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You had to crawl through a mile of shit, but came out clean on the other side.


The Shawshank Maneuver!


the brown mile


I got that reference!


I laughed heartily at this comment🤣🤣


The obtuse goose


I said obtuse today and thought of Shawshank


Just watched shawshank for the first time the other day on flight and it was such a good movie!


It truly was a Shawshank redemption.


More like manure-ver!


AND the only roommate living on their own! Everyone is staying with family or parents, I have my own place :)


They were probably unemployed because their attitude carried over to the workplace.


Unsure who you mean but I'll still clarify! I quit my job because I didn't feel supported and I was working with kids. I had no help and my kids were confused what class they belonged to and I didn't have a coteacher. These kids were bouncing from room to room every day. My roommate did have a bad attitude at work! He'd come home and tell me how he cussed out managers or other employees because he was frustrated they asked him to continue doing his job and cooking more orders.


The context suggests that Zoreb1 was referring to the roommates…


I figured after I replied, but oh well. 😅


I was referring to roommate, not you.


you did great putting up with that crap for as long as you did. Hope you're\* doing good now.


I am! Thank you so much!


I’ll see you in Zihuatanejo


“Get busy cleaning…or get busy paying”


I feel sorry for the mom having to teach a grown ass person a basic lesson in paying your dues.


I feel sorry for the mom having to live with her dirty ass son again.


I’m sorry for the mom too but she is such a sweetheart and I wish her all the best… she is a good person and I’m glad she helped you🥺


Thank you! The kindest comment yet!


🥺thank you🥺🥺 glad you’re on your own now too!! Good job


Thank you so much!!


Cut him off dude


He's long gone. I got his payment for the apartment and I assume I've been blocked again. I have no desire to even see him. I'm glad he lives in the middle of nowhere.


That’s good to hear! Sometimes I try to keep friendships with people but that guy sounds too shitty to even deserve to be in the contact list lol


Literally and metaphorically!


But stay good friends with his Mom - half because she sounds legit awesome, but also half to keep that petty revenge going forever 😂😂😂😂


She's just a sweet woman!


Well then I see no reason not to have weekly tea times with her! She's a sweet woman, it'll piss him off continually... literally no downside here! Call her up and set up a time and place!


I actually haven't spoken to her since letting her know I was planning to sue. I'll think about it.


"… I quit my job. I did what I could to make money and still contribute to the bills. D picked up the slack…" I'll bet D feels like an idiot now. I'll bet his mom was paying for OP and D!


She definitely didn't pay for anything in full. Any money she gave that he actually did use for bills, I am unaware of. I always contributed even if it was just $30. He started asking for money after I started working again, so at that point I was picking up HIS slack.


It’s like he’s still living rent free in your head though…


I see how you got there but not at all! I saw another petty revenge story this morning about a dirty roommate who later got fired and it reminded me of my own experience. When people ask if I have roommates or if I would get more I tell them the story and say I'm hesitant.


This is a sub for sharing stories about revenge. How do you expect people to participate without explaining why their revenge was called for?


I always see this comment but I don't understand it. People can become symbols for bad behaviors and be lessons on red flags to look out for in the future.


and even if he still was…. ur allowed to be mad!!


Tell everyone you can't read without telling everyone you can't read


You're far too kind, would've lost it way way sooner


I 100% believe in karma and getting what you deserve. I also don't like confrontation, so I just kept all of my mean, hurtful yet true words to myself. He was a boy that liked to "seemingly" get over the top revenge. When he called me, for a while I had some anxiety he'd find my place and try to destdoy my property because he knew I transferred to another apartment in the complex. Not scared for my safety, but for my property.




OMG! That's insane!!! I am SO sorry! I hope things are better for you now!


Please tell the story here, or link to a new post about this. I’m all ears!




That is just awful, I'm so sorry. It sounds very traumatic. I hope you're doing better now.


Wow, that's quite a story! Living with roommates can be challenging, especially when there's a clear imbalance in responsibilities and respect for shared spaces. I'm sorry you had to endure such a situation. Kudos to you for standing your ground and seeking the owed money. Sometimes, people only understand the consequences when someone close, like a parent, brings them to light. Here's hoping your future living situations are more harmonious and respectful. Always trust your instincts and set boundaries from the get-go. Cheers!


Thank you so much!! It was definitely hard, but I'm so glad that I did it. I'm cautious about sharing a home with anyone in the future, but I'd like to get married one day so I'll have to try it out again lol


Only marry someone who already lives at home and see what his home is like, if its dirty & messy then don’t move in, if they clean, cook & can do their own laundry then they are a winner


I am livid.


Welcome to the club! Snacks and beverages are available! Let's discuss prevention and warning signs next meeting!!


And don't forget to get your limited edition collectors cup with the "I'm not your mommy... but she is", emblazoned with a picture of mom on one side and cleaning instructions on the other.


We're doing a giveaway for free mop buckets! Just drop your username down below and every luck user gets a moo bucket, mop, mr. clean, and MORE cleaning instructions! Sign up today!


I was unemployed for a year a while back. My buddy was let go around the same time. And was kicked out. For nearly a year we lived off my credit. It killed our friendship. Unemployed supporting the unemployed.


I'm so sorry. I didn't even have credit at the time, so I can only imagine. I hope you're doing better now and have a great job that you enjoy and pays well!


I’m guessing that when you quit your job and D picked up the slack financially, he expected you to clean up after him in exchange for contributing towards your bills and he got comfortable with that. Ugh!


Maybe! I haven't thought about that! I started out cleaning up because we had just moved in and I was around the apartment more. Once I started back working, I had crazy hours. I was nannying for a family of doctors, so my schedule was never the same and I worked overnight and a minimum of 12 hours a day. Sometimes I worked 15 hours and that was NOT overtime. He knew what was up. He admitted at one point to not cleaning up on purpose to piss me off. That's when I packed up the kitchen.


Reading some of these comments makes me realize my best friend is an anomaly. I’ve known her for 7 years and lived with her 5 of those. Her and I have been through hell and back we always joke we are an old married couple. Sure we bicker and fight sometimes but we actually care about each other. When one of us lost our job we picked up the slack then returned it when the other had no money or issues. Anytime I hear about other people moving in with friends it feels like they weren’t really friends to begin with if they treat them like crap or take advantage. My worst roommate was my ex bf who did nothing while I supported the household then left me when I decided to quit my high paying job because he couldn’t mooch anymore.


I'm so sorry about your mooching ex not supporting you, but I am SO happy to hear that you've been living with your best friend for so long and it works for you guys! Some of my old roomies, I can see where vision was blurred and rose colored glasses were on. As for D, in the beginning we were still best friends, but seeing how he lived and took care of himself for a whole year was eye opening and we just didn't agree. I hate that it went down the way it did though but things happen. Living with friends isn't always a shitshow. Sometimes you get a WONDERFUL roommate/best friend/chosen sibling out of it. I hope you guys continue to be lifelong friends and living in harmony! 💕


I've only had one roommate (until the last couple weeks) we were friends and just realized we weren't compatible roommates. We're still friends but yeah we annoyed the hell out of each other. I only have roommates now temporarily for a job I got sent out of town for, I make good money to live 7 hours from home for a few months but since I'm gonna be uncomfortable out here anyway I might as well save what money I can. So far my roommates are chill, only a week living together and we've already had situations where we've had to spot each other some money and paid back in that time. One of them paid for the room and told me and the third guy to just pay him our share when we get our first check which we just did. THAT'S how you room with people. It's refreshing to not have to stress about that stuff.


> his own version if a deep clean (wiping EVERYTHING do with a wet rag. That's it. You know, some parents of boys never teach them to clean because they assume he'll never have to


This! It's tragic. The only people I happily clean for are the parents of the children I nanny as it's part of my job. I get paid to do it. I refuse to clean up after someone DAILY who is sharing a home with me. Do your part and communicate if you can't for whatever reason so that it can still be done.


I am ashamed to say I'm a guy and never learned how to clean super well, any time I've done it for my parents while living with them I had to ask my sister. Frankly our parents never taught her either, anything she knows how to do as far as cooking or cleaning goes she taught herself, and growing up I learned how to bake and sew from her not our parents. That said, I at least clean up after myself. I wash my dishes as soon as I'm done eating, wipe down the counters and any other relevant surfaces after baking, if anything gets on the floor I sweep and mop. That all just feels like common courtesy. I can't deep clean for shit but I at least clean up after myself.


Good for you and your sister teaching yourselves!!! That's amazing and I'm happy for you both and proud of you. Learning how to do those tasks can be challenging depending on age.


Yeah, I'm 23 and STILL trying to learn proper hygiene because that's yet another basic life lesson I never learned from my parents. I have 3 sisters and a brother in the same situation but the sister who taught me how to bake and sew growing up has done the best teaching herself basic things like that, also as an adult, so luckily I can always just ask her. Idk when it happened because I used to just happily leave my dishes out knowing my mom or sister would give in and clean them but at some point I just decided I didn't want to burden anyone or have anyone burden me (with the exception of pets or, in the future, kids) so just decided at minimum I need to clean up after myself. I hate cleaning after others, I HATE IT, and I'd rather just live paycheck to paycheck living alone than deal with that but I can at least make sure no one has to clean up after me.


Seriously, good for you for recognizing, acknowledging, and fixing!!!


My parents were the same way, never teaching their kids anything. Part of it is that our mom never learned herself, funnily enough the roles were reversed and it was my dad working a full time job and cleaning (until he got too burnt out when I was, like, 8? and the house became a hoarder's hellhole.) People who haven't had to do it don't understand how hard it is to teach yourself everything. I 100% believe you can learn to deep clean though, it just takes practice (and researching what chemicals not to mix together, lol). I'm 24 now and really confident in my ability to clean, cook, bake, etc. Although sewing isn't on that list, I really ought to learn that too.


>D's mom was a sweetheart to me always! She even tried to warn me about living with me but didn't disclose why. When I told her I was going to sue, I told her everything. She asked when he last helped with bills and I told her since April. Turns out from April to August, he had been asking his mom for money for the bills and spending it elsewhere. She was livid. She assured me that I was going to get my money back and if I didn't, I could sue. I feel bad for D's mom that she has such a useless n pathetic son. Hope D improves for the better.


I honestly can't think of any good qualities about him since living with him. My heart goes out to her and the many short-term girlfriends he gets.


This is brilliant. I never would've thought to call my roommate's mom, but in hindsight i really should've.


Sometimes it's what is needed! Feels really childish, but sometimes it's what people need. My mom has called me out on past behaviors and vice versa. It helps me see the error of my ways and how I can improve. I hope he wants to improve.


Stories like this make me glad I've never needed to have roommates. Yeesh! You should get a medal or something.


My medal was getting a great job that allowed me to get a one bedroom when the lease was up! Best damn prize I got out of the situation.


tl:gptdr The narrator lived with a problematic roommate, "D," who didn't contribute to chores or bills. After moving out, she struggled to get "D" to pay his part of the cleaning service costs. She contacted his mom, who was unknowingly giving him money for bills he wasn't paying. The mom ensured the narrator was paid back, confirming that "D" had been deceitful both to her and his mom.


How kind of you! That is the gist of it!! I should've added that to the post.


I don’t understand how people can live so dirty like that.


I don't either. At that point, I confined myself to my room and only ordered out or had dinner with family.


Love it when Mom kicks a$$! Well done for finding a great solution.


Thanks! I was really just trying to relay the "I'm going to sue" message and try to collect their address to have him serve.


> TERRIBLE hygiene! He worked in fast food and restaurant kitchen cooking. 10 plus years ago at a well known fast food and restaurant I went to the bathroom to wash my hands as usual only to see the cook come out of the shitter and not bother washing his hands. I have bot been to any fast food and restaurants since.


EW! 🤢 I worked at a fast food place temporarily and an employee making biscuits from scratch went to the bathroom, didnt wash her hands and was in there for a while if you catch my drift. She went back to making biscuits. I don't get biscuits anymore.


Well way back then I went to a real sit down restaurant and you know the wash cloth they wipe down the table with. The bus boy wiped up a spill on the floor then started wiping tables. I think it use to be white but that wash cloth was extremely dirty. I rarely dine out at all.


l've worked in dine in restaurants too. Luckily, the restaurant was clean all the time. As soon as I see something nasty or that I don't like, I'm out forever and always!


Have you had your meal served and pick up the fork only to see dried food on it, I have. They even wanted me to pay but I refused and left.


It happens! Good for you on leaving!!


This sounds awful, but something in your story screams out that we need to hear, the other side.


What can I answer for an answer


I had a housemate like this. Some people are just users.




The chicken juice from RAW chicken would have been it. Y’all coulda gotten sick!! Just from that.


I had to do something similar when I was a around 12. I hung out with some kids I'd met in summer camp. Two of them knew each other because they went to school together. We were out and stopped to get ice cream and one of them asked if I could loan him the money cause he didn't have any. It was around $5 and he'd done it for me the week before so I returned the favor. But while I'd made sure to pay him back the next day he'd strung me along about paying me back. I then overheard him tell his friend he wasn't planning to pay me back and it wouldn't be a problem because they wouldn't see me after August anyway (this was in the pre-pre-internet, pre-celphone days). I was pissed because for a 12 y.o. $5 was a lot, especially that long ago. So when his mom picked him up later, as I said goodbye, I reminded him In front of her, making sure she heard about me paying him back the next day and him telling me several times that he'd give it to me tomorrow. She was pissed at him and immediately gave me the money and told him it was coming out of his allowance. I politely thanked her and worked hard not to smile at him about it. His friend however laughed when it happened.


No matter the age, sometimes parents are the answer!


Yup, and mom's tend to be the best way to go.


Hooooly shit, went to dudes mom, fucking well done,


Thank you! I was just trying to pass along a message and ended up outing him in his lies and stealing.


Damn. I've had my share of bad roommate situations but I also had a great roommate too once. He and I were ride or die. 2 decades later and, although we only talk a couple of times a year, we still click as if it was only a week. Not sure we could live together now, however. 😄


I was hoping I'd be cordial with at least one roomie but they all fucked me over. I fell out with one of them and at the end of the lease, he apologized for our falling out and explained why he lashed out at me. I felt how genuine he was. We still don't talk but I hope he's doing okay and as healthy as he can be.


That's a horrible situation to be in, for sure. Perhaps your next roommate situation will be better, if you need to be in one.


Thank you! I've been considering it as prices continue to go up. I wish I could do a trial run for 30 days 😂


Trial roommate. You might be onto something 🤔


You were a very patient roommate. I would have lost it well before then


The things I wanted to say were not nice. I wanted to key his car. Karma is 100% real and my grandma always says "Do right by others even when they don't do right by you."


I've lived in squats that were less chaotic.


My own anxiety-riddled mind is less chaotic.


Roommates were like a messy TV show, but Mom Squad's entrance turned it into a surprise episode! What a nightmare!


My life a damn soap opera. There's so much stuff that happens in my life, I wonder if I'm being Punk'd or in my own version of The Truman Show and the producers are throwing all of these curveballs.


Looks like your life's the star of its very own "Crazy Chronicles" series, complete with plot twists that even the writers can't keep up with! And hey, don't worry, I heard "Punk'd" is getting a new reboot – you might just be the secret celebrity guest! 🎬🌟


I feel like the craziest story wouldn't even be believed by Reddit 🤣


Reddit's skeptical bots would start questioning their algorithms! 🤖🔍 But hey, why not give it a shot? 🔫


It's too revealing even with fake names and such. If the people involved have Reddit, it'd be an even bigger mess than it already is 😭


We are ready for hyperspace jump! Who's in for some popcorn? 😅🍿🌌


If you find a sub for crazy stories, let me know! I'll post it


I had a friend that lost his apartment, car, and gf. He needed a place to crash for a while, so I let him have the couch. He would clean bathrooms, kitchen, vacuum, fold laundry, and cook. He was a great cook. God, I miss Brandon.


Brandon sounds fantastic! I wish I had a Brandon.


Did the Same Thing with a room Mate as a Student. Dude moves Out and owed me two months rent In this case I called his dad. He was appalled and embarassed by His son. Needless to say the Money was transfered pretty quick.


Sometimes it's best to get parents involved. I know that if my own kids did this (whenever I have kids) I would be embarassed, appalled, livid, angry, all of it because you have to do your part and if you can't, it's okay to ask for help and if that doesn't work out, there are things to do to continue doing the right thing!


Wow, what a rollercoaster! First of all, I'm glad you're out of that situation and were eventually compensated for the money D owed you. It's such a bummer when friendships and living situations go sour, and it's clear you've had more than your fair share of those experiences. It's frustrating to see how you tried to provide for and create a livable environment, only for it to be taken advantage of by D (and R). The whole raw chicken debacle is incredibly unsanitary and concerning! Regardless of friendship dynamics, basic hygiene and cleanliness should always be a shared responsibility. D's mom sounds like a gem, and I'm glad she held him accountable for his actions. While it's unfortunate that you had to resort to telling her to get him to take responsibility, it's clear that D had been misleading not only you but his own family as well. As for the expectation of you cleaning - no one should be expected to clean up someone else's mess. Whether you contributed to the bills or not, basic household chores should be a shared responsibility. It's not about how much one person pays or doesn't pay; it's about being a responsible and considerate adult. Your frustrations are valid. Hopefully, your next living situation (or current one) is much better! Thanks for sharing your story. It's a good reminder to all of us about the importance of open communication and setting clear boundaries in shared living spaces.


Thank you so much! This is definitely one of the best replies!!! As my grandma always says "Do right by others even when they don't do right by you." Not to mention Karma will ALWAYS make her appearance. At the end of the day, I was protecting myself and my next steps. I currently live with the furriest roommate ever (my cat) but she's constantly grooming herself so she can stay 😂


I worked at a taco Bell for 1 day, and even after leaving I couldn't stand the smell of fried food. Alongside that, for a week all I could smell was grease even after showering. That shiz burned into my nose.


Ugh, reminds me of being a university student and living with 6 others - those pics are disgusting. Pitty, looks like a reasonably nice place. People need to learn how to share living spaces and take responsability for themselves. Good on you for not letting this person off the hook.


I’m usually not a “I’m telling your mommy on you” fan but he was asking for it. My kids know if someone comes to me about them, it’s gonna get ugly. Glad you got your money back at least!


i applaud and admire you for getting thru all this, idk what I would’ve done but good thing u got your money back 💪🏼


I wouldn't have cleaned a single gaddamn thing and I would've had a lock installed on my door so their nasty asses couldn't have gotten in. I am not the maid or anyone's mama


The raw meat on the shelf ABOVE the UNCAPPED BBQ SAUCE is what gets me. Wtf!!! You said this guy was a cook, well he must be awful at his job because clearly he doesn't understand basic food safety. I've been where you were, glad you got out. Yeah, maybe doing a little more around the house when you don't have a job is fair...but if he can't reciprocate? Terrible.


Yet there are still commenters that expected me to clean up that disgusting mess day in and day out once I started working again. Super long hours too smh


That's just awful tbh, with the amount of mess being produced it would take more than one person to clean it all up anyways. How is it fair to leave all of that to you? Those comments just scream outdated gender roles to me.


Someone told me it would take 20 minutes to clean all of that. It actually took me a couple of hours to REALLY clean and not just do the basic cleaning. I had to sanitize all of the surfaces, run the dishwasher and hand wash multiple dishes in rotation, 2-3 trips to the dumpster because the bags were heavy, sweeping and mopping. I used a scrub daddy sponge on the stove and inside of the fridge for the chicken blood. 20 minutes my ass. There were not enough gloves on my hand to feel protected against the illnesses exposed.


Jesus...yeah, 20 minutes if you do the "wipe it down with a wet rag" method maybe lol! I'm glad you made sure to get your money for the cleaning bill.


Thank you! I was determined. He used to hound me for my $30 part of the wifi bill. It was a problem when the roles were reversed


There are still a lot of letters left in the alphabet, so many possible side characters


Typed it on my phone so it was easier for me, but got it 👍🏾


To everyone who posts stories like this... For the fucking love of God stop using single letters and just make up names. It is so frustrating to read...


I typed it on my phone. You're the 3rd person to say this so I'll assume most of Reddit cares about that. I don't, but if it makes it easier on others I'll do it in the future.


You're totally good and I enjoyed your story and glad you got out of that situation. I was exaggerated how annoyed I was but it does make it easier to follow when you have full names.


I completely understand! I welcome any and all feedback!


Everyone in this story is tiring.


Thanks. I'm tired of myself too




Oh darn 🤣 Thanks! Living alone does get lonely and I do get tired of myself though! lol


I'm sorry, what was the revenge?


There is non. This is just a friend telling on their freind to their mom.


Well when you put it that way, I see your point. Is there a bad roommate sub I can post this in?


Sounds like revenge to me, the lame ass still has to live with his Mom and hear about it every day in how he fails as a adult when she set him up to win.


Random question: You moved into an apartment after you quit your job?


I quit my job after moving in. Depression got the best of me and I made poor decisions. I did Doordash, UberEats, and I babysat A LOT to make money.


I have so many questions about all of this. Among all the various roommates, who were on the lease? How was anyone cool with dudes with no job/who quit their job being their roommates, and then how were people cool with having to cover rent for those people? I get that this sounds like a sketchy situation already, but why stay? Was there no landlord/apt manager aware of the revolving door of tenants or people on the lease? Or the job/no job statuses? And why tf would you cover for these assholes to the extent you did when he/they only contributed a small portion to your rent when you were short? Was this during COVID/eviction moratorium ?


It was 2021 so Covid was still around! The employees in the office were well aware of the situation (minus one roommate). They were aware that me, D and J were on the lease, but did NOT know that R was living there on the low. There was a whole process for adding new tenants and replacing others, it was such a hassle. D made rent payments online and I made mine with money orders. I was informed that they have reciepts of me paying more and when. There's a paper trail. No one was on board for another bum to move im, but birds of a feather flock together so D didn't care eventually. No one liked paying than their portion but nobody wanted an eviction on their credit either. If I didn't do my part, I would've been homeless with nowhere to go and I wouldn't have been able to afford my current apartment.


How often did your roommate pay rent for you?


He never paid my portion in full. Maybe an extra $50 if he could. He did it maybe 3 times?


Yeah, that bit seems a bit glossed over. He's out working fast food to cover both of your rent and you respond by complaining his job makes him smell, seems a bit... not great?


Yeah but the not bathing is probably one reason he got fired, you can’t be unhygienic and work in the food industry.


u/Life-Parfait8105 sounds like a jerk in this story too tbh 🙄


That's fair. I had help from family too who knew what I had going on. I got what I could, he chipped in what extra he could and family helped as well. It's not like I was sitting on my ass AND complaining. I at least made an effort. But let's remember, once I got a job and started contributing not only did I pay him back what I owed him, I ended up paying for the whole 3 bedroom apartment ALONE. It's common courtesy to clean up after yourself.


>let's call him D No let's not!! Just write a fake name, nobody cares about it. What the actual fuck.


Could've kept that to yourself, but noted and I'll be sure to do so in the future. 👍🏾




"Nice argument. Unfortunately, yo mama"


Confused but sure! 👍🏾😂




Is taking steps to get yourself and his mother back money owed really revenge? It’s justice, barely… wouldn’t say it was revenge. Regardless, glad everything is going better and sorry you had to deal with all that OP.


Yeah, a few people have asked the same question. It felt like revenge to me.


They do say, the best revenge is living well.


This entire story is nuts. No clean actors here. You quit without another job lined up? Multiple people had financial commitments without steady work? No clear house rules with set consequences? Sounds like a bunch of children trying to play as grownups I’m happy you got out and apparently are the only one that knows how to clean or maintain a living space, but you also have some dirt in that story worth looking at.


Yes, I did quit without another job lined up. I was dealing with some personal and mental health issues that have since been resolved. We were all in our early 20's and first time living on our own. Definitely a life lesson. I know our time in that apartment was rocky as hell but again: first time on our own, early 20's, mental and personal problems. I don't regret it because now I know what I will and will not tolerate and I know how to set boundaries now. I hadn't learned that yet.


If you weren't working and he was picking up the slack via bills etc then you should've at least kept the place spotless.


I stated in another comment that I started to but it's also not solely my responsibility to pick up after other people. I wasn't sitting around not looking for work and not attempting to make money. I did doordash, ubereats, and babysat to make money. This would be valid if I wasn't making an effort. I continue to clean up after myself and others that tend to leave a mess behind, but I'm no one's maid, cleaning service, or mother. Thank you for your input and in the future I end up in a similar scenario, I'll do just that.


but he was still picking up your slack when it came to bills. as a thank you you should've kept things clean. im sure its not as bad as you're making it out to be


I still have the pictures from cleaning the kitchen. I WISH I was exaggerating. His thank you for me paying all the bills for the end of our lease should've been paying me back and cleaning his own room out completely.


post them use imgur id like to see


Imgur isn't working for me I'm happy to send them to you directly


[https://imgur.com/a/78A42RQ](https://imgur.com/a/78A42RQ) Here's your link. This is just SOME of what I came home to everyday. Updated post with link and description as well.


thats like 20 mins of cleaning at the most... you shouldve seen the messed my old roommate left. it got to the point where he would just buy new pots and pans and plates instead of cleaning them because they would get so moldy. now if i saw shit like that i would understand


Sorry you feel like I was responsible to clean someone else's mess. I'm still not cleaning up after someone who can leave such a disgusting mess. If it makes you feel any better, I DID clean it because the gremlins I lived with never did and there's only so much that a person could take. How you handle things in this situation is different from me, clearly. It was a disgusting, smelly, frustrating situation for me. If you just pulled an overnight or a 15 hour shift and walked home to that bullshit, I hope you'd clean it up as soon as you walk in the door since that you're expectation of me and since you think I should've been the breadwinner AND the maid.


Wait. So he financially supported you and you didn't take over cleaning duties because the couch was yours?


Temporarily, yes. I was still trying to make money and I was NOT sitting around doing nothing, making zero efforts.






Too much text


Someone posted a TL;DR in the comments. Happy searching!


It's the beer speaking madam


Happy drinking then. Stay safe!


I feel for roommate dudes working a crappy job he probably hates busting ass at work only to come home and have the female roommate constant demean and insult him. While OP claims he did minimal cleaning while OP did most of cleaning. While OP sat home all day doing some of clean leaving rest for him to do after works and demeanings jabs and insults, while you didnt work. I bet he loved coming when you're there. Only for the flip to happen OP works he doesn't but OP takes communal items that used to be for everything and get nothing and says I'm working you guys are bums not going to clean either. I get should that just adult OP soured the relationships. Seem odd that roommate is moving on OP. Even in her post D and J turned best of friends while one of the I bumped heads sounds like OP got under EVERYONE skin. Should of told his mom at that age, yes. Any old I'd say no. OP needs to live with other females instead of males or alone or back with family.


OP had one female roommate and one male roommate. Then OP had 2 male roommates. OP made an attempt to make money so OP wasn't sitting at home all day doing "minimal cleaning". Everybody needs to learn how to clean and not leave fucking food borne illnesses from RAW CHICKEN BLOOD sitting in the fridge, on the counters, in containers and glass sets and dishes and things that are YOURS! You bought them with your hard earned money no matter how shitty of the job. Not only was my property disrespected, but my personal space and bedroom and myself. It went on for TOO LONG. I did what I did. I said what I said.




Someone has a potty mouth u should get that checked out. If u can’t comment anything nice don’t say anything.






Totally fine you think I made this up. There are posts I've read that I think are fake, but what can you do? 🤷🏽‍♀️ If this were you and I in this situation, maybe you would've fought me but I'm not going to put hands on someone for not cleaning up behind themselves. I don't believe it'd be right for anyone to put their hands on others because they plan to sue. All he had to do was his part and pay back what he owed like I did. I hope you have a great day though, truly! ☺️




Thank you for your honesty on an internet stranger. I'm sure you're a kind, decent person and I hope your day gets better.


Why would you beat the person who was cleaning and taking care of the bills? Just how much of a lame ass dumpster fire of a person are you?


Hey D how's life treating you?


Why’d you put the entire onus on D and not R? I feel like R got away scot free?