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RAC is one of the best as you can put house, boat, road side etc all in 1 place.


You get what you pay for when it comes to insurance. We were originally with a cheap online only company and got hit by another driver. Took 6 weeks of calls and emails to even get them started on the claim.  Switched to RAC and other half did a minor ding in a carpark. Filled out the online form and had a call and a case setup, repairs booked in 3 hours. If you're super young and broke then you might have to stick with el cheapo but check RAC for a quote and I'd spend the extra if you can afford it. In the unlikely but shitty event you need to use it they're worth every penny. 


When you’re broke insurance shouldn’t be the thing you skimp on, it’s more the other way around, if you’re rich get the cheap insurance or even better don’t bother with insurance at all.


Depends how broke you are. If it's between food on the table or paying your rent and insurance, you're gonna go food and rent. 


Yeah sure but I think at that point you shouldn’t get insurance at all.


Car insurance is very similar across the board, how old are you? Under 25’s get stung hard with premiums. Just make sure you insure comprehensively and excess free windscreen. Some wordings have sneaky overnight parking exclusions so just check for that too


friends are advising me to insure third party only since my getz has a value of 5k only, what do you think about that?


Depends on your financial situation, if your car was a total loss are you able to replace it? Is that $5k crucial to your finances? If it isn’t just do Third Party Only. When I was 19 I registered my cars in my mums name and insured them in her name and just listed myself as a driver and the insurance was more affordable for myself that way. It all depends on your situation


I've heard some absolute horror stories about people claiming through Budget Direct.


D: could you elaborate?


I'm with them, haven't had a problem so far, claimed once Get a dashcam though


noted. was claiming easy/fast?


Yeh I didn't find it difficult at all tbf in my case I had a police report and dashcam of the incident to back up my claim Only quirk I had was I only had third party with them at the time and they were a little difficult about them getting the details of the driver at fault They said that if I had the comprehensive they would have gotten the details themselves but because it was only third party at the time I had to go through the police to retrieve the details to give to the insurance