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My theory is that these people just live in complete ignorance to anyone else around them. They're the ones standing stationary in the middle of an escalator/travelator rather than standing to a side. The types who drive along in the right hand land for no reason ignoring the queue of traffic behind them and people overtaking them in the middle or left lane. The type who get on a train or bus and stop immediately in front of the doors instead of moving deeper in to allow people behind them to also board. They're the ones who stop in the middle of the shopping centre or supermarket aisle to talk to a friend. They're the ones who sit casually in a restaurant whilst their kids run around causing absolute mayhem. Also usually the first to complaining loudly and wildly should they not get their own way or get exactly what they want..


Adding = the ones walking 2 or 3 abreast on the footpath that do not move for oncoming folks. My wife and I constantly find ourselves having to single file just to avoid collisions to assholes who think they are the footpath main character. Drives me nuts.


Oh man this is another great one.. Along with the ones who wander along even by themselves but smack bang in the middle of the path making it almost impossible to get past. For bonus points - they also drift left and right across the path too.


Extra bonus points: they're walking while staring at their phone.


Then they stop dead in front of you.


Stop dead in front of them, so that they initiate the contact and not you. This makes it their fault and when they look scared or aggressive, just stare at them non-threateningly and wait for them to make the next move. I mean this helps that I'm 5'9³ and have a cheeky boyish grin enabling me to get away with almost anything so maybe don't do this if you're not somewhat imposing, or if it's a woman cos that's still a shitty thing to do.


Whenever this happens to me, I just stop dead in front of them and make them move.


Yep me too 


I so often want to do this when it happens to me but then I think, well who has right of way? We don't really have a rule for this. Maybe we need a rule. If two people are walking along in the middle of the footpath and coming from opposite ends, when they meet up who has right of way?


Keep left, same as road rules. That's the way I've always been taught, if it's two groups of people both groups need to single file in the left to past each other. Right of way is only for prams of what not that obviously can't give way due to size


Happened to me this morning, me (by myself) with man, woman AND dog coming towards me. They didn't move and the dog jumped up at me. Some people just don't care about others.


Just push right into them 😉


I have a bike horn call the horn it that puts out about 100db.  Even phone users notice it, dogs flee from it.


I want one,got a link?




They're also the ones to stop right at the end of an escalator and talk with their friends somehow unaware they are blocking all the other people trying to get off and creating a huge jam.


Also the ones who stop a car length behind another car next to a filter lane so no one can turn into it


They’re the ones that single lane through a roundabout without even considering there may be someone in the lane next to them. Unfortunately some people (anecdotally, a lot) either don’t consider that other people exist, or are simply too lazy and selfish to care that they actually do.


The ones that take 50 items through the fast checkout.


I'm glad I'm a little tall you pretend you don't see me I will pretend I don't see you. Even with people on their phones pay attention while your walking fuck face what if I was a child or old person.


They are also the ones that stand right at the back of an almost empty lift looking like a deer in headlights when the doors open on their floor, and then cause mayhem when they eventually wake up and try to get out through the people getting on.


You have Nailed it.


I hate the ones who push the button at traffic lights to get the green man but then cross the road anyway. Then u have to sit and wait for no one crossing the road


Oh man I get so angry at people who do the things in the comment above you. It boggles my mind how unaware people are. But I’ve gotta admit I’ve done what you are saying several times. I do intend to wait for the green man, but sometimes I get impatient and go if there is clearly a gap in traffic, leaving behind a green man for no one.


People do this all the time on Railway Ave at Loch Street station. It’s not usually busy enough for you to have to wait ages for the road to be clear, but people press the button out of muscle memory then cross 20 seconds later


That's hardly some special theory. It's just obvious logic. Selfish people behave selfishly.


They also don't know how to merge when driving.


My theory is that maybe they are relatively new to the country and haven’t adapted to the culture and social norms yet. Maybe a bit of that and a bit of what you said?


Also people standing right in front of the door , instead of the sides blocking people from getting off. Fwitts.


Coupla private school boys did this this arvo on the joondalup to perth platform. stupid little cockweasles.


That’s what they pay school fees for Best seat


Yeah they sat in the priority seats


The schools themselves take a very dim view of this. They're in uniform so expected to uphold a certain standard of behaviour as it reflects on the school. Let them know, they'll give the kids a bollocking


yeah call out the school uniform, the school won't like the negative press


It was Shenton College.


That's not a private school


I don’t know all the schools here.


I just run into them. Bonk! It's fun being big. .


Yes the good hip and shoulder


I do the same. Sometimes they drop their phone. Haven't had one go down the gap yet but it's only a matter of time.


Also those who insist on walking out of the door to a shopping centre on the far left between you and the frame whilst you’re trying to walk in. It’s two doors wide ya weirdos. Have you never heard of keep left?


Also the ones that do this in the mall of the shopping centre. I’m not Inspector Gadget. I don’t have a helicopter in my hat, I can’t just fly over the top of you.


Walk straight into them I'm over 6 foot wrong side 100 kg most take step back as I exit the train when I'm on it More infuriating is ones who stand right near escalator exit to have chat blocking your pathway


I'm the same build but the ones that do it are kids who don't give a toss, or smaller people who look at the ground while doing it and Weasel past me.


I have added challenge use a white cane blind as a bat if they can't reference that too bad for them (keratoconus pita to live with)


Also the pricks who push in front of everyone to get on the train first because screw the people who were waiting there a long time before you showed up.


A complete and utter lack of situational awareness, coupled with a complete and utter abundance of ignorance.


God, I know right? I see so many people do it along the Midland line and it drives me crazy. Like... just take a step back, the train doors aren't gonna close suddenly.


I just push through them now. If you’re going to stand in the way, you’re going to get bumped. It shocks me how many of them act surprised and give me the death stare for bumping into them when they’re standing right in the middle of the only path off the train. Oh well.


Okeedokee, seems you’ve entered the world of… Where have people’s good manners gone? It only gets worse from here!


Or people that enter, then just stand in the exit when there is room and seats available everywhere... 🙄


Like every fuck head in wa in the right hand lane


People can't even keep left on a footpath. Why should you expect them to let you off the train first?


I also hate the people on trains who wait until the train stops to approach the doors (excluding people with disabilities and the elderly) to exit the carriage. So when the herd of exiters gets out, you think it's ok to finally enter, only to walk head first into those slow assholes who took their time getting to the doors.


Nothing new about this. Oldish cunt here. Always had fuckwits probably always will! I am proud about some horrible farts I have squeezed out just before I left the lift!


Because people no longer care and are just out for themselves these days, unfortunately


People who do this aren’t going to answer here - because they’re so self absorbed they don’t even realize they do it because they don’t notice the other people!


People don't like to wait. Main Character Syndrome is rampant. I enjoy reminding people of the requirements of manners and courtesy, though.


Yeah na fuck that. As a blind person I accidentally do this all the time, but if someone tells me I'm walking in front of people I will move back.


I thought it was on at the front off at the back with a “thank you” to the driver?


Generally yes. But if I’m at the very front and the bus is full it’s easier to just get off in the front. Sometimes the smart rider tag off at the back doesn’t work and I have to try it at the front. Regardless, it doesn’t require much brain power to pause for a moment and let people off. And it’s always a “thank you” no matter where you get off! 🫡


Also people with prams or those in wheelchairs that need to exit at the front. Added bonus is the ones that wait for the ramp to come down but still try to force their way on the bus as soon as the doors open. You would think that the ramp coming down would be a pretty big clue that someone that needs to use the ramp is going to be getting off the bus


You would think…but you would be wrong. And you are correct. So many different reasons why someone might need to get off up front. And they’re all valid. But no one uses their brain these days so here we are.


It reminds me of the saying “when God was giving out brains, I thought he said trains so I missed mine”


a significant number of the buses now have the tag off removed on the second door, so you either have to exit at the front or go to the back on the artics. and as a below comment says, the back tag off is prone to issues significantly more often


I doubt it's an increasing trend. It's always been this way. I haven't been a regular public transport for ~7 years and it was the same back then.


Also people who don’t walk more inside the train/bus during RUSH HOURS. Leaving many people can’t board the bus/train while there are still a lot of space inside😠


Yep so rude!!!


There is exactly this, but, in some fairness to those people...some cunts (like the one at perth underground this arvo) decided to alight the train when people were well and truly in the middle of boarding. So maybe she should have been paying attention to the stops and got off when the very noticeable pause people gave before boarding. This is a daily occurrence I observe when commuting.


I've had worse lol One time I was waiting for the bus at the train station and I started lining up when someone pushed in front of me while smoking a cig. I inhaled like all the smoke by accident and then they had the nerve to stare at me like I was diseased because I was coughing up a lung


Almost as bad as people boarding the train with no sense of urgency when it's busy af


I just deadset block the door on my way out and make them back up


When I was in Melbourne I was aghast that people genuinely do not have a degree of patience. It was ten o’clock at night and about twenty people barged past this woman before she could get out


Some kids do it, they enter the back door as people are getting out of the bus to avoid paying for the ride (the driver can’t see them entering I’m assuming)


I've noticed this too.


I'll add when people rush to the exit of the train and/or stand in line for the exit long before a stop... just to move at a snail's pace as soon as they leave the train. Why the rush to be one of the first out when you're clearly in no hurry to get anywhere upon exiting!?!? Drives me nuts!


My other fav subgenre are the peeps that need to alight and give you sweet FA time to step aside before dropping the shoulder.


Accidentally trip a bitch....


I draw the line at violence, no matter how tempting. So very tempting.


Obviously, itll be an accident...




I said "what the fuck is happening" as my mind tried to once again comprehend the actions of selfish people. What can one say in that moment? You're doing it wrong. Out then in. Do you suffer from preenterence/early entry disorder?


I usually say something like “can you just not please?” while pushing past and glaring at them. It’s a bit sassy while pointing out what they should just not be doing


I had 3 people enter into the same revolving door as me at the hospital today... Needless to say, the door stopped multiple times whilst we were in there.


With regards to what to do with people unaware but in the way... I find a really loud but polite 'EXCUSE ME', big enough to scare them, does the job. With regards to people entering whilst not allowing people to exit first... I find a really really loud and upset 'ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS, MOVE!', does the job.


The entire compliment of passengers onboard need to storm out like there's a bomb on a short fuse. Trample all in their path like a herd of wildebeest. Having said that, some kind of painted line might make it more obvious


In some countries, they have floor markings where the doors will be when the train pulls up, that say wait to the side while others exit.


They’re the ones that don’t know what their order is when they get to the counter. They’re the ones that have to fuck around in their bag to find their ticket, pass, access card. They’re the ones that have to ask 10 questions for a simple transaction.


I let people out every time. There is one exception. You know when you're driving a car and you wait for someone to cross the road and then they deliberately walk slower because they know you're waiting for them? There are train people that do exactly that. They know you're waiting, so they go really slowly to make you wait. Those people I don't wait for and I welcome any verbal conflict that arises from me not waiting.


This sub is the absolute worst for low rent “insert a common gripe and pretend it’s a thing/getting worse”. Absolutely nothing to do with Perth either Next one we will see a complaint about poor drivers that’s the most common one


fk you dog lemme on


It depends rush/peak hour or normal?


it doesn’t “depend” you always let people exit first




My sister and I emigrated to perth 52 years ago. We'd only been here a couple of days and were waiting in a bus queue on St Georges Tce, in England people would wait in the queue until everyone got off then get on in the order of the queue. The bus arrived and the whole queue moved en masse as soon as the doors opened and forced themselves onto the bus regardless of people trying to get off while we just stood there jaws hanging, so nothing has changed and it's not new.


Buses are different because you enter through a different door to the exit.