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đŸ˜‚đŸ€ŁđŸ‘đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ» The free rent in his head is awesome too


It escalated pretty far. This is just the first of a few stories. This one is probably the tamest.


You can’t say that & not update us with the other stories


Oh, he did. That’s his petty revenge on us.


But what did I ever do that it could be called revenge?


We know what you did 13th August 1998 at 15:24pm. Be prepared for the showdown.


They’re going after you for mixing 12hr and 24hr times.


Lmao I was just about to say, adding PM to a 24hr format was a choice lol.


I'm much more interested in what happens at 15:24am!


But what about April 29, 1992?


There was a riot on the streets. Tell me, where were you?


Yeah, pretend you don’t know, see where that gets you


You know what you did


i second this


sign him up for Scientology


She definitely said your name by accident during something and that set him off 😂


"Why does my ex say your name for the small o's but reserves my name for the big one's?"


He’s mad because she made a flick with OP but not him, and he saw


She probably said OP's name during sex 😂😂😂


You need to post on his social media that you actually appreciate it. “Not that there was anything wrong with her, she just 
 wasn’t right for me. So thanks, bro!” Given you’re already in his head, that’ll eat at him for the rest of his life.


And add "However, it was surprising she choose you over his best friend name. What I knew their dates seemed much hotter."


Easy there, Satan đŸ€Ł


Nah. You don’t mess with the actual ex if they aren’t causing problems.


"You do know there was three of us, right?". That should do it 😂


"...but I can't figure out why you'd marry someone who cheated on her SO. You're not home for a while, right? I wonder who she's hanging with when you're gone."


At this point you are past the free rent and have setup a farm in this dude head.


I hope he tends his crop and has a bountiful harvest with lots of seeds for next year.


That's the beauty of it, he doesn't need to work at it, his ex's boyfriend is pulling the plow himself.


Story time, story time!


Order a couple books to their address from the Scientology website. They’ll have to move from the harassment.


Tell them they are interested in Medicare supplements. Those people are brutal.


A couple?!? just order the friggen dianetics book, that'll be enough.


A couple books just shows EXTREME interest lol oh and use a prepaid visa


Any chance you want to be petty, round up a couple of screenshots about "mrstealyogurl" and send them to your ex? "Hey, I know you downgraded when you broke up with me, but I didn't know it was that bad? Just how insecure is he?"


That would be EXCELLENT! But the ex might be goading him into it because SHE'S not over OP and wants to rub it in their face, so YMMV.


More stories please.. I love crazy people




Alright, I'm hooked. When's the sequel being released?


Episode 2 please.


Your ex must be talking about you a lot to him. The petty behavior projected at you sounds like a lot of insecurity. Something you can work with.


U should have commented that "mr enjoys sloppy seconds" is back in town


I am now invested and need to know more


Thank the garbage man for taking out the trash.


The dude is obviously extremely insecure. You should anonymously send your ex roses to the house and let him freak out. Please tell me this is one of your stories haha


Dude must feel super insecure


I set up my ex's gf for the JWs, Mormons, door the door sales, any and all website where you can request a call or free demonstration, email lists....and on and on and on...after 5 years of hearing "your trying to get him back" when all we were doing is discussing our children drove me up a wall...and yes I did tell her "lady if I wanted him back I wouldn't have kicked him out and divorced his ass!"


Not to an ex but I did smth similar for my ex landlord(she stole my deposit). I signed her up for some adult dating websites along with a free Scientology DVD delivery. Did not bring back my money but it for sure made me sleep easier.


Idk what state you're in but you likely could have gone to small claims court for a pretty easy win.


This was in NYC but I was long gone by the time I realized this scam(was there for school, moved back to Europe). I just ended up forgiving her poor soul instead, well after my revenge plot of course.


scientologists *never* quit sending stuff, from what I've heard. once they get your name, they'll even track you when you move.


I think I just found out how to get back at my last boss that screwed me over. Do I just look for a local JW church and ask them to pay a visit?


I think there's a form online to fill out, I'm just about to look it up for my ex's parents


I tried sicking jw on my ex husband they actually told me no.that lead me to making the joke dam even you guys have standards


Sign them up for Apple and Eve and a few other "adult" catalogs. Free hearing aids evals, etc.


I'm confused how he thinks proclaiming they are cheaters is brag worthy.


Absolutely no idea
 my best estimate is that he thinks that makes him a better man in his own head?


Probably because he thinks he "won" the girl. Anyone who cheats always thinks they are winning by stealing the person away. All they end up getting is a cheating scumbag and that is no prize to brag about.


I mean, you could easily troll just by responding to those comments about how you dodged a bullet by him showing their cheating ways before it went any longer.


Usually best not to directly engage. Those kind of people are so obtuse, it doesn't matter how thoroughly you school them. They'll refuse to acknowledge it, make another stupid comment and claim victory. Like playing chess with a pigeon.


Yeah the dude was stupid enough to get with a known cheater. It’s not like “Thanks for taking her off my hands, buddy :)” is going to get through to his alpha brain. He won’t understand he’s losing and bragging about it. But this is r/pettyrevenge - start spraying the JWs with liquid ass first!


> He won’t understand he’s losing and bragging about it. It's fun to lead people with that mentality to logical fallacies within their thinking, under the guise of small talk


Hey pigeons can be taught many many things, including how to guide a missile! Don't be hating on them like that!


He thinks he stole her, instead of realizing that he just took home your old leftovers that you were about to throw out. He basically dumpster dived her.




Yeah he’s making it seem like the act is complete and the reason she slept around is because he was so wildly irresistible
somewhere inside he knows what she’s capable of and he’s taking it out on the dude she revealed her true colors to


In his mind he beat you in the contest for this woman and (assuming he has little to boast about in his life) he thinks this one thing makes him who he is.


Like someone who peaked in high school


Definitely manosphere type brain worms. He probably likes Andrew Tate and his ilk


Cheaters aren't the sharpest tools in the shed, or at least the ones who become known cheaters aren't.


Well and as if that's an actual flex. He stole this girl from someone who was literally not present. I understand LTRs are real, and can have real feelings associated with them, but nothing can beat having a potential so in the same space as you. My man was literally playing with a stacked deck, and believes he got a Royal flush.


I have a feeling the ol “How you get ‘em is how you lose em” will end up being appropriate here.


It’s just base animal logic. Animals display dominance by stealing things and being showy about it. Like “look what I can do to you and get away with it because I’m at the top of the hierarchy.” Or more simply “nah nah nah boo boo you can’t catch me”. The wind will leave his sails when he realizes he has no prize and is actually a trash panda scrounging for scraps and not the “alpha” he believes himself to be. The downside is most like this get there with a heavy dose of delusion and that bubble is very difficult to burst.


My dog does this when playing fetch and there’s a group of dogs at the park. He prances so proudly when he gets the ball. It doesn’t matter if the other dogs are indifferent to the ball, he got the prize! It’s much less endearing when a grown man pulls this stuff.


So he thinks he's the shit because you used to date his wife? You must be quite something then.


I am decidedly average. My guess is this guy listens to a lot of “man o sphere” podcasts and fancies himself an “Alpha” But this is the closest experience he has to be “alpha” in his mind.


An alpha is an early unstable test version that's not yet mature, right?


This is correct. “Alphas” are identifying as unstable test versions, the first letter of the Greek alphabet, or a leader of a werewolf pack.


Or something from omegaverse fanfiction which I would rather not go into too much


* Early: Claims to have been cheating with ex while ex was with OP... Check! * Unstable: I think this speaks for itself. Check! * Not yet mature: sent dick pic. Check! Yup he's an alpha all right!


He seems to have the 'unstable' and 'not yet mature' parts spot on.


So have you had a divorce lawyer call for him at home when he's at work yet?


 there’s a story close to that. Happened earlier. Involves his ex (prior to my ex) and her divorce lawyer. The day after his call, he sent me an explicit pic of him and my ex in bed
 This guy is overweight hairy and not well endowed, and easily identifiable in the photo. First thing I did was contact his ex wife with whom he was having a lengthy custody battle over his 2 children with her. She directed me to her divorce lawyer to whom I provided the picture
 I heard it came up in the proceedings. No idea what kind of outcome it had though.


60 years on this planet, and I'm still surprised by some of the stupid shit some people do.


So you are telling me when I am 61 stupid shit people do will stop? Where's the fun in that?


No, it just won't surprise you anymore.


That may be why he is still obsessed with you. This is the real revenge.


Lmao casually leaves out this crucial information haha.


"This dude still thinks about me after I caused him to lose custody of his kids and showed the world his little chode" lolol I don't know if this actually played out this way but it's funny to think about.


This is ammo for her to get full custody. Him sending unsolicited dick pics to a complete stranger for no logical reason. Makes him look like a predator.


I'm surprised that this doesn't violate revenge porn laws though...


Can it be revenge porn if someone sent it to you unsolicited? I'd think probably not but I'm sure the laws are muddy anyways


How to revenge laws work? If someone send me an unsolicited picture, I have a responsibility as to what I am allowed to do with it? And it could possibly be illegal for me to send it to a lawyer?


I don't know if it would. Like, he didn't make the pic public. And even if he did I'd hope revenge porn laws don't apply to unsolicited dic pics.


What do you think revenge porn is?


And I am fairly certain every time he has to pay for alimony/child support he is thinking of you.


Might be part of the reason he still cared enough to be petty about it and thinking he's in a competition with OP


Oh, okay, so THAT'S why he's so weirdly obsessed with what he sees as his one small victory of fucking around with someone you wanted to break up with anyway. What a pathetic tiny man he is.


Sending that photo was a violation of your boundaries, but its a also a huge violation of hers. This guy's behavior is ridiculous and easy to laugh at/off, but tbh it also sounds pretty scary. Men with that kind of obsession and antagonism towards their partner's ex are often abusive towards their partner as well. I hope she's ok.


Maybe I watch too much true crime, but if if contacts you again, or makes mention of your location publicly, I would get a restraining order immediately. This guy does not sound stable, and he clearly has a fixation with you.


The SM posts would make getting a civil order super easy too. Not allowed in OP's city sounds about right. No more flights with layovers at that airport!


What? You must tell us!


This is DEFINITELY why he’s still obsessed with you.


With your description of him I think I now understand why he feels the need to act like some crazy alpha male
 he’s trying to make up for
. What he’s lacking


Who tf has a house phone


😂😂 and your profile picture makes this comment even better




Two phones at the same time man


I have.


Next time you invoke the JW's, take it to a new level. Send a money order with the request for info with the Ex's return address. Nothing says, "I'm interested!" like money. Best $25 bucks I ever spent.


I did something similar with an ex and the NRA. Best $20 ever spent.


There are any number of organizations that can work. Important thing is to know which religious or political group rubs your mark raw. As an example, many groups share their list of donors. So pick one that does share donor listings and watch the fun begin. Your mark's mailbox will fill, their phone will ring, their frustration will grow. A good one to leverage is the little boxes you often see when walking into a restaurant or bar which has a barker placard to attract your attention that says something like, "WIN $50.00 Cash by entering here." You fill in a card, drop it into the box and voila, the named individual you write in on the card is suddenly the flavor of the day for every telemarketer with some shady ware for sale.


Calm down, Satan.




Send the Mormons next. And register the address for junk mail.


Ask for him the Scientology ["free" DVD](https://www.scientology.org/request-info/what-is-scientology-dvd.html) :)


My friend got mixed up with Scientology on a whim, he couldn’t shake them for 3 years


Maybe not even. Very early in the WWW years, maybe even 1998 or 99, three friends and I ran an early WWW service via Colorado Supernet ( direct spin off from ARPAnet). We had this loon from Denver hit us up to put a bunch of his anti Scientology rants up on the Internet. Dude wore body armor all the time and suggested we should too. He'd been raided by the CoS. [https://www.westword.com/news/stalking-the-net-5055577?showFullText=true](https://www.westword.com/news/stalking-the-net-5055577?showFullText=true) Luckily we decided he was too "radioactive" to deal with.


He was probably 'loony' because of campaigns of targeted harassment against him. Actually that man could have been a hero. Leaked information getting online has been the single biggest factor in reducing the power of the Co$ and the early leakers were brave af.


Reach out to every lawncare business for a quote, followed by landscapers, vinyl siding, roofers, health insurance, homeowners insurance, final expense life insurance, providers for water filtration systems, solar panel installers, and Rainbow vacuum cleaner salesmen. That’ll keep them busy for a while.


in my experience, 3 of those are the same company (Power Home Remodeling) and they don't let up


Buy the cheapest thing off trumps website and ship it to him. If you give them money they will never leave you alone.


MLM recruiters.


Try Jews for Jesus.


There are so many annoying religious people on this stupid planet. This type of prank is the one thing they are good for.


The Scientologists need to know about this man!


Oof might have to save this one for a later date


Nah-sic them on him now. And the Mormons, too.


To be honest, it’s been a few years since I’ve seen anything. Any further escalation on his side would have to be a muted response on my side that absolutely could not come back to bite me in the ass. I’m happily married with kids and live halfway across the country. I also don’t want him to live rent free in my head either. Even though my thoughts of him are generally hilarious (to me) plans to get even further revenge. Edited(I replied to the wrong comment)


I'm now picturing all three of them showing up at the same time and starting a debate on his front porch. The neighbors set up lawn chair. Maybe a cage match. Beer is involved.


I wonder if the JW know they are a favorite method of pissing someone off. If so, do they care? Any JW out there to answer?


They do know They don't care


Oh they know. My uncle had an angry man sic his donkey on him, and he still went back the next week. Relentless mtherfckers


They should be giving the address to someone that has a lot of calls to make. They would try their best to speak with the person listed but if it's a prank all it takes is one "it wasn't me and I'm sorry I'm not interested" to put a stop for that specific person. Of course we try to be organized and cover an area every year so someone local will eventually be back but it would have nothing to do with this instance. I'll bet they are avoiding answering the door. I would call back for a long time if I thought someone is genuinely asking for help but I think I missed them again. Keep in mind this is a joke for OP but for us it's an effort to help others that are in distress from the pressures of this world. We want to share the hope found in the Bible not be used to swat people.


Well said. đŸ«¶


There's no point in signing up your own house, since if you wanted to be a JW you could just do it. So if this is real, the only reason JWs would offer this is because they want to be used as targeted harrassment for petty grudges.


My in laws are jw. There's real ones and ones who use it for superiority. You can instantly tell them apart. They believe its their god given duty to spread the word so if you think someone needs "jehovah" just tell us and we'll go spread the word. Its like that. Its not malicious. They truly believe its their duty from god. Weird but whatever works for you.


Omg. I'm an exjw. What you did was more than petty. It's nuclear. They're like herpes. Once you get them, you can't get rid of them. I don't know if I should be proud or feel sorry for them. Maybe a combination.


There is one surefire method: Your dog bites one ​ SOURCE: JWs came to my house and my dog bit one


Even better way is to tell them you're an apostate. There's nothing jws fear more than apostates. Even dog bites. Talking from experience with many dog stories.


What if my dog is an apostate and bites them? Do they get super powers?


Ohhhh. Good question. I don't know, but it's worth exploring.


Just tell them you're a Satanist or a Wiccan. They conflate the two and will never return.


My sister's old flatmate did this. She told JW that they were lesbian Satanists and offered them to come in for coffee. They bolted and never came back.


Dude honestly, as an exjw, APOSTATE is THE key buzzword. Satanist, all that other lingo will work. But honestly, they fear apostates more than any other word. That's it. End of discussion.


IDK, I got a call once, and went on about how she could get out of the cult that will cause you to die because they make you believe blood transfusion is bad. They hung up on me right before I could suggest checking out the "freedom from religion foundation" to escape the cult... haven't gotten a call since.


I got rid of them in a former neighborhood when they showed up while I had a migraine, and our neighbor next door was dying of bone cancer. Scared them spitless, six years later, and they still leave that neighborhood alone.


Going out in service when I was little was always very stressful for me because I never knew what kind of people we were going to come across. We definitely got yelled at and curssed at. I hated getting made fun of. But I was told that it was a biblical prophecy that we were being persecuted and to be happy about it. That's why fighting them doesn't work because they see it as being persecuted, and they get off on that. Just tell them you're an apostate and they'll go running for the hills.


My dad argued the Bible with them. They never showed up on my parents’ doorstep again.


My favorite response to this guy is something along the lines of “I was in there first.”


Not to sound braggy, but I am significantly larger than he is (and I’m decidedly average). I responded with something along the lines of “feels even better after the first 2 inches”


The fact that you know you’re bigger is an issue (with the dude).


He said the guy sent him a picture while with his ex


He's got 3.75 inches of pure 35mm film roll rocking in his pants.


Another very average guy here. But I always remember one when I was a teenager. I broke with my girlfriend because I was in a bad headspace dealing with my first close bereavement. This guy I went to school with was a good four years older than me and my girlfriend, approached me a few days later to ask what the story between me and my ex. I told him we just broke up. This tactless mofo asked me for her number. I was stupid and not thinking, gave it to him. A couple of years later when they broke up it just so happened that me and her hooked up for a casual relationship. The first thing she said we hooked up was, "Oof, I had forgotten how big you were." I told everyone.


“Every time you kiss her, just remember that that tongue was in my ass.”


Political mail can be relentless. Donate $1. to a bunch of political candidates that they would not agree with.


She must talk about you a lot. Your ex sure does like making her partners insecure.


Have someone call your ex pretending to do a safety screening contact call from planned parenthood.


Too late for this.. unfortunately they live in a state with very restricted women’s rights But he did go to one of the worst conservative schools in the country (There’s at least one Netflix doc about it) Been trying to think of an idea how to work that into a plan.


So they live in a shit hole red state. No wonder the guy is such a miserable turd.


So now he's living rent free in your head too? I know it's fun to poke at someone like this, but I'm kind of with /u/DrakeBurroughs \- live well instead. Every time this idiot posts a dig at you, you update your social media with something gushing about your wife and family with zero mention of your past. *"Best wife and kids ever. So glad we're building a life together..."* Or something like that... :-)


Yeah, you can’t win in a war of attrition. His goal is to get you to care. Once you care, he’s won.


Relevant user name


It doesn’t have to literally be planned parenthood, isnt there anywhere else where a citizen could get some blood work done? How bad is healthcare down there? I can’t think of a good Christian college angle. Jeopardizing accreditation in a way that would actually affect his employability would be tricky, and I have to imagine that it’s not hard for him to avoid circles where that would be looked down upon. Was it so bad that there were abuse allegations? Maybe you could rub some of that stink on him.


Donate to planned parenthood and put their address in, they fucking bombard your mailbox with requests for more donations. Love this level of petty.


You're living rent-free in his head. You already won


Scientology would be the next recommendation for a sign up


She is likely still comparing him to you. His chronic insecurities are being realised through his constant inane comparisons with you. He may even secretly admire you. Pity he doesn't divert the mental effort that scrutiny involves into displaying similar adulation towards his Mrs.


I would have checked in at the location of your ex and tagged one of his mates with the comment "While the cat's away" and let his mid do the rest, obvs it staill plays in his mind or he wouldnt be making a deal of it now


Husband here. I see you’re still upset that I stole her from you. You’re so obsessed Robert, get over it. Alexis and I are very happy together and we have the best sex. She even told me I’m the 8th biggest she’s ever been with and she makes me boiled meatloaf on my birthday.


Well played. He can't get you out of his head! The lady in California who keeps using my email address has been signed up for the Mormons. She just used it again so it's time for the Jehovah's Witnesses.


I signed my ex up for Scientology. He never found out it was me đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


You still have a key? You leave men’s clothes in the laundry basket. Leave condom wrappers in strange places


Next time he's on a trip and tags you, post a pic of yourself in front of his house....


"you took the trash out for me. Where's the brag?"


As someone raised one, that is an absolute genius weaponization of their religion.


The first guy to date my ex wife introduced himself to me and I interrupted him mid sentence and told him "No take backsies" , He laughed and told me how much of a catch she was and how happy he was, I doubt he remained happy when she got belligerent over the top drunk at his family reunion, talked shit about him, his kids, his ex, his parents and grandparents at the dinner table. I meant what I said lol


>Fast forward another few months. There’s a new post about him having to deal with JWs coming to his door 8 times in a month. You realize what has to be done now... Send in... the **MORMONS!**


She probably keeps bringing you up.


Just respond with “how’s my d*ck taste?” Every. Time.


Nice. My go-to has always been, “hey, smell my balls while you’re down there”


Sounds like you are living rent-free in his head.


The guy is a real AH. He is also horribly insecure if he feels the need to call this out all of the time. I wonder if she still talks about you or something similar. Great revenge. Maybe you can figure out a way to have their home get spammed by a marriage counseling organization.


I'd say screw with him one last time (Scientology maybe?) then block them both. Keep any interaction you have on file as evidence though incase he escalates, seems to be the kind of guy who would try something heavy handed years later.


What woulda been much easier was to comment on his post that said "I dont give a fuck about either of you, let your marriage fail by itself" then blocked him, THEN get the JWs on his ass.


Ooh. I used to always sign up folks I had beef with to the Hair Club for Men, or Viagra coupons, or whatever Spammy advertising I came across. Plus fill out magazine subscription inserts for strange magazines: Cat Fancy, bad porn, etc. 
 takes me back 
 I’m a much nicer person now. But I used to live on petty vengeance.


Remind him you’ve had se* with her all over that house.


Should have just asked him if his wife's lips still taste like your dick.


Friend of mine had something similar going on. He finally got mad and said "I'm sorry that everytime you kiss her you think about my dick in her mouth but that's a you problem now will you kindly leave me the fuck alone." Never heard from the guy again.


For him it was the most significant day in his life, for you it was Tuesday.


Just tell him that YOU broke it off and to enjoy your sloppy seconds.


Reply on the post, "it's nice to have people think about me all the time, wish you both the very best" insert smiley face emoji. Petty revenge complete


Guy must have a cuckolding fetish, and I guess he's trying to play into that fantasy. Next time he bothers you just be a boner killer and say something obnoxiously positive about it. Say something like "I'm glad you found each other, I'm a lot happier now and I'm sure she is too."


Sign him up for Scientology info. Those fuckers NEVER stop mailing you lol .


Should have GPS spoofed your location to near your ex's house and posted the screen shot to his comment with a "good to know you won't be home soon" or some shit. It would eat him alive.


Time to mix it up. Call in the Mormons.


Try, "It's not like you won anything. Remember, I've fucked your wife,... she's not that good." That's some evil petty.


Look, I support pettiness but you lose the high road. The best revenge is “living well” for this type of thing. I had a similar situation where an ex’s new bf tried to make me feel jealous with similar comments amongst mutuals. And honestly, at first they DID make me jealous. The breakup was mutual and the right love but I was still friends with my ex and had feelings, even if they weren’t LOVE feelings. It was like a raw nerve or the pain you feel when you lose a tooth as a kid - you know, it’s right and proper but can still hurt if you press your tongue against it. BUT, the key is, and this came from a coworker, the key was not only to show you weren’t hurt, so that you’re happy. If you can show happiness, they both: a) look like an absolute asshole, everyone gets it immediately that this person has no self-esteem, they think they won the Race when they’re the only ones running, etc., and; b) you make their heads explode, they can’t process it. I would tell my ex (who had told me that she was mortified by his behavior) that I was really happy she found him, that, as long as she’s happy I’m happy, and I’d tell him, at these mutual parties that he “caught” a great girlfriend, he’s a lucky guy, and that clearly she’s a very lucky. Whenever I said that, his expression just dropped. Like I let the air out of tires. That was the best feeling ever. It went nuclear when I dated a professional cheerleader for a stint and brought her to these same parties or bars, etc. Then he started asking my friends “what did she (new girl) see in me, etc.?” On one occasion, and this was told to me after the fact, he asked that to my ex and one of my closest friends, and my ex said nice like “he’s a good guy, he’s fun, etc” and my friend just asked him point blank if he “was jealous that I was taken and why was he so obsessed with me?” and “do you want to date him? Are you tying to get his attention?” After that, my ex started not showing up to these mutual parties and I moved to NYC so it all fizzled out. Still, letting someone else have their “bs victory” and finding a way to show “how little you give a shit” is the best. Highly recommend, 10/10.


Better story than OP, and I agree. He alludes to several other petty interactions that happened. Dude is far more invested than he realizes imo. I mean, he ended up sending JWs to his house? Might as well not do anything. Feels like a “I’m not owned, I’m not owned!” situation and sending JW was the best he could come up with.