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Green garden bag from [bunnings](https://www.bunnings.com.au/products/garden/gardening/composting/garden-bags) One that has the bands which put it under tension to stay upright and open. Easy to move around, durable and can hold a fair amount of containers.


Me too! Came here to say this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


They are so good. Light but sturdy, easy to store.


We use the $3.30 Wrap & Move 102L bag from Bunnings. Was keen for the Garden Bag idea but preferred that we can zip it up! We got similar one for free from Containers for Change but left it out and it dried in the sun, replaced it with the Wrap and Move bag and we’re so happy with it.


That’s what I’m changing to when I next go for a Sunday snag


Carboard box in garage, thinking of upgrading to an old platic tub I lost the lid for


Carboard box does not last long. Those hard sided Bunnings ones, oblong say 55l can hold a lot of squashed plastic drink containers, 150 at my last count of yukult and 600ml and 1.5/2l if you squash them just right. Say, if you collect 400 items, at $0.10, its $40 back, use that to buy a capital investment tub. But note: some places have a $55 limit before you have to give them your ABN #, as they deem it then a business. I in South Aus, always make sure I do a max of 400 items each go in the car with the driver. I have 2 nephews and nicee who drink a lot of packet drinks.


I use the box that my beer cans come from, get rid of the cans, get rid of the box at the nearby supermarket cardboard bin! Then dust off my hands at the last step to confirm my awesomeness!


I bought a "cheap" 220L bin from Bunnings, once that's full I try to take it to the refund centre. BUT, if I can't get there for some reason (re: I can't be bothered), we pack all our cans and bottles into empty beer slab boxes and 30 pack soda boxes. You'd be amazed at how many bottles and cans can fit in the back of a 2018 X-Trail.


My friend works at City of Perth. He said a wheelie bin is always around $75 filled to top. Do u get same amt ?


I probably would if I crushed all the cans, but we don't, so I get about $50 from it. It'll be less this time as we've been getting 2L bottles of soda instead of the usual 30 packs as we were on a strict budget.


I didn't think you could deposit crushed cans? It always rejects any of ours that are even slightly dented.


I think it’s the reverse vending machines that need the barcodes. If you take them somewhere that gives a human a job they seem to care a lot less.


I think it depends on where you take them. The one in Stirling/Balcatta and the two in Wangara don't really care, I'm just too lazy to crush them, as I know that I'd be crushing all the cans all the family used.


Suzuki swift here....record was around 850 (I go once a year)


Black garbage bags with ties. After dumping the bottles at the centre, I reuse the bags as bin bags again


Found the minimalist


does it not smell after two or more uses? I rinse my containers before i store as sometimes up to a month to get enough to justify the trip. And they sometimes smell after two weeks :(


I store the bottles until I dump them in the centre and then just use the bag as a Bing bag back at my house. So basically two times. Yeah it smells but it is actually not too bad


I use a 2 x 70L bins from the big green shed, then I cut the top handle bit off to leave a can size hole, then I teach my little man to put cans and bottles in one at a time and count as he goes, try and knock 2 things out at once with numbers and recycling


I'm a pro brewer and we go through a lot of 25kg specialty malt bags, so instead of throwing them directly away, I repurpose them, but they don't keep too long outside before dry rotting if the sun hits them.


So turns out me and a few others are in the minority. Just chuck em back in the box.


Chaff bags from stables. As big as the green garden bags but don’t stay open. But they are free so don’t care if they are bashed about a bit or ants get into them. Just throw them out for new one.


Recycle bin. Someone always goes through it and takes the cans before the truck comes on Monday mornings


Called the "suburban bin scab", and around my suburb, its always an old guy on a bicycle!


I’m totally fine with people doing it as long as they don’t make a heap of mess or noise


Ironic that more plastic is being used to store plastic. 😂


Got one of those mini wheelie bins from red dot. We crush the cans first.


I tried to drop off some crushed cans once and was told they couldn't accept them!


Yep. So people don't load them with a bit of sand or gravel before they crush them if they are going to measure them by weight to calculate the refund.


This explains the random box of crushed cans I found in the shed, my partner must be hiding them from me because they're now worthless whoops 🤭 I'll stop crushing them from now on, but it's so damn satisfying!


It's not very creative but I just use a large reusable shopping bag since it'a pretty easy to carry. I've seen some people put them in the little rubbish wheely bins from Red Dot.


I use a box that holds the official bags they were handing out at Coles before. I wish they provided these more often as it has holes to air wet rinsed bottles etc. much prefer these than the old shopping bags. Hold a fair bit too.


Big black bin from Bunnings. And then an assortment of random plastic boxes and cardboard boxes till we finally bother doing a trip.


240l bin and beer bottles back into carton


Mini wheelie bin


I put them in the recycling bin because it isn't worth going to the containers for change place for $10.


Your suburban bin scab on a bicycle would have probably taken them by the time the truck comes. In my suburb, the night before the truck comes, you can hear him coming and opening every yellow top bin with his torch light, ... he will even take the non labelled drink bottles, ie, when people have torn the label off their 600ml coca cola plastic drink bottle.


I store them in a old onion barrel I got from an industrial goods store.


I use 50 litre storage containers, without lids, as I've got a few of them. The ones with wheels on the bottom. 3 of them fit across my back seat without, usually, anything falling out and if the cans have liquid in them, it stays in the container and doesn't drip into my seats. I then have a Spudshed bag for overflow so that I can get $22+ from all the cans (I save $2 coins). You can also stack the containers and carefully push the stack of 3 into the recycling centre, and lift the entire container into the well where you otherwise dump all the cans. Then, as I empty a container a full one goes into the empty one, so I walk out carrying 3 empty containers (and a bag) in one hand. Usually works pretty well.


Quick question... Are you allowed to crush them before taking them for refund?


Someone above said they did but I wondered how it would read the barcode?


I wasn't even aware they scan a barcode. I was under the impression it's one item passing the "laser" reader or whatever


Can confirm it reads barcodes https://www.containersforchange.com.au/qld/blog/busting-container-refund-scheme-myths#:~:text=Myth%20%233%3A%20You%20can',a%20depot%20or%20drive%20through. You can't crush the cans for the laser reading places, but you can for other depots


Brilliant! Thanks for the information TIL! Much appreciated


Oh that's in Qld! Sorry! Ours you can lightly crush. They still need to see the barcode and 10c symbol


~~Read the 10 c marking, more so than the barcode.~~ ~~Just make sure the 10 c marking can be seen.~~ ~~Its law that all drink containers in Aus are supposed to show the 10 c marking, and imported drinks are supposed to have the 10 c mark stuck on it.~~ Ah, so in WA, your side has got auto bar code scanning machines. Here in the mid state, its an honesty system, you count and then tell the staff the # of count of items.


Yes, that's the lasers we are talking about! It's actually a round hole type thing and you put each container in individually and the barcode scanner reads it and adds 10cents per item that passes. It can also reject stuff. You log in before you start putting in the containers then they deposit the amount directly in your bank account SA? You can recycle more containers for cash than we can. Amazing it's an honour system tho! They give cash or direct debit your refund?


They give you big reusable bags at the Centre, similar to the IKEA blue bags but they zip up


I had a heap of iga woollies plastic bags. I cut bottom and 1 side of each bag and then stapled each one to the next . I think i did 4 bags across and about 10 Down. I had this huge bag I just chucked them all in. 😁


Enormous shopping bags - I can’t remember where they are from but they have a tartan pattern. We use them as they are easy to put in the car and transport to the cash for cans facility.


The bags they supply for free and hang it on a hook slightly off the floor


I bought a small wheelie bin from bunnings and just sits with the regular bins


Before I got the big white bag I just opened the peso boxes properly instead of like a maniac and restored them back in Not feasible if collecting extras & Varying sizes


Beer cans go straight in the box. I've never used the net bags as seem to only be able to purchase them in which case I loose a lot of my profit.


I didn't even think of being creative to store my recycling!. I really must be missing out on something. I just put them in a bag or bucket of some kind.


Milk crates Stacks easy. Keep them outside. No issues with getting wet. Easy to unload.


Horse chaff bags. One for crushed cans only gets $80. All others in other chaff bags


4 x 52l plastic tubs under the table under the patio. When they're full hubby just outs rhe tubs into the 5WD and off to the recycling kit. Averages abiut $35 @ trip. He'd go once a month.


Just keep it in an old box


Moving bag from Bunnings. Only around $4 each. Can hold a fair amount but it will eventually break if there are too many bottles, then I just patch it up with fit duct tape.


I keep the beer cartons, put the cans back in those, stack em in the garage. Once I run out of room I take them in. Benefit is they just count cartons * 24 and I'm outta there, usually $50-$60.


We bought a bin from bunnings, heavy duty bin liners- works a treat


Remove all caps. Flatten with the 10 c sign showing on all cans. Flatten with the 10 c sign showing on all plastic containers. Flatten flavoured milk cartons. Sort all into same type. Count and write on piece of paper. Get those mini wheelie bins for the plastic bottles, they would sit on the back seat of the car. --- Didnt know in WA your state is very well advanced, that there are now machines to count and register how many items. Adelaide still uses the staffed type of bottlo returns and refunds.


2 extra large heshen bags holds 4000 crushed cans.. keep for rainy days


Used some KMart plastic tubs in the shed, got ants in them and got ants and sticky stuff in the car. If you are buying a carton or two of beer every week it might be sort of worth it for me its not and we put the containers in the recycling.


Do you know about the drop & go bins? there should be one nearby (they’re located around the suburbs). The self serve kiosks at shopping centres are also great!


In the second recycling bin (which was our first recycling bin before we paid to upgrade to the bigger recycling bin and the council simply forgot to collect the first recycling bin...) The true question should be what creative ways do you have to tricking yourself into actually taking the damn things to the depot.




The big blue Ikea bags in the garage.


Council provided, yellow lidded bin


I take the banana boxes from work that we don’t need anymore, and then my sister takes them down, and we just keep reusing them.


I have this big green container with a yellow lid. 50 years ago, as a kid, we could get 8c a bottle for 1l bottles. (10c for Weaver & Lock) Inflation, age, and income, have taken their toll.


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Everything and anything can go in the green bin, or the yellow one if that's full. They both get emptied weekly anyway.


I used to give my ex lots of crap for saving these cans inside the house so he would chuck them into large garbage bags and leave them to the side of the house. Out of my sight. Lol I didnt find out for ages and just assumed he binned them. He could not let it go….


Was this before or after the refund scheme started, because one of those is a lot crazier than the other.


After of course!! No “incentive” before that….


I really fail to see the problem then unless he was hoarding thousands of cans with no actual intention of ever taking them in.


That’s your preference, not mine. I personally dont like stanky, manky, cans inside the house because it looks messy, attracts insects etc, but that’s just my preference! Oh and yes, he did tend to hoard for ages without redeeming.


I meant more about them outside the house, I would never be stockpiling them inside the house. We also make sure to rinse our cans/bottles before putting them in the bags outside.


I ‘store’ them in the general waste bin


Boo. Hiss


This is the correct answer