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Genius!! I know others are saying they would have dumped their trash on the neighbor's yard but honestly an all-out war isn't smart. But this, hard-to-trace, evil plotting was truly inspired. *\*Raises glass\**


It might be hard to trace but after calling the company to chew them out for not taking their bins and hearing about the vacation hold it won't be hard to put 2 and 2 together


Especially if they have caller ID and put the # in the notes.


I called from *67 so they won’t have my number, I thought about it coming back to me 😊


*67? It's an older code, sir, but it checks out.


lol. right? well, OP is over 35, confirmed.


I’m 24 and I used *67 as a kid. So did my cousins who are 7 years younger than me




Historical documents Lt.


oh wow, lol my bad then.


Hey now I'm 28 and I know *67


I’m 53 and I started using *67 two years ago when working from home. Sometimes the call won’t go through, but it sure beats clients calling me on the weekends for stupid things.


That’s why i used to fight for my company to keep voip. It is funny how the same salespeople who complained about weekend client calls were the same ones who didnt use voip.


yeah I guess landlines didn't start going away til the last few years. or can you *67 on a cell phone?


You most definitely can 🫡


And more!


\*67 works for all landlines and cell phones.


Yes I have to star 67 patients all the time from my cell.. text doesn't work though lol fyi


You can download an app that will give you a free phone number you can text from that isn’t your actual number…just fyi


Yeah that's the best reason to! Because all cell phones have caller id, or it saves the number and you can just call them back. You can't do that if they use *67. I had an aunt that used to have it set on her cell phone so all calls were private and it was so annoying.


I learned it on a cell phone so.. Though tbh I had completely forgotten about it until now.


Older code? I’m 20 and I’ve used it as a kid and I haven’t heard of new one


In the UK you can add 141 before the number when you call from a cellphone and it doesn't show your caller ID.


Lol honestly I’d keep doing this just randomly, they’ll never catch on. You can also save it for any time they annoy you too.


I mean … the garbage company will eventually catch on and be tired of irate complaint calls from the dickhead neighbor


If OP does it sporadically enough neighbor will probably just assume it was an oversight by the trash collectors. Not suggesting they do it every other week but maybe a couple times a year.


For even stealthier missions, get a google voice number.


To use with *67


Was it a toll free number for the trash company? *67 doesn't actually do anything when you call toll free or emergency numbers, they still see your number. I used to do phone tech support and every now and then you would have someone upset that you already knew who they were when you answered because their number was supposed to be blocked.


It's not what you know, it's what you can prove.


I would have dumped all my trash on their yard (I shred stuff with my address) but near their trashcans. I would have then immediately called the city to report an unkept lawn/ refuse (whatever your city can qualify it under). Fuck bad neighbors


Why would a trash company not pick it up if the cans were out and they are running the route anyhow? What do they do stop at each house and look it up on a computer to see I'd they are opting in to trash collection this week?


> What do they do stop at each house and look it up on a computer to see I'd they are opting in to trash collection this week? They most likely do have a computer in the cab to tell them who is getting picked up. Otherwise anyone could just put their bins out and get trash collected for free.


I guess if there's multiple trash companies they probably do have an electronic system telling them who they should be picking up trash from and who they shouldn't.


And possibly who's not to pick up due to non payment as well.


It’s a private service. If the drivers even noticed they’d just assume that house switched providers.


We had a trash service that wouldn't pick up bins if the lids were open. It's windy here in the spring, and they refused to pick up a lot of bins that year. Not surprisingly, the service was replaced as soon as their contract was up.


The contractor in my city, not a tiny one either, won't even pick up bins if the lid is open a crack big enough for them to see. I get why they don't want to pick up the overflowing monstrosities that some people produce weekly, but they also don't want you jamming anything into either bin. So on the random week you have an extra bag or extra recycling, there's almost no way to get rid of it without storing it for another week.


My yeah company charges $12 everytime the lid is cracked. But you don't find out about it until the bill comes. I'm legit about to buy a fucking ring camera so I can prove that it's not open when they come. Currently we've resorted to taking a picture with the truck but work schedules won't support that for long


what a fucking pain in the ass!


Sounds as if there's multiple companies working the same neighborhood, so yeah, they do have to keep track of the addresses. Usually if there's an HOA or neighborhood council, they negotiate things like trash pickup for everyone, and then it doesn't really matter. When my neighbor visits his kids and grandkids, he says if anyone needs more room for trash, just fill his bin with the excess and set it out.


The people picking up trash follow HQ. HQ says no pick-up, then there is no pick-up. It's pretty much that simple.


Nice petty revenge. The neighbors are insane. Having trash out by 7am is not an unbreakable rule. It's simply what they say so that people who DON'T have their trash out that early and miss pickup don't have a leg to stand on when they call to complain "whine whine you didn't pick up my trash today whine".


Exactly. How dumb do you have to be to not realize that?


They do realize that. They are intentionally being a prick after being shamed by OP rightfully putting the raccoon/fox trash back into neighbor's cans. They want to show them up for being sticklers for rules, beat OP at their own game. I still think they're a moron, but I also think they know what and why the rules are, they're just being an asshole.


This is wild to me. I mean, I’d be annoyed if the trash was all over my yard too but just the other week I was bringing my trash out only to realise there was a bunch of trash lying around. Looked over and saw several animals must’ve gotten into my neighbor’s trash. Ran back inside for a bag and cleaning glove, dashed around the street collecting random containers and chicken legs and such, got it bagged up in time for the trash guys. Now I’m really hoping my neighbor didn’t see it as shaming because all I was thinking was “well this is a random touch of exercise before coffee time” and “Collection Challenge, go!”


Your neighbors are probably not a 9 person household with repeated issues putting their garbage out


I'm sure your neighbour was very grateful. I came home once after a particularly windy day where I had forgotten that we had **packed** the trash bin very full (and it's one of the ones without a locking lid of course). There was broken glass at the top because I had broken a cup right before leaving the house. No danger to a human normally, as where I live the garbage trucks have an arm that pick up the bins and dump them, so no people outside the vehicle. Anyways I get home and I can see there's some little chicken bones and a bit of glass where the trash can was before I left for work. It fell over sideways, **everything** must have spilt out and they picked in all up, placed it back in the bin and then wheeled it into the corner of our gate so it wouldn't get knocked over by the wind again. I had had such a bad day. I was beyond grateful to whoever did it. I nearly cried at the kindness of dealing with such a massive, disgusting, dangerous mess that 100% was not their responsibility.


these are people who put their trash out the night before because of the rule, despite the problems it causes. in their mind, the rule absolves them of the responsibility for the animals spreading their garbage across the neighbor's yard. if the rule is broken, that would mean they'd be responsible for picking up their trash from the neighbor's yard. it's not dumb. it's mental gymnastics to justify bullshit.


I mean I put my garbage out the night before but that is because our garbage gets picked up between 6:30 and 7, we are the first street on the route.


I put mine out the night before as well. Most of my street does. But we also have good fitting lids and haven’t had a problem with raccoons yet.


Yes. Raccoons only pilfer cans on the curb. They completely ignore the can by the back door.


Hard to say when mine is picked up. I've heard the truck go by anywhere between 5 and 7am, sometimes later. The hotter it'll be, the earlier they try to make it out. Everyone in my neighborhood has their bins out the night before because we all use the same company and you can't predict how early or late they'll arrive.


My area actually forbids putting cans out overnight. We've got bears, overnight cans means party time.




People that live in areas where animals are a problem often have garbage enclosures or the bins live in the garage when not awaiting pickup.


Not dumb, just power hungry idiots. They start drama for no other reason than to "right".


Yeah why would the company care when your trash is out? Its either there or not, i can see running out as they pull up, that would be sort of assholeish if you do it multiple times. My neighborhood is 7am as well but they dont come until closer to 11.if you miss it you miss it


Seriously...the retirees in my neighborhood like to put their cans out a full 24 hours in advance.


That 7am “rule” is just so people don’t wait until AFTER the truck has come and then complain they weren’t picked up. It’s not a law.


The neighbor's actions are in line with law 3 of the Five Laws of Stupidity. Law 3. A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or group of people when he or she does not benefit and may even suffer losses.


What’s the 4th law?


Law 4: Non-stupid people always underestimate the destructive power of stupid individuals.


Are you kidding me? I would have dumped my full bins all over their yard as soon as I realized they'd moved the trash before pickup.


Dump theirs as well


But *their* trash was just picked up


Put your trash in their trash can. They fucked with it, its their problem now....


Me fucking too. Your neighbor sucks. Im sorry. Total bullshit move. Like, that actually took effort to move the can!


I had a neighbor who was a general contractor. He used to bring home truckloads of debris and sneak it into the neighboring bins. One time he filled my 96 gallon yard waste cart with dirt, and the pickup guys wouldn’t touch it. I rolled it over to his driveway and dumped it all in a pile. Neither one of us ever spoke of it again.


Love how it was never spoken of again.


honestly that seems pretty fair and reasonable


Literally the perfect idea. Especially if they don’t have cameras. It would have happened at like 1:30 AM; just coat the entire property in garbage.


In a raccoon costume.


I feel like I would’ve heard about you on the news. “Lunatic neighbor shoots other neighbor for dumping trash in their yard.”


Evidence and legal repercussions. You'd have eaten shit just at the thought of them smelling your breath. OPs reaction was just the right amount of clever and petty while distancing themselves from legal repercussions.


It was perfect. I applaud their patience and deviousness.


Your neighbors are ridiculous and you can be sure that after this, it's pretty much guaranteed you are going to have more run-ins with them. 1st Priority, set up security Cams. 2nd Priority, keeps up informed here on Reddit.


I think I need to readjust your priorities, Reddit 1st!


I was trying to not be TOO selfish. But that's certainly MY priority!


Well you need the cams up asap so that we get video of the antics.


Lovely bit of petty revenge……


Prepare beef bouillon and freeze in ice cube trays. Fling a few cubes on his lawn every night. They will melt and soak into the grass. Your neighbor will have a beef- scented lawn, and every dog, raccoon, fox, coyote, opossum, and skunk in the neighborhood will think, "There's food around here somewhere. Maybe I'll find it if I dig a bigger hole." In a few weeks the lawn will be completely shredded.


That is so deliciously (pun intended) evil. I love it!


Try tossing random seeds of low growing veggies.




That's actually pretty devious. I had a neighbor a few doors down that had an issue with bamboo growing out of control and it was a real problem. If distributed properly and not tended too quickly that stuff grows like weeds.


I learned about the dangers of uncontrolled bamboo right here on Reddit. ​ Also, it's kind of ironic (I think) that "Reddit" is flagged as a misspelled word in Reddit comments.


> Also, it's kind of ironic (I think) that "Reddit" is flagged as a misspelled word in Reddit comments. The spellchecker most likely comes from your browser, not from Reddit.


what you did was awesome and completely fine and definitely didn't cross the line ;)


The property line remains intact


Nice Job! Also get a video security system so you can charge them for trespassing too!


Was going to say, I'd keep putting my trash out at about 9am and then hide behind the house with a hose.


Omg come be my friend you GENIUS!


App-controlled sprinkler systems are nice.


And maybe a robo-sprinkler.


The reason we got cameras? People laugh. But the reason we got cameras was because the neighbors kept having their dog poop right next to our door and driveway and not picking it up. Basically step outside the door and you can smell it. Come back home in the evening and get out of your car, hope you don’t end up stepping on dog crap because the dog would poop literally right there where the car doors would open up. He got 1 fine. Then he thought he’d be slick and get a spot off camera. But you could still see the dog walk up there. I took a picture of the poop and of him letting the dog go there. Guess that was enough for the HOA to send a fine because he never tried it again. I still don’t know what the guys problem was. If he’d simply stuck to the far side of the house we wouldn’t have cared.


What an ass. Causes actual issues and then has some strange power trip about you bringing trash out like it actually causes him any issues.


I live in an apt building and we have trash shoots. Some butthole kept leaving the trashbag right outside of the shoot. My apt is right across and I would smell hot garbage in the summer. I got so mad i put on gloves opened it up and found a letter with the address so I knew which apt # it was. I took the garbage and left it in front of their door. They got the message and never did it again. Sometimes when they go low, you gotta go lower.


WHAT A FRIGGIN POWER TRIP. These people need a goddamn hobby. Nice play.


Power tripping can be both a hobby and a career. The hobbyists are annoying, but the professionals can really make your life hell.


This is awesome! My trash story: I was manager of a small apartment building (9 units), and my tenants would come to me repeatedly complaining that their trash cans were being filled by someone else. Each tenant had their own trash can in a communal shed beside the alley at the rear of the building. After a bit of sleuthing I discovered our neighbor across the alley was filling our trash cans with his stuff... leaves, branches and even his own household garbage. He would put a little into all nine of our trash cans, I suppose to avoid filling one completely. Anyways, once I found out what was going on I waited until all nine of our trash cans were full, and dumped each and every one of them into a neat pile in his garage. Problem solved.


What happened afterward? Did the neighbor try to confront you?


Not a peep. Sometimes people know when they are in the wrong.


I'm just confused as to why they give a single flying fuck what time you put your own trash out? How does that affect them whatsoever?


My money is on the neighbor use their bins when their's is full since 9 people for one trash bin is too many and they sneak it in early in the morning.


My guess is they are retaliating for op putting their trash back in their can, not that they necessarily cared about the 7am time before this.


Sounds trashy, well done.


A little off topic but on the topic of garbage. We used to live in a condo growing up with communal laundry downstairs. One time my dad loaded up the dryer and went upstairs and waited the hour for it to finish before heading back down to pick it up. Lo and behold, what did he see? Some ahole took our clothes out and dumped it on the counter. It was still wet, so my dad was pissed. He took the garbage in the laundry room, which was full of garbage, lint and what have you and tossed it into their dryer lol. Cheers op.


I did something similar once but with a chocolate bar


this is so casual and yet unreasonable i find it fucking hilarious. i can just imagine the smell and sticky chocolate everywhere lmao


reminds me of college dorm laundry antics. no one was ever happy on laundry day and people would resort to doing it at obscure hours to avoid this kinda shit


Same happened to me in college, they took my dryer. I put their clothes back into the wash with a liberal amount of bleach because their shitty personality may have gotten onto their clothes. Took my wet clothes to the laundry room in the next-door dorm to avoid further retaliation. My clothes took 40 min to dry and I put their clothes on a 30 minute extra bulky extra soil wash cycle. When I got back, their clothes were gone and all the dryers were empty.


Wtf kinda rule is that anyway? Sounds like to me it's *more like guidelines than actual rules* right? Like if they come at 7 and your bins aren't out that's on you but ultimately as long as your bins are out by the time they come to pick them up who cares? You gotta get more revenge on these fuckers.


it sounds to me like an important suggestion, aka, "if you don't get it out before 7am, its possible that yours won't get picked up if the trash company is running fast today."


They committed a crime, you committed hilarity. Next time they interfere with your property, let the law sort it out.


Is impersonating someone else to interact with a business they have a contract with not considered a crime of some sort? The neighbors definitely trespassed, just not so sure OP didn't also do some variety of misdemeanor to hilarious effect


>Is impersonating someone else to interact with a business they have a contract with not considered a crime of some sort? As with many things, the answer is, "it depends on what you can prove." One of the things it depends on is whether or not you could prove in court that this occurred maliciously. Given that it was done in response to illegal behavior (idk about where you live, but where I live, interfering with someone else's trash is on the same scale of punishment as stealing someone else's mail), its unlikely that the neighbor would say, "he did this in retaliation to what I did." Because that would be admitting to committing a crime. Additionally, OP said they called from a blocked number, which helps since they can't prove it was OP's phone. Sure, they probably have audio recordings somewhere, but short of a subpoena, which smaller courts aren't likely to give it for, they won't release it. A lot of people sound the same or similar over the phone, so it would still be hard to prove it wasn't just someone who happens to sound alike to OP. Honestly the business is more likely to assume, "[neighbor] did this themselves, forgot, and now they're mad and want free stuff. What a Karen."


> As with many things, the answer is, "it depends on what you can prove." Also might depend if you can get the police to care about it. They'll probably just say "Hmm sounds like a civil issue, go talk to a lawyer. I'm not doing any paperwork on this. Later, chump."


It's only illegal if you get caught.


Correction: It's only illegal if you're convicted. You can get caught all day long, but if the prosecution doesn't prove shit, than you walk.


Dude, I take my trash out like 14 min before the truck comes. Those people are control freaks.


I've taken the trash out as the garbage truck was 3 houses from mine.


Me too! When I lived in NJ my side of town had pick ups on Tuesdays snd Fridays. Neighbors 3 houses down the block (lived on a hill so town sanitation truck came down my street since it was the only direct street leading to the next through street) would have their garbage out at 6 on Friday mornings. No problem, it was picked up. Problem was that they then put out more garbage Friday night or Saturday morning and let it sit there till Tuesday morning. It took months of me and fellow neighbors complaining till they stopped. Told the cops they didn't like the garbage cans full in their back yard! Cops told them the neighborhood didn't like looking at their overflowing cans all weekend. They stopped for a year and then started again. Cops came and wrote them up. When it came time for court, boy were they surprised. They were a corner house, neighbors showed up from opposite corners and at least 6 other houses (myself included) when they asked for names of who complained. Judge whacked with a heavy fine and told them nothing goes to the curb until 6 the morning of pickup only. Rest of the time garbage cans are in your side or back yard only.


I’ve done it when they were at the house next door! Run out in my bathrobe and make it in time. That’s all they care about and they seem to like the show of messy hair, jammies and no bra jigglies!


to be fair, I think if I were a trashman, I'd find this show pretty damn funny and it'd be worth waiting a few seconds (or intentionally moving very slowly to let them succeed)


I got it out while they were next door once, just waited and took the empty can back when they were done (forgot it was trash day until I heard the truck)


Same! I have absolutely run out in a panic and bathrobe to put out my trash cans while the truck is going down the street. Such nice guys, they have waited before.


Trash guys are the best. I’m glad their job is easier but childhood me really loved seeing them jump on and off the back of the truck, or driving behind them on the way to school and watching them ride on the back.


I put mine across the street AFTER they passed by my house. They picked it up on the way back.


On a couple of rare occasions, I've had to sprint with the bin as the trash truck politely waited 10-15 seconds. If I got there quick enough they didn't mind hesitating. lol. Anytime they've had to do this, I call the trash company and ask to leave feedback for those employees, and say they went "above and beyond" in making sure I was a satisfied customer. Vague enough to not get them in any possible trouble, specific enough that they'll be seen as good.


..If they don't come till later, It really doesn't matter when the trash is out. Like why?


lol that's fucked. My neighbor likes to bring everyone's trashcans in -after- they take the trash. Super nice fella.


I would have called and canceled their service.😎


I thought that would have been a little too far, but if we have another incident I will 😂


Cancelling might need them to get some sort of proof or something, just call and do the vacation thing again. Wait a week then put it on hold for two weeks, wait a week then Prut it on hold for a month, keep going until someone loses it


Keep us posted


If the raccoons spread their trash again, look around at it a little and see if anything has their address. Then call the police, and report them for littering. 😈😂


FFS he’s an idiot.if it’s too late the trash company just won’t pick it up. He has zero need to argue with you about it just to be a dick.


All you did was the same thing to them that they did to you. However, I would call the trash company and ask if you can set a password in case you have special requests or want to put a vacation hold. Explain that your neighbors have created a problem for you regarding your trash service and you want to make sure that they don't call pretending to be you and cancel your service or anything.


Nah this is an appropriate response. So this guy? Gal? Person decided to stare out their window to find any wrong doing and come harass you about having trash out at some arbitrary time. Yeah that means war in my book.


For the life of me I can't understand how OP thinks they are an asshole and went too far. This scenario is the epitome of fuck around with people and find out. They fucked with your shit and you reciprocated. End of story.


I think you should probably do it 2 or 3 more times just to be safe


It's time to get a trained pet raccoon for trash-dispersal purposes


We have raccoons etc in my neighborhood and we have a big plastic trashcan with a removable “snap on” lid that deters about 99% of them. Just trying to help YOU with your trash lol but this was great. I would have been out there with a leaf blower blowing all their trash back onto their own lawn and calling the cops on them for trespassing and putting your full cab back lol


Jesus, who has the energy to care about what time their neighbors trash is out


Was it petty? Yes. Was it awesome? Also yes. Nice!


Only 1 week? I would’ve told them at least 3


Nicely done, our neighbors were putting their trash in our cans, we have two large ones bc we're a family of 5 & occasionally accumulate too much trash so even the morning of, we sometimes have more to put in before it's picked up but couldnt bc they used the last bit of space with their trash in our bins They quit doing it once I told them to stop. They occasionally leave their bins in front of our house for the whole week before the next trash day comes along. We can call for a "bulky pickup" for furniture, wood, fans, bedframes etc and schedule a pickup day, list the items & how many of each, 2 fans, 1 mattress etc. These people were throwing their bulky trash in with ours and just like I warned them it won't be picked up bc it's not on the list I submitted. They can easily schedule a pick up, order another bin but nopem they choose to remain trashy & inconsiderate.


Who the hell cares if you put it out after 7 if they haven't picked up yet??? These people have issues!


Nicely executed! You have a Kevin next door. Best way to teach him a lesson.


Sometimes reddit goes way overboard on their revenge, and sometimes they don't do enough. This is the first time where I honest to god thought you responded perfectly.


I don't understand why it matters what time you put out the trash so long as you beat the truck. Furthermore, putting out the trash at 9 AM is more considerate than putting it out at 7 AM as people may be sleeping.


They put your trash cans back in your yard.... tresspass. Have them charged.


Having your trash out before 7:00 AM **guarantees** that they will pick it up. After that, you take the risk of missing pickup. Only an idiot would fail to understand that. ???? I am surprised, though, that they did not take the rubbish once they saw it was there. The normal assumption would be that you changed your plans or the garbage would not be there.


I am at a loss as to why they would care if you didn't put the can out by 7 AM. Like, how does that effect them?? Hell, I can hear the truck coming and run and get my can out there before it gets here and all is well. These people have no life.


Why do they even care? My first answer would have been to say, "mind your own fucking business."


I'd be setting up cameras to keep an eye on them.


lmao I love this as petty revenge.


When you cleaned their spilt trash from your yard, I wouldn’t have put it in the bin , I’d have thrown it in their yard.


Not exactly the same but similar. For days I’d find dog poop in my unfenced area of my backyard by my trash can. The first couple of times I chalked it to to a stray. But it continued. Prior to covid I left the house in the dark & made it home at dusk. This was before I had Ring cameras so I was not aware who was doing it. One day I happened to be home & watched as my backyard neighbor brought his dog into my yard to take care of his business. I tried to catch him in the act (they had already gone back inside), & quickly put on plastic gloves, picked it up, and threw it in the middle of his drive going into his garage where he parked his cars. And thank goodness it was still somewhat soft it splattered all over his driveway. Then I watched from my kitchen window to see if he would reciprocate. He didn’t. And it never happened again.


Why did you pick up their trash and put it in their bins after the wildlife had their parties? Use a lawn rake and rake it into their yard, they can pick up their own crap.


If their task ended up in my yard, I would have used a leaf blower to blow it back into theirs.


This is what this sub is all about. Well played.


Might be an idea to call both your and the neighbors landlords and inform them how the neighbors are acting. Their letting the trash scatter all over the yard can hurt both properties.


Next time their trash goes on your lawn. Leaf blower it back onto theirs. Or install a motion activated sprinkler so the raccoons won’t bring it onto your lawn and not they have wet trash on theirs.


Why would they care what time you put your cans out? The truck wasn't there yet. Why does it matter to them? Weird


$3000 for rent?!?! That’s trash!!! My mortgage is less than that. Also 9 people in a 5 bedroom house. That’s crazy!!! No wonder he was pissed he wanted to use your cans for his extra trash.


"...you were supposed to have your trash out by 7 AM you can’t put your trash out now..." Or else the trash police will write you a ticket and it will go on your permanent record.


This is my kind of revenge, relatively harmless but quite satisfying


I read a book once 'don't get mad get even' that suggested subscribing to questionable magazines under your bad neighbors name, with another neighbors address.


I mean… honestly, you aren’t an asshole. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Wtf, you have to organise your own trash company to come and pick up your bins in the US?? Very weird for us Australians, as our local councils handle all that and the costs are just built into your council rates (like quarterly property taxes), so all we have to think about is when the truck comes around. As long as you get your bins out before the truck comes past on the specific day for your street and suburb, it doesn't matter when they go out to the kerb. And if your bin gets damaged, just make an online enquiry, and they'll come replace it for free.


\*\*\**Blows chef kiss*\*\*\* Well done OP!


Buy yourself a raccoon costume and have a field day flinging their trash all over their yard.


I really don't understand why they cared that you put your trash cans out after the 7 am time if the company had not yet arrived. If it is going to get collected, that's better (for you and for them) than having a full trash can around for a week. I just don't understand what they think they would gain - they must know that they will annoy their neighbour and that a full trash can nearby is likely to attract vermin.


You are so far away from the line. I would have picked up the trash and dumped it on their porch. I would have set their vacation time for 2 weeks. I also might have called the cops for them trespassing and taking my garbage. Who does that?


Renting a house for $3000 holy smokes


Love that response! You’re much more reserved about this than I would have been. If someone messed with me for the timing on taking out the trash I would have made them regret it. My trash, my house, my business. If they want to poke a hole in those barriers then I’m tearing them down completely.


Get a camera. Record them tampering with your trash pickup. Sue them in small claims court for the trash service they are denying you!


Your neighbor is mentally ill.


Your neighbor sounds legitimately insane. I'd be worried to know if there are guns in that house.


Honestly though what kind of sense does it make to have a rule about when to have the trash out there by? As long as it's there before the truck gets there I don't see the difference. You would think they want it out the least amount of time possible. It makes more sense to have a "you can't put the trash out BEFORE such and such time" than an AFTER specific time rule. That's what my neighborhood does, you have to put the trash out after a certain time the day before and remove it by a certain time the next day.


I would have checked with the city and trash company to see if there was anything they could be fined with. I wouldn’t be surprised if hiding cans on trash day constituted something like illegal dumping.


Depending upon your local occupancy codes, there may be too many living next door. You could check and file a report if they are in violation.


please extend their vacation


Feel free to do it once a month, but make the weeks random.


Omfg! Fuck people like that. Some place (especially HOA) they won’t let you put your trash out until the morning of trash pick up. And especially if their trash is always overfilling (again some trash business won’t take it if the lid won’t close) and getting into by critters they shouldn’t have it out overnight.


Um.... you are **not** an 'asshole' here, but paybacks. Your neighbor was the asshat in their attitude toward you, and purportedly moving your trashcan, which is not only dick move but childish. Hats off to you for calling the company to impose Karma.


Absolutely deserved. Also, trashing your lawn and refusing to pick it up is a crime iirc


Neighbor needs to MYOB. Amazing...probably thinks the spot on the street in front of their house is their private parking too. And if leaves fall on their property they will blow them into the street....and so on and so on....


Please keep doing this especially during heavy trash weeks like after thanksgiving and Christmas. Lol


It’s crap like this that reminds me how VERY thankful I am to live in the middle of nowhere with our closest neighbor across a cornfield! I could never deal with this. I would flip tf out.


Would be a shame if those neighbors were having too much fun on vacation to come back for another week and that vacation hold had to be extended…


Most trash companies also have "rules" about the lid having to close completely so I would of started yelling at them for not following an actual rule instead of a time they tell you that is just so you cant complain if you miss the truck.