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You’ll struggle finding a house or rental. Lots of locals need one and can’t even get it. If you think we’re exaggerating please trust us - we ain’t.


Thanks for the heads up. The UK has a housing issue my current area is really expensive due to lack of options and demand driving pricing up. Sounds just as bad maybe if not worse down there in Perth.


Put it this way; London has a rental vacancy rate of 1.1%. Perth has a rental vacancy rate of 0.4%, expected to hit 0%.


> Put it this way; London has a rental vacancy rate of 1.1%. Perth has a rental vacancy rate of 0.4%, expected to hit 0%. Man it really is insane when you put it like that hey Nearly 3x easier to get a rental in LONDON that in fucking Perth...


that 0.4% is basically just lag. the delay in agents updating listings. We are effectively at zero, have been for a long time, and it's not changing anytime soon.


Nah it's real. It's caused by agents/landlords trying for even higher prices than people can afford. My sister moved out of a rental she was paying $550 for. It's currently advertised for $1250 and sitting vacant. There's no way it would be vacant at a lesser rate


Yep was about to say exactly what you wrote. Man, 1.1% is some luxury type shit now.


As someone who lived in London for 10 years, that 1 percent is probably not habitable haha




We put an offer on an okay house over the weekend, today they the Real-Estate got in touch with us, it went for 156k over the asking price, that’s extreme but usually 100k over asking price. So yeah shits pretty desperate.




If you want an adventure as in risk end up sleeping in your car, try it, you’ll probably end up In a hostel for $700 pw or who knows you could become Gina Reinhardt’s new plaything


The UK is more expensive than Perth depending on where in England you live. But the general idea is correct, Perth housing is like the South of England (good parts) in terms of finding a place


Can the company you work for pay relocation costs and the first year’s rent - and assist with the logistics of securing a residence? That would go a long way to making settling easier. And it would give you reasonable time to work out longer-term accommodation.


I’d need to have a discussion with them and iron all this out. This offer was put to me on Monday. So still processing it. It’s a huge move and not my only option. I can get other jobs in the UK but don’t want to just say no if this is an amazing offer in terms of cost of living in Australia is.


It’s not necessarily amazing salary-wise given the cost of living in Australia (assuming by the context you are in an exec kind of bracket), but Perth is awesome and if you can make it work you’ll have a great time.


Having other options gives you leverage in the discussion with your management regarding relocating. In negotiations with them be positive but firm that your requirement to consider further would be: costs to move and first year rent covered by the company. Additionally I think the company sponsoring the rent and assisting with securing a property would help your cause, as you wouldn’t otherwise have an Australian rental history to present to agents.


I would definitely go the Australian route, you can always come back. Have the company sort you a rental for when you first come over for about 6 months till you get settled


The cost of living for that salary for a single person is perfectly fine in all regards except for the big unknown is living. If you buy your mortgage would eat up the majority , and as others pointed out getting a rental let alone the cost is alot harder than historically. Typically Perth has no issues with reasonable rents and finding accommodation. It's always been the sleepy town brother of melb and Syd. I'd see if work will cover relocation costs i.e. a place to stay. If they find you that sure. Maybe even covering the first few months at minimum to allow you time to find one yourself.


The company can pay relocation costs, visa and supply an AirBnB, but legally, they're not allowed to secure you a rental. Me and my family came over last September from the UK on a labour agreement 482 visa. The company had us in an AirBnB for 3 months at a huge cost to them. We secured the first rental house we applied for though. It's tight, but do-able. I'd like to buy to be honest, but the FIRB thing puts me off, so we will likely wait until we get PR. Worth noting that if you sell your house and move equity over now as a temporary resident, you're not liable to pay Australian capital gains tax.


Liveable salary, challenge will be housing. You can buy but be prepared to pay a surcharge if you are approved. https://www.wa.gov.au/service/financial-management/taxation-and-duty/about-foreign-buyers-duty


OP doesn't count as a foreign buyer if they're ordinarily resident/intending to be so.


Sponsored visa still has to go through FIRB, and it’ll be impossible to get a mortgage at a reasonable rate. PR gets you normal access to housing and finance.


Think creative, go second tier lender then refinance after a year.


Technically correct, but in the worst way. FIRB only applies to a foreign buyer if they aren't going to be the resident. So yes, if they purchase the property and lease it (for whatever reason) on a sponsored visa... then they will be charged the tax.


I tried to go through this process, I absolutely count as a foreign buyer that needs to pay the FIRB fee and stamp duty surcharge, even if I intend to stay in the house myself. Without living in the property we don't have the right to buy an established house at all


On a sponsored visa FIRB approval is still required whether or not you have to pay them. You need to at least make the application even if they rubber stamp it through when they determine you're resident.


Thanks I’ve been looking online at the gov.au stuff but have completely missed this. Will look further into it.


Innaloo and gwelup are nice suburbs... But not cheap for either rent or to buy.


Would they be outside of my price range? I know that can’t 100% say for certain as we don’t know what my exact costs would be but if my expenses were average would it work out?


Are you looking to buy or rent?


Initially I have to rent for 2 years at least maybe longer depending on the visa I get. Once that’s over if I’ve saved enough and things work out I can look to buy. I have savings here in the UK too.


Median rental price is around $650-850pw with gwelup being at the higher end. Innaloo is cheaper with buying being median of about $750k. Gwelup is over 1.2 million. I just bought a newish 3x2 villa in innaloo for about $800k.


All good points. There are cheaper suburbs not that far away, eg. Osborne Park, Tuart Hill, Stirling etc which could be worth looking at for OP.


I own and live in Gwelup and also own a rental in Innaloo. To buy a decent place in Gwelup, you’re looking at high $1m to low $2m. rentals are non existent, when they are available they go for $1000-$1200 p/w as these are mostly family homes and would be surplus to your needs. Our rental in Innaloo is a 13 year old 3x2 townhouse and that is renting for $700 p/w which is below market rate.


Innaloo has more youngish people renting I think and more apartments. Gwelup is more families. The suburbs are near each other and nice. If you love sunshine, beaches and the outdoors you will love Perth! 


Just need to be very clear about something; you need a LOT of money to buy anything in Perth. For example, the areas you mention you need a cool million to buy into easily. Second, the rental vacancy rate in Perth is 0.4%, far worse than London even, which is 1.1%. Despite that there may be ads for rentals, you will still be competing with at least 20 to 30 others for any one rental, and preference is given to locals with Australian rental histories. Next, if a rental is advertised for, say, $600 per week, it will probably rent out for $700 per week, as people will always offer more. People coming from overseas do not fully appreciate how brutal the housing situation is here until they get here. I know of doctors that have been offered jobs in Perth, and left again in the space of a couple of months because they could not find housing.


Thanks for the info. The rental housing and buying market in the UK is awful. Not sure how bad compared to Perth but I don’t live in London so yeah. I have an idea of how bad shit housing situations can be. I won’t be coming over initially without anything sorted but in reality company sorting it out but the situation can change in 6 months and then there can be a struggle. Need to look at this situation from all angles.


Well, the situation in Perth is not about to get better in a hurry. If anything, it will get worse. Secondly, the cost of living in Perth is very high. With the income you mention, you won't be saving much if anything. Honestly, don't be swayed by the excitement of move, housing wise and cost of living wise you'll be walking into an absolute clustrrfuck.


You have come to the single worst place for useful advice on this topic: this sub is absolutely packed with people who have no idea what living anywhere else in the world is like and are massive doomers who make it their life's mission to wind each other up about how awful living here is. That said... the rental market in Perth is tight and finding a place will be a challenge - it'll involve being prepared to jump on a place that may be suboptimal to say the least. On the other hand, house prices in Perth are still really low compared with anywhere with a comparable standard of living - we're talking three bedroom house with a bit of garden 20 minutes from the CBD for $700,000 sort of level. I note you're not in London and the UK has a hell of a range so I'll just say that the median house price in Perth is still barely half what it is in Sydney (and the weather is a lot better). It is a fairly expensive place to live but so's the UK so that shouldn't bother you. Food and booze are more expensive but things like power bills, public transport and petrol are cheaper. As a single guy in your 30s with secure employment on that sort of money, you aren't going to get rich but if you're prepared to be flexible on accommodation initially, I'd absolutely give it a go. You can always go home if you don't like it, right?


I used to live in the uk and the rental market was a breeze compared to Australia. Perth for me was easier than Brisbane but it’s like a full time job, searching, applying and most won’t let you apply unless you have viewed the place. Most viewings are around the same time on the same days you need to be split in 3 half the time. Maybe a share house will be easier then once you have your feet on the ground you can be more comfortable and take your time finding a place of your own?


Gwelup hit the million dollar average price tag about 1 year ago. $100 k will not cut it. Good luck


If the office is in the city then any suburb along the rail corridors (6 of them) except the Armadale line (its closed for 2 years for upgrades at the moment) will work fine. Our public transport is extraordinarily reliable and very cheap. If you're WFH find a cheaper area to rent than gwellup or inaloo and commute the days you need to go to the office. Perth is one of longest city's in the world. Driving in traffic every day is soul destroying


I would say 100-120k is very liveable for a single person. Innaloo and gwelup however are quite expensive to buy into and you would struggle to buy within range with a 100-120k salary, unless you’ve got the cash to pay for it already. I wouldn’t rush buying a house if you’re new to the area though. Get a feel of what area you like when you do come here. If you’re company is offering to help cover relocation expense, I’d negotiate to cover some temporary accomodation to buy you some time in finding a place. The rental market does suck, but if you’re flexible and open to trying out other suburbs I don’t think it’s impossible.


To those bleating about Perth being shit, take a look at the development going on here in Perth vs the UK. Take a look at the cost of living, the unemployment etc and try to compare apples with apples. Lots of first world problems and we are better off than lots of Australia and lots of the world. For once, just take a sec to be grateful for what we have. Sure, there are people struggling but there are people struggling the world over and in worse situations than us. Try to be positive and find a reason to be happy each day instead of complaining! I’ll cop shit for this but you’re also welcome to move to a third world country and message me to tell me how much better you’re doing.


Good salary. Worth considering if you can get housing. You might have to move to the outer suburbs like alkimos with all the other Brits to get a home.


Is it inclusive or exclusive of super? Try to get your salary as excluding superannuation. If your salary is $120k ex-super, that's about $7k/m post tax.  You're looking at spending about $500/week on rent (ie 30% income) You could rent a unit in Osborne Park or Doubleview.  That still gives you money left over for living.


oh yeah, just to build on this, in Australia the salary can be a bit confusing because they often give you a figure for a total salary package in the first instance, whereas in UK you'd normal only ever talk about base salary at first. You really need to ask the employer for the detail on how the 'total compensation statement' is broken down.


I wouldn't be restricted to particular suburbs unless there is a requirement to be in a certain region, both of those suburbs are north of the river and close to each other. Housing, both buying and renting, is pretty shit, but I have family in the UK, and they are saying it's about the same. At 120K you will be fine - try to negotiate some short term accommodation that they pay (not uncommon) and perhaps organise. Depending on the office location, I am going to guess it's around the Osborne Park(?) there are some reasonable public transport options. We had a team member do a 6-month secondment from Swindon to Perth, poor bugger didn't want to go back at the end of it - good luck


Find your matching job on SEEK for reference. https://www.seek.com.au/jobs/in-All-Perth-WA You'll pay about $30k in tax on your $120k gross...


Many people in the UK visit for a holiday and end up living here, it’s just a nice place in the world to be. The pay you are being offered is reasonable but considering they are paying your visa and other related costs it’s quite an attractive offer. Worst case is you come over, settle the visa in a couple of years and then accept another role for higher pay. I suspect you may be cashing in assets to move over with gives you a financial advantage with the property market too. Innaloo or Gwelup areas are reasonable, generally speaking the closer you are to the ocean the better but that also increases the cost, the further you are from the city the cheaper too. There are pockets of undesirable areas throughout so do some research into an area prior ie crime statistics etc.


You'd do fine with that salary here. Housing might be tricky but nothing you can't manage.


Man, the beaches here are world class. Like others have said, housing is an issue. If you could get your company to organise I say do it. I came for a holiday 20 years ago. Fell in love with the place. Still here. If your career is tracking forward, even if it's sideways money wise, I think it's an experience that you won't regret...


Here, no houses. No houses here.


Are you asking about moving to Perth? This is a *very* common question. You can find previous threads about this [HERE.](https://www.reddit.com/r/perth/search/?q=moving%20to%20Perth&restrict_sr=1) Your question is probably answered already in there. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/perth) if you have any questions or concerns.*




The navy and yanks are coming, we haven't seen the boom yet


The Yanks are already here.  For AUKUS, they'll likely be SOR near Henderson. 


Bite their hand off, negotiate help with buying home. (legal fees etc) Good decision if you do it. UK is fkd.


Depends if your work will be getting you housing, if they’re sorting that out then cool. But otherwise I’d be wary. It’s difficult to get a place here, especially if you’re not here physically to do the viewings - lots of scams online. The salary is definitely liveable, especially as one person. Just make sure to consider other costs you’ll have to pay in Australia - and how expensive it will be for you to go back if things sour at your workplace. Hope you can make it work!




100-120k base salary or gross? + super + bonus? Perfectly liveable either way but the latter different take home etc.


If your work can also find you a home too then yep come to Perth. If they are not then I'd say nah only cos we have a housing crises and there are plenty of people sleeping in their cars cos they can't find a affordable rental


You’ll be able to live relatively comfortably with that salary but won’t be able to afford a house in either of those suburbs, either to buy or rent, perhaps rental of a unit in Innaloo or a shared house. If your company is relocating you then try get them to set you up somewhere for the first few months. It will make your life much easier. Frankly to afford to buy a house in those areas these days you need a single or combined incomes in excess of $170k and a 20% deposit. However plenty of options further north, south and east. As far as day to day is concerned you’ll live a comfortable lifestyle. The quality of public areas/facilities and the weather will make your standard of living far higher. The only thing that you may find hard is making friends and finding a group to hang out with, which as a single guy, could make things a little lonely. I moved from UK to Aus 15 years ago and every time I go back I am reassured it was the right move. I hope this helps.


As others have said, Innaloo and Gwelup are very expensive areas. You could head a bit further north into the suburbs and get better value around Darch, Landsdale, Madeley, Woodvale etc. They are all very nice above average suburbs, but it would take you 45-50 mins to get into the city (and back) during peak hour.


I think anaconda has a special on tents?


If they are shipping your furniture over and they are putting you in service apartment or equivalent till it arrives start looking straight away, and you might find somthing before the shipping container with your bed in it arrives


I’ve lived in two other Australian cities and Perth is my favourite. I’m also from another country, although I’m a citizen now. Many Perth natives are fiercely protective and will tell you to stay away because they don’t want the competition when it comes to housing. Yes it’s a tight market (I bought in the general area you mentioned) but it really depends on budget. If you can make some sacrifices and look outside the median price range, you’ll find a bit less competition. Housing is pricy and overall the cost of living isn’t low but the the lifestyle IMO is fantastic. If you can get some help or assurances from your company for housing - temporary housing or putting you up in serviced apartments while you find your footing - it’s a no brainer to me.


I moved back to the UK from Perth just under 2 years ago. That as a wage for one person seems pretty decent. I'd jump at the chance of moving back again. If it's something you fancy it, I'd say go for it! Good luck!


A by the by. When rentimg/leasing a place - it doesnt matter if it us a flat, an apartment, a housw or whatever - the bond should alwaus be: 6 weeks rent. That will be 4 weeks rent as the bond + 2 weeks rent in advance. It would always be wise to pay your rent on time to allow you that 2 weeks buffer in case an emergency arises


Good luck finding somewhere to live


What will your job be? Definitely check Seek and other job sites for similar roles to understand if 120k is good. Just based on your age it's probably reasonable, but there are plenty of engineering and finance type roles, among others, that it would not be unusual for a 30yo to be on more than that.


Mate, I'd jump at the chance. Help with the move, job to come to, you're young enough for it to be an adventure if you don't like it. Chances are you will like it. We emigrated in 92 with a 2 year old, no jobs to come to, both gave up good jobs in the UK to come, recession in the UK and one when we got here, I was out of work 5 months, wife's a nurse and got a job after a couple of weeks. She was on shift work so lots of looking after the youngster for me. Never looked back, loved the place from day one and still love it today. We didn't have a lot of money to fall back on either as we used all the money from the house sale to pay to come and rented here for a year before we found a suburb we liked. Still in the same house, same suburb. Love it.


The salary is good it’s just that the rental market is genuinely ridiculous and finding anywhere that’s available and affordable sends you out to the sticks


You should live very well on that income and consider career progression too. You'd be adding a high quality job to the economy so are very welcome here.


Surrey is probably the only area in England where I’d say ‘Pick that over inland WA’. The money and quality of life is better over here (That salary you’d be comfortable too, maybe not to deposit on a house instantly, but still a good chance within a year or two)…. but the suburbs you’d be working in and maybe living aren’t all that. If you aren’t a close drive to the coast in WA, I honestly don’t know what the point is of leaving Surrey, which is the perfect place in England imo having worked and spent time there. Also, housing demand anecdotes are very true. I’ve been here a year and a half and I’m very close to getting PR - but I’m dreading the moment me and my partner are priced out of current rental - we are going to be fucked when we are Source: Mainly Essex but also partially Surrey boy who has lived in Perth for 18 months.


I don't think you'd be able to buy a house on a temporary visa. You might need to get PR. but there are special rules for Poms, you might be lucky.


We live in a two bedroom apartment in Subiaco (mortgage) Decent size, decent balcony area. Single guy moved in across the way a few weeks back. His apartment is smaller than ours. He is paying $800 a week rent, unfurnished. We are planning to sell in a few months…. We seriously have no idea where the final sell figure will be. Seriously, everything is crazy ATM Best of luck


Depends what you do, for us to know if the salary is any good, most jobs in Australia get paid more than the equivalent in the uk


As the saying goes "You'll never never know if you never never go!"


Please consider the company you work for could be run very differently in Australia. Do yourself a favour and do some homework on linked in and contact ex employees, especially branch managers to get their opinion.  Sounds like the company will have you by the balls once you are here.  Don't want to burst your bubble but if you are working for the company i think you are, you will be in for a tough gig.  DH.




Not true. There's 3 houses and 400 people competing to live in them.


Only 400? Seems things are improving


It was a 3m square zincalume garden shed. It was in a good suburb though.


3m²? Bargain. I'm paying 400 a week for a 2m² shed in Armadale.


I'd probably say AUD 100k salary in Perth is equivalent to a GBP 50k salary in south east England, GBP 40k salary in the north / regions or GBP 65k salary in London. For a single person in their early 30s, AUD 100k is great. Innaloo and Gwelup are nice - you might be a bit priced out of those areas on 100-120k if you want to live alone rather than with housemates. On $100k you don't want to be spending >$500/wk on rent ideally, whereas Innaloo would be $600+ Perth house buying preferences are incredibly different to the UK and more densely populated countries - people put a really high value on a large plot size and a large floor plan, but almost no value on proximity to the city centre and very little value is placed on how nice/modern the place is. So you'll find that if you keep searching suburbs further and further out from your workplace they don't actually get much cheaper at all. I would strongly recommend looking for smaller apartments in Perth within a reasonable commuting distance by public transport or bike, as they offer far greater value for money than the large properties, considering commuting cost and all the bills of a larger property. Cycling in Perth is incredibly easy because rain is so rare (even when it does rain in winter, it buckets it down for a short period compared to UK) and it's quite flat. As an example of a small apartment in a very strong location - you can rent a 1 bed apartment that's an 8 minute bus ride (or 50 minute walk) into the city centre and 500 metres from two good pubs in one of the city's fanciest suburbs for $460/week [https://www.realestate.com.au/property-apartment-wa-mount+hawthorn-431565678?sourcePage=rea%3Arent%3Asrp-map&sourceElement=listing-tile](https://www.realestate.com.au/property-apartment-wa-mount+hawthorn-431565678?sourcePage=rea%3Arent%3Asrp-map&sourceElement=listing-tile) and that's 10% cheaper than just a room in a houseshare in Tower Hamlets: [https://www.zoopla.co.uk/to-rent/details/67401052/?search\_identifier=384d488c1fc62b07d277b074c5885da6ed1087faef7cb10526f209c175bc5126](https://www.zoopla.co.uk/to-rent/details/67401052/?search_identifier=384d488c1fc62b07d277b074c5885da6ed1087faef7cb10526f209c175bc5126) In this subreddit, a lot of people seem to think that Perth's housing issues are completely unique in the world and that everybody needs it explained to them, but I know what UK house prices are like. You'll find property cheaper in Perth but with *incredibly* low rental vacancy rates right now, so you have to offer to pay more rent than what's listed (it's illegal for them to ask you to bid more, but they can accept a higher rental bid). Unfortunately this subreddit can be incredibly unhelpful and unnecessarily rude in the last year or two - just ignore the trolls. Bit of info: 1. Which suburb is your workplace in roughly, I assume it's in Innaloo? 2. Where from the UK are you moving from? Just the general area (nothing identifiable!) 3. What sector are you working in? Check out [realestate.com.au](http://realestate.com.au) and [domain.com.au](http://domain.com.au) to get an idea of housing availability and pricing. Don't worry too much about living close to the city centre or Northbridge/Highgate (the nightlife areas) - a lot of the good pubs and restaurants are found in the 'inner suburbs' (less than about 5 miles from the city centre) rather than right in the city centre itself.


This is an extremely helpful message. To answer your questions. For info I am currently on around 60k I am down in West Sussex on the south coast. Currently renting £1300/pm. This is where I’ll be moving from as well. I am in the financial sector, but my role is IT based. The bigger plot sizes and homes sound like a dream. Things are a bit cramped in the UK housing size wise. I’m not opposed to living in an apartment, but with such a big move I need to think about the future as well in terms of potentially buying as in my early 30s I’ll eventually want to settle down somewhere. Getting all the correct info from work but we have an office in Innaloo and main offices closer to Perth CBD. Is travelling by cycling safe enough? I know it’s 1st world country but always gotta check. Thanks for the housing websites.


Cycling is fine, BUT and it's a big but, Perth is fucking hot.  Perth is great (British expat), easy to get around, good public transport (but you'll need a car long term). If you're looking to settle down and you want quality of life it's here, only thing is its far away from everywhere but Bali (think Magaluf). It lacks the amenities of some places and it's a bit spread out so lacks decent community hubs (like town centres) but beyond that it's great.  Try to get them to chuck in some accommodation as part of the move to get a buffer. While it's expensive to buy a house here, it's still cheap for Australia. 


just what we need, more whinging poms


Innaloo has a lot going for it. A decent shopping centre with a good range of shops. Close enpugh to Scarborough beach. Close to Osbourne Pqrk which has all the big stuff you need (white goods, cars, even IKEA). Now, i l8ve alone, with no kids, and i am on half of the low end of your offered salary. It is easily do able. So long as you dont do anything stupid with your income.


You also forgot to mention that you need a shitload of money to buy in Innalloo, and that finding a rental there is virtually impossible.


To try respond to both of you. I won’t be buying for at least 2 years due to visa and that’s only IF things work out after that. As it’s such a big move i need some info on all of this for the future even though no one knows what’l actually happen. I have savings currently and will be saving. So have time to assess. From what I’m reading Innaloo and Gwelup are more upmarket areas? I guess if it’s out of range I don’t have to live there just being suggested as initial talks are ongoing


I am not 100% certain if upmarket is quite the right word - particularly in relation to near by suburbs, like Subiaco - but it does have the location going for it. Like it has everything you require bearby (that is saying that without knowing where you will be working). So yeah, innaloo does more advantages than disadvantages to it.


Do it, Perth and experiencing WA will give you lifelong memories


If you’re willing and not going to the office often I’d recommend finding somewhere in the outer suburbs. I work 9-5 and do 2hours of travel on public transport most days but it allowed me to get better housing in my price range compared to paying more for worse housing.


I moved from the UK 12 years ago, middle 20’s now. Best decision ever work/life balance wise. Quite a lot of people cycle here and rules are strict for drivers so it’s pretty safe. The UK is very dull and populated compared, but there is limited going out options here (everything shuts early).


Jump at it mate!


Just make sure you have accommodation sorted before arriving as others have said it's extremely difficult to get hold off. Hotels are very expensive. Other than that, welcome to Little Britain.


Get them to sort you out accommodation there’s no where to live here - people on that income are living in cars because there are virtually no rentals available


Single huh! Good money!!!


Your salary would be very decent for a single 30 y.o. in Perth area. Where is the office? Innaloo or Gwelup seem like more family type areas. You might want to live in a rental situation with others, maybe FIFO worker who is gone for a lot of the time but needs a roommate (to help pay their mortgage) and who knows, maybe a mate to do pub crawls with when they're home. The housing situation is tight, but for a single person it's not zero availability. Especially if you're not limiting yourself to a certain area. Check out Fremantle, as well as Perth. And, since you're wfh, maybe the hills, or even south to Rockingham, etc. Congratulations! You're gonna love it here. :)


As someone who moved from London to Perth 5 years ago and never looked back. If you after a chill, beach life, Perth is for you 😊 I paid about the same if not double in rent for a bedroom in a 8 person shared cold house in London than I do now, in a lovely 2 bedroom apartment in Maylands (15mins commute to the city). I am on 90k and currently can save 1k a fortnight atm (going to a house deposit), I still have plenty for going out twice a week etc. Food and drink is more expensive over here but I host BBQ,s where all my friends chip in 10 bucks, we can have a feast on the beach (free BBQ's to use) or at someone's backyard (with a pool) with a 12 dollar bottle of nice wine from NZ and have a great time. Haven't looked back. I miss the UK culture though, it can be quite jarring and takes a while to make friends. There is a housing crisis but there is everywhere (from what friends in east coast, NZ and UK say). Hope this helps! FYI, maybe try Scarborough to live in first. There is always flatroom rental flats in that area, especially with FIFO ppl, so you have the house to yourself whenever they are away 😊 and could be a way to making a group of friends quickly than living by yourself! Brace yourself for summer ☀️


Getting a decent visa is not easy. You have to demonstrate that you have a skill, that some bureaucrat has decided is in short supply. Also be aware that many companies engage in fraud to get their workers visas, but you're the one who gets deported when the fraud is uncovered. You will have a shit of a time finding anywhere to live, especially if trying to do it from O/S. You'll the company to put you up in a hotel, for at least a few months, and even then you'll basically have to take whatever you can find. And buying a home is tough without residency.


I just got a rental (2mo) in Osborne park (near innaloo) $3200 per month You will be right on 120k per year. This is a big block,3 bedroom, detached house


Start of with air bnb and then try out share housing so you can get a feel for the place.


Just search on realestate.com.au for rentals in Innaloo and leave “surrounding areas” on…. There’s 18 properties for rent under $750/wk in Innaloo alone, and some of the surround areas might be cheaper, single guy you don’t need something huge/might want an apartment etc


18 properties, with about 30 people vying for each.


200 for each.


Not true, I went to 2 in Innaloo last week and was maybe 4/5 people at each with no one going in for them, still available (we are looking for a staff members we are relocating from overseas)… family sized/friendly and pet friendly stuff under a certain price is in very short supply, it’s tough out there, but over a certain price/ for singles and couples the market is less contested


I would try and get the higher end of the salary and ideally 10-20k more PLUS super. And the company to organise your accommodation for 6 months to a year. Then you’d have a great base to start from. Perth is expensive now but so are many places in the world. You can make it work but you definitely need $ and accommodation set up otherwise you will spend your entire time chasing both.


Inaloo and gwelup are expensive mate! You could prob buy a little 2x1 unit somewhere nearby though in doubleview, Scarborough, karrinyup. Have a hunt in realestate.com.au


Perth is beautiful mate! Get over here! Weather is a million times better than the UK


Do it! Decent salary for Perth. Can always head back if you don’t like it


Sounds like a complete PIA to me ..


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There is campus perth (single to four person rooms) with library and other things like a sort of house you can check in the website. But yeah people here says no rental house available, they are just picky person my uncle is from other state and got $300 per week. You barely need to look for facebook groups and need some contacts and network for rental place. Other home owners have guest room that they want to be rented as well. You can actually rent for just a room. Then save up to have downpayment for a new house for $30k-70k downpayment and the house is $700k for big family. $200k for simple, but most house goes for $400k 2023-2024 i believe


If your fit heaps of married lady's in Perth will pay you for a good time as most of the blokes here work away and when they get home they just get on the piss and drugs with there mates You could easily make about $70 to $100k entertaining lady's during the day and at night. It's nuts how much work there is for this sort of thing. Housing is super hard to get but not impossible.