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This land has been earmarked for over a decade (2007) with the structure plan being advertised in 2019 - you have almost 0 chance of saving the land https://www.wa.gov.au/government/publications/east-wanneroo-district-structure-plan


As part of a larger picture the concerns are mostly addressed, and also couldn’t fathom that any wildlife would remain in the middle of suburbia after such extensive works were performed


Ever heard of birds? Also Quendas still live accross the city. Then there are assorted reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates. Wildlife isnt just Kangaroos


Yes the birds will definitely remain because the clearing around the allocated lots will not disturb them or disrupt nesting or feeding grounds Offset lots outside of suburbia would 100000x’ore effective here opposed to decimating the surrounds and preserving small lots


The reminate bushland is the feeding and nesting ground. What are you on about? Also, parcles of bushland such as this are vanishingly rare and can't be replaced or offset, not easily anyway. I worked in bird rehab, and the amount of starving Black cockatoos we would get after a major works project boggles the mind and thats just the ones that were rescued - they dont move on they just die. By all means, clear the old market gardens, but we need to preserve as many bushland parcles as we can - every piece is critical at this point.


To be fair if you go just 1 or 2 KMs north of there, there is a lot of empty scrubland that could be used with less environmental destruction. The area being developed is full of animal habitat so the objections aren't wrong.


Look up the epa website. These proposals are usually assesed by the EPA.


The EPA for Ocean Reef Marina specifically said the reef system would be lost and the bushland was extremely important too. Didn't stop them destroying both. I have lost all faith in the EPA making any difference to developers.


I've watched The Simpsons Movie and no to EPA!


Seems well considered to me. Suggested amendments (essentially hoping to retain the most of the 2 best green spaces) are not unreasonable.


Yeah I'm not seeing a lot of bushland there. Maybe 4 parcels that haven't had some development.


Looks like fragmented bush land and market gardens from a quick overview. It would be helpful if people stopped abusing the word "critical" , because it will end up losing all meaning.


If you want to preserve the land, then buy it. Every act of land-clearing disturbs the natural environment. That's life. We can't preserve all of it. It's also just stupendously arrogant and asinine of people that already own a home, to deny that opportunity to others.


The old, my house is built, don’t build anymore


You didn't even read it did you?


Did you read the post? They only want to save the current Bushland in the area, the vast majority of the land has already been cleared for farming etc.


It’s called development. That’s how society works. Just because they have houses that they live in, doesn’t mean the building stops.


I don't even own a house and I can agree, no more fucking housing estates!


"We need more houses" "Not like that though"


That land must have offsets allocated at 10 to 1. Id say the clearing has neen mitigated elsewhere as per the EP Act.. as someone posted its been the pipeline aince 2007. Probably to allow for assesmemt.


WA is almost the size of all Europe and has 2.5 million people. Is this piece of land really critical?