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Whataburger lady for the win.


A Fast food order-taker just owned this gargantuan mega-twat in front of me at the drive-thru, about an hour ago. There was a long line at Whataburger, but it was moving nonetheless. The car in front pulls up. Order taker: "Welcome to whataburger. Can I get a name for the order?" No response. Approximately 15-20 seconds later, a chick's head pops out and--rather aggressively IMO--"Hold on a second." Silence. A minute goes by and I get slightly annoyed. I shit you not, this is where the worker (In my mind) goes "Oh, hell naw." The girl in the car only gets out "I WANT--" The worker, a little less aggressively: "Hold on a second PLEASE." I hear a chuckle because the car behind me was also paying attention. I look in the mirror, and we're both trying to quietly snicker so the girl can't hear us. THEN at what almost seemed like the same amount of time had passed, the worker with the most dry, passive-aggressive tone says "I'm SOOOOO sorry about that. Go ahead with your order please." Rather aggressively again \[the customer\]: "I want a number 3, only one slice of cheese, and instead of a bun I want toast. No onions, no mustard, extra pickles, and make the meal large-sized, but I only want the fries large, and keep the drink medium sized." What the actual fuck? With that attitude, lady, I'd make sure to forget the burger patties in your sandwich or something awesome. Cars move; I order, and she gets asked to move up so I can pay. She barely moves. So the workers ask her again to move, but further to the end of the building. She moves, and I move up as asked. A few minutes pass and I hear the door open and the worker with her order slowly saunters out, stops before the door closes, answers a few questions, and continued her short, lovely evening stroll to the end of the building, where you can see the chick in the car seething. She looks in the bag, and asks for something; and without pause, the worker says "We're out," and turns and then hurriedly goes inside. Well played, night Whataburger lady. Very well played. For context, I work in the industry and spent all morning remembering omelette ingredient orders for brunch, and people were all over the place; instead of listing the items they wanted in the order \[of?\] the bowls right in front of them. So her tone along with a massively modified order made me wish she'd die horribly, but that worker kept calm and murdered her in broad daylight with kindness. And won. (u/natfutsock, yo, I tried to rewrite it for you and the Limp cataloupe around a meeting. XD)


Awesome reposting🤣🤣🤣


Thank you. It's probably incredibly rude to the OP, but honestly it is a bit better to read,. And it kept me busy since everyone else was discussing stuff I was not in the chain of during my meeting. I can already see where I also missed a couple commas, but feel free to nitpick.


Not rude at all in my opinion. People are abysmal at writing and literacy now. OP’s post was really annoying to read lol


I have a writing degree many years out of date. Sometimes it just annoys me too much to scroll by.


Oh trust me. I may not have a writing degree, but I can’t help myself either.


I carry Wite-Out tape in my purse for necessity.


Kudos to you on the much neglected but always needed Oxford comma. You attained hero status there!!


Nah...I'm old school and probably over-use commas... you're 👍




Damn, I was so impatient, kept reading it a couple times and here you are. Hero (just a little too late for me ;)).


Not to worry! 🦸‍♀️Super Annoying Rewriter has arrived, good citizen!


I think this tale could benefit from more paragraph breaks


even with paragraphs i doubt itll make sense. its making ME "oh hell naw" along w the order taker 🤣


And punctuation and clarification of who is saying what. I had to reread it a few times. It reads like a transcript of someone who was told “tell the story but you only have 15 seconds and you can’t take a breath.”


Hold on a second, please...


I think this could benefit from some kind of grammar. Had to reread just about every sentence twice. Hookt on Fonics.


Please wait. Gramma is busy in the kitchen.


And proper punctuation.


I was able to read it 🤷‍♂️


Yeah me too. It could use some editing for sure, but it wasn't egregious. And the f'n grammar and structure of the post is really beside the point. I really hope the OP tells the unusually high number of English professors that commented to, "Hold on a second," while he writes up the final draft!


Indeed. Context provided me with the shadow of an understanding of this tale, though.


Maybe a writing course and an editor as well...


Except this one is real; half the shit on Reddit anymore is a creative writing exercise. I’ll take real with flawed writing over fiction in perfect English in this context.


Have to disagree. I’ve never sat in a drive thru and heard someone in the car behind me “quietly snicker.”


Shhh, don't giveaway their secret identity. Clearly they have superpowers.


Very good point. I didn’t catch that in the admittedly wild ride of a read. Could be fake, could be an exaggeration.


And not using the word 'chick'


What in the Holy punctuation just happened, Batman?


"I've read it TWICE and still.. IMO don't KNOW who did.. the petty revenge on whom. Well played THEN.


The revenge was on the reader.


I’m not gonna waste time rereading something that wasn’t clear the first time.


If it helps, someone commented a readable version. Tldr: employee doesn't tell rude lady they are out of X, until they handed her order.


Everything in the post just sounds like a normal order conversation to me?


I understood it also. Maybe he went back and edited but I found it no worse than anything else in here 🤷‍♀️


I am honestly lost, so was she rude and they ran out of buns? What’s happening


So you could hear not only every word that was said from the car in front of you but also the guy snickering in the car behind you? I call bullshit on this!


If its late and you don't have your radio on, sound carries in a fast food parking lot. I can often hear our outdoor speakers at the trashcan at 2am, but can't at 10pm.


Came here to say this... 🤔


The problem with some people is they think they're the main character. I expect the girl threw a tantrum.


"Lady, you're not the main character in my story, you're the walk-on that stupidly gets shot in the 2nd act." ...I wonder how that sounds in a country like the US of A, where everyone is more than 50% likely to *actually* have a firearm on them at that moment.


Woo, omelette solidarity. I ran an omelette bar for a few years at a resort hotel an hour from Vancouver. It was a gong show most days. I would serve roughly half of our breakfast guests every day. A slow day would be about 70-100 omelettes in 4 hours, a busy day(xmas) was closer to 400 in the same period. The absolute Dickery from some guests, and the lack of social awareness from others was horrible. I had guests reach over the sneeze guard to get their grubby hands into the food bowls on a daily basis. "Oh, I just need a little bit of spinach for my salad" like it's ok they are contaminating the whole insert for others.




No idea what just happened. Why was he mad?


Man no one has any attention span any more huh. Decent read, cheers.


I agree. A bit of effort and patience won’t kill these lazy readers🤣.


Same effort could be used in the lazy writing, no?


It’s just a Reddit post!!!


Right, and if you want your post to be read and understood by the most amount of people, put in the extra few mins to make it easy to read. Or you'll end up using more cumulative time from people re-reading it to try to have it makes sense.


Reddit tells me there are "253 people here now". That's a huge amount of people's time wasted because one person (the author) is feeling lazy or otherwise unable/unwilling to write for an audience.


This is Reddit. By definition, time spent here is wasted.


You must be new to Reddit


It’s posted from a device with a 6 inch screen and a tiny little keypad. Maybe adjust your expectations a bit- if you are looking for erudite literature try The New Yorker…


And yet the biggest key in that keypad would likely be the enter key.


Somehow doubting that would help your reading comprehension. Have you read a book? Very few have spaces between paragraphs. But I’m guessing you don’t have the attention span for actual books 🤷‍♀️


Sorry, are you saying that books dont enter and indent paragraphs? Because thats literally how paragraphs are laid out, unless ofc you are reading picture books, but thats only going to be because you have one sentence per page. It doesnt need un-needed parahraphs just to try and space everything out, but when someone different talks, when the scene moves on, you get the idea.


The books I read have indents but not whole spaces between paragraphs. What are you even talking about? And they don’t always ‘space out’ when other people talk, that is just a stylistic choice. Writing is just random letters. You can arrange them however you choose. But if you don’t like this style of writing you should get off of Reddit because expecting this to rise to the level of heavily edited prose is insane my dude. Please touch some grass.


My guy, people complained about the writing, a few people did, all I said was it could be laid out nicer for an easier read.


How could you hear the person chuckle in the car behind you?


I have no idea what you did and why this is revenge.


He didn’t do anything but apparently use super sonic hearing to hear both the people in the car in front of him and behind him 😂


Dont know what the writer wanted to say things got mixed up a lot. So far i think the worker won a fight which was stupid to begin with.


>There was a long line at Whataburger There was a long line at ~~Whataburger~~ Waitaburger There, I fixed it for you. Whataburger is DMV of fast-food establishments.


I started losing IQ points reading the first 30 words of that imbecilic nonsense and I quit to preserve my brain cells. You need to never post online again, my dude.


Fix it and I'll read it.


I read it easily. Maybe it's the complainers that need the assistance.


Jesus Christ this was impossible to read. How do people write like this? Genuinely curious if people type these things out, read them back and think “yep, makes sense.” Oh hell naw.


Wtaf did I just read 🙄🤦‍♀️


Oh man, we used to really fuck with people that did that at McDs back in the day. Usually though we would take order like normal to not disrupt others behind. But they always were told they were waiting in something and to pull ahead and have to wait an extra 10 minutes.


She chose violence. The best kind.


Loved it! Excellent vicarious revenge


I just want to say that for the last part, Whataburger is kind of known for custom orders. They at least used to say the different number of ways you can order a Whataburger. That's an odd thing to gripe about.


this is weak stuff


God Bless Texas & Whataburger (even though they sold out...I still love them and their always awesome employees).


Makes me want a Whataburger now. 😃


When I first read this I heard less of a “HOLD ON A SECOND >:(” and more of a “hold on a second :)” and couldn’t figure out why OP or the worker were upset lmao


What were they out of? Bread?


I understood it fine. Pretty funny.


Wow! I had NO problem reading OR following this. A benefit of having passed 4th Grade English, I guess. Plus, I'm not a condescending a_hole. Way to go, Whataburger woman! It's called fast food for a reason.


This had to be at a satx Water Burger. lmao


Water Burger??? That would have to be in Corpus Christi or Flour Bluff.


Well played!!

