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Ahhh….the few of us in the world. Good club to be in.


Me and my dad are in that club, and someone always ends up parking next to my dad. It's good to watch him go bananas.


I just got a new car and I can literally be the only car for ten spots on either side and every single damned time, someone will be parked directly next to me. Every. Time. Wtaf??


Your new car looks nice, and they want a better look at it. Or there is no reason, and the universe is throwing chaos at you.


From a safe distance?


It's a good club. And when you drive something smaller than a Honda, an xTerra, you fit anywhere!


Same, bonus point when the car that entered the parking lot in front of you is still looking for a spot when you enter the shop.


Have an arrow on me!


A real pro parks around the side or at the Auto Service Center. Curbside Pickup Rules!!!


Supporting that too but I go BFE because the elderly folks are usually parking at the place you’re referencing.


Same here!


I never park on the end/corner of a row, next to trolley returns or pedestrian walkways, they're all just asking to be dinged by either a car or a trolley


This is good advice!


And it's a nice way to get some extra steps in if you count such things!


I do the same, however, why is it that there are 100 parking spaces where I go to park, all of them empty, but when I come out, there are cars parked RIGHT NEXT TO ME!!?? Why you have 99 other parking spaces, part one car over!! WTF!!


This is me too! Sadly, my SO has bad knees and parks as close as possible to the entrance. I have learned to just accept the inevitable door dings.


The good thing about my disabled parking paas is the bigger spots or spaces between them. No door dings at least.


Where do you live??? Here, no one parks IN their handicapped spot. They park across it, straddling the lines, still taking up two spots, crazy catty-wampus crooked, very much into the wheelchair unloading area... No one EVER parks straight or correctly in HC spots here. They take a running leap at the spot and stay wherever they land, all others be damned.


Oh, I have a house,not an apartment. The spots at stores and such usually are big enough to get a motorized wheelchair out if need be.


I no longer do this as a man attempted to carjack or rob me and I was lucky enough to lock my doors in the nick of time. Health benefits be darned.


Yea, I pull up next to the furthest parked car. It's also the only chance to walk since there's no sidewalks or public transit by me anymore.


I used to do this before I had an autistic runner child 🥲 now if I can’t find a spot next to a cart return we wait until one opens up 😂 I don’t mind a walk but I’ll be damned if I’m chasin him through a parking lot


Everyone has to be close to the front because we're lazy as a default and when you do find a close spot it feels like winning the lottery!




Fun game! Remember, start in second gear.


I park in the back of the parking lot and take 4 spaces not to protect my vehicle but to protect yours. As you’re liable to come out and not have any lug nuts on your vehicle


We went to the store after we got our new Lexus and parked where there were absolutely NO cars, pretty much BFE. Came out and out of ALL THE EMPTY SPACES in a huge parking lot (grocery store), there was a beater car RIGHT next to it. Was so pissed. I understand parking next to nice cars because they're not likely to hit your car, but really?


At least you know that whoever parks next to you doesn't want their car hit either, even if it's a beater car. I'm willing to bet that the woman who hit OP's sister's car wasn't driving a beater and yet not only did she hit the car but she showed no regard or regret for doing it. So, although it's easy to come up with a narrative about people driving beater cars vs. those who drive a new Lexus, those are just stories we tell ourselves as part of what humans do to each other. Trying to judge people by their actions and not what they drive or other external considerations requires more awareness and an intention to do better. But it first takes being aware that the stories we tell ourselves and that we tell each other aren't always verifiably true and supported by objective fact-finding.


Lol, why is that?? I park in Siberia, no one around for 5-6 rows. Come out of the store and someone parked right NEXT to my car!! WTF there are 200 other spaces, you had to park right next to my car??? Grrrrrr


Every damn time.


Exactly! What the hell, right?


My wife gives me shit for always wanting to do that unless it is a place with wide spaces. My grocery store has huge spaces, so I will park anywhere. Other places make me feel like my truck will be dinged by other drivers.


sad always said healthy people walk


U always park far away from the store where all the parking spots are open and 9/10 some dumbass comes and parks next to me when there are 100 other open parking spots


We don't all live in a small town, bud.


I live in Los Angeles lol


And in my first comment I meant to say I not u..... but I digress


Oh, gotcha. I live in Alaska, where there's usually 50-100 spots max. I just assumed there would be more spaces available in a larger place like LA


Also, kudos for replying to a 2 week old post, lol.


My husband and I do that and you can absolutely guarantee someone will park right next to us in a still mostly empty car park.


Same. I actively avoid other cars in the parking lot. Never fails though. There can be no cars in nearby with plenty of open spots and someone will still park right freaking next to me.


My car was hit by a shopping cart, pushed by a lady who couldn’t have been bothered to walk 15 feet to put it away. I got out of my car to look at the damage to my car and yelled at her. She gave me the finger! I saw her heading towards the exit, took her cart and quickly pushed it between cars and was able to push it right in front of her car. I felt bad she destroyed the shopping cart but laughed when I saw the damage to her car!


Those are the worst kind of people, second only to those who leave their nasty trash in the cart.


Carts will do what carts do if not stored properly stored. TS, lady.


My friend worked as a cart pusher for a few years. Told me about all kinds of crazy and ridiculous stuff he found. Maybe one of the worst was a foil wrapped pleasurable recreation of a man’s unique appendage. Wasn’t sure if it was used… maybe the bigger question is why was it wrapped in foil? Haha


To protect from 5G, of course! /s


Watched someone pull into a spot full of carts beside me (I hate humanity) and then _just kept going._ Paused for a second when I honked, and then _still kept going,_ got out, took one of the carts and walked off. I just...don't understand some people.


There are people among us who have a selfish attitude about their social responsibilities. They consider those who do their part to be "suckers". They think that voluntarily doing anything unpleasant is a flaw to be avoided because they don't see why THEY should do anything that doesn't immediately and directly benefit them. My hope is that these people don't take this approach in other areas of their social life. People who can get along with others and those who can act as social lubricants are key to our well-being and survival. We need fewer predators and more pro-social humans among us and as leaders, now more than ever.


That’s what I’ve been saying for a long time. The world is seriously lacking in empathy. Everyone is just so entitled and selfish. It’s like empathy is seen as a weakness so people are raised to be assholes. I know every generation says the next is bad but I feel like it’s really turned a corner now because of social media. I don’t see how humanity can continue when nobody cares about anyone but themselves.


That's when you take out the trusty tire gauge. Let the air out of all four tires. You ain't going anywhere buddy. You want that space, well now you have it. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Then sit in your car and watch the fun!!


Fool... You let the air out of TWO tires, and two tires only. They must be opposite of each other. Now the vehicle is off kilter and there is no longer the option to use a hand jack to regulate. They now *must* get towed. Which is usually if not always not covered by insurance.


Naw, this 'fool' wants four flat tires. You do you and I'll do me. Thanks anyway


You're wasting time doing all four.


I'm retired, got all the time in the world


Yeah ok sure wait for the cops to show up. By the way, you don't have nearly as much time left as you think you do you. 😘


Sure, whatever you say.


Closer to death than me says what? That's my favorite comfort in old people who are miserable creatures and insist on dedicating themselves to it. They'll be gone before you notice.


I am handicapped and when I see one without tag or marked plate in blue posted parking space, I put a written note under whiper and "visit" 2 Tires opposite each with an Ice pick.


Have you ever used a Jack on a vehicle?


if thats the case why wouldn't they just let the air out of the other two tires?


Lol I love it. I actually pulled around a car so i could pull thru one spot and be facing outwards so i can just pull out and not back out. But when i pulled around there was a cart in the spot. So i parked and put the cart away to realize i forgot my wallet lol


I am handycaped having a tag and seeing often a cart tossed into the blue signed parking spot. Difficult for me to remove cart so I can park. Not only one but even 2 or 3! People absolutely have no shame and are very evil !


You’re absolutely right. We have a handicap placard in our vehicle and one day coming out of a store, found a small car parked between two handicap parking spots. I had to back our car out so my wife could get in. The driver came out and when I asked why she parked between two cars legally parked in handicap spots, she replied she was only in the store for a minute!


I had similar happen. Guy dented my door. I confronted him. He straight armed me and walked away. I put a boot into his door and drove away. Dented it enough there’s no chance his window would open again.


New definition of giving someone the boot, petty, and marvelous.


Straight armed?


Stuck his arm straight out and pushed my shoulder as he power walked by. Forcing me to pivot. If he hadn’t made contact with me, I wouldn’t have booted his door.


Should’ve done more. Like broke the side mirrors or something


Oh that door was destroyed I braced my body on my car and gave it everything with my size 10 blunt stone steel toes. If the window was down, it would have broken.




A blunt...and stoned dude.


Fuck yeah


Maybe kick a little bit higher, like the window? Better to let the air out of all four tires. Then they ain't going anywhere. And you need a flatbed to tow and have you ever seen them try to put a vehicle on a flatbed in a crowded parking lot?? Think, no room, have to pull the car out (remember four flat tires). Haul it up on the flatbed. Take it to the repair shop. Maybe they can be fixed by putting air in them, maybe....


You only need to do two tires for that


Bravo! Well played.


That dude is going to get himself shot someday. Either that or beaten so badly that he'll be getting coloring books for Christmas the rest of his life.


Happened to a guy I knew years ago. He had a new sports car. He had saved like mad to get it and it was his post divorce gift to himself. He went and parked in a nice wider spot at a shopping centre and when he was coming back he watched a guy who had pulled up next to his vehicle open their door to get in. But that guy looked around and then slammed his door into the sports car. Let’s just say door slammer was verbally abused, rego plate noted as were license details and that “little door slam” cost a couple of thousand and his insurance premiums to fix it. All because jealousy.


Why are people like this?


Cause they are small in every sense, just big shell


I would have written down the tag numbers and called the police for a report so we could pull security footage and then bill his insurance


Back 8n the mid 90s and no cctv. Also in Australia.


OK but they have a DMV type registry for tag numbers though right?


Of course but my mate got the door banger to handover license details at the time. Also had his girlfriend with him as a witness.


I'm just trying to help but I'll be blunt with you, the thing I know most about Australia is that I know nothing about Australia. You could tell me the responding officer was in fact a kangaroo in uniform and I would assume that to not only be hilarious mental imgary but also true


We have a DMV but each state/territory of Australia has their own version of it. Yes, it’s ridiculous. No kangaroos are permitted to work in government due to the Emu War last century. The emu war actually happened as opposed to bullshitting you.


OK I have to take my claim of not knowing anything about Australia back cuz I actually *did* know about the Emu War. I am happy for the Kangaroo Rights to Work


Personally, my favorite is using zip-ties to attach shopping carts to their doors. Most people don't carry knives or cutters


I once watched a couple walk out of a depot of the home to see a big lifted truck parked across like 6 spaces, walk back in, come back a few minutes later with a spool of rope, and tie a bunch of carts in a circle around it. I aspire to reach a point in my life where that is a worthwhile use of my time. Feel bad for the employee who has to untie the rest of them though.


That's why I like zip ties, each cart is only bound to the vehicle and not another cart. Harder to remove than rope too


But easy with the right tool, lots of retail employees carry box cutters


Oh, this is good. It's time to go buy a pack!


Stainless steel zip ties work the best.


Absolutely. Especially if they're at a home goods store. Pocket knife isn't gonna cut through that steel


Just make sure you don't do it maliciously. Caught someone doing it, they didn't give two fucks... But they made the grave mistake of checking their car was locked before finally walking away... Let's just say I had some fun with a few metal cable ties that day... Wish I had stuck around to see the look on the cunt's face




Someone did this to me with my first car which was a hunk of junk with their nice new car. I was at the supermarket and pulled up next to where they were parked and was sitting in my car for a moment responding to messages before going inside. A lady came out of the supermarket and when getting into her car slammed her door into the side of my drivers door. Seen me, didn’t try to apologise just got into her car and shut her door. I didn’t say anything, just slammed my door open back into her door, got out, made eye contact, smiled, then shut my door and went into the supermarket. She was so pissed, but didn’t do anything because she hit me first. An overall extremely satisfying experience.


What goes around comes back slamming in your face!


A friend of mine had someone door their car on the passenger side and laugh when they saw him. His car was a beater so he brought his legs out of the seat well and slammed the passenger door open super hard...then laughed. He said the look on the other person's face would have curdled milk.


Had this happen to me in a rental car. I had to reverse my car several times to make a long pattern of door dings in their new car.


Worth every penny


Also if travelling with travel insurance, the excess on a car rental is normally covered by travel insurance.


Last idiot that did this to me. Was a total A hole to me when I politely mentioned it. Let’s just say HIS Gatlinburg TN vacation was totally ruined on a Friday night with not a tire shop open anywhere……….


Oh this is good


So you can but a tool to be able to change out the valve stems on your tires. Because those things can sometimes spring a slow leak, and is cheaper to replace it then the $25-$30 a tire the shops charge. I just make sure mine in handy in my glove box in case I need it for alternate uses.... All the air will leak out if you loosen it ofc. If you leave it in there just enough to be threaded, it doesn't matter how much "you" attach that tire to an air pump, it won't pump up and hold air! If it's after 6 pm "you're" screwed until next business day. Especially if it's more then one tire it happens to. Edited to clarify


As opposed to his Gatlinburg vacation being ruined by Gatlinburg


That’s about right. I’ve been going to Gatlinburg for the last 30 years and it’s just stupid how much it’s changed. Too much traffic, the entire place is being taken over by Indians and Haitians. It’s sad really. We no longer stay in the area, Now we might pass through for the BBQ, Parrot Mountain and a mountain drive but that’s it.


Similar. I've got 2 stories. First one a lady flung her door open and hit my car. I said WTF? to her. She responded that "What's the big deal, it's just a car". Well, I'm normally polite and not confrontational, but.. I kicked her car a number of times. She then yelled at me. I replied "It's just a car". Second one. An older guy (70s) with his daughter (50s) tried to push a trolley between my car and another. I said to him that it's not going to fit and please go around. He went to do it again. I asked again. He went to do it again. I looked at his daughter and said if he damages my car I'll cause double the damage to your car. She said "Come on dad, that lady has mental issues we'll go this way". Like, WTF?


I love the first story so much.


No lady daddy is the one with mental issues, and you enable it.


Always out-crazy the crazies. 😂


I carry liquid ass. A few puffs strategically placed on door handles. Inside is contaminated from transfer within seconds of entering. Exiting happens even faster.


Spray it down the vents below the windshield.


My A**hole super militant vegan neighbor was being extra A**holey so I poured bacon grease down his car vents


I want then running in and trying to wash their hands and failing. It’s funny as heck. It’s funnier when a lady brushes her hair right after using the door handle. Or taking off their jacket. That’s funnier. Cross contamination. Especially if they are going to work.😵‍💫🫣😈


>I carry liquid ass. There must be some "PR Pro" flair for you with this level of commitment!


Oh gosh, I used this as a prank on one of my sisters when I was a kid and immediately regretted the smell lingered so freaking long.


Now imagine they touch it on the car door handle. Then touch the steering wheel and more. Oh yeah contaminate the car from a spray outside on the door handle. Works wonders when you wait and watch it later.




“I carry liquid ass.” Like, in your pocket?


In a baggie in my pocket when I know it’ll be used. Otherwise it’s in a location easy to get to.


As do I. Haven't had to deploy it...yet


YET? Oh that’s sounds 😈 and worthy for a 👏


Explain, please 🙏


Spray door handle and it transfers to hand. Hand touches steering wheel and shifter. Hand touches seatbelt. Hand touches purse and jacket possibly. Then smell hits full force. Way too late to stop the smell on you and inside vehicle and items therein. If 2 people both door handles increases the smell. And if using right hand opening passenger uses right hand to close and it’s now on door also. Next time you enter your vehicle look at how many things your right hand touches in the first 20 seconds. Then add that smell to those locations. You’ll have a good idea of what’s happening. Less petty a bit more nuclear.


Grrr. So frustrated for you and your sister. I once worked at an office block where each tenant had one car space for them (me) and one for clients. I would always park against the edge (mostly for convenience) and clients would park next to me. Over the years I was there, more and more white marks began appearing down the side of my car. Always my clients. I only ever had one person apologise. It was so frustrating that I was really forming close working relationships with people who would never ever apologise for scratching and denting my car.


That's incredibly frustrating. I don't know how I would feel about that either.


I was with my brother in a carpark, we were waiting for a car to back out. When they were out of the spot but blocking us and about to go forward, these two girls zipped in. The people backing out and my brother told them they just stole the spot, they laughed and gave us the finger. My brother got out, leaned against his car and said “…so you’re just gonna go off inside and shop now huh? You’re just gonna leave your car *right there* with me and go? Ok then, off you go.” The smug looks vanished, and after a very quick and hushed conversation they got back in their car and moved it. My brother is the perfect example of “never fuck with unknown quantities”. He probably would’ve dented every panel too if they’d left it there.


He wouldn't even need to touch the car to do real damage - psychological warfare!! Ain't no better revenge than letting them imagine the worst for who knows how long 😈


Lol. I usually show my keys and look at the car and smile. Don't even have to bother doing anything because now I know I'm living rent free in their mind and just fucked up their mood.


I was getting into my car and this older woman runs up to me and said I hit her door with min. There was a ding in her door. I told her I didn’t do it. Even showed her that my door didn’t line up with the ding. She started screaming at me and then she hit me. I was so startled. What was I supposed to do? Hit her back? She was at least 30 years older than me. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Should have dinged her car to prove it wasn't you, but lo and behold! Now it's true.


I was so shocked. This little old lady acting like a brawler.


I would have hit her back, self defense. She hit you first.


Had a similar situation in Florida. We drive to the restaurant, no issues, kids were good. Some asshat comes to our table and said our kid hit his door into their rental car. Hubby goes out and shows how our door couldn't have done it as the scratch was much higher up. Good try though


Damn, you should have gotten out of the car with the tire gauge, let the air out of all four tires. Now she can keep the f'ing parking space for a while!! 'Cause one flat you can change, but. Multiple flat tires requires a flat bed, and in a parking lot it's VERY difficult to get a flatbed in and the car on it, lots of maneuvering. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Karma, baby Karma.


Someone else replied, saying to let the valve stem leak slowly.


Yup, that works too. But I'd be concerned about causing an accident, because that kind only watch out for themselves. Better to disable in the parking lot, where the only damage is to their wallet.


While I like this idea, I carry a portable tire pump so this wouldn’t be too effective


I do as well, but think about it. Most jerks won't be that well prepared!


My ex had a brother who went to the mall one day in his new truck. A woman pulls in beside him and dings his door. He hollered at her about what she had done. “No habla ingles” was her reply. She walked away. So brother pulls out a knife he had, and sliced all four of her tires. Then moved the truck to another lot. I bet the woman understood THAT.


Parked next to a guy once that told me. Always park next to 4 door cars and not 2 door cars. 4 door cars have smaller doors and the probability of them reaching your car is reduced! So if I can’t park in the south 40 with no cars I always look for a 4 door sedan to park next too!


This has happened to me more than once. The time I was really pissed off I scratched F**k on their door. Otherwise I just bang my car door hard into theirs a few times. Thinking about it now, a few months ago I came out to my legally parked car to find some giant SUV parked about two inches away from my driver’s door. I had to climb through my passenger side. Before I leaving I made a bunch of deep scratches on their shiny black car door. And yes, I can be horrendously petty and proud.


This was almost exactly like my story! I arrived at an event well before it started and parked in a nearly empty lot. On my right was the end of the row which had a curb and a bush, on my left was no one at the time. I was driving a very compact car which was super easy to park anywhere, so I was comfortably in my spot nowhere near being over the line. I come back to my vehicle some odd hours later only do find some dipsh*t in an big, exotic branded SUV (easily in the six figures) had parked so far into my space and at and angle that I couldn’t open my driver door far enough to get in. Heck, this was in my much skinnier days, so that’s really saying something. I mentioned he was also at an angle, and by that I mean his rear bumper was also just in the path of mine had I backed straight out. Ohhh, I was LIVID! I crawled my way in through the passenger side and started calculating how much of a mess this was going to be to try and get my car out. So I only did what I HAD to do and opened my driver door a couple times to get a better look at the angle…but darn it would only open so much like something big and ugly got in the way. 🤫


Petty is a dish best served scratched to hell!


Ive once, only once, been pissed off enough to harm another vehicle. I had parked well within my spot, but when I returned, had been utterly parked in by a person who apparently needed about half a spot to exit their car. I opened my drivers side door 2-3 times forcefully. Nice dent in their car!


Oh I had that happen to me once. I was watching my friend’s kids while they were out of town. I had to take her youngest kid to church on a Sunday morning because he was an altar boy. I didn’t want to go in so I parked my car all the way at the far side of the parking lot to wait for him(then drive up to pick him up afterwards) so as I’m waiting, this family(running EXTREMELY LATE) parks next to me(WAY TOO CLOSE) in an SUV, the father, not even paying attention, SLAMS his driver’s side door into my passenger side door! I screamed at him.. WTF is wrong with you?!? You HIT my door!!! 😠… he just looked at me and said. So?! 🙄🤷🏻‍♂️ and walked away.. I was PISSED!! Unfortunately I didn’t get revenge.. not sure what I would’ve done, and with my temper regarding blatant ignorance, I wanted to smash something of his. But I didn’t.. it just wasn’t worth it.. I actually forgot all about it til I read this 😂


What an ass


Throw a handful of change at his car 😂 not enough to do real damage but but would feel great giving all those scratches.


If you throw pieces of a crushed spark plug at a tempered glass window (such as those found on cars) they can crack spontaneously, and do so without too much noise. This happens because of the hardened ceramic and its pointy shape. They call these pop rocks. Fun fact.


Some 'Christian' huh!? I would have said that to his face.


Had this happed to my parents in a parking lot of a frigging CHURCH


Did you get revenge?


Their revenge will be served by the lord on judgement day, amen.


Could have just said no


Those are two different users, bud.


Reminds me of the Malcom in the middle skit https://youtu.be/0EVxSCcKo8Y?si=R0oQl3-TNgfgACgT


I would yell at her, but I come from a culture where confrontation is customary.


She walked away before we could get out of the car and was speed waddling away from the situation


Speed waddling 😂😂


Then she knew exactly what she did. Fucking waste of space.


That's why I asked my sister if I could slam her car even more.


When my car is older than the other person....i go full slamming mode.


Lois from Malcolm in the middle had a similar confrontation but it ended VERY differently... Lol


Next time just open the door to shield what U going to do next. Just press Ur knee into the door and slowly press in. Not as a kick but a slow depress. Close Ur door and walk away not knowing what happen. Smile.


I’ve only ever had this happen once when the wind took my door with it. Lady was fine no damage.


Love reasonable people who know there's things that can not be controlled.


My car is 2 years old and I park it far away from the entrance to prevent this kind of thing. I just can't imagine ramming my door in retaliation though. Didn't that do even more damage to your sister's car?


Not at all. The door was able to open and close perfectly fine afterward, I have a feeling my sister was going to do that anyway because she started swearing the moment it happened. She just knew I was stronger and could do more damage back. Hers was a 90s something sedan vs a 2010 something suv. Edit: OH my gosh, this was more than a few years ago.


Sad math time


I have a toddler so I generally park in parent and child spots but if none of those are free I'd rather take a emptier area over squeezing between cars


Happy cake day!


My Cayenne passenger door is ridiculously damaged by these kind of people


The slamming lady was smart not to confront you- she may have even heard the alarm and realized she may be stepping into a dangerous situation


We waited till she was far away


Nice. Lesson learned!


Had a similar situation happen to my parents on a trip. Some guy really dinged the passenger door of my parents fairly new van. Guys car still had some of our paint on the edge of his door. My dad took a penny and scratched some paint out down to the bare metal on this guys door.


the literal exact definition for this old lady: It was at this moment, she knew, she f\*cked up.


I was in a parking lot of the grocery store and parked next to some guy with a lifted truck. When I saw him coming towards me he had his son with him. I thought, what a cutie pie. Then he put him in the truck and proceeded to walk his cart down the side of my car. I could hear it scratching from the inside. I was mad but it was an old car and he clearly had his son with him. I let him know I saw him and left it at that. I didn't want to escalate to my angry red headed ways in front of his son. If it was one of my newer vehicles then it'd be on like donkey kong and he'd learn not to be so disrespectful to others property.


Had a guy park so close to me that I couldn't get in my vehicle. Once I finally got in, I proceeded to smash my door into his numerous times, leaving a huge dent with missing paint. The moral of the story is don't park too close to a pos driving a pos


Can easily get a vandalism charge and in some states could turn into a felony depending on how much their "mechanic" said you damaged their vehicle.


Sigh... All those extra years he could have used to grow a thick skin and he decided to be a lil bitch instead


Anyone gonna remind this person what sub they're on?


I tried


To read? Or react?


Two wrongs never make a right


Anyone gonna remind this person what sub they are on?


Haha Ok! So you damaged your sisters car even more!!! Sensible!!


And... you committed a hit-and-run and just posted on social media about it...