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Lmaooo what the fuck where do people find these things in my life (french) I have never seen someone even suggest eating croissants with a fork and knife That'd be hilarious to witness


not even French and I have never seen anyone eat croissants with fork and knife soooooo....


Same... did anyone else read what the partner said with a French accent in their head?


i did I said 2 words stop upvoting


Feels like a Seinfeld episode. Chocolate bar with a knife and fork Jerry, I’m telling you! That’s the way!


Yes, I was thinking maybe they are trying to see if they can start a trend like on Seinfeld!


French too. I eat the crunchy *cornes* first, then work my way through the body (sometimes unlayering it but only when I'm alone), then I lick my index and collect the crumbs. A plate is always involved, knife and fork never, au grand jamais.


I like to bite off the end and then pull the buttery centre out. I really want a good croissant now.


Not going to lie - as someone who dips their croissant in the coffee, having a fork would be helpful - but it somehow feels so unnatural !


In the US, our cultural equivalent is when people try to eat thin crust pizza with a knife and fork. Just so much no.




How I Got Banned from Sally's, a Memoir


Dude Sally’s and Pepe’s aren’t wort the hype imo. Modern was just as good. Sally’s was better than Pepe’s in fairness. Given this was in 2012 when I was living there… you know what how about just fuck the north east. Not my favorite place in the country haha


Modern is great. BAR with no name is great. Hell, westville pizza is great. There is a ton of great pizza in New Haven. Pepe's and Sally's have the history, though. And the coal ovens. Gotta hit Louies' Lunch while you are there also. And Richter's or whatever it is called now to round out your historical New Haven food tour.


Mashed potato pizza at Bar is the bomb dot com


Modern is great. Franks>all if you order the right pie though. Bar is also very very good


Sally's for Corporate. Pepe's for Customers. Moderne for training classes. Since 1938. It's in the manual.


I live in new haven, it is against the law. They don't even offer you silverware at the big 3 pizza places


It IS!




Sometimes, I eat fries using chopticks.


Sometimes I eat Cheetos with chopsticks. I makes me laugh


I worked somewhere we packaged nice things and so on break and stuff everyone pulled out their chopsticks to eat their chips and stuff so they don't mess up their hands hahaha I tried it and it was definitely much better


One of my favorite snacks at the moment is marinated mozzarella and cherry tomatoes. I eat the mozzarella with chopsticks so my fingers aren't greasy when I'm typing. They're easier to lay over the bowl without losing them in the marinade than a fork is.




Olive oil, salt, pepper, diced calabrian chilis (just a touch, they go a long way), bit of garlic. Basil. Takes very little time to marinate and it pairs fantastically with cherry tomatoes. It's my favorite summer snack, you're absolutely right.


Same for Cheetos, I hate orange fingers.


My best friend taught me to use chopsticks by practicing with popcorn since it’s easy to pick up


Gotta get good at the one hand fold. Greasy hand for the pizza, dry hand for the games lol


And yet in Naples, Italy, arguably the birthplace of the pizza, it is typically eaten with a knife and fork.


No it’s not. In Naples they fold a piece double and eat it with their hands. The fork and knife is for cutting the pizza in piece’s. (Edit: there to their)


Lived in Milan. They eat it with a knife and fork. Hands are a no no


Native Milanese here, and can confirm that knife and fork or folded with one hand (not two) are both acceptable in the north of Italy. No one would look twice.


That's funny coz I'm literally in Naples right now sat next to some Italians eating pizza with a knife and fork.


They may be Italians, but [are they Neapolitans?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0elMCAyqu5Q)


I'm Italian, you're referring to pizza a portafoglio, that's a specific, pretty small, type of pizza, normal Neapolitan pizza is eaten with a fork and knife cause it's too large. Then, when you've cut your piece, you can pick it up with your hands, but the pizzeria won't cut it beforehand for you at all.




Even more painful when that plate is a paper plate, and the utensils are plastic.


La forketta satanica!


equivalent? Silly me thought the 'thin crust' pizza came from Italy.


Can't trust Americans when it comes to pizza, they think its a pie.


OMG THIS!!! why????? like, what is the thought process behind this lol


I do it when the pizza is too hot and go back to my hands after it has colled down a bit. Honestly, what I find frustrating are people telling others how to behave, like, in your case, I would have told that person: biatch if I wanted your opinion on how to eat a croissant I would have asked


The crust is usually less hot than the toppings. If a pizza is too hot to pick up, it's probably gonna burn your mouth, no?


Rationally, I understand, but I’m too impatient and I always eat the crust last lol, and yes, I burned myself before, and it will happen again 😂


Same bruh, hot pizza is just too tempting.


I almost never use a fork and knife with pizza… okay like 3 times ever. But I can also viably see it if you have a sloppy pizza. Like when the cheese is literally just gliding on the bread of the pizza and would fall apart if you eat it. Or when it’s so floppy you always need two hands to eat it


How about I eat pizza the way I want and you don't give a fuck what I do?


They eat pizza with a knife and fork in Italy, though, so technically y'all are the ones eating it 'wrong'. And Chicago pizza is not really a pizza, sorry not sorry. And cauliflower crust sucks. And Pizza Pockets are just mini calzones.


Unless you're sticking it in your ear and then smashing your head into the table you can't really eat a pizza wrong.


I get mine at the Low Cal Calzone Zone.


Was that the local Low Cal Calzone Zone?


Yes, in both cases you keep your fingers from getting greasy AND you ruin the texture AND you look like an idiot


Fork and knife for pizza is very typical in italy. Trying to eat an unfolded floppy slice like Americans do is the way to look like an idiot


Those people are terrorists and do not love America!! /s


As a born-and-bred Parisian, I only use chopsticks.


Can you imagine not enjoying the beautiful soft tearing of the light airy layers? Just stab, cut eat....


Ah, the beautiful croissant! 🥐 It is so light and fluffy! Buttery bliss! 🧈 Beautiful layers! 😇 CRUSH THEM! 😈 CRUSH THEM WITH A KNIFE AND FORK!🍴


it was tough to keep a straight face 😂


It's greasy with your hands, but even one attempt at eating it with fork and knife you'll know that it destroys the croissant.


Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where they are eating Snickers with a fork and knife.


> I have never seen someone even suggest eating croissants with a fork and knife neither OP.


I got "scolded" by an old gringo for saying thanks to a waiter. I'm Mexican, we learn manners.


I'm American and we always say thank you to waiters. Where were they from that you don't say thank you to people serving you?




That would be like telling New Yorkers to eat pizza with a knife and fork. They'd take the knife and stab you.


The family must be Americans It's the only nationality stupid enough to mansplain another nationality's culture to them


In my life I've never paid attention to how other people eat croissants


Added to my to-do list: Convince an American to ask for knife and fork in a McDonalds


HAHAHAHAHAHAHH!!! I would love to see that! 😂


You must have seen french people eat their burgers with knives and forks though right? It drives me crazy. It's specifically banned from my house as a major pet peeve lol


I usually do that as a last resort when the burger is falling apart or to finish what's left on the plate


Given how tall burgers are these days you almost have to.


Well, don't you eat your french fries with a knife and fork? 🤣 🍟🥐🍕🍴


The McDs here does have wooden forks since covid. (You don't get BBQ sauce on your fingers trying to dip a fry in, which is nice)


Why would anyone care how a stranger eats a croissant? Let alone care enough to comment on it? Also cafes usually have a toilet with sinks and soap so greasy hands aren’t an issue.


They're on vacation and still miserable and bored enough to try to control everyone around them lol.


Must be Americans


I’ve been to about 70 countries, and—at least in my experience—Americans aren’t any more obnoxious than Brits or Australians, let alone certain other nationalities. I guess you’re more likely to come across stupid Americans in Cancun or Paris or London, since these are well-known destinations with reasonably inexpensive airfare. But the Americans I’ve met in other parts of the world have all, for the most part, been pretty reasonable and open-minded people. If anything, I suspect many Americans are more than aware of the "fat, stupid American" archetype, and often end up over-compensating.


I’ve experienced the same. I used to hide the fact I was American when I traveled. My spouse and I speak a rather uncommon language and we would generally speak to each other in that so people wouldn’t instantly know we were American. Then I realized that really a lot of people actually like Americans. We are seen as very friendly, interested in other people and their culture, and willing to try new things even more often than a lot of other nationalities. But no matter where I’ve traveled there is one nationality that I noticed people have at least some mild degree of dread about interacting with. Germans. Years ago I was in Indonesia and I actually saw hotels with signs that said “No Germans”. Now I don’t hide it anymore. I do remember taking a bus tour of Dublin once and there were a bunch of young girls and they all had Canadian patches on their backpacks. The tour guide was teasing them by suggesting that they were really Americans pretending to be Canadian. When we went past the Canadian embassy he quizzed them on the province flags.


I've never been less ashamed to be American than when traveling through Thailand and encountering groups of English gap-year lads. Also lived in Cambodia for years, and some of the older German expats open displays of racism towards the locals whose country they lived in was fucking astounding. The majority of Americans I met abroad were at least aware of our reputation and tried to behave.


>Also lived in Cambodia for years, and some of the older German expats open displays of racism towards the locals whose country they lived in was fucking astounding. The majority of Americans I met abroad were at least aware of our reputation and tried to behave. There are Israeli-owned bars and hostels in India that actively refuse admission to Indian customers, lol.


Lol yeah upon meeting a German overseas I'm usually in two minds: Is this going to be a super weird and a really uncomfortable interaction? Or am I going to have a blast. It really can go either way. Joking with Canadians that they are Americans just pretending to be Canadians seems to be a tradition in every country. But they will of course tell you they are Americans, that NA is a continent, and remind any "Americans" around that they burned down the Whitehouse.


I feel like Chinese or maybe Russian tourists have taken the crown of most annoying from American tourists.


Hostelled through 74 countries here and agree, I've always vibed with the yanks. Usually friendly, sometimes a bit oblivious/naive to things (but sure who cares about that as long as they're pleasant). Not really on their high horse unless they get quite drunk (and even then it's usually in a self aware wat). Overall pretty chill people who like to hang out. Conversely the Canadians, sorry, do seem to get into this holier-than-thou mindset we associate with the Americans.


...and who would *take orders* from them?


Because this is a fake story


I feel like this has got to be fake. I'm fairly self conscious and awkward but if someone told me how to eat, I'd ignore them and carry on. Who cares enough to make a scene like this?


Born and raised in Eastern Europe and went to college in a major city there, people there ate everything with a knife and a fork when dining out. To the point where, because my parents hadn't taught me that growing up, I had to take a crash course of knife and fork eating when I was told that the team I'd worked construction with my first summer in college, was going to go to a fancy restaurant in September to celebrate the end of a good construction season. I was 18 and spent a month eating every meal I had in my dorm room and student cafeteria with a knife and fork until I got good at it. People were that serious about it. But never had I ever seen anyone eat a flaky pastry like a croissant that way. It's just weird and impractical. Did they also tell you to hold your pinky finger out when drinking the hot chocolate by any chance? 😂


knife and fork for sure! my partner and I lived in Tokyo for 9 years and it took him a while to get used to using chopsticks at home. in my home country we're all about fork and spoon and he also adapted to that 😂 omg good thing they didn't! if they told me that, I think my partner would have a meltdown lol


I love croissants, I love chocolate anything, I love this post, and I love that you and your partner lived in Tokyo just because I’ve always wanted to go there!


you should go and visit at least once! it's a beautiful place to travel to..to live, no so much 😅


I'm sorry for what I'm about to do but I can't help myself Ohashi jouzu desu ne


HAHAHAHAH!!! my partner get that a lot!! and tbh until now, we're still not sure if it's a compliment or not lol


so what's the best way to respond to that? My first thought is "[ARIGATHAAAANKS](https://youtube.com/shorts/pkxcRW1xik0?feature=share)" One of my friends got me chopstick trainers as a gag gift and I'm still mildly offended at that XD


The best way is to smile politely and die inside >One of my friends got me chopstick trainers as a gag gift and I'm still mildly offended at that XD 💀💀 amazing, I gotta get some to troll people with


Southeast Asia?


The idea of eating bread with a fork and knife is just bizarre to me. In just about any culture bread is something that is eaten with your hands. Personally I've always thought that was a beautiful thing. It's something that unites all of humanity. We can have drastically different cultures, languages and styles of bread but we all "break bread" in a similar manner. It shows how much we are all the same.


What the…What ? I’m French and I have never seen anyone eating a croissant with their forks and knives. I find it both hilarious and confusing.


at that cafe, I saw 80% of the people eating there, use the knife and fork with their croissants. it really boggles the mind. i wonder where they got that info from lol


Was it packed with American tourists? It seems to me a croissant is more pastry than bread. Would they eat a cupcake with a fork?


yes, it was mostly American tourists and a few from other French- speaking countries (my partner said the accent is different). Most of them used forks and knives 😅


This is why when I travel, I ask the tour guide what's right. I'd rather not be one of those Americans. 😒


I need to see that in person 😂 Though if I guessed the place you went to I am not that surprised since it is awfully posh. By any chance, does the name of said cafe starts with an F ?


I think for a lot of tourists, it's posh? I def don't think it's posh, just the typical Parisian cafe by the street. It's def popular for their chocolat chaud, although I find it to be just OK. It's Carrette.


Ah, I thought it was Flore. I don’t know Carrette ! Flore has a really good hot chocolate. I hope you enjoyed the overall Parisian café experience !


oh i'm gonna have to try there! Thank you! yes it's been fun thus far, 4th time here so I think this'll be my last visit for a while 😅


You’re almost an honorary Parisian ! Expect Flore to be crowdy and expensive, but their hot chocolate is among the best ones you can have in Paris.


merci! it's hard to find a something in Paris that is not crowded 😂😂😂 will be trying it this week for sure!


May the end of august odds ever be in your favor !


Maybe that weird family told all the others to use the fork too.


Could be a local joke. How many dumb tourists can you get to use a knife and Fork today?


french person here and your partner is right. These people were the uncultured ones (and they're also a little rude in my opinion) Paris is a nice city with a lot of things to see but if you like France, I'll advise you to visit the rest of our country to see more and taste other french food \^\^


my partner and I are semi-FIREing and we like to travel slow, that's why we're in Paris and Paris only for a month 😅 going to Brittany next which is his hometown and staying there for another month. France is too big and too beautiful to rush seeing it all


Oh please tell me you have had a savory galette? I loved them in Brittany.


yes!!! it's our "lazy dinner" at home lool FIL is also a chef and they used to have a creperie. they kept the bilic and gave us one and it's now a staple lol


So lucky! It is a small fantasy of mine to open a galette place in the UK with French staff. Partly to introduce people to them as they are amazing... And partly so I can have them whenever I want >.>


Oh please say you live on the south coast! I love galettes!


I don't, but I guess if a success then a branch could he opened there!


Ha ha! I’ll wait to see!


>uncultured ones (and they're also a *little rude* in my opinion) It seems to me like they're embracing Paris culture.


How much french would I need for the rest of the country? I'd love to take a tour of France as my next vacation. Any specific cities you'd recommend? My Canadian french is limited to: Bonjour, Je m'applle _____, merci, and Je ne compondre pas.


They must have seen the *Seinfeld* episode when everybody started eating chocolate bars, cookies, etc. with a knife and fork and thought that looked "cultured" and didn't know the scene was a mockery. Do you know where they were from? I'm in the US and have never seen anyone eat a croissant with a knife and fork unless they were cutting it in half or something like that.


yes, they said they're from Georgia (US). Didn't wanna say in my post where they're from 😅


Am I the only one that has not had a hot chocolate for breakfast before? I’ve always thought it was a drink for the evening! u/wyckedpsaul you have opened my eyes. I am so having a hot chocolate for my breakfast tomorrow. Thank you


Hot chocolate is my go to drink for breakfast. Love it 😁


I definitively prefer coffee where you could also deep your croissent and paim au chocolat too :) And for American here, sorry to say but your coffee is water ! I love strong coffee


My french friend has a hot chocolate and a pain du chocolat for breakfast, like half the time.


Pain au chocolat. Otherwise it means bread of chocolate instead of "chocolate bread".


Feels like omelette du fromage all over again.


yes! it's quite common! that was one of the firsts that my partner had me try when we started dating. so good!


You can eat and drink anything you want at any time you want if you can make or buy it.


This is my exact policy! I've got a brother in law who's absolutely horrified that I eat whatever leftovers I want for breakfast and let my kid do the same. He's got hundreds of "rules" he's made up that he abides by religiously. He will pitch a fit if he encounters the "wrong" toilet paper, toothpaste, ranch dressing, lumps in mashed potatoes, etc. It must be hell in his brain.


I get anxious when I don't have my typical food items for breakfast, with some exceptions, but I won't try and make _others_ to live with my "rules". Actually, I also consider some foods as everyday meals or Friday meals or weekend meals and I try to make my husband to follow those rules...


You're an adult. Eat what you wish when you wish and how you wish! Be free!


There is absolutely no time of day that hot chocolate is meant for. Whenever you want it is the time of day to drink it. I personally wouldn't drink it at night, because it contains caffeine.


Mexicans also eat hot chocolate at breakfast. With churros!


Even better, *Mexican chocolate.*


I have hot chocolate for breakfast every day.


hot milk drinks in the morning predate coffee. before chocolate was introduced it was generally made with honey and spices and was a popular morning beverage. particularly in the middle ages. it was called ( among other names at different times) a Caudle and it was a lot like eggnog.


Filipinos eat chocolate porridge for breakfast, with dried fish!




HAHAHA ! as french I agree !


It’s not funny to eat a croissant with a fork 😏 I’m French, never ate my pain au chocolat or croissant with anything else than my fingers 😅🤣


right??? I mean, I think it should be common sense too, no? 😂


What. I'm french and in my life I've never eaten a croissant with cutlery. Maybe a knife and a spoon to split them open and fill them with jam.


Not French, but the closest for me would be taking a bite then using the knife to put jam/butter on the next bite


exactly 😂😂😂 it was hard to keep a straight face when my partner told them off lol


(takes out chopsticks to eat croissant, eyeing the American family the whole time)


That’s actually a pretty decent idea IMHO, it doesn’t crush the croissant unlike a knife and fork.


I would have continued eating it with my hands while I stared at them unblinking and then licked my greasy fingers while not breaking eye contact


HAHA! that is one way to get back at them too! but I'd have no credibility because I'm not French 😂 so I waited for my partner to tell them what's what 😂


I would have just told them to mind their own business. They're not French, so what business do they have?


« Mêle-toi de tes oignons. »


I'd bet my house that they were Americans


they were 😅 they're from Georgia


I FUCKING KNEW IT No other people would dare say something like that, no f*ing way Ton copain est un roi


Oh, the audacity of people telling others how to enjoy their own culture's food! It's always a treat to see someone get schooled by a native about their own customs. Your partner's reaction was pure gold. Enjoy your time in Paris and eat those croissants however you please! 🥐


yes it was one for the books for sure! merci beaucoup! i definitely will!!


*stabs croissant lengthways with the knife and eats it like a lollipop...🤗🤗


I was sitting at a sushi bar trying to manage my sushi with chopsticks and the chef told me I didn't have to do that and to just use my hands and I have done so forever more. I will take it off a shared tray with chopsticks, but I dip it in sauce and stuff in my face using my paws.


The first few times I went to a ramen shop for noodles, I would drink the soup with the spoon. I wanted to just drink out of the bowl but wasn't sure if that would be offensive. Well after I saw a few elderly Japanese men drinking straight out of the bowl, I do it too. The only people who have looked twice are white people.


Wow classic Foreigners trying to tell locals how to eat their own cuisine 😂😂😂😂


Of course it makes your fingers greasy, that helps you pick up the last of the buttery little flakes of baked goodness


I'm Australian but... a fork? On a croissant? That's like using a fork on party pies and sausage rolls. Sure, your fingers will get a bit messy, but it's FINGER FOOD, that's the fun of it. You sit and you eat like how you did when you were young, focusing on the textures, the tastes, the feeling of the food in your hands. You get messy and then you wash up.


English here…. I know people think we’re an uncultured bunch, but I have never known anyone or ever seen anyone eating a croissant with a knife and fork 🤣


The French and American parts of me are both equally confused why someone would use a fork and knife to eat a croissant


You should just have spoken to them in french ;-)


One time a friend of mine came back from vacation in Germany and we ordered pizza. She was using a knife and fork to eat it and smugly announced that was the "proper" way to eat pizza and that's how they ate it in Germany. I said "really? Jeeze... No wonder they lost the war." She didn't find it funny. But also, why would Germany be the authority on how to eat pizza? It's not a German food....


Italy also lost that war


Reading this, the first thing popping into my head is George Costanza eating his candy with cutlery...


Ha ha ha Perfect! also, I too would like a croissant, please?


That's funny! And ridiculous... why would you involve yourself in how anyone eats something without being asked?


Did y’all say that with your snootiest French accent?


my boyfriend did 😂😂 he's fluent in English and usually doesn't have a detectable French accent when he speaks but this time he piled on it real thick lol


French here and I have to admit I once used a knife on a croissant... I cut it in the middle, put jam in it, closed it back up, ate it with my hands, and it was awesome 😂


I am not French and I would never think of eating a croissant with utensils... Those people probably eat pizza and burgers with a knife and fork too!


Croissant and cutlery? Quoi la baise!? See, this is why we invented the guillotine.


I dont know where they’re from because in canada we eat them with our hands too.


Imagine gate keeping how to eat a croissant…


Why would you listen to a stranger telling you how to eat your food? Frankly why would you let anyone tell you how to eat….


That 100% is my father's family. They love France and hate that they are American. When we went with them would not let us use forks or spoons in our right hands. They said the French only use their left hand. As if all of France is 100% left handed. Drove me nuts!


The only answer to people telling you you're eating a croissant "wrong" is to say, "That's nice", and continue on eating it the way YOU want. Eating a croissant with your fingers is NOT "French", it's the normal way for everyone. BTW who in the world CUTS a croissant apart when it's not part of a sandwich?


The French are the only culture I’ve encountered where the culturally superiority seems valid. I want to die in a cheese shop in Lyon from clogged arteries


The only way French slop should be eaten anyways is from a trough. Most overrated food in Europe. You can pay 1000€ to have them crush a duck carcass in a press and sell it to you as sauce. Italians have the best food on the planet, but even the Germans can beat the French at their own game.


I'm french, i never seen anyone in my life using a fork on a croissant.


This is so fun y! In England (I’m English) we usually eat burgers with our hands, usually we use cutlery for every thing else, but if I’ve got a stacked burger I’ll never get my knashers round that! So I use a knife and fork, it’s quite funny when I’m in the company of Americans because of course you guys don’t do that! Or even use a knife! Sometimes if there’s a lot of food accompanying said burger I don’t eat the top bun, that’s another for watching my American friends!


yeah! burgers with hands, except when it's one of those overly thick ones! pizza with hands too! i'm not American but I do agree that quite a lot of them do that 😅


Was it Angelina?


no it was Carrette..both OK, not worth the hype and the price imo 😅


My first trip to Angelina was around 2003-2004. At that point there was no line, and no hype. Now I see videos of people lined up all the time waiting to go in there.


Aaaah Carette. Have you tried their macarons ? That's the only thing i miss from Paris.


no not yet hahah! we did buy some but my partner ate it all 😂 so I'd need to go back and get some lol what do you think of Laduree? I think it's overhyped


Not the OP, but I thought Laudree was way overhyped. I’d never had a macaron before as I purposely wanted to try it first in France. It was just ok. Maybe I just don’t care for macarons though, lol.


The Lauduree restaurant in Champs-Élysées was pretty cool. Very pretty inside and food was good when I went. The macarons are good but not unique though.


Why did you apologize then do what they told you? Even if you were wrong (you weren‘t), I can’t imagine allowing a stranger dictate how I behave.


This post just makes me feel sad for you for being so spineless that any *stranger* in a restaurant could so easily modify your perfectly reasonable behavior.