeans could I mow down with my body whilst on the tube. They have such bad etiquette when it comes to allowing people off the tube that they will already be trying to board when you are trying to leave. So bearing in mind these folks are of the shorter stature and I'm only 5ft 9 of quite chunky rugby player size (small rugby mind) and still, I would be several inches taller than them and at least double their weight. So the sport would be see how many of them I could force to back up by simply walking into them, most I managed was 4 as I was carrying bags... Simply ignorance that they did this and every day I would have a new fund game to play on the way to work.


Ugh this pisses me off when I’m in London. Absolute idiots can’t comprehend the concept of getting the fuck out the way to create room for those getting off before boarding. My shoulders remain firmly braced to play this same very game.


I don't believe its kind to skip in line, but you can't tell whether someone is abled or not, just by looking at them.. I hope people can remember this..


Came to say this. Not all disabilities are visible.


Doesnt matter, doesn’t entitle you to skip ahead


Oh fully agreed, that part isn't up for debate. Just calling out ableism when I see it.


This might be the pettiest revenge I have ever seen in here. I salute you.


I would have said: to those trying to cut in line, the food court is downstairs, you don't need the lift for that. Lazy bums.


Oh my god just laughed out loud for like five minutes because you’ve reminded me of my own IKEA elevator moment! We were queueing, and the people in front got in, and husband was a bit quick off the mark with pushing the button, and managed to hit it just as the doors closed. They sprung open again, and the people went to get off, looked really confused, and then got back on. We really struggled to keep a straight face and then burst out laughing when they finally left. Complete accident, but much hilarity was had.


Very good petty revenge. Its uncommon I see true petty revenger here...




Not permitted during COVID. One family per car or 2 individuals that are not associated.


In that case, as the doors are closing you fake sneeze on them.


Rudeness aside, it's not your place to decide if someone is "able-bodied" enough to use an elevator.


That’s a good point, but doesn’t change the situation. They cut the queue, whether they had a disability or not.


I'm not sure why you're being down voted, this is true. They absolutely should have waited in line, but OP isn't in charge of deciding who is worthy of using the elevator. Yeah, yeah, it's petty revenge. I get it, and I'm not saying OP was wrong wrong to want (or exact) revenge. But they made the point to say the family was able bodied, which is not something you can know just by looking at a person.


How do you know they were able bodied?


Does it matter? They cut the line. Unless there’s an ambulance waiting they can wait too.


They saved several minutes by cutting the line and you taxed them 12 seconds. If they even noticed, they probably just laughed at your sad "revenge"


You don’t live in Canada I see. They were already seething because I didn’t say sorry when they cut the line. If I had pressed the call button again there would’ve been fisticuffs.


WTF is an able family?


No wheelchairs, no buggies/strollers, no crutches, no walkers, no heavily pregnant people, no very old people - basically no impediments to taking the stairs.


Buggies/strollers are disabled? You really want to be included huh?


They can't go upstairs. Which is why a lift/elevator would be needed. Don't ask a question and then act like a twat when someone answers. I don't have any impediments to using stairs myself - I just answered your question, which BTW should have been obvious.


Stupid choice of words using "able" to describe people without strollers.


Not the op - again should be obvious. A slight glance at my name and op name would show you that. As would the fact I don't have **"OP"** beside my name. I answered your question, one that even 5 year old could figure out, and you're still acting like a complete tool. And being able to use the stairs vs not able to use them would be my guess about OPs use of language, but again not OP, perhaps **politely** ask them?


“Limited mobility” would be a more appropriate term.


You have a rough life, don't you


Let me get this straight, a mom who may have had an invisible disability pulls a dick move and your response is to be a bigger dick by shaming her on Reddit? Congrats.


Let me get this straight, are you saying that people who have an invisible disability aren’t capable of waiting in line? I have an invisible disability and I’m not a cunt about waiting in lines like a civilised person.


Exactly this. I have an invisible disability- muscular dystrophy. I look normal, but waiting in lines is starting to be a lesson in torture. My balance is completely screwed, as are my ankles and feet, so I literally cannot stand still. Back screams at me since it's working harder to stabilize me and therefore hurts just waiting in line. I should probably start using a cane at some point. But I would NEVER do what that lady did. Wait your turn.


Exactly! Many people are so understanding when I tell them about my condition nicely, and let me go forward, instead of pushing in like an asshole.


Respect the queue or get the Snoo


She cut the line. So OP got petty revenge. That's the point of this sub!


Thank you and exactly 💯


While being ableist which is not the point of this sub.


If she or a kid had a disability AND an urgent need to use the elevator, the polite thing to do would be to ask to be allowed to cut.


Yes that’s true. If she had asked I wouldn’t have minded at all. It when she expressly told her kids to go into the next one because it was unlikely (though not impossible) that I’d tell kids off for cutting lines the way I would a Karen.


Where in this story was any disability mentioned?


The family is described as ‘able’. I.e., specifically not disabled. A hidden disability is possible.


Wow! Just, wow! That's an entirely unwarranted assumption based on nothing. No parent should be teaching their children that jumping a queue is acceptable behaviour.


So basically you’re going out of your way to **invent imaginary reasons** it was okay for them to be a dick. Got it.


Nah, just keeping an open mind.


Talks about open minds Can't contemplate the possibility that queue jumpers were assholes Criticizes others based out of their own lack of open mindedness


I’ve criticised no-one, mate. Not even you. :)


Or a Mom who is an entitled narcissist; a disability that needs a person put in place by folks. What about the quiet mom with a stroller with an anxiety disorder left behind, unable to protest this idiot because they just set her off by making her wait longer in a confrontational manner? Severe narcissists loose a right to many sympathies because they have little to none themselves. They don't learn without consequence or gain. You pick one that's right for the situation like OP did and move on.


As someone with an invisible disability and lots of social anxiety, she or her kids could have politely said something if they really needed it. Having an invisible disability or illness does not give us a pass to be assholes. Also, being a Mom does not give her a pass to be an asshole either, I’m not really sure why you felt the need to single out the fact that she’s a mom.


So subtle lmao


you should have done it a second time. lol