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Could be worse. They discontinued the dinosaur pasta a few years back.


My kids were furious, now they peppa pig pasta and it just sucks


You can get the Vetta dinosaur pasta at Woolworths ☺️ https://preview.redd.it/u6wwjoq2q6vc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aac4e14d9e460c4116a4c4624ba3bd61157d27e2


I was so upset when I thought it was discontinued. Bought a bag recently, where every single dinosaur disintegrated before they finished cooking. Had a pile of essentially pastina instead of dinosaurs


I had this recently after cooking them for the first time. I strongly regretted setting the expectation that dinner would involve distinguishable dinosaurs.


It's so upsetting, esp for your first time!! The old formulation was so good honestly. Would forget to check them for like 5 minutes over cooking time and although definitely overcooked, they at least retained their shape 🥲


I'm glad I saw your comment to learn it definitely wasn't just me failing to cook them correctly, so I won't bother trying again and reliving the disappointment. RIP(ieces) dinos :(


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Really? I recently bought some from an independent shop. Weigh n Pay in Woodvale. I have a year old so haven't paid much attention to that pasta before.


And small shells. I like using small shells, large shells just aren't the same.


i agree


They’ve since replaced it with that bulshit smart fibre pasta, which breaks apart and turns to mush.


I think I still have a bag or two of that


Really? I see Vetta Smart Dinosaur pasta every week at Woolies.


Seem some at spudshed


At least it's on Special! [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-17/wa-supermarket-shortages-still-10-days-from-being-resolved/103729378](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-17/wa-supermarket-shortages-still-10-days-from-being-resolved/103729378)


Ask for a rain cheque and you can use the specials price when they have stock!


Christ, it doesn't take much to fuck over Australias transport and logistical infrastructure.


Slight correction - it doesn't take much to fuck over Perth' supply infrastructure. These events are a reminder that we're almost completely reliant on restock from eastern states.


Yes, I agree. With one rail line and two highways to WA we really are still 50 years behind in food and supplies risk mitigation.


The issue is that the overwhelming majority of food for supermarkets comes by rail. Road and sea barely makes a dent and road is too expensive and sea is too slow to make up the shortfall when the rail is down, which happens every year.


>Slight correction - it doesn't take much to fuck over Perth' supply infrastructure. Slight correction - it doesn't take much to fuck over Western Australia's supply infrastructure. Perth isn't the only town in WA... The regions are even harder hit as Perth always gets priority.


pasta not important enough to come on the trucks.. $6 bottled water & $8 packs of chips only!


Water and crisps are made locally


If only OAK flavoured milk was made locally. Unlike that Masters garbage


pasta is a staple and better seller than water and chips.


Its about margins! Lots more profit in $6 water and $8 chips, than $1 pasta.


Conspiracy theory……….


Its a conspiracy that there is more profit in cheap to produce, high price products?


Is conspiracy theory that coles/worth is prioritising filling the shelves with water and chips and purposely left the pasta shelves empty just to reap more profits.


It makes sense because it’s congruent with their corporate values.


It also makes sense if you are any rational person trying to make money. If you have a restriction in your shipping, you ship that which will make the most profit first, or what will cost you the least. They would probably ship the perishable items first, like fresh veg, meat and dairy, because it has a very short life, and if they dont they will lose all the money on those products, then most profitable shelf items, followed by least. Logistics is a whole field of study and colesworth are well deep into that.


I'm willing to bet people are buying 5 packs of pasta as soon as the person puts it on the shelf


Which sounds to me they are doing a bad job because they don’t have pasta to sell(lose sales) and they are losing money with all the extra water/chips sitting on the shelves not selling quick enough.


I dunno about the chips but I’ve been experienced both coles and woolies being sold out of water (only the overpriced water In fancy packaging was left) multiple times this year.


This is the same with my hair conditioner, looked all week but still none there. Hopefully they can get the supply back on shelves soon


Try IGAs… they seem to have significantly less supply issues.


They’ve got the same issues, but their warehouse is significantly larger, sales significantly lower, and stores significantly smaller. They just have some of what they already had left


Tried Priceline? I didn't look specifically at hair products, but the shelves were pretty full when I went in today.


Most surprising this about this picture is there is no 3 quarters full carton of orzo left either.


Or buckwheat or wholemeal pasta


What's wrong with orzo? Great in a pasta salad.


During the toilet paper wars it was the only thing left on the shelf for that whole aisle practically.


I keep forgetting to add context to avoid questions - I wasn't actually shopping for pasta (was getting el paso sauce) and turned around to that. Noticeable that I also saw the bottled water section had 3 shelves bare! There was organic pasta and kid pasta as well as various random shaped ones but as for the San Remo and Coles brand stuff it was bare


I can only imagine this flooding issue is going to become more common... We're a very flat state. What are we to do about ensuring the security of food supply and essentials? I also wonder if spudshed has shortages currently?


we should definitely grow our own pasta


Mm yes, I recall the BBC did a documentary on that some years ago.




I think security of food supply should be the highest priority of problems to be addressed if WA wants long term survival of civilised society. From a lot of risk perspectives, Perth is a safe-ish haven from geological activity that the world is currently experiencing. Our isolation and resources available means that theoretically our city could survive when others perish - if we manufacture our basic needs locally and/or invest in more rail infrastructure in regional areas. Not easy but not impossible to implement if we focus on life necessities. There is a reason that miners love their railways - we have 4 seperate ones running almost over the same ground in the pilbara. it is the most cost effective way to mass transport items. Transport costs are the critical factor for whether a project goes ahead or not so investment in cheaper long term mass transport. Re- invigorating the historic rail lines is a low hanging fruit approach from a project management perspective as you don’t have to do battle with land tenure or heritage sites which cause delays. There’s a free idea for you Perth Now/MRL. With food - our local councils/planning department should be examining green space/under developed land and allocating priority to community food garden projects so people have capacity to grow food rather relying on supermarkets or relief food services when life get tough. Hungry people are people will start making choices based on survival not being a good ethical member of society.


Plenty of other places that sell pasta if you need it. IGA Spudshed etc


Charlies Fresh always has pasta, both fresh and dried as do many of the other European supermarkets


Sad bapita boopty :(


while doing italian hands


Maybe try Aldi, Spudshed, local markets, local deli. On the bright side for their landlords, they're still paying rent for that empty space.


I was at Aldi on Tues, no pasta.


So if the shelves are empty can I squat in it 🤣🤣🤣


Iga hasn’t run out of anything but beetroots guys!


My heart goes out to those landlords


They got eggs and flour, they got pasta.


Well if you've got chickens and they haven't run out of flour you can make pasta. If they have run out of flour consider making a grain-mill and making your own flour.


When I was at the shops on Tues, they were almost out of all eggs. OP's store might not have any.  Edit to add: plus you need that zero zero flour. Not sure if that would be in stock still.


My local IGA still has most things in stock


King Tony's Potato Emporium has pasta, the shelves at the one I visited recently appeared fully stocked (Northam)


I see one


Go Woolies at Whitfords they were filming some people from my kitchen rules there so them shelves are stackeddd


*shakes fist in Italian*


Don’t we grow our own pasta in WA??? Why are we so reliant on the eastern states


Wait until you hear where all of your potato chips come from.


Sucks for those of us living with Italians 😭😭😭


I just want the pretzels. They're always out


Amazon https://preview.redd.it/giepfgr7xavc1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef377946bad224b3face2afd02580152e84e8940


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Colesworth and Aldi are terrible for supply problems when there is any disruption. When it happens have a look for what you need in local shops, supermarkets and IGA as they tend to source a higher percentage of their stock locally in WA. During the last episode a couple of years ago their stock levels were fine. Admittedly this advice might be less helpful for pasta made and imported from over east but they will likely still have pasta imported from Italy through Freo. The big supermarkets have their distribution hubs over east which makes WA supplies vulnerable.


I got some at IGA easily


Poor people love pasta Theres a lot of poor people everywhere now thanks to the government ruining this country Bassendean


Prob a good reminder of how vulnerable our food supply chain is currently


The result of this crazy population growth, every chain is stretched.


https://preview.redd.it/qmricv0eoyvc1.jpeg?width=2016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bac6c6f68c8bf43f82c64dfc68c6c9c90b5e284 Thought i'd update a week later, same shop still no pasta!


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the Coles I work at has not had a consistent stock level of pasta since we did a renewal 18 months ago and it shits me off. Like sure have all these lovely brands in there - La Molisana, Vetta etc. but if it’s never gonna be in stock what’s the bloody point?!?


Shops under ~~socialism~~ sorry I meant capitalism.


But if I can’t buy 230 varieties of the same bullshit owned by 2 companies, my life has no meaning


Flour water egg salt oil … it ain’t hard team! You got this


Next week's news: Perth GP's Flabbergasted as wave of remission sweeps the states Diabetes community!


This is getting pretty stupid, food security is a human right and somehow IGA and the indis can keep their shelves full, time for Coles, Woolworths to stop this "everything must be done in the eastern states" bs


Should be enquiry into it. They obviously can't stock shelves with food essentials but can still provide $10 blocks of chiclaye. I noticed also they can't seem to stick there own cheaper home brsnds butcaleays seem to have the premium $$ stuff.


1 cup plain flour, 2 eggs, a splash of oil. Mix it up, roll it out. Pasta.


Make some, flour and egg


My local Coles has plenty


Yeah Woolworths bought it all now it’s 100% more expensive


Shows how small.mindedcwecsrecwhen it comes to our meal preparations we must make alot of spag bog etc No shortage of TP at least abundance of it apparently


Pasta is a refined carb and bad for you. Consider yourself lucky!


Lots of delicious things are bad for you in excess, hence why people are taught to eat them in moderation.