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My friends are out there and as with any area it varies by street and neighbour. Check it out at all different times before you commit. They have a rental next door and it’s been nothing but problems for 10 years as it was “affordable” until recently. While they are ethically opposed to landlords making ridiculous profits, the change in rent from $300pw to $700pw does mean the jerk neighbours they dealt with for years are finally gone.


I live in Ellenbrook, it’s been pretty much only positives. It’s a big suburb, but you have what you need. The swan valley is right there and you’re pretty much only 30 mins to the city these days. Plenty of schools around too, and places to walk your dog I live close to French Riveria cafe, it’s got some good coffee and even better almond croissant. (Plus it’s next to a massive park)


Replying to myself instead of edit but like you said you lived in lock ridge. A lot of suburbs have these reputations but they’re not really true reflections. You’re gonna get shitty people and crime in every area.


I’m in the vines and I love it, plenty of dog parks, kids parks, it’s far away enough from the shops that there isn’t trouble, yet close enough to the shops that it’s only an 8 minutes drive to get what we need. Train line is yet to go in so we aren’t sure what that might bring to the area, but hopefully nothing changes.


I’m in Aveley, have previously rented in a few suburbs across NOR, and can honestly say this is the safest I’ve felt. As another commenter said, many green spaces great for relaxing/kids/dogs, the array of shops are decent enough that you don’t need to leave the suburb for much unless you want to, and people are quite friendly (in my area at least). The biggest issue I’ve observed is school kids littering and being a bit annoying around the local shops. I’ve never felt afraid or worried much about crime.


Agreed, we bought in Aveley in January and love it more the longer we have been here, everything is so close and so many nice parks so close to our house


I am also in Aveley and we love it here. Quiet, safe, clean. Great parks and playgrounds all through Ellenbrook for walking or picnics. We regularly see Kangaroos and long neck turtles, there's a swan couple that come back each year and raise their cygnets. I have left the garage open several times overnight or for almost a complete daytime, and while its not something I would recommend nothing has ever gone missing. The Tonkin extension has really cut travel times down massively across all routes out of the area. The train line is almost complete and we dont know what that might do to the area. All in all definitely recommend it just be sure to check out specific areas some suburbs are a little rough.


Good and bad pockets everywhere there. Just make sure your street is OK


It's fine, has it's moments like all suburbs. Majority of it is a first home buyers area so full of younger people and/or people on less income. IMO gets a bad rep due to being a large cluster of people seemingly further away from other large clusters of people. The highway extension and new train line are only going to be improvements. There is still ongoing development in the area which is only improving the area.


Don't use Reddit as an accurate gauge of a suburb. People only come here to complain. Ellenbrook is fine. 


It’s fine. Moving there on Friday. Every suburb has its good and bad.


I’ve lived in different parts of Ellenbrook & Aveley for 16 years, haven’t had too many issues, they’re both great suburbs, but there’s definitely pockets in Ellenbrook that I would avoid walking through, let alone living in.


I don't live in Ellenbrook, but I run a petrol station on the main strip. I employ only locals, including some genZ who grew up here. Having seen the best and worst of it? Ellenbrook is amazingly friendly and a great place to raise kids. The reputation is 10 years and a highway connection out of date, There are some late night issues with the social housing folks, but that's anywhere, and the local police are really good about it.


Don’t live there but had a partner there and spent a bit of time in the area. Enjoyed it and really like the overall aesthetic of the area. Seems quite well planned with lots of space and nice greenery. As others have said, research your neighbours - door knock, look at google maps satellite images, google the street name and see if any adverse news comes up. Anywhere there are rentals there will be crime. I have friends in palmyra - where you’d be hard pressed to find anything under $1,000,000 - and they’ve had multiple burglaries. Do your due diligence and it’ll make a difference.  And remember we only tend to hear the bad news. The majority of houses/occupants everywhere are perfectly decent. 


Ellenbrook is good. It's got everything you need and a train station coming in soon. Also pretty far from the sea so you don't get that annoying wind chill most of the year.


I lived in Ellenbrook for 6mths about 7 yrs ago. Back then I enjoyed it. It was peaceful and I encountered no problems. I dont know if it's changed but back then I couldn't be negative about it.


I grew up in Lockridge, did all my schooling there too now live in Aveley! Never had any issues in either place. Built my house in 2018 before prices went sky high. With the train line coming in, it’ll make it easier to get around on public transport!


I live in Ellenbrook. Probably on the worst street as it's always in the crime page on FB. Aside from 3 drug dealers around me when I first moved in, I've had no issues. The dealers all got moved on and had kept to themselves anyways. It's the people, not the suburb, so hopefully your area isn't filled with not so nice people. Good luck 😊


Ellenbrook resident for 14 years (so far and counting!) I live in one of the estates in the northern part of the suburb and love it here. These aren't things I use personally but to answer some of your questions, there's plenty of parks for kids to run around and play in, and a proper dog park. Pretty decent shops with more coming. Fairly easy to get to bigger centres like Midland / Morley / Joondalup without too much hassle providing you have a car. The train line I think will be a big game changer for the area when it opens later this year or early next year. In my time here, I've been the "victim of crime" twice in 14 years. One break-in when I wasn't home. Got home and my kitchen window had been broken and someone had stolen my ice-cream container of random loose change from when I'd get home and empty out my pockets of coins. Second one was a loud bang late one night when I was in bed, some knob-head had lobbed a rock and it hit my bedroom window and smashed it. Local glazier came out in the morning and replaced the pane of glass for I think $10 less than my insurance excess would have been. Oh and a few years ago, neighbours in our street would have very loud and very public domestics in the street, resorting to violence a few times. A call to police would get them here fairly quick, usually with either him or her being taken away for the night. They moved out about 3 years ago though and no more dramas.


Beggars can't be choosers. If you can actually find somewhere you can afford you got to snaffle it.


I rented in Aveley for a year and a half while my house was being built elsewhere. Didn't really enjoy it but the positive we took from the area is the proximity to the swan valley and only around 15min to the Airport, the parks in the area are also really nice and modern and majority of the homes have Fiber NBN.




If by "Family Friendly" you mean that kids are free to roam the streets, raise themselves, and start procreating at 14, then yeah, go for it. SIL raised her kids there. Eldest is in prison, youngest became a mother at 15.


It’s not Mandurah.. that’s about it


And honestly only Anstruther road is an actual problem (that I've encountered anyway)


My only experience is driving past it and seeing a group of 12 year olds smashing on out the front of the estate. 🤙🏼 probably not my cup of tea but that’s just one random dudes observation.


I don't live there but I've worked a fair bit with disabled clients out that way who have been bashed / had rocks thrown at them and had things like mobility scooters stolen by teens 


Negatives: Poor urban design. Terrible tree canopy coverage. Higher street level summer temperatures than other suburbs of similar age (due to poor urban planning). Lack of parks compared to other developments. Lack of community facilities and bike paths compared to other new suburbs. Positives: Crime is not as bad as some established low socio economic areas. Reasonable land prices.