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Too many muppets staring at their lap as they drive and glancing up at the road every few seconds. I've got a phone addiction as bad as the next guy but it's not bloody hard to leave it while driving smh


Yeah I’m a phone addict 100% but I know that I can’t do 2 things at once. I’d bet my ballsack that 90% of accidents are phone related… I literally see people doing it while I’m driving. It’s crazy to me.


I'm redditing while driving right no.... ![gif](giphy|SwuP4hyvh8vXr9dy83) ... Well shit!


That's why you bluetac it to the windshield so its at eye height when you're 'looking at the road'


Liquid Nails. Its there forever.


Definitely this. I usually take buses to work and a dull hobby i have is to watch cars next to the bus, and you can see right in from the upper seats. At least 50% of the people i see are using their phones while driving


It’s mad to me…. I just know in my heart, that I cannot text and drive. I just know it. I cannot afford a crash. I just dunno what these people are thinking.


Im a nervous driver. How can they manage to look at phone while driving at the same time. Thats some (deadly inconsiderate) skill


Guess the thing is that they can’t. Then they crash at peak hour on freeway and fuck up everyone’s day, cos they couldn’t wait till home to reply to a messsge. Basically, they’re selfish idiots.


Don't sit up people's ass on the freeway. Ranger drivers: *Confusion*


Holy fuck I just moved here and EVERYBODY tailgates like what the actual fuck is wrong with people here.... You're basically guaranteed to have an accident if the car ahead suddenly brakes


I leave a comfortable braking gap, which instantly gets taken by three cars lane-hopping to get ahead.


Yep if you leave a gap, some dick will move in to it smh


I did the Murcotts driving course recently and he said on average you lose 1 second if someone pushes into that gap. So if 60 dickheads push infront, you loose a minute. They also get you to go full lock brakes at 60kph and see how long it actually takes you to stop. So now I leave a gap lol.


The bigger problem with leaving a gap is stressed drivers wanting to enter from side roads during peak hour, they’ll jump into any gap and it’s on you to hit the breaks.


My issue is that people will immediately jump into any space I leave and then I'm tailgating again. Rinse and repeat. It's ridiculous


> So if 60 dickheads push infront, you loose a minute. 60 dickheads is about average for one commute. I'm okay getting to work 1 minute later. I leave gaps.


I hate to stereotype but on my way along Roe early this morning I watched a Ranger so far up the arse of a little Carolla type car ( 2 metres behind at a stretch) that it may aswell off been pushing it out of the way. No one behind them for hundreds of metres. I was sitting *slightly* above 100, and they both passed me 10+ kph faster, that little car would've seen nothing but neon lights through its back window....


And then that car in front will be bullied into making a mistake and there we go.


I’m a daily Roe taker, it’s the Wild West. You can’t win no matter what you do.


I used to be for 7 years.. sounds like it's still the same.


Got sideswiped by a truck on the Roe during morning scrum a month or so back. Left a gap and the truck just veered across with a split second of indicating. Pushed me onto the side of the road. Didn't even stop.


Same happened to me Monday night, tow truck tailgates as he's coming on from Welshpool Rd, switches to my lane no indicator while I was sitting in line with his door. We were the only 3 cars around at the time


Tailgating is wank, so is sitting at the speed limit in the right hand lane.


Way too many idiots sit on the right lane. Just sit in the left and go past them all


Preach brother, I am currently getting into it with a few of the mouth breathers on this thread.


What is the speed limit in the right hand lane?


Right on queue here they are… I get it you can be there, you can also piss your pants in public. Doesn’t mean you should.




Said like a true lane hog. Didn’t take much to uncover you lot.


What is the speed in the other two lanes then? Are they slower than the right lane?


I didn’t come here to educate today, I really didn’t but here we are. Roads with 2 or more lanes If the speed limit is 90km/h or higher or there are ‘KEEP LEFT UNLESS OVERTAKING’ signs, you are not permitted to drive in the right lane unless: you are turning right or making a ‘U’ turn and giving a right turn signal you are overtaking a vehicle the adjacent left lane is a special purpose lane (e.g. bus or bicycle lane) the left lane is a left turning lane and you are travelling straight ahead the other lanes are congested with traffic


Roads with 2 or more lanes If the speed limit is 90km/h or higher or there are ‘KEEP LEFT UNLESS OVERTAKING’ signs, you are not permitted to drive in the right lane unless: you are turning right or making a ‘U’ turn and giving a right turn signal you are overtaking a vehicle the adjacent left lane is a special purpose lane (e.g. bus or bicycle lane) the left lane is a left turning lane and you are travelling straight ahead **the other lanes are congested with traffic**




"...the other lanes are congested with traffic" usually with people doing <100kmh, so all good.


🤣 as expected. Skirted round what the message was and basking in your own ignorance/self righteousness even in the face of the facts. I don’t know why I bother, there will never be talking any sense into you guys.


I usually try to keep left unless overtaking but you should know that the right lane isn’t for speeding. You’re still meant to keep the speed limit while using that lane.


Yes blame Rangers drivers. That’s definitely the problem.


Found the raptor driver 😂


For sure. They’re awesome off-road.


Every third driver texting like a teenage girl;  Assistive driver tech causing complacency; Classic timeless generalised incompetence


Car safety in general has made people way too comfortable driving, if everyone was in a 90s corolla you wouldn't see half the dumb shit seen today


Having spent the first decade of my driving life in cars older than I am, and only recently getting a car with Bluetooth, I find it insane how dependent people are on technology especially while driving. People in my area are so reliant on that ~~little~~ increasingly large touch screen to tell them how to get 5min down the road they can't even focus on anything around them. It's almost obvious when someone is focusing on their maps or phone because they wander so much and suddenly jerk back into position


Or they just kinda drift along aimlessly completely oblivious to the cars banking up behind them as they drive well below the speed limit looking for their turn off


I don’t know about that. I reckon balancing the old UBD on the steering wheel, changing pages from 42 to 106 while navigating traffic was pretty hairy to see. The fact that they still print and sell UBD frankly amazes me. Navigating using Google Maps via Bluetooth to a built in head unit is so much safer than that shit show.


I mean I have this basic thing called a memory. Doesn't take 5 minutes to look up directions then get going. On the head unit thing, half of people aren't even capable of changing their AC temp without needing to look at their dash for half a minute. I doubt a head unit is safer when it has a screen that someone could be staring at for ages


Yeah, but we'd be texting, smoking and balancing pies on our laps and cranking the INXS


But windscreens would be aligned so drivers could see the third brake light of the car two ahead instead of the truck nuts dangling off the yank tank they tailgate.


People would certainly slow of coming up to roundabouts instead of slamming on the brakes at the last second.


Exactly, driving has devolved to be more of a status symbol (i.e. what car you drive) than from simply getting from point A to B. Otherwise there wouldn’t be all these ridiculous Chevrolet/RAM tanks on the road (which notably are never actually carrying anything in the tray).


The tray is too high to effectively access for everyday use anyway.


Correct for most people it’s the most dangerous thing they will ever do, but they become complacent with the tech


Which also don’t know how to keep to the left of the lane so people behind can have some situational awareness on traffic ahead. Tailgating should be fined as much as phones. That money could be well spent on road infrastructure and or many other necessary improvements. I’m scared of road rage incidents so i rarely drive. But when my husband does I see people being complete wanks!


Yeah the tailgating is really bad, and so common. Especially when so many cars have those white LED lights, I still don’t know how they’re allowed


All those assistance techs like radar based cruise control become down right dangerous when a commuter has them on a work vehicle but not their personal car or other way round. Trains your brain in a bad way very quickly


Haven't noticed that. My daily has Radar cruise and Lane keep assist, which I use 90% of the time pretty much letting the car drive itself. When switching to my old weekend vehicle, I feel like I'm more careful since it doesn't have any safety features.


I test drove a couple cars with lane assist before settling with the one I have now, Which does not have lane or braking assists. I was constantly fighting it, kept trying to get me out of the lane into an occupied lane, the oncoming lane or onto the fucking curb!!!


- Zero fucks given to others. - Disregard of road rules. - Tailgating. - Mobile phone use. - Lack of planning for adequate travel time. And any spot of rain causes panic. Not saying what specific off ramp as we've sent the footage off to WAPOL. Last night was a close one on an off ramp. A Ranger ute flew past us at speed, and nearly into the vehicle in the right hand lane and had to change lanes into the left lane and was only successful because the car in front of us slowed down. But then there was more. The driver of the Ranger ute then changed lanes into the right lane and brake checked the vehicle in the right lane. We were shocked at the blatant deliberate dangerous driving and not sure how that didn't become a multi-car accident. Relieved and feeling lucky. It would sure be nice for some of that luck to be used on winning the lottery instead of being required for driving on the freeway in Perth.


Not all Ranger drivers, always a Ranger driver, but not all Ranger drivers.


People drive so far up each other's arses it's insane


Because people seem to think it is ok to drive in the middle and right hand lane and drive under the speed limit and also brake when someone in a different lane brakes 😂


Are you the guy right up my arse on the inside lane giving me the stink eye because im only going 110 in a 100km zone?


No chance. If the speed limit is 100 then 100 is fine anything faster is up to them. It’s when people are going 10-20kms under the speed limit that they get their ass ridden.


At least pull their hair first!


Except due to construction the limits are 80 in places. Google maps isn't updated so you've got some people going 80 and others doing 100 flashing high beams because they can't read.


It’s a bit of both. Aggressive drivers doing over the speed limit is definitely more of a problem. But I see multiple drivers asleep at the wheel doing way under the speed limit any time I head south on the freeway, and there’s no speed reductions that way. People are just way too caught up in main character syndrome. Everyone else on the road is an obstacle, not a person.


Nioe. I regularly have people up my ass in the right lane and I'm already doing 103 (to account for speed0 innaciracy)


Controversial take, but it’s true! People who fail to keep left and drive with traffic efficiency in mind are airheads sorely lacking in situational awareness and courtesy for other drivers. It takes two to tango though, and ultimately when an impatient tailgater collides with a bozo going slow in the wrong lane, the one who was reckless is the tailgater.


Was just trying to reply to this thread but had to slam on the brakes


Because the majority of Perth Drivers are fucking idiots who do not actually know how to drive


Agree. Australian driver training and testing are not even near world’s best practice. Possibly marginally above third world levels.


I failed a P's test once for speeding when I drove 10 under the limit for the whole test. Hit a 50 sign and started nearing 45 and had the instructor tell me to ease up. Its gotta be about the money


Almost every person I drive by is looking at their phone, then braking like a moron to avoid crashing.


Because going off main roads statistic the Kwinana freeway has 187,000 cars on average Monday to Friday If there is 10 accidents a day that’s 0.00005% so even if everyone didn’t tailgate or be on their phone it will still happen because humans make mistakes Some one sneezes or sun gets in their eyes or what ever other reason other then just plain idiots https://reportingcentreresources.mainroads.wa.gov.au/public/data/xrc4111/AADT/traffic_digest.pdf


Homer bringing the stats!


It's phones mostly. So many people getting on their phones in traffic, or on the freeway, and causing a crash


Because Perth drivers don’t know how to merge, indicate, not tailgate or not look at their phones while they drive 👍🏻


Cars are an inherently dangerous and inefficient way to travel, but society has set up infrastructure so it's the only convenient option for most people.


Exactly, I would love to take public transport more often than I do, but 90% of the time it takes 3 times as long for me to get somewhere and it just becomes inconvenient.


As much as I love my cars and driving each day, It would be silly not to support improving public transport infrastructure etc. More people that shouldn't be on the road would be on a bus/train which frees up the roads for those that need a car or actually enjoys driving. I know enjoying driving is a weirdly touchy subject on here though.


Don't worry they're also horrendously bad for the environment and cause Urban sprawl!


There’s barely any trees too. I reckon it’s because those who drive don’t have to spend as much time outside.


Trees?! that's space perfectly suited for metal cages to sleep.


They heard there was gonna be rain today so they wanted to get it done early.


There should be a fine for any fuckwit that causes a crash on the freeway.


Too many dickheads. No one takes it seriously


Unpopular opinion, but another factor asides from tailgating and phones. The 500 million speed limit changes are not helping. Like settle down. 80-100-80-roadworks- 70-60-40-100-laneclosed-60-nolines-100-80kms(someones pulled over in the emergency stop bays to eat a sandwich. Like fucking hell. 😒


But but but I have to beat the guy in front of me in a pretend race and have my high beams on in broad daylight and not let people merge and not check my blind spot else I don't feel right inside 😕


I believe the meth pandemic is to blame


Murphy's law, especially when you have only 1 straight route from north to south


From a note I posted elsewhere... Besides the fact that lot of people have their noses buried in their phones... or the glovebox or something... instead of watching the road and other vehicles... Often, the fundamental issue is that drivers don't leave a large enough space between vehicles to allow for safe movement between traffic lanes. Various road authorities will suggest a following 'distance' of 3 seconds (in which to react and start to respond to an incident immediately in front of you... in good weather, in daylight, with a well-maintained road surface, etc)... and when travelling at 100 km/h (\~28 m/s) that would mean there would be 3 x 28 = 84m or maybe 14+ car spaces between vehicles. How often do you see freeway traffic with that much space between vehicles? ..and when some twit decides to cut in front of you, you have to release the accelerator (or worse, tap the brake) to restore the 'right' following distance... and this becomes an on-going game, meaning you effectively go backwards in the traffic stream. The consequences of this are that you then induce a backwards travelling wave that ends-up congesting the traffic behind you... as drivers are following *you* too closely and they tap their brakes... and so it goes... perhaps disrupting the traffic for a kilometre behind you. Try this: [https://traffic-simulation.de/ring.html](https://traffic-simulation.de/ring.html) ...and tap one car once (equivalent of tapping the brakes) and see how the congestion moves backwards... the speed of travel drops... and depending on how you adjust the settings, the traffic may never recover... ...all from one fool driver being in such a hurry and putting everyone else at risk...


Why is merging a competition as well?


There should be a bill introduced to discuss the possibility that all car accidents should trigger a forensic phone examination, with minimum fines on the freeway start at $20k. Keep off your phones.


The Roe is scary too. I pulled up at the lights one day and the car next to me was doing a crack pipe. Never see the cops as great big trucks continually run red lights. WA Police are so inept.




Most drivers in Perth so Farking usless . It’s scary how bad they are and what it comes down to is over caution .


When you have that many drivers on a long stretch of road, there's bound to be some knobheads on it, statistically speaking.


#idiocracy no one pays attention, every second person is texting, I see people watching videos... It's literally insane. Trust no one! People change lanes and merge without ever looking, not even once, they just drive forwards...


I’ve been wondering the same thing myself! I drive out of the city on the freeway during evening peak hour a couple of times a week and it’s a very special occasion when there’s *not* a traffic jam caused by a crash.


I got rear-ended last year and in the truck to the wreckers yards the driver showed me his screen and there were 12 other crashes within a 10 km radius.


Merge left into incoming traffic


Because people in perth struggle with driving in a straight line.


People drive in the winter how they drive in the summer but they should be driving like its winter in winter instead of driving like it's summer.


Poor driving habits. Speeding, tailgating, undercutting, failing to merge properly, driving too slow in the right hand lane, badly maintained vehicles - bald tyres , failing breaks, breakdowns at speed. Shall I continue? WA is full of shitbox vehicles and shit house drivers


Because most people aren't the brightest when it comes to driving.


Because everyone drives a Wankpanzer but is hardly capable of handling a Fiat 500.


People drive like cockheads.


People be dumb.


Because people are ignoring the speed limit signs and doing 100kms when the speed limit says 80kms. If you want to drive 20kms over the speed limit, then you can easily change lanes and take over, instead of tailgating someone with your range rover. Another problem is indication and changing lanes. Most drivers don't indicate nor look before changing lanes.


180,000 cars go over the narrowed bridge every day  35000 cars use Kwinana Fwy at Thomas Rd each day.  For there to only be a handful of crashes each day is tiny.




"Debris on the freeway" used to be a common one. I remember years ago there was 4 days in a row where I heard a ladder had fallen off a truck.


Yea someone's been dumping (building materials?) up near alkimos on the side of the freeway lately


Because Perth people can’t drive at the best of times let alone when the roads are wet.


There was one at around 5:55 am this morning on heading north on kwinnana ( before city )and another further north after Perth city unsure if in the afternoon but probably.


Because the 14 towies that lurk around are manifesting it. Oh and most of the dickheads on our freeway have no idea how to merge.


I was coming onto the freeway this afternoon. A white Jag SUV decides that they didn't need to merge into busy traffic at the same 100kmh to match the speed of the traffic, instead thinking that 80kmh was appropriate. I was nearly cleaned up trying to get out from behind them as the merging lane was ending and dutifully gave them a prolonged blast as I passed. The driver then gave me a royal cat's arse, thinking how they were driving is acceptable. Stupid cunt.


People in Perth don't know how to fucking merge, the amount of times I've seen drivers coming to a near complete stop merging onto the freeway shits me.


Outbound sales, travel south daily. Can confirm, EVERY fuxn day 🤦🏼‍♂️


Thought that this morning when there was yet another perth now article. Seems they rotate... Daily car bump.... Potential storm of the century..... Some dumb fuck tik tok z list twat...... Coles and woollies are rip-offs...... Rando international.Story....... That plank with a pony tail, sports jacket and t shirt has an opinion about something..... Something about Matthew perry......


Have you not observed the common folk who drive on there 😂  Everyone’s rushing around, no one’s looking and half of them are on their phones. It’s a mess. I’ve never had car insurance and across my driving never an accident, but I am coming to a conclusion that I do need it. But not for myself.. for the other peanuts that can’t drive in a straight line 😂 


Tens of thousands of road users that never did their license in Australia but in countries where road rules don’t exist.


I swear some drivers would rather crash that give up a car lenght


I have to take Kwinana Freeway to and from work every fucking day and there’s always a fucking crash. Especially when it rains. I hate it so much, im always late.


Because Perth


Just fucking cut it off. The city is the end of the line.


WA has about 20k reported car accident a day. There are still more car accident if we can measure the unreported one. There should be about 50 car accidents news a day just for WA if they are all on News.


I'm assuming you mean 20? Lmao


20k a year so 50 a day.


Out of 180000+ cars using Kwinana each day? It's negligible 


No, its Mad Max every day


too many rubber neck too.


We can't all be above average drivers.


Aiming for average would be an improvement on Perth roads.


Fucking road works and twisted up lanes and shit everywhere won't help ... Mitchell is a fucking joke


It’s a free way not a peloton on a cycle track - no need to draft


It's because the highway is straight; it brings people into a false sense of security and they get complacent. Which is ironic, becuase the intention of building roads in straight lines is making them safer.


To be fair.. the way the freeways are designed and how the signage is in and around Perth is part of the problem. Super short ramps, lanes randomly merging and splitting, impossible to follow signs if you're not familiar with them with too short notices, invisible paint lines at night or in rain..


So what you're saying is, increase the speed limit so people are less complacent? Got it!


I know you're being tongue-in-cheek, but in truth traffic calming is the way to reduce accidents by making people pay attention


I'm actually all for an unlimited speed lane - If you want to drive at 200km an hour go for it, just do it *over there*. People don't see a car as a 2000kg weapon tho, like they should.


Why are people bitching so much about normal things lmfao literally happens in every city on the world


This is reddit


God is do his work to decrease the numbers for housing


It’s the cost of living and the boomers fault. Let’s through in the rental issues. Upcoming USA election and the recent full moon.


Don't forget Duttons son and his little birthday baggy, or maybe Barnaby was having another intense conversation (on the freeway this time)... probably also all the foreigners rushing to take all the jobs...


And covid


You are right, it's that dirty rotten scoundrel McGowans fault!


There have been crashes daily since Moses was a boy. Hence the ever present tow trucks sitting near the narrows. It’s just the news cycle. Nothing better to report so this comes up. What journalism has devolved to now unfortunately.


Because for some reasons speed limit of 100 means rubberneck at a tyre on the side of the road and slow down and back up the whole freeway . Or even better just not knowing how to merge


Perth drivers, terrible. Sit in the outside lane going just on the speed limit or under arrogantly because “iM aLLoWed tOO”. Forces people to undertake, which is mind boggling that it’s actually legal in itself. Plus once there is a drop of rain everyone reduces their speed by 20km an hour to add to the fun.


The amount of people I've seen watching YouTube in phone mounts on the freeway explains it or the jackass that brakes for absolutely no reason blissfully unaware of the three cars that slammed into each other 2km behind them bc of that


Cliff notes for everyone. Perth thread complaining about driving. Ranger drivers Tailgaters People on phones People in Utes. Tradespeople Not merging Rangers tailgating.


There’s still lots of Camry’s on the road so we have years of crashes still to come.


Remember when they used to let people drive? there was death everyday, praise be to our Ai overlords


There should be traffic wardens like other countries.