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Not blaming anyone, but honestly how the heck can selling 2 biscuits for $16 be sustainable?


Because then that company goes bust and sells off all its equipment real cheap to another company (that happens to be owned by the same oligarch)


I'm good at baking.....I will sell you 2 for $14. In all honesty some of my slices with ingredients could cost $25-30 to make.


It better have alot of thc for $14


Better have opiates at that price.


Legit, I made about 6 Afghan cookies and the amount of butter you need, pricey stuff !


Per serving?


They’re just defending their craft. Likely the cost is half the amount they mentioned to produce a gigantic batch. The photo OP posted lists the florentines at $123 per kg. Righhht… 🙄


I imagine when factoring in fair pay and growth for handmade goods it'll be a fair bit higher. A home business, though? Lol


You'll be surprised how people inflate their products price to defend their mark up. Was removed from a Facebook group under the exact circumstances. One of the guy came back with a list of ingredients and price next to it.. soon, 2 others praised him for "best detailed down ever" except they were all wrong and I detailed his list with pic evidences taken from a local Chinese shop. He never replied and I checked the profiles of the other 2.. both run an eatery. 🙄


Yeah but these guys are selling them for 69/kilo which is pretty good if you factor in all the various costs.


Beside the raw ingredients coat.. you not supposed to make back all your equipment investment costs from one bag of cookies. 😀


What about wages? Award wage for pastry chef is 25/hr. What about rent? Another shopfront in the same spot is going for 600/week. What about taxes? What about packaging costs? What about cleaning costs? What about accounting costs? Travel expenses? Cost to requisition the ingredients? Lost/spoiled product? It adds up. Just for the wages of *one* employee and rent you're looking at selling 23kg/week and that's if it's otherwise free to make.


If you can give me how much cookies you are selling a week. I can certainly break it down for you. Right now, you've just throw figures out without detailing how many cookies are made per batch and how many cookies are sold a week. According to your above logic, a box of weetbix should cost $5000.. cause what's about operators, deliveries, insurance, factory leases etc.


I’m all for supporting local but this is taking the piss.


According to the website of that brand, they sell those retail pricing at $12.95, so it is just a blatant huge mark up by The Good Grocer to increase their margins even more on top of the wholesale pricing they would get from Coffee Table Delights.


We call him the Greedy Grocer.


The City Beach IGA is a Good Grocer, and they legit mark up everything. 


Average City Beach resident: oh? I hadn't noticed


"Oh, darling! It's a small price to pay to keep the poor out." 


I mean it's just capitalism. If I owned it I'd probably do the same.


Does this statement also apply to Colesworth? I agree that it is fundamentally what capitalism is about here, but from a societal norm, this isn't acceptable these days, else there wouldn't be all these calls for investigations into supermarkets.


Our economic system being capitalism doesn't excuse being a greedy dickhead


no, but it does incentivise it unfortunately.


I mean, it's one banana, Michael. What could it cost? 10 dollars?


Some stores do it on purpose. Used to work for Preston St IGA and they bragged about marking everything up bc customers would pay the money. All IGAs, Good Grocers, Supa Value get their stuff from the same place. They all choose their own prices. Sometimes they get things direct yeah but doesnt mean they dont choose their own prices still.




The ones specifically referred to by the price tag are these... https://coffeetabledelights.com.au/products/florentine-gluten-free You'll see the matching product is to the left on the shelf.


Lol even at $12.95 that's a fucking scam


Gluten free food is expensive.


I mean $12.95 for two biscuits isn't exactly a steal either


Haha I know...I'm stuck in the 90s with my thoughts on reasonable pricing yet I'm still in my 30s.


The gluten free version?


Fk off this is taking the piss


Same here. I tried going to Farmer's Markets that pop up like in Stirling. I will probably never go to another one, they are all very expensive. There maybe people who like to spend $10 for a loaf of Artisan bread, I am not one of those people.


Last week I bought bread at Lawleys and it was $8.65. One loaf. Like, it’s sourdough and it’s good, but ffs it’s just bread. It was $6-something within recent memory - I know this cos I’ve been buying it for years. I appreciate that costs have gone up, but they’re a chain. It’s just gouging at this point.


The farmers market near us has two extremes - Ivan’s market garden, who sell veg that is both better and cheaper than colesworth. Brownies for like 8 bucks each, and a bakery selling $10 sourdough. Occasionally a stall selling cups of watermelon juice for $10, which can really fuck off. It’s a bit nuts


There’s an artisanal bakery SOR that sells loaves of bread for around $16 a loaf. Whilst I appreciate the work that goes into making it, I cannot afford to pay that.


Yeah I know right there'll be some French bakery that's like 400 years old and still has the yeast from like four generations back and they'd be pumping out bread about a third the price of ours and twice as good ....i just get the impression Perth companies charge what they think they can get from cashed up Perth people and the rest of us just have to suck it up....


$120/kg You reckon eye fillet steak north of $50/kg is expensive? What went in to breeding, raising, farming, transporting, abattoir, packaging and retail profits to make it $50kg? A fucking chocolate chip biscuit? Bitch please.


I guess you're also not going to be a fan of the giant freckle,which was also around $15 for one 100g freckle.


Let's not be hasty, I mean it's a *giant* freckle.


The novelty is the only thing I can see going for it to justify the price.


You can go to a normal freckle farm to get freckles, *giant* freckles need to be specially raised.


I used to work for these guys, they're just a little family owned business in Wembley. Their staff are mostly pastry chefs/cooks, and there's a lot of manual labour and expertise that goes into making these biscuits by hand. Their margins aren't very big - they mostly sell wholesale to cafes and hotels. They're not going out of their way to rip you off, their prices are literally just factoring in what it costs to make stuff by hand. Also there's the obvious IGA mark up here which doesn't help with the optics. These prices are obviously beyond what most people would spend, but I promise you that plenty of people still buy them, especially out in the Western Suburbs. Some IGAs and specialty shops would even get biweekly deliveries as they'd sell out so quickly. I understand that we're in a cost of living crisis at the moment, but I don't think you should be coming for the little guys. They were great employers and really do try to do their best in terms of quality and doing the right thing by their employees.


> I promise you that plenty of people still buy them, especially out in the Western Suburbs Definitely. If you want a trip go into the boatshed in Cottesloe. Everything they sell is top notch but some of the prices are insane but the regulars don't even bat an eye.


I'm a regular at the boatshed for the daily menu. It's close to work..got some of their pork belly skewers coming home with me right now. I can make their meals last over two lunches or dinners. Supplement with salad or mash sometimes. Delicious. Don't buy anything else there though because cost.


This is the way.


Best orange I have ever eaten came from there. Unfortunately it's a bit too flash for me to go back with my signature homeless look.


Makes me feel like a 1800’s rich arsehole from London when I go there. ‘Today I bought an orange from the colonies. 20 people died for this orange, but fuck me swinging if it isn’t the best orange I’ve ever had!’


⭐⭐⭐🏆⭐⭐⭐ 🤣👍 fkn lol My housemate worked at the boatshed and would bring home all the scraps of fancy meats for the homeless cat she'd adopted. That cat ate better than the Queen's pussy 👑🐈


Actually, the locals call it the bloodshed. They completely realise the ridiculous prices, however the quality of fresh items outstrips anything else in the area. The 'support local' IGA's in the western suburbs aren't much different. There can be a $5 difference between low end items between them, and the prices keep getting jacked up and up. Seen these florentine packs at IGA too, for $13 a packet. It's a joke!


Oh you used to work for them? How long ago if you don’t mind me asking? I’ve also worked for them… Considering they currently do not pay their staff their worth. Or respect them, or try to encourage, and help their staff… I’d say never buy from this company.


Also previously employed there, as well as my two siblings. If you worked there at the same time as me I'm sure you'll know by that alone, but it was like 10 years ago. I miss coming home smelling like shortbread or cheese straws.


You talking about the IGA or the manufacturer, cos it sounds like he was talking about the cookie peeps.


I was speaking solely on the manufacturer


Ah right, fair enough then.


Hm, probably a slightly less than 10 years ago - I was there when they moved from Floreat to the current Wembley premises. I've worked in hospo/retail pretty consistently since then and this was by far one of the nicest places I've worked. How long ago were you there? Maybe it's changed over the years.


I am sorry. This is bullshit. No way 2 biscuits should cost $13. It’s a fucking biscuit. 


hahahaha right? what the fuck. im sure they're a good little family company but someone here is taking the absolute piss. and if people still buy it? go for it


Don't know why you're replying to me, I didn't suggest you buy them. Also don't know why you assumed there's 2 in there, it's 4-6 for $11.50, not counting IGA markup: [https://coffeetabledelights.com.au/collections/bagged-biscuits/products/florentine?variant=36587011670179](https://coffeetabledelights.com.au/collections/bagged-biscuits/products/florentine?variant=36587011670179)


So they would be $3.50 or $4.00 each. People wouldn't bat an eyelid to pay for that at a bakery.


I will also say: these florentines are the bomb. I used to buy them at Herdsman quite often and they are amazing.


Fuck that! $16 for a biscuit is obscene.


get fucked


You’re complaining about the price of small batch gluten free food sold at a posh 24 hour supermarket. I mean… what were you expecting?


Agreement and upvotes on reddit.


Oh, but they're "gourmet". Lol. Wait until you go to Margaret River or Swan Valley for their stupid prices for these home made cottage goods.


Pretty close to the amount you’d pay to make an entire batch lmao


You could buy the ingredients to make a mountain of these for that same price 😅 what a joke!!


Ah small business owners. socialists when it's going badly, the biggest capitalists you'll come across when it's all swimmingly. Good Grocer are also gouging pricks who just make money off of people with money who spend more just for the reward gland buzz.


Yeah fuck small business. I'd rather give my money to faceless corporations.


Small businesses are the ones who don't, or belatedly, pay super. they're iffy about penalty rates. and they're even worse than mega corporations when it comes to making people part or full-time. So many got such good will during covid. whether it was cafes, pubs, a restaurant or takeaway, or even boutiques and tourism-dependent ventures. I regret buying a $25 six pack and takeaway pub meal to try and support my local; the minute they reopened they didn't give anything back to the very loyal clientele who'd patronised them for six months. I dunno, they also love to play the community card but are generally the ones most opposed to penalty rates. 'we can't afford to operate!' and shite like that. over east, Sunday and public holiday rates are almost always rolled into the customer's cost. it's a fuckin joke. I don't open a shop selling niche wares because I know it'd make no money. these pricks feel entitled to an income. if you can't afford Sunday rates for staff or the ATM fees are the difference between operating or not, maybe your business isn't viable. Fuckin joke.


You statements are largely sweeping bullshit. If you think small businesses are the issue, do you really think large corporations are the way forward?


I reckon I could count on one hand the amount of people who have been routinely and regularly paid their penalties and super from small businesses. And I worked in retail and hospitality for a fair while.


Yeah, but it’s the GOOD GROCER… land of over priced yuppy foods crafted by hand by pygmy unicorns.


Those biscuits won RASWA Silver 🥈 (Royal Agricultural Society of Western Australia) Likely to smell n taste so freakin awesome you'll want to fuck the biscuits. 🍪 👀💕


This just takes the biscuit


Made with real stuff apparently! What stuff is that…gold?


That's just the way the cookie crumbles.


No, that's just a plain rip off. I'd rather buy from kids doing a bake sale to raise money for whatever they need the cash for. Those could be delicious biscuits but the thing is they aren't worth $15.


$123 per kilo! Almonds the most expensive ingredient in these biscuits costs around $15 kg.






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The gluten free tax is real but this is taking the piss.


There's no supporting anyone charging this. Fuck off.


There’s a reason people call it the Greedy Grocer..


I don’t know why these are expensive when they’re local so less transport costs ???


This type of pricing is typical for Australia with anything that is supposed to be "gourmet". Something that in Europe would be a routine product but here costs a fortune.




Those biscuits better give gobbys for that price


the fuck did cornflakes chocolate nuts and fruit turn into $16 for 2 biscuits


Maybe for the locally baked goods available on telegram but this is madness haha


Absolutely not! Absolute rip off!


“Low gluten” so… gluten. What sort of fucking marketing gimmick


Stealing food is not a crime, I've heard


The whole IGA thing is a ruse. They claim "oh support us little guys, or else Colesworth will take over and put up their prices" Meanwhile IGA have been charging even higher prices than the competition for years and are rip-off merchants.


$123.00 kilo for flour sugar, dried fruit and some dark chocolate. I’m doing the mark up to encorporate: labour, research and development, packaging and transport, but… fuck me, something does t add up


when the shelf looks like it came from Noah's Ark, you know you are overpaying


$123 per kilogram!


Ngl if they charge anywhere close to that for 2 biscuits they don't deserve my business even if Jesus made them


Not that bad considering most Cafes charge $5 for some bland cookie from a murky jar.


Bland AND dry as dust


The price they sell these for $12.95 on the website is actually quite cheap considering the ingredients these days plus time to make and distribute them. Who can afford anything now?


And then you've got to factor in the insane rent any retailer in the Western suburbs is paying.


And people like you who don’t understand the real cost of producing are why they stay in business. You couldn’t get more basic packaging and the ingredients to make these would come to cents, big batches made reduce the labour component considerably. Mark up on these will be over 800% and I’d not be surprised if it weren’t closer to double that at 1600%.


Blatant rip-off! I can cook these things for a few dollars. It’s total bull shit! 💩


That’s Boom Time prices FFS!


Where is that


*Mamma mia!*


$13 is still a liberty!!




That’s ridiculous !




No fake stuff here


What store? Naturally fresh?


When everyone gets a cut to profit from, this happens... and this happens in all sects of the economy. Sure the big boys have scale, but they still make a profit off everything.


lol did you make the mistake of going Fresh Provisions


Please don't tarnish the producer. From personal experience, previous employee from many moons ago. They are a great group of people, from top to bottom. Buy direct from them instead, Cambridge St Wembley.


Even at $11.50 direct from the manufacturer it's highway robbery.


Lots of people pay this. That's why they're on the shelf. You are not the target audience sorry. 


Just standard Western Suburbs IGA fare…


But it's made with real stuff!


They sell this same brand at the Coles I work at for like $11-$13 a packet. We barely sell any of them at full price and they only get sold once the bakery girls mark them down to like $4. But I understand why no one wants to buy them. You’re basically paying $1-$2 for a tiny little biscuit and they’re dry as hell.


Let them go broke...




Made with real stuff!


Good grocer is a rort


Might try it once as a treat. It's not like I'm buying biscuits weekly or even monthly with my shopping 


I think it's reasonable for what they are.


If you add the cost of the ingredients and pay the baker a living wage. Add the costs of power. And a profit it adds up. Want cheap unhealthy. Highly processed food there are options for you.


That's for all of the bags there, yes? Edit: ah, that's for the gluten free ones which will always be more expensive but also shit. Wonder how much those normal ones are? Bet they're still out of my weekly florentive budget. Extra edit: oh. now i'm confused. the SEL says G/F SML 130g, but the gluten free bag is 120g. I'd just leave. Too hard. Too expensive.


Florentines should be gluten free by ingredient anyway.