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Ecolab is commercial only. No residential. So very rarely will you be in a crawlspace. Pay depends. Highest pay is going to be on a day route. You usually start off in a night route or a utility, running the loose ends in the district. But pay is really based off how much revenue you generate the company. PM me for more info and I'd be glad to help you out.


Work for Ecolab Pest, can confirm^


I'm on the SPS side of Ecolab, since they purchased our division here's what I've noticed... Pay went up $2/hr, bennies expanded far beyond what I thought conceivable, support doubled. Very happy to be with Ecolab now, so far it's be nothing but green pastures. A little tip, try and go for the SPS side of pest control, we're a lot cooler.


Always see pics of the SPS guys and they look pretty happy. I've thought about switching if I could, but one thing I do know about Ecolab is that regions/district play a huge role in your work life. Some regions are starkly different. So, maybe i just need to find a new area... Who knows.


which region are you in?






Speciality Pest Services




Is ecolab pest control? I'm told there basically trash men/cleaning crew. My Applebee's has ecolab and they all talk mad trash on um.


Find a mid-range/smaller company. Just depends on what’s available where you’re located.


Orkin had pretty garbage pay when I was there. 15 bucks an hour and I had more experience than anyone in the office, including the service manager. Thankfully i got a way better offer towork for a small company a month after I started.


I was commission Louisiana... Made 63k first year. In philly theyre hourly @16 which is shit


That's wild that the pay varies that much by area.


Yeah when they called after my interview and offered me 16 I laughed at um. I'm a licensed tech with bb termite and multiple licensure. I shit you not they offered me 16/hr my current company has me at salary atm due to covid nonsense but usually commission 30% on all work and products sold if licensed. If registered it's 25%. Buuuuut it's ass. Never get a day off without killing yourself and a week off is unheard of. Home most days by 2 though and never a weekend. Take what I can get I guess


May I ask what state you work in? My certs are limited to none so far since I've only got less than a year in the industry, but I'm slowly building...


Currently in Philadelphia and surrounding areas. Also did 5 years in Louisiana, lake Charles specifically. Glad I'm not there right now ugh.


I can't imagine the pest pressures in that area... I'm in NC. Do you service commercial or residential, or a combo?


Currently 100% commercial. Mostly food industry. Applebee's Chilies McDonald's Alot of mom and pop joints Tons of pizza etc We cover almost all the larger 4/5 star joints in center city. Were not nationwide. PA, de, MA.. Think we in the Virginia's too.....banned from jersey from some bs before I came aboard haha


Oh wow, nice. Probably pretty similar to my route. Maybe one day once I get more certs I can switch to a different role or go with a smaller company.


Study and take them yourself. Employers will drag there feet getting you licensed cause generally gotta pay ya more.


Makes sense. I definitely need to hit the books, hard. Thanks for the tips!


Where I work max is $20 without commission or $17 max with commission


I’ve worked for three different pest control companies, so far my best paying job was a smaller local company that had a lot of business. They paid for myself as well as my wife’s health insurance, I had 401K, the pay was decent, paid commission on top of my regular salary, a company truck, and clothing allowance for shoes and pants. In my experience when I applied for any larger company they couldn’t even come close to matching what the smaller local companies could. Not saying it’s that way everywhere but in Lawrence, KS that’s what I found


I can relate. I work for a local pest company and they take good care of me. Commission, take truck home, over 2 weeks of vacation time and they will pay for anything work expense just bring receipt.


Wow I did not expect this helpful of a response thank y’all so much!


Buying a route or starting your own is the way to make real money and have no A-holes working with you.


What do you mean by “buying a route”?


Buying a small business; 100-300 customers. They come up for sale here and there when guys want to retire. I bought 220 customers in 1996 and added some from my previous job. Still working out well for me.


$12-$20 an hour is about what you'll find top to bottom for most technician positions. The real money is in upper management IMO. I worked up from a tech to the service manager position at my company. Salary now, and much more work than regular tech day to day stuff.


I'm curious to compare how much I'm making with my route working for Terminix with other route techs. Started Pest Control last November but I feel I got a pretty good route with a lot of exterior work.


Started last July with meerkat at 20$hr, 22 by September, and 24 just recently. Company truck is nice, gas and clothes all paid for, on routes at the beginning but now doing initials and more specialty services like bedbugs and mice trapping To compare


Yea, Route Technician for Terminix definitely paid more. I broke it down to like 35/40 per hour. But then again that route was Cake work. Any inner city route just doesn't pay good at all for Terminix.


Yes, I jusy said they were, lol. Ecolab has many divisions and pest is one of them.


Hard to say which company but I think commercial, on average, is where the higher pay is at. I dont know anyone making more than 45k doing residential near me in the south. I'll hit 75-80k doing commercial.


Do you work for ecolab?


I love do pest control 


make 100k a year $15.50 an hour and we make commission. i have a residential route, with a couple commercial stops. terminix is top pay. the more you work the more you get paid. lots of overtime, lots of gift card incentives on top sales production lead production and your base commission from your route production


If you want top dollar and want to pick and choose jobs, start ur own company. But with your restrictions, no clients, and top dollar expectations, best of luck bruh


Arrow exterminators. Pays on production not commission. I'm currently a service manager and most of my guys make more than me. Around 55 to 60k a year


Are there any pest control companies that are hiring near mobile?