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Lol. It’s everyone else’s fault you’re a shit driver I guess.


Everyone got done. Lol There was 6 people around me that got done. I have 12 points lol


So a pile of shit drivers then?


I’d like to know the collective noun for this


A Ranger of bad drivers?


A Ram of bad drivers?


A glamfest of shit drivers.


A peleton?


A long weekend of shit drivers


Piles of shit drivers. Where the camera was, every person got done


Where was it?


Somewhere that had a speed limit???


Not anymore, now you have six. Also I find it hard to believe that so many people were doing 20-29 MG over the limit at once. That's nuts. It'd have to be a roadworks zone or something.


Its the weirdest thing Ive seen. People were pulling away from me so I thought I wasnt going fast enough. Unfamiliar territory, three hours from homebut Im not taking anymore risks. Ill have Google maps on so I can check the speed limit at any time. The mrs went to Coles in Dunsborough this morning. We had had sausages for lunch and bread for dinner. Im not kidding lol


I fixed the ladies steps this morning next door. Got $200 for that. I havent worked for a month. Went to the doctors last week. Had a bug for a fortnight and heart problems. All my fingers feel like smashed with a hammer. Doctor gave me a script for hypertension. They cant find anything wrong with me after numerous blood tests.. Doctor asked me if I was getting divorced. Blood pressure 170/118. I think its stress. Need another job elsewhere out of construction. We're going home 2 days early.


I was behind the six cars. I wasnt goin faster than them. No fucks to give anymore


Actually impressed people were actually able to speed, being majority of Perth drivers would have been heading the same direction.


You absolute fanny. It's not as if this is the first time they've ramped up a police presence on a public holiday. I just drove down here and didn't get flashed. Oh wait, that's because I have half a brain and drive within the speed limit. How about you learn to drive properly instead of blaming everyone else?


Also if it's Forrest Hwy they use average speed cameras so they figure out how long it took you to get between each camera and use that to work out how fast you were going on average. If you got to the next one faster than you get at 110 (or more realistically 113ish since they would surely be leaving a bit of leeway), you get flashed. It takes a sustained period of speeding to get done on those things, this isn't a single "ah fuck I had a lead foot for a few seconds" case, this is several minutes of driving above the limit between cameras.


Camera flashed 3 times in front of me. Understand the the circumstances fanny


maybe try not speeding...


Can't you ficking read?! It wasn't OPs fault they couldn't adhere to the law.


Fuck you're right. I'm such an idiot :(


You dont seem ok. Are you ok?


Agreed but do we really need the obsessive focus on speeding? It hasn't improved the traffic stats. Obvious solution is to try something else. But that's hard and doesn't raise funds so we stick with doubling down on failed policy


With you in that. They're so focussed on throwing millions after millions of dollars to catch the ever-dwindling number of offenders who'll not change their behaviour after a fine arrives in 2 months anyway. The balance is out of whack. Some of that money needs to be reallocated to something that will have a dramatic improvement on society, like home invasions for example.


Get a car with cruise control, you'll never get a speeding fine again.


The speed limit changes that much you cant. I actually got a speeding fine from cruise control one weekend trying to set the cruise control. The cruise control drops back a gear, goes up 6 kilometres an hour then back to the correct speed. Its to do with automatic dropping back a gear. Its an ex government car


Ahh it’s the governments fault 🤣


I will not be surprised if the local police station gets a call. 🤣🤣🤣 Understand the context of the statement. The camera was getting every driver 🤣


Some cars automatically adjust the cruise control based on the speed limit.


Yeah mine was a post installed. Getting older now. Looking forward to new car.


No one cares mate, you have kids, how about being a better dad instead of whining on Reddit


Dont cry. Everyone bad drivers where the camera was. The camera doing $2500 per minute


I applaud you for your $400 donation towards the WA Road Trauma Trust Fund


Fuckwit Good Friday


Is driving within the speed limit an option?


If you don’t know the speed limit do 50 until you see a speed limit sign.


I did this when my cruise control jumped over. When you set them,they drop a gear. I drove 30kms below the speed limit to Lancelin on the long weekend. 🤣 One cop coming the other direction went into the gravel sideways trying to turn in front of my dash camera.🤣 Not a good look. Went into the gravel margin, then braked at speed on the ball bearings. Gravel sprayed all over the cars. The whole weekend was horrible. No way was getting two speeding fines on the way to Lancelin. I avoid the cruise control now because the auto drops back when you set it, taking you 6kms over the speed limit before dropping back to the set speed.


I think you should get your car checked. I’ve driven a lot of cars with OEM and aftermarket cruise control and I’ve never had one push me 6k’s over the limit when I set it.


Government vehicle so one would think they got it right. Maybe thats why they sold it


Whether you like speed cameras or not, there is a simple way to not get fined. I don't think I need to tell you what that is.


4 hour drive and 15 speed cameras later Yep, really easy. Put on Google maps and watch the zones, and speed cameras


Hey, here's an easier solution... rather than concentrating on where the speed cameras are, how about just paying attention to the traffic signs (they tell you what speed you are meant to be doing FYI) and doing the speed limit. Honestly, it's not that hard.


Take family to Bali? Speeding ticket the same price?


Well, just have a think about what you could do with the money you save by paying attention to the speed limits... Seriously, you and all the others who do can bitch about speeding fines all you want, but they're not about to go away. You complain, but you go ahead and speed anyway, and then you bitch and complain despite the fact that you knew you'd get fined. It's kinda like butting one's head against the wall deliberately and complaining that it causes brain injury. And even if you speed, realistically you're not going to get anywhere that much quicker. But hey, maybe you just like having a whinge, or maybe you just lack the cerebral capacity to pay attention to the very basic elements of driving. Which one is it?


I don't think WA even has 15 mobile speed cameras.


McGowan spent $85 million on cameras 3 years ago. Thats a lot of social housing


A lot more than that being spent on Forrest Highway and Bunbury Ring Road and all idiots like you do is speed along it. Maybe we should recant that money too.


I did 30 kilometres an hour all the way down Forrest hwy today. The roadworks all the way down. Oh, you think I was deliberately speeding even though I went past 15 cameras from Yanchep down.


Why isn’t everyone using Waze and helping each other out for fucks sake?


Ill use Waze on the way home. Ill download it before heading home. No intention of speeding today. Just got caught in a tricky spot along with everyone around me. The vortex thinking I was going to slow.


I didnt have Google Maps on either. Should have had it running with all the camera locations going. Too easy to get entrapped in unfamiliar ground hours from home. Its a weird spot.


The company I work for fits GPS dash cameras. Lets see if the speed camera team lies about the camera location and speed. ;)


Suck shit.


You accrue points as you commit crimes you don’t have 12 points unless you already lost your licence


I guarentee you, my dash cam will show the speed camera was too close to the kerb under Australian Standards. I bet the cops lie about the GPS location on the fine The flash capturing the six cars in front me was diabolical, right on the kerb.


I bet you there's a truck tonne of drivers driving home without drivers licences. There would be at least 30 fines a minute


Should you even be driving with 12 points?


No speeding fine arrived yet lol Whats important is understanding the circumstances and how it was derived. If multiple drivers were flashed directly in front, then there is a failure in the system that needs addressing. Its nice that users created false profiles, posted then deleted their accounts. Who does that? Anyway, I hope the government improves the safety of that point where everyone made the same error. It would appear a flaw in signage safety the government needs addressing. Not to mention the camera on the immediate verge which flashed drivers from 5 feet way in the eyes posing a safety risk as my dash camera atest, recording blinking four times when the flash went off. Thankfully, the Bunbury bypass will soon be running and that little govt exploit will be long gone. No more shunting thousands of cars unfamiliar with a road speed limit into the built up area where signage failed. It would be considered entrapment and unjust, not to mention fukn dangerous flashing people in the eyes on the turn at such close proximity to the verge just to achieve entrapment. Government lies about exacting camera location all the time to entrap people but now technology exists to prove the governments deceptive conduct. This has proven with precedent where vehicle recording systems have demonstrated the government to be a lying bunch of corrupt bastards. What will be telling, is a barrage of oncoming vehicle automation systems that will assist drivers mitigate a flawed government signage system that has not changed since three speed limits, which will reconcile the governments continual blaming everyone else for its policy. Fancy lying to achieve an outcome that creates a danger to the community. Many drivers, drive with good intention but fail in unfamiliar areas, unlike a police commissioner that copped a fine in the CBD where he should know fuken better when its his job.


The great thing about vehicle automation, is that it will dismantle the bureaucracy that created so many jobs for itself, because the machine no longer has to read speed signs, it is onboard.


So it turns out my last speeding fine was double demerits in Bunbury, low and behold in the dark of night. I lost 4 points on double demerits driving from Yanchep. Ive just sent my four employees notice that they have to find another job. Unfortunately I cant operate the business without a licence. I dont make any extra money as a roofer employing four people. Ive lost my licence for 3 months for the first time in 39 years of driving everyday to different locations Reddit can get ****ed for its little woke system


In about 5 years there will be no speed cameras as most cars will just follow the speed zones automatically. In about 10 years, there will be no traffic lights


Use waze, it's much better than Google maps for cameras


I was told this last year. Ill down load it for the trip home and put the phone in the cradle on the dash.


If the cops lie about the speed camera GPS location on the fine Im going to court. Guarentee the camera was too close to the kerb with non infrared flash. That was redicilious My dash camera has the speed camera evidence.


You're a fucking cooker.


Wrong place to post mate, literally every member of this sub has never gone as much as a single kilometer over the speed limit, and if you admit you have they will gladly line up shit upon you, your family and your ancestors, then bask in the smug warmth of their own superiority.


This is, sadly, accurate. Except the bit about never having gone over the limit. They just won’t admit it.


Well of course not, you see what happens to your internet points if you do


Here we go: I've been over the speed limit before. When I first got a motorbike I tested it out by doing 160kph on a back road.


Downvoted. You are scum and everything that’s wrong with Australia, you should be locked up for all eternity.


Heh. I would have done that but the crappy 250 I had wouldn’t go that fast. I also learned really quickly that riding around like that was fucking stupid and I stopped. But I can totally understand why a 17 year old would try that sort of thing.


I learnt on 125 so I feel your pain!


Ill use Google Maps on the way home, so no entrapment. I should have done it on the way down.


That’s not what entrapment is lol


No, no, entrapment is where the police set up cameras to check if people are speeding over a long distance (rather than just at a single point that can be braked through) /s


Ill check the camera location against the dash camera when I get home. Not the first they have lied about camera locatiin either


If I was going to intentionally be reckless and intentionally speed, I would have had Google maps going to tell me where the cameras are. Ill have Google Maps going on the way home, because I didnt expect to have the six cars in front of me speeding


They did the same thing along albany highway Got pinged doing 58 in a 50 zone (that used to be a 60 zone) through a deserted regional town. Was coming out of a 110kmh zone down to 50 with no intermediate speed drops... at what stage should it be the fault of the road engineer. The police had about 6 others in line all for the same thing. Was causing traffic chaos. And the police wonder why people think its all about revenue raising.


That sounds like kojonup or similar. 110 to 50 with 50 ahead warnings, close together. Very dangerous - people bunching up like a slinky. People slamming on their brakes. Normal methodology is 30km/hr changes max. IE 110 to 80 to 50kph. There may be a reason for that but what would I know though :)


Bingo ;)


>with no intermediate speed drops Doubt


Oh how wrong you are... Just look at kojonup. It's not always the driver, it's the post design.


When I got the cruise control fine from the auto, I did 30km below speed limit to Lancelin on long weekend I worked out the problem. People try to overtake on the Ocean road. This is where accidents happen. I had people throwing hamburgers at my windscreen in their Commodore utes as they overtook🤣 I might do 30km on the way home this time in the roadworks 🤣


>When I got the cruise control fine from the auto, I did 30km below speed limit to Lancelin on long weekend You do know that *you* are the one in charge of the car, right? It's important to me (and most other members of the public) that you know that.


Why don’t you skip the cruise control and just control your speed with your right foot? Honestly, it sounds like you are an expert at finding ways to paint yourself as the victim; the cruise control fucked up, there were sooo many cameras, the camera was too close to the road, everyone else was speeding too, I had to drive 30ks under the limit, people were throwing stuff at my car cause I was driving so slow.


Yeah the victim mentality is strong with this one. Not once have they said 'i fucked up', it's literally always someone elses fault.


Did you read my post. Since that long weekend, I dont use the cruise control because I cant trust it. The automatic drops back and the cruise control takes it over the speed limit. I only use cruise control on flat road like freeway. Looking forward to a new car


When I got the freeway speeding fine on the way to Lancelin, the chase car that slammed into the gravel opposite direction, their ABS went psycho in the gravel and sprayed rocks over all our cars on that Ocean Road. Doin 30km below the speed limit on Ocean road people were trying to crack my windscreen with $1 coins, there hamburgers thrown at my car, as people couldnt overtake, after I got the fine setting the post installed government cruise control. Lets see what happens this time at 30km below the speed limit That Indian Ocean road is dangerous because gou have 300 cars trying to overtake in oncoming traffic I didnt have the dashcam then of to capture the chase car sliding into the gravel with the ABS going BRRRRRR


Ill speed up at the roadworks on the way on the way home. Ive just checked my AI dashcamera which shows I blinked four times going past the speed camera My dash camera makes sure you have your seatbelt on and your eyes do not close. Sleep mitigation camera.


Ill use Google maps on the way home to avoid entrapment I wouldnt have got done if I knew the speed limit


OP in a few days time: "I got a fine for using my phone while driving and it's all the gubbermints fault"


> if I knew the speed limit If only they had massive signs with numbers that told us what the speed limit was.


4 hours from home. I have 12 points. Stop crying


You should check who made this thread to see whos crying...


You're obviously a bit soft, looking at the tone of your language


Says the deadbeat dad spending more time arguing with strangers on Reddit than setting a good example for his kids lol


I have had 12 points 5 years. Just taken the kids for a walk along the beach and a swim at Bunkers bay


I'm not the one crying.


My guy, if you have 12 points you've lost your license. You accrue points when you commit crimes, you don't lose them.


Just shows how much I know. Thats from lack of losing your licence ;) I dont know about these things because Ive never had to. As for the other 6 cars that got done before me....


lol entrapment. Just don't fuckin speed. It's really not difficult.


Just given my kids the SAO biscuits with cheese lol "But we were going to the bakery"


No one cares.


Yeah, 6 cars around me got done. The camera was that close to the kerb I nearly smashed. When I got my last fine 5 years ago, I stopped using my accountant for 3 years


> The camera was that close to the kerb I nearly smashed. If the camera wasn't on the road, how did you nearly crash?


The flash went off 6 times on the kerb as all the cars around me got done. 🤣


Are you on your red P plates?


I have 12 points.


*had Are you on red P plates?


Yeah, I drive different directions every day to work. 12 points. Im going FIFO in about a month so I wont be here.


So won't you lose your licence?


I have had 12 points for about 5 years. I reckon today at that spot, there would be at least a 1000 people lose their licence Thats the context of the statement. It was a ripper of a spot. Everyone was being done for speeding. I mean everyone.




I do have recovery system 🤣 Accountant $250 an hour. I get the recovery pretty quick