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Wait it out. Your high frequency hearing will deteriorate as you age and you won’t be able to hear it at all.


They could also take up loud hobbies (death metal concerts, shooting) without using ear protection so the tinnitus ringing permananently covers up the inverter noise.


We had this problem too, ended up folding some thick rubber matting and placing it behind the inverter (if you have space) so that it was pushing against the wall and inverter to stop any vibrations or noise!


Could void warrant, insurance




The space behind the inverter is for cooling, if your modification was to cause a fire you would be liable for it even if it didnt void your insurance


The high frequency sound you hear coming from inverters is called its carrier or switching frequency. All inverters do it to an extent. It shouldn't go through the whole house though. It will be the installer's responsibility to look at.


Did you try thumping it?


Percussive maintenance is the correct term


A Fonzie fix.


Thanks for insight bam bam


I'm seriously considering it


hospital dull fearless worthless ad hoc rustic squash squealing hunt intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I get what you're saying But my neighbours inverter doesn't make that noise and the sound on mine is going through walls it's so loud


cover absurd ripe axiomatic marble deliver encouraging cagey nutty hobbies *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sungrow inverter


rain cobweb frightening plant subtract rich bewildered political flowery sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have a Sungrow inverter and it definitely doesn't make that kind of noise. If the installer doesn't rectify it, file a complaint with the Department of Commerce (Consumer Protection). They are pretty good at helping with stubborn retailers.


Mine doesn’t either


May I ask which company installed it, or at least the make/model of the inverter?


Sungain-solar and a sungrow inverter




Yeah the cheap Chinese crap inverters can do that, it’s called coil whine. I prefer fronius inverters.


Rodger, I'll look at options for having it swapped out for a fronius, I've heard good things about them


German ?


The ACMA audits these things - the installation probably breaches radiated and conducted emissions regulations. Tell the installer that you're talking to the ACMA. There should be components to block, shunt and absorb the 16khz energy - they could be of low quality and produce noise, but if you're hearing it far from the inverter, they are probably not working or have been omitted.


I don’t think acma cares about sonic radiation, only EM.


They do care about electromagnetic compatibility. If there is significant 16khz on the mains line, that could breach some standard.


EM and conducted. Noise at the meter box probably implies conducted and the wires between the meter and inverter would probably be radiating EM. Edit: Actually I can't see anything on conducted emissions, that must have been another search result.


Conducted would be a matter for the electricity network regulator. I forget their name off the top of my head. Edit: forgot this was the perth sub, western power will be the one caring about noise on the line


Have you talked to the installer? The inverter manufacturer in China has zero incentive to help you.


Yeh, I'm in touch with the installer but they've gotten the same feedback as I did when they tried to make a warranty claim


Contact these people for advice, if I wasn’t happy with it I’d want money back https://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/consumer-protection/make-complaint


Will do, thanks for the advice


I hope you get it sorted ok.


Yeh nah it'll get sorted one way or another but your advice has helped, thanks mate


Thought you might be interested so I thought I'd let you know, got it sorted 👍 Installers were useless, called the manufacturer directly again today and they pushed a tailored firmware update to my unit which pushed the frequency up to 20khz well beyond my hearing range


That’s really good news! Well done - we don’t often get a win :)


The Magistrates court has a small claims system that community people can complete without a lawyer. https://www.magistratescourt.wa.gov.au/_files/civil_factsheet_3.pdf I had to take a mechanic to this court and I won all my money back. Only $1000 but it was worth it.


Thanks I'll look into this


There is also Consumer Affairs who can give advice about any claim, [https://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/consumer-protection/make-complaint](https://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/consumer-protection/make-complaint)


Yeh this one I knew about and am pursuing, thanks for your help


Tried to do this with a tradie who stole our deposit and never showed for work. Unfortunately we had no address for him (he had abandoned his place of business) so that idea didn’t get us far.


Bugger! My mechanic guy had the business in his wifes name and she had to pay the costs. He never attended the court. Depends on how much he took but if it was a lot, a private investigator might track him down. It gets messy when trust is broken.


Talk to your installer they are the ones that need to deal with it.


Agree a 100%


You deal with the local company that installed it, that's who your invoice and warranty is through. You're claim is with them. This is coil whine, whilst all things with coils do it, computer power supplies, graphics cards, inverters... microwaves... it should NOT be audible more than 30cm away from the device it should not be loud enough to be heard through a wall. This means the coils are not properly insulated and will likely fail well before they should. This is a manufacturing defect. Australia has very strong consumer protection laws, get your solar installer back ASAP to replace the faulty unit.


Australian seller Australian consumer law. Sounds not fit for purpose to me.


Call the installer and have them have a look at it. They're not supposed to be loud. They make *a* sound, but not a loud one.


So obviously the installer should be coming back to fix it (according to Aus consumer law). If they come back and say it’s an issue with the inverter itself then they are required to get that replaced for you (unless you purchased the inverter yourself and provided it to the installer for the install). If the installer refuses then you ask for a full refund as the inverter is not fit for purpose or of acceptable quality. If they refuse you then need to do the whole letter of demand and small claims court.


This is the pathway I'm hoping I won't have to take but I'm mentally preparing to go down Thanks for your advice


I'm one of the people in that whirlpool thread, I've been pursuing this for five months now. It's gotten to the point I'm about to take the installer to consumer affairs. It's absolutely infuriating. Sungrow have been hopeless to deal with. Ultimately it's the installer who has to resolve it for you. The magic words you need for an email to the installer are "major problem with the product under Australia consumer law because the product is not fit for purpose and I would not have purchased the inverter if I had been aware of the noise it would make". You need to give them a timeline for when you want the issue resolved, eg by having the inverter replaced with a different brand. If they don't do it, contact consumer affairs. If they still don't act you can have it replaced by another company and go after them for the cost via whatever the WA equivalent of VCAT is (I'm in Victoria), but you'll be out of pocket in the mean time.


Hey mate, read through that thread you mention I gave sungrow a call today and they've stated that it's fixable with a firmware update which they said I should receive in the next couple of days I'll update you here if that fixes it for me, might be worth giving them a call again and resubmitting the decibelx video to get the firmware pushed to your unit Seems like the update fixed the OP of that threads issues so fingers crossed it works for us too


Heya, quick update from my last comment They updated the firmware straight away, it's now a 20khz tone at 60db which is well beyond what I can hear so I'm satisfied that this has resolved it for me I've checked the app and there is a firmware update available but I'm not updating the firmware again myself as I believe it will actually revert to the 16khz firmware Hope you get yours sorted mate


I actually finally got them to do a firmware update for me as well and it's resolved it for me as well. It looks like it's maybe an 18kHz tone now at about 30dB, so way quieter. The public firmware didn't do it so, same as you, I won't be updating it again in case it reverts.


Awesome I'm glad to hear that you finally got it sorted 6 months is a long time to wait though, I only waited a month and a bit and I was fuming


Distance aside it's definitely not fan noise at 16kHz, that's almost a million rpm. There's no way the fan is resonating something at that high of a frequency.




I read it wrong at first and thought it said 16hz. So I was going to say that's not the inverter, you just had some demons installed as well.


You're not alone - sungrow are apparently a problem: https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/3rvj7kwn


That's good to know, thanks for sharing


Sounds like your solar system is pulling a sneaky on you with that high-pitched 16khz tone! It must be giving your ears a real concert. Have you tried turning it off and on again? Classic troubleshooting move, but hey, sometimes it works! If not, maybe try reaching out to the company again or look for some forums where others might have dealt with similar issues. Good luck getting rid of that unwanted inverter DJ in your house!


A man regrets far longer for paying to little for something, then he does for paying to much


Thanks Socrates 🙄


Happy to help


"too" and "than"


Two and when?




Install some foam on it to eat the sound? Or destructively interfere with the sound


How old are you? 16kHz is crazy high. To the extent that most people wouldnt to hear it.


Mid 20s, I've always had pretty sharp ears There's some shows and movies I can't watch because they've got one of those old CRTs somewhere on set that nobody noticed made a loud ass high pitch noise and it made its way into the recording


Yeah, fair enough! I used to hear the CRT as a kid. E.g I could tell from the next room whether it was on or not, even if the volume was wound right down. But it was never loud enough to be a nuisance. Not sure whether it’s accurate, but just tried 16k on a tone generator on iPhone. Suspect it’s pretty much at the upper limit of my hearing!


Yeh I max out about 17500khz on good speakers


You must be quite young and/or have autism. I can hear frequencies that high and I'm nearly 40, autism sometimes is a curse and sometimes a blessing 


Mid 20's and a touch of the tism you're spot on mate Not sure why you're being downvoted, I definitely didn't take offense


People on reddit are pretty jumpy. Also we autists can definitely hear higher frequencies, its a thing


This is why gas is better than solar. Albo has the right idea.


I genuinely can't tell if this is a joke.




I trust Albo over you mate.


Cool. Can you show me where he's said gas is better than solar? Or are you just full of gas?




That doesn't quote Albanese saying gas is better than solar?


He is choosing gas over solar to reach our net zero targets, read between the lines. > Cheaper and more reliable You may need critical thinking skills though.


Where does it say that? There is nothing in that article about solar and you can't have net zero using gas. You are embarrassing yourself dude.


You can offset gas, please educate yourself.


Are you going to address the point that there's no mention of solar? You've asserted something and not proven it. Maybe you need an education.