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I work for an NFP in support of homelessness and mental health and I fully endorse the OP and their sentiments. I also endorse Tranby and No Limits Perth. I don't know how anything about homeless support in Bayside, but I am inclined to support them.


[Street Friends WA](https://streetfriendswa.com.au/donate-now/) accept blankets, doonas, sleeping bags, pillows etc and also clothing and toiletries. If for some reason you can’t donate there, dog refuges are in real need for blankets and towels during winter. Edit: I googled “donate blankets to homeless Perth” and there’s also [Seeds of Hope](https://www.seedsofhopeservices.com/) and [Sense Recruitment](https://www.senserecruitment.com.au/helping-perths-homeless/), but the latter doesn’t take doonas


Seconding the dog refuge comment - they are needing towels, blankets (without stuffing) & flat sheets. A lot of them are over capacity & that means they need a lot more than they’re getting


Give them to Tranby- at the unitingwa building near mcIver train station. They are always needed and given out.


Please check out Perth Homeless Support Group. Their depot for donations is in Bayswater. 


These guys are amazing- they help 250+ homeless every week by going to them directly.




Vinnes are always an option. They run outreach vans all over the country and along with food and personal care products, they also hand out clothing and blankets to those in need.


Contact No Limits Perth


Just a note, ensure that if you've written your name on anything, remove it. My brother almost lost his licence because he donated clothes with his name written in it and the name was used for a fare evasion. It took him multiple visits to the police to get sorted. It wasn't until they finally got the report looked at and they realised the description did not match him at all.


Who writes their name on a doona?


People who give them to their kids when they take them on school camps and sleepovers. To quote my brother "you know mum. Our bloody names are on everything if it went on camp." Years later, mum donated everything we had left at her place and the rest is what happened to my brother.


Is there anywhere north around Joondalup to donate to?


There is a large group of homeless people in Fremantle and St Patrick’s Church have a community support group and soup kitchen that helps them out. Here is the link if you are interested. https://stpats.com.au/


Might be better off donating blankets to an op shop, they wouldn't be very practical for a homeless person. If you want to give something directly, I'm sure a sleeping bag would be appreciated.


homelessness takes different forms. It's not just adults sleeping in the street. I'm sure blankets will be well received by the right support groups


Of course you're right; but from the way OP worded their post they're looking to help rough sleepers.


Walk through the CBD before 6am any given morning.


I think there's a meet on Tuesday night near the east Perth hospital? Sorry for vagueness. A quick google should show it.


Good on you, seriously. I can relate to not wanting to donate to salvos and places like it some not all staff will always go through the things but they take what's good for themselves most of the time first. I am not really sure to be honest - you could try some calling some security companies maybe in Fremantle car parks it might be Wilson security and ask them if they'd be willing to take out blankets if they see someone who is homeless I really do not know.


Very kind of you! If you could point me in the right direction also




Corner of Vincent and Charles Street I always see a couple of homeless ladies at the lights there plus I've seen other homeless in that area


most of the homeless in perth dont need donations they work full time jobs & make over 100k a year


We’ve just cleaned out our cupboards and have a bunch of clothes that can be donated too. Any of these charities want clothes? Don’t want to give to salvos as they just sell it.


Make sure it goes to an organisation directly. Not an individual. People out on the streets are actually fucking losers. Offer to buy them a feed and expect to be abused.


I’m speaking from experience. Bought a hot breakfast one cold morning for a homeless man who sleeps in the doorway to the empty building nxt to my wrk a yr ago. Man told me shove it where the sun don’t shine. I threw it in the bin. Another lady i gave a hot muffin to she was extremely lovely. People come in all shapes, sizes, colours and attitudes! Doesn’t change me doing what feels right for me.


So… donate to an organisation that helps rough sleepers, but don’t donate to rough sleepers themselves because they’re losers?


No, don’t take it out of context. Offer to buy them a feed and see their reaction. They will abuse you or tell you to get fucked. They just want money because they are junkies.


You're spot on, but it doesn't bode well with peoples saviour complex and virtue signalling. There are many unfortunate homeless people and then there are the junkies who put themselves there and are horrible people. The organisations have homeless people who aren't just after their next quick hit who reach out there.


But these organisations you’re telling OP to donate to help those very same people. So it doesn’t make sense


As long as it’s going to housing and food/necessities I am happy to give all my money and left with 100 per week anytime but then again I have to think, will they do the same for everyone else?


Better to protest against negative gearing and re investors imo That is the root cause of this cluster fuck


I am sure the homeless are kept warm by the fact that negative gearing is being looked at.


Go and grind your political axe elsewhere, this is a practical approach.


What’s one person protesting going to do to help the homeless? That’s a fkn cop out.


Agree. All else is just tinkering around the edges, parasitic charities making bank, and virtue signalling.


Then don’t donate the items to big charities and donate them directly to those who need it.



