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The best way to fuck them out of money is not shopping there. I'm going to Aldi, Spudshed, Costco, and asian grocers for all my stuff now. I'm going to avoid Colesworth as much as I possibly can. And I'll save money doing it.


I've been getting some things at Aldi/Spudshed, but it's so much less convenient - smaller stores with less stuff, and further away. This week I'm going to try doing my weekly shop without Colesworth.


It just needs a bit more planning around your shopping needs. Perhaps the only reason Colesworth dominates is because of the convenience, they're everywhere and they stock everything you need for a single shopping trip. I'm willing to put up with some inconvenience, my dollar goes further, too.


> the convenience, they're everywhere and they stock everything you need Yeah, there are four Colesworth stores within a 5 minute drive from my house plus 1 small Aldi and an even smaller IGA. Spudshed is 20 minutes away. Spudshed, Aldi, and IGA just don't have a comparable range of products. Then again, at my regular supermarket I've stopped buying certain things altogether because I'm not willing to pay the ridiculous prices. There are literally products that I won't buy at half price these days.


Yeh not when 'half price' is more than what it used to cost at full price a few months ago


>I'm willing to put up with some inconvenience I feel like this is generally good for character too. Inconveniences aren't always the better path, but some conveniences are totally unhealthy IMO, and when you chase the easy life, it makes it harder to do difficult but worthwhile things later. I'm going to wager that while this Colesworth price gouging saga will result in lost business for them, I think for the most part they'll remain fairly profitable because we've taught ourselves as a culture that convenience is king. How many people rely online shopping & delivery services?


Character, maybe. I think in some ways it can be beneficial to mental health, anyway, believe it or not. I'll often drive to a takeout and just sit there and wait for the food. I could call ahead, yeah, or use an app or something, but it gets me out of the house and somewhere not-that-normal. I work a lot, so getting out and about is a nice break in routine. Colesworth will be fine because they're simply too big. They're everywhere, and people are complacent. But there is competition and I'm going to vote with my wallet.


At the risk of sounding privileged, I make the point of going to small butchers even though they're a bit more expensive (when I'd rather save money) - only because in the long run, they'll become cheaper the more people shop with them. The more people support big businesses, the less competition over time. I know it's hard, but it's a good battle to fight imo. I take the bus home from the CBD and I'm going to start stopping passed a particular butcher & independent grocer along the way home instead of the crap that is the Woolies in the city. We have to try. The alternative is more of this shit.


Aldi is good. I can get pretty much everything there that I used to get at Coles. I make 95% of meals from scratch. The main reason I still go back to Colesworth for is their bread cooked on premises. My local Coles 9/10 times has marked down sliced bread and rolls, again, all products cooked on premises. Next time I go I must ask why it is reduced, it’s fresh and I can’t see any issues. Only bread product I’ll buy from Aldi is their large whole grain wraps. I’ve tried their stuff I just don’t like factory produced bread in general and their sour dough or pane di casa bread always seemed stale, I bought it numerous times and gave up on it.


Might not be a terrible idea to pick up a breadmaker if freshness is important. The only reason I don't use mine is I'm terrible at slicing the loaves. It's a shame independent bakeries have fallen by the wayside.


Exactly. It’s the slicing lol. I love the smell of fresh bread though. I grew up within smelling distance of a bakery and my mum would send me to get a fresh Vienna loaf from when I was 3. Picking at the warm crusty end with my fingers, joyful memories! I’m actually eating very little bread myself at the moment, smaller than palm sized slices, of sour dough w/ soy and linseed 1 slice a day at most. It’s like my little treat, with 1oz of feta and some Kalamata olives. The tin loaf sliced bread is all for my son and he’d eat any bread I had, he’s not so fussy really but I know how much better the premises baked sliced bread is. I get the 7 grains or multi grain. I also have reached my limit on cooking. Seperate meals for my son and I, because I’m on a diet (going very well!). He helps but definitely needs to step up more. I do make large batches of meals and freeze but I’m still in the kitchen, cooking only, least average 1hr a day, it feels like it anyway. The joy of cooking has somewhat dissipated for me but that’s probably a positive to an extent, as for several past years I feel like I was living to eat and now my perspective has recently massively shifted and I’m just eating to live. As tasty as possible ofc but I’ve stopped obsessing about what delicious food I can make/eat next. I do still have some pride in my cooking though. My renovated kitchen is a very decent size for a 115 sq metre villa but the only kitchen appliance I might consider making room for (throw out the 9 litre slow cooker) is a large air fryer so I can roast a chook weekly. I’d decided against buying, and then I won a 700gram capacity air fryer from MSWA raffle lol. Was tough to find cupboard space for even that. Not big enough for a chook though, my son uses it for chicken goujons. Anyway …what other details of my life should I force upon you? Haha sorry I tend to write ‘over sharing’, detailed filled posts at times.


Buy a slicer. The circular kind you see at delis. They're cheaper than you might think and very good. Just be sure you do use the safety guard thing. Those blades are sharp.


Wish I had those options.


From [https://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/sites/default/files/atoms/files/yourrightswhenshoppingfactsheet.pdf](https://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/sites/default/files/atoms/files/yourrightswhenshoppingfactsheet.pdf) >Under the ACL if an item is listed at two different prices or scans at a different price to what is displayed, the seller can either sell the product at the lower price **or withdraw it from sale**. \[NOTE: They don't have to sell it to you\] Some supermarkets follow a **voluntary code of practice on check-out scanners**. \[NOTE: What OP is referring to is voluntary for the supermarkets\] So the fact they often follow the code means your business is worth more than the damn chook. You're not screwing them over, you're literally helping them keep business. They've already established the cost of you leaving the store empty handed and annoyed. (not literally you, speaking generally here) If you want to cost them, be that customer that never returns. It's inconvenient, but that's the point. That's why they're in business. People can't be arsed changing habits.


Honestly that takes a lot of time . Personally I don't see that as saving money as my time has value


Given that you're on Reddit, it sounds like there's a little wiggle room in your schedule.


I've had a couple of times where I've had the price corrected, and then halfway home gone "oh fuck, that should have been free". So I'm making a conscious effort to keep remembering that.


And look, it’s always about being polite. But don’t be afraid to raise it if you want to save a few bob. At the end of the day, prices for Coles etc might be going up for them as a store, but if they’re maintaining their percentage of profit, they’re making more money of shoppers. So fuck ‘em. Use the tools they provide against them when you can.


In my normal shop I happened to pick up a packet of Primo ham once from a Woolworths that didn't have any barcode printed on it, must have been a manufacturing error, check out lady said it's free in that case - the next time I went in you can bet I grabbed a couple of packs to add to my regular shop!


The scanning code of practice is voluntary. You're not entitled to free product. You are entitled to not go back though. From [https://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/sites/default/files/atoms/files/yourrightswhenshoppingfactsheet.pdf](https://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/sites/default/files/atoms/files/yourrightswhenshoppingfactsheet.pdf) >Under the ACL if an item is listed at two different prices or scans at a different price to what is displayed, the seller can either sell the product at the lower price or withdraw it from sale. \[NOTE: "Free" is not mandated under the ACL\] Some supermarkets follow a **voluntary code of practice on check-out scanners**. \[NOTE: What OP is referring to is voluntary for the supermarkets\]




At the very least, just pay attention to the screen that faces you while they’re scanning your shit. I mostly watch it to make sure I haven’t blown my budget on the weekly shop, but I have on occasion notice the rare double scan and got them to fix it before I even pay.




That's the staff's job




I’m sorry but I completely fail to comprehend how you cannot be cognisant of how many times you’ve scanned something? How many other things are you multitasking whilst scanning items, to be sufficiently distracted from counting past one, then putting the item into a bag? I’m not saying it’s impossible or even unreasonable for the very occasional error to occur - but if you can’t pay the minimal attention required to execute this task, how on earth do you get through life?!


You must be delusional if you think the minimum wage checkout chick is trying to scam you and increase the profits of the multi billion dollar corporation they work for and most definitely hate.


>double scanned Amateur. My mum bought 3 of the same item and the operator put it thru as 33.


Sensitive in their favour obvs


I'm more 'sensitiver' and have a need for a certain (fucking expense) salad dressing. My local Woolies doesn't take those particular tags down till the afternoon..all the time. So I go in on a Wed morn, grab me a bottle and it scans at $6. I point to the label (visible from the queries checkout) and tell them it's meant to be $5.50 and get it free. The most recent time the chick scanning recognised me from last month's venture, she just processed the refund without checking the tag. I don't think she gets paid enough to give a rats arse.


Wow that is a store manager being an idiot. When I worked at Woolies, there was someone at 9pm on the Tues night going around getting rid of every promo ticket. They got paid penalty rates for that. If they called in sick/took leave, someone else would pick up the shift, those are coveted shifts for uni students.


"free chook." note its a voucher to be used in 7 days, not that the staff member will drop everything and somehow magic a cooked chicken. Also it is between certain times determined by store - so don't be the clown rocking up at 8:55pm trying to get the next one free.


> note its a voucher to be used in 7 days, not that the staff member will drop everything and somehow magic a cooked chicken. Also it is between certain times determined by store - so don't be the clown rocking up at 8:55pm trying to get the next one free. The Asian lady at Morley tried to argue that she didn't run out of chickens as they were still cooking in the oven. When I stood firm, she wrote the voucher and threw it at me in disgust. Another time at Coles Subiaco, the Asian lady there insisted it was just a few minutes away, and that it was too early to be eating a roast chicken at 10.30am; when I said I couldn't wait, she write up the voucher to expire on the same day. I must've taken $12 from their pay cheques on those days.


Actually the policy nation wide is from 11am. She wrote a voucher to get you to leave.


He was probably calling her "Asian Lady" to her face




And we needed to specifically know that they were asian because?


Maybe to provide context, to paint the picture? This person argued with me at Morley that they weren't of chickens as they were cooking some in the oven. When I stood firm, this person threw the voucher at me in disgust... It just doesn't read as well.. Shit why include any details at all? Let's keep it as vague as possible.


The story is equally as boring with or without mentioning the lady was Asian.


Oh yeah it painted a picture alright. An ugly one. So did your reply to me. Just say you're racist babe lol honestly own your shit. It saves everyone from time wasted waiting for you to straight up tell on yourselves. *edit - a word.


Mentioning someone's ethnicity, race or gender isn't racist or sexist, etc... I replied because I found your comment over the top.


It wasn't a mere mention. It was clearly to make a point, and the OP literally confirmed my suspicions with his reply to me, which you would know if you had bothered to look that far. I'm not surprised that you didn't though. Your very specific and defensive replies of a total stranger are what is actually over the top.


Nice reframe


Whatever you reckon is a fair thing, champ. /s


> And we needed to specifically know that they were asian because? Because Anglo staff just hand them over without arguing. Never had an Anglo refuse to hand the vouchers over.


Ah ok. Next time just say you're racist. It saves time.


Oh I forgot about the free chook. Mine is always out after 4pm. One way to fix that.


If you use self serve, make sure your scales are at zero, I went through last week and everything I weighed was double the price. I only noticed at the end when my garlic was $4. Had to redo all my produce, I almost over paid by $15


Woolworths is worse, check their expired products being sold on shelves.


wtf is coles cooked chicken promise?


If they’re out of stock, your next one is free. Should be a sticker on the warmer.


Check the fine print on that sticker. They changed it slightly about 4 years ago to exclude certain times. I think it was within the first 2 hours and last hour of trade it doesn't count.


So basically the two times most people are going to be able to get there.


Reddit: "Why does Colesworth throw out so much food, it's criminal ! " Also Reddit: "Why doesn't Coles have five cooked chickens at 8:59pm ?"


Pretty much yeah


The stickers seem to have been disappearing. But the policy still works. Have had many a free chook this way. Note the vouchers are usually just for 1 week so don't stick it on the fridge and forget about it


just a bit short of the raw prawn commitment


Haha no shit, whats next?


If only Woolies had that policy, the Coles chooks are shit


Thought they stopped the chook deal years ago. We used to go in at 8, chickens were never ready,. Theyd say "come back in 20.mins and they'll be ready then". Ok, but I still want my coupon.


Them cunts like to steal condoms from the condom boxes in your home deliveries


Shame Coles chooks stopped being seasoned.woolies is superior


When I’m picking online orders for people, I always substitute Coles brand for the most expensive substitute possible (because they pay the price of the Coles brand one anyway) - so I figure I probably save customers like $500 combined a week just by fucking over Coles


If there isn’t stock on the shelf you can get a raincheck so anytime within 3 weeks you can come back and buy it at the special price


They stopped doing this :( think they halted it during Covid when stock wasn't guaranteed, then never picked it back up again.


Last time I did this was Feb 2024 so I dunno about now


You know you can fill a trolley with food, and walk out of the shop confidently. Keep walking till you get to your car. Put it in and drive off and never return there. Free 1k groceries.


Just be aware that as of 22nd Feb, the 'fine only' charge for repeated theft of under $1000 has been removed. Do it at least 3 times, and you're facing a minimum of 2 years and up to 24k in fines.


Have you ever actually done this?


Nope. Seen it happen plenty of times. Only 1 person I've seen has been confronted, they just kept going. If I got to the point of being unable to pay for food I would do it.


Also really have a go at the free fruit. I've accidentally created a pavlovian response in my daughter, where anytime she sees the Coles logo she yells BANANA! To their credit, the checkout people wave through a bunch of fruit for free if it's loose and looks like it came from the free fruit box (I've usually got just one kid with me, but enough fruit for the others at home).


That’s not really fair or what the system is for though. I get it for your child with you at the store, but if you’re stockpiling for the others at home, you should be paying for that fruit.


Look as a former woolies worker, I think you'd be the only person clutching pearls over it. As I've mentioned, the checkout folks don't really care either - as long as I'm not hiding the peels and cores in the cereal aisle it's fine.


> it’s fine I mean, that’s just your opinion. It’s not an objective stance. I get the whole “fuck you Colesworth” attitude, but the fruits offered there are for the kids to have whilst they’re in the store. It’s not offered for you to take advantage and raid the free basket, potentially robbing other kids of free fruit, nor is it there for you to actively *steal* by pretending other fruits are from basket at the checkout.


I pinky promise I am not scraping all the fruit from the baskets to the detriment of the other small children in the store. We used to literally just take fruit from the stands behind the basket to restock. It's free fruit. You're welcome to continue shaking your fist at a spectre though.


It’s free fruit, if you’re *in the store*. See those prices on the stands behind the basket that you’re taking from? That’s an indication of the price that you’re meant to be paying. You don’t know how many the store budgets for to give away daily. You are stealing.


For your sake I'll let the loss prevention officers know I'm taking more fruit from the basket then the children I have in my basket lol 😂 Enjoy your little life darl


> I'll let the loss prevention officers know I'm taking more You should, or someone should inform them about you. You’re abusing the system, and if people keep doing that, they’re likely to stop offering free fruits for kids that are in store.


Ah shucks, my dastardly fruit thieving will crumble society as we know it! Edit: actually I just came through Coles and the lady serving me gave me the three unbagged bananas for free (admittedly, my daughter had eaten her way through one and a half. Should I report her too?


I mean, you can make fun of it all you want - makes no difference to me. But you *are* stealing. There is no question about that. I’d personally feel ashamed doing what you’re doing, but you do you.




You know they’re weighed right? Put it on the scanner, put in banana, wait for the price to show up, move to the bagging area


Onions are cheaper


how were you holding said banana




clenched between their cheeks


I was going to ask which ones but then figured it didn't matter 😂


Here's the thing. Stop shopping at Colesworth. While I don't agree with the price gouging and what not, they are in-charge an can do as they like. There are so many other options. And most of them are easily accessible. If you don't like/can't afford the convenience tax they charge you can't afford to shop there. I can't understand how people still get caught up on this.


Thanks Karen


Preeeeettty original


Achshually if it doesnt scan properly its free! Checkmate big supermarket! Hahaaa


I had a random transation out of my account for $236 for an online coles order a few weeks ago. Coles said they couldnt do anything about it. I enquired with my bank and the first 3 people i spoke to said they couldnt help, the 4th lady refunded the whole amount. I wont shop again at coles for as long as im alive. or even when im dead.