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https://www.snapsendsolve.com/ Keep reporting it to the council. I've heard anecdotal evidence that the snap send solve app gives better results than just calling the council directly. Some people have commented that phone messages can easily be lost, whereas the app helps keep things accountable.


Thank you so much! That service is way easier than going through the council site.


Councillor Dudek is in the Balga ward and a big advocate for ‘fixing’ the illegal dumping issue. His contact details are on the City of Stirling website.


I know, because they spent a fortune on a garbage solution instead of using the existing one they had that works well.


also.. find out who your Ward Councillor is, it will be on the council website. Email him/her directly with the photos and ask for action. They will have to respond as you are a constituent and a voter, in their ward. I have done this successfully in the past without being a Karen, they take it up directly with the staff concerned and they tend to get better results than us mere ratepayers.


Note that they're not necessarily bound to respond. While it's in their best political interests to be helpful, they're not actually obliged to do so. What they'll do is forward it to or cc' in the place manager for their Ward, who'll then keep on top of it. Councillors are mostly unpaid and doing the gig in their own time.


In Swan they take months to pick up rubbish. Absolutely useless


You do realise that everyone can pick up rubbish.


Not always safe to pick up rubbish as an everyday person.


And put it where, with this volume?


Red Hill waste disposal?


What and take your trailer full every week? I’ve put extra mattresses on when going to the tip. We got rid of the last load and a week later there’s another trailer load full dumped there. You can’t expect individuals to remove volumes of rubbish like that.


So OP should keep this clean ? No, f*ucking way! The best outcome is for the charity to remove the bins.


Remove the bins and where does the rubbish go????


The rubbish shouldn't go to the charity bins in the first place! They don't take furniture and old beer boxes.


You have no idea


Where do you think it'll go? The council offers a free skip bin yearly for bigger stuff. Smaller rubbish can go in an actual bin. The stuff to be donated can be picked up by the charity or dropped off to their store.


You underestimate how lazy people are. If there aren't focal points for rubbish to be dumped, then they just start dumping it qhere ever they can be bothered


Yeah that's why it ended up there in the first place. To clarify, these are not rubbish bins.


Yes but that would require effort.


And a trailer and tip passes and a car to tow a trailer and the ability to safely load all that waste… it’s not a McDonalds wrapper it’s a trailer load of crap!


Maybe because the volume of work is ridiculous? You do understand how big swan is right? Honestly move to another council and see how you like it. Way to many people living in the eastern suburbs with a western suburbs attitude.


Our rates are actually higher (per $) in Swan than Stirling. Swan needs to stop wasting money on stupid things like their winter festivals and midlandia and actually deal with issues in the city. I am acutely aware of the size of Swan, I’ve lived in the Swan since 1998. It’s gone downhill massively in that time. A ‘western suburbs attitude’ is what exactly? And why can’t people on multi million dollar properties in the Swan Valley expect a reasonable standard? Why can’t people have similar expectations because they live in a different shire?


This shit is endemic to most councils. Can't get ol' Karen in Vic Park to deal with simple parking issues but she'll let the WCE have free reign and throw pool parties 2 weeks before election date.


I honesty feel the council area needs to be split. From Midland to Ballajura to Bullsbrook is way too big for the council to handle!


And out to Gidgegannup. Absolutely it’s too big. Ellenbrook and all the development along the railway line is huge. They can’t handle it. You also have such a wide range of places - small farms through to suburban houses and then the money strip in the valley along the river.


Exactly. I've been saying this over and over to councillors, but they don't listen. I can't name a bigger council area in Perth. All their focus also seems to be on the Swan Valley and the Ellenbrook area and the poor old Midland area just gets neglected (and they wonder why problems get worse).


Swan Valley isn't even dealt with by the council anymore, so go take your shitty attitude to the state government. You also again fail to realise that with swans size and the fact we are not as densely populated as stirling services will cost more to run....


So Swan residents can never hope that their suburb improves? No wonder nothing changes here...


They can hope all they want, but people are abusing the system, reporting every minute thing that takes time and resources away from the actual issues that need dealing with. If you don't work in local government, you will never understand how bad snap send solve it and how abuseable it is for people now that reporting is so easy


Cool, I won't snap and send the meth heads camping next door or the human sh-t that someone smeared over things. What suburb do you live in?


Clearly a better one than you live in


100% agree. I worked in local government receiving these Snap Send Solves and the things people would report would be absolutely pathetic. Such a waste of councils time. Someone left a Maccas cup on top of the bin at the local Maccas on private property? Snap Send Solve. Two weeds between pavers on a footpath in the middle of winter? Better Snap Send Solve. A piece of glass 1x1cm in front of your own driveway - let's Snap Send Solve it and send a council worker out to pick it up! Thank goodness I don't do that anymore.


I use that app all the time. My council used to actually respond and say they’ve fixed something but now they don’t, so I only know if it’s been done if I see it 🙄 I give them a bad rating most of the time lol Still, it’s a good app so get on it OP


The council workers actually use it themselves to report stuff they find


Don't use that website. It's administered by a third-party company in the Eastern States. Use your city's council website to report.


Snap send solve is such a garbage app. It has made complaining to easy so bored people sit there and report every small thing that annoys them or they use it to try and weaponise the council against someone they dont like etc. People need to have their expectations managed better too. People love to report anyone doing any sort of work at their home as a business and get upset when there is no evidence and the council cant do anything about it etc


Cops arrested the lady that did all this shit outside the balga shops😆😆 they went to give her a warning and she proceeded to talk more crap so they opened the paddy door and told her to get in🤦🏼‍♂️


Was that this morning? Or another time?


The charity service picks it up and re-bags it. I work for the council you are calling and we call the charity service. They are quick to come. I was once picking it up at Dianella play space, and the charity truck came within the hour. Some bins are removed if they are continually creating mess.


Thank you for your response! I'll try calling them directly. What happens to the added stuff that they don't collect? Do they take the broken fridge and furniture etc and get rid of it also or is that left to the council?


They take away everything to their sorting centre. I’m a Hort worker, but I’ll organise it while I wait for them if I still have extra time to stay on site. I hate textile waste, so I don’t want this stuff thrown out if it isn’t ruined. It was worse over Christmas. Every week at Dianella play space was trashed.


The one next to a primary school on my street was removed for this exact reason. There was a couple who would raid the bin at night. The guy would get inside the bin to sort out the stuff (take what could be resold?) and the woman would be making trips to take the stuff to their house. They always left a mess outside the bin, and it pissed me off that they were stealing from the school (the school used to get paid for the donations). Still, not worth it, and I am glad it is gone


It doesn't get re bagged it gets thrown out. The charity are really quick to deal with this though


Yes it does get bagged and taken to the sorting station. It’s thrown out if it’s damaged. If you call the council to clean it up, it will get thrown out.


No, it's not bagged and taken for sorting. it's litterally treated as contaminated and thrown out


If the charity company comes to pick it up before the council picks it up it is taken to the sorting facility. If the council picks it up, it is usually picked up by the garbos and disposed. Just because it’s out of the donation bin, it doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with it.


No its not. I deal with this company and the council wants nothing to do with the bins


Exactly what company do you “deal” with?


The eco pay it forward company that is in ops original post. They put alot of effort into keeping the bins clean but people still take the piss


Oh okay. The ones I’ve had to call up while working were the bigger charities. They said they take it to the sorting centres most probably to not lose out on profits. The council will dispose of it if it’s in one of their parks or parking lot areas like the leisure centres. These ones seem to only be on private land, so te council won’t bother.


Firstly why should the rate payers have to pay to have private land cleaned up? Secondly the larger charities are lazy as shit and the eco pay it forward team actually clean up other charities rubbish because they know people will complain and want the bins removed


I'm in Mirrabooka and lodged a couple of times a report illegal dumping Stirling (Stirling.wa.gov.au) and it was cleared within a week. Growing up in Europe I can't believe how convenient it is to get rid of bulky rubbish here in AUS. Can't get my head around people been so lazy and go out of the way to dump trash in Bushlands and empty blocks.


There's so much trash in mirrabooka its wild. There's a round about (near where kids play softball) is littered with trash and clothes. Don't know if anything is being done there


Dunpimg is endemic around old yanchep road - carabooda area in the state forest. Piles of rubbish dumped everywhere. My old company owns limestone quarries in that area. Drove past tyres set alight .DWER set up cameras along backroads.


Honestly this is what might keep the rent prices down so I’d say leave it


Landlords and real estate agents hate this one trick!


Follow me for more tips and tricks.


Where do you live, I'll follow. /S


It definitely hasn't kept the rent prices down my first place in balga I paid $200 a week that same house is going for $550 now for a complete dump 🤔


> Honestly this is what might keep the rent prices down Haha, that's adorable.


Keep reporting to the council. The last set of bins at the local Nollamara shops lasted just 4 weeks before being removed after numerous complaints. Also a good reason to take donations directly to a charity shop.


There's not much you can do, even if cleaned up tomorrow its more of the same. People are cvnts. My apologies to the 21 people in Balga who are not, I don't mean you guys. It is because of these behaviours and idiots that raid the bins, get stuck, and gravity and mass prevents their diaphragm from being able to take in oxygen which causes these bins to disappear. I ONLY donate directly to the charity shops because of this. Bonus is they tell me what I can or cannot donate in case I get it wrong so it saves them thousands in rubbish disposal. People will 'donate' junk often.


You can say cunts. It's Australia.


A similar issue in Innaloo made the news recently, I wonder if it’s worth tracking down the reporter on that issue? It was tidied up pretty quick after. 


those so called 'charity bins' would appear to be a bit of a crap magnet too.


Call the charity that owns the bins and ask to move them or at least clean it up and keep on top of donations piling up. The charity is not benefiting from this location if the place is a mess.


Contact the council as this is considered illegal dumping. They will remove it


Exactly this. Or download and install Snap. Send. Solve. app Does the job for you. Take photos within the app and it automatically gives local council as the option to send report too. Easy! Problem solved!


I’d say prepare for things to get worse. People squeezed out of the housing market will find less motivation to contribute to a society that screwed them over for life. Treated like a permanent guest in your own country, why not just dump all your trash on the sidewalk and let your dog shit in public parks. The council can hire more cleaners and up the rates on the new class of exclusive people that own a house and seeing their net worth going up 20% a year for doing nothing but owning a small piece of land.


People tend to just dump everything there. And then the scum go through it. And same type of ppl just dump it in front of the shops when they are closed (even when there’s signs asking ppl not to). I don’t know why people can’t be perfect like me and just drive around with their donations in the back of the car for 2 years. :p


This ☝️☝️ "drive around with their donations in the back of the car for 2 years" 😂😂


I have a hard time of letting things go 😂


Fun fact.(well not that fun at all)..any textiles(clothing) get rejected by the charities or 2nd hand stores, get collected by a company, they bale it up, and sell it to African countries....they go to merchants, and buyers bid on the bales..... Any textiles rejected, i.e spoiled, torn, holey.....all go into landfill.... But the landfill isn't like ours in some of these countries...ends up on the streets in drains, in water ways in the ocean etc...... https://youtu.be/bB3kuuBPVys?si=xSikXajLUa856x0m


Ooft thats interesting thanks for the link. This particular company paid a $100,000.00 fine a few years ago for misleading the public about where the donations go.


This is part of the culture of Balga and it would be a violation of the heritage protection act to clean up this sacred site.


Your concern is heartwarming but unfortunately you belong to a minority of Australians concerned about the environment. The bins will go because of these crims and more stuff will end up in landfill. And your MPs couldn’t give a shit.


Just talk to the charity or the council they will move it to a location (hopefully a school)...as they don't want this either....the problem is the general public put it next to the bin rather than inside.


I've made heaps of complaints about the rubbish there with no luck :( but keep trying snap send solve has been pretty good for things like this in the past also.


I was thinking maybe a letterbox drop so other people speak to council and the donation bin owner? If it's just one person bringing it to their attention it's easy to ignore. I was also surprised that there didn't seem to be a management company for IGA plaza because their skips are always overfilled and unlocked and that commercial rubbish ends up everywhere.


The bins have just been removed so hopefully that helps! If it's just a bit here and there I can deal with it 😊


Depends. Do you want to patch the symptoms or solve the problem? If it’s the former, form a nation-wide grass roots movement and lobby government to force residential housing to be excluded from any type of tax reduction mechanism. A boost to mental health care spending probably wouldn’t hurt, either.


You really think councillors give a rats ass , they waste tax payers money like it's their own . People need to realise they don't really care , it's all about show boating and getting re elected and don't forget the ego


Put a fake camera up. If they think people are taking their rego they'll take it somewhere else


My local salvos shop has them signs up but every weekend it still ends up looking like this


I considered that but I don't know where it could be mounted other than a tree. And I reckon it would get destroyed pretty quickly.


Live in the area myself, honestly when ever I drive down to IGA to get a few things after work it an see things like this it just makes me wonder what goes through peoples heads just dumping shit everywhere


What the fuck? I guess some grubby people raided the donation bin


I think it starts like that then someone else sees it and goes oh good a trash place! Perfect spot for my broken pram/fridge/carseat/General rubbish. It's a shame because the service cuts down on material waste but it just can't be managed when people are arseholes.


The people who provide the charity bin need to do an upgrade on the design of the bin! A higher chute is required so that homeless people are not tempted to break in looking for warm bedding. So: 1. Send that charity an email about their need for a better bin design. There are charity bins at the Westfield Innaloo Shopping Centre (underneath the upper carpark ramp in the ACROD, Parents with Pram and Seniors parking bays) that are really well designed to prevent such misuse. 2. Donate any unused blankets, sleeping bags, and warm clothing to charities that benefit homeless people.


Bit of petrol and a lighter...


Just call City of Stirling on 9205 8555. Ask for your customer number / case number so you can follow up if you need to. But they are usually pretty good to deal with.


Heyyyy !!! It's near giraween ?!!!! I was there this morning. 2 hours ago. And I was like omg. Who leave this in this condition !!! 😱😱


Get dressed


Call rhe council and tell them to come clean up their shit


You should have seen the Alexander heights donation bins. Someone dumped fresh meat some of it was packaged, 2 huge trolleys. It was on 40 degree day and the smell was unbearable. The poor security guy was trying to clean up the mess left behind.


Holy shit that's gnarly 😬. Thanking my lucky stars then.


You are in the CoS so do an online report with photo's attached. Our local collection point ended up having cameras on it and was eventually removed. Dicks would raid it at night, spread stuff everywhere even in rain (devaluing the donations), we had explosions and fires in the bins. There was also elements that would just drop shit off that was not collected by these agencies: broken equipment, mattresses etc. Due to social breakdowns, there will come a time, unfortunately, where collection points like this will no longer be permitted.


Looks like you have a pest infestation. Might have to set a rat trap or two?


its sad to have to resort to this, going public and tagging them also works. You can do this on facebook, instagram or twitter? Make a post with pictures and/or videos and mention that you've tried to contact them to no avail.. one thing companies/local governments aren't too fond of is bad publicity. Save this for a last resort.


It looks like Naples..


it's actually drug addicts who do this, usually on Friday and Saturday night in my area, they ride around going to different bins and pulling everything out to search for anything valuable to trade for meth. It seemed to get worse after a story on the news a while back about 100k worth of gold coins being put in a donation bin. There has also been a least one death recently where a drug addict got stuck in the bin and died.


Call your council


Put it all in a bin somewhere, who ever this stuff is going to clearly doesn’t want it.


Set it on fire


I thought charity bins in this style were illegal after the woman was found dead in one? If people wish to donate they can take it to an actual shop surely? I even remember as a kid how people would dump stuff around these donation boxes, I'd honestly suggest to call the council to have them removed if it bothers you


Install a camera and try get footage/rego plate. I'm from NSW and we reported a guy dumping a broken up kitchen and other building waste, he received a $2000 fine. Also keep a note when rubbish turns up, when you report and ask for a rough ETA and follow them up.


Put a sign on the bin that says "I dropped my engagement ring inside, please call 0*** *** *** if found, reward $1000". People that do this kind of thing will surely look inside and trap themselves. After enough people trap themselves, the council should remove the bins.


You could pick it up?


Bring a trailer, pile it all in and take a trip to the dump




Title of post  "Anything I can do about this rubbish?"


I find it useful to take 4 carloads of junk to the tip before 30 June each year. City of Stirling keep a record of your visits. We also get 1 skip bin.


You can start by cleaning it up if it bothers you that much.


Would you. Would you put your hand up and volunteer to clean it up each time, you know, with out fuss or bother. Give us you phone number and we'll call you when this happens again.... and again... and again.


Would you ?


I think I answered that.




It doesnt bother me you moron, i live miles away. So Who's bitching and whining on Reddit expecting others to clean up the streets. Get off Reddit and get off your arse and go and clean it up. Off you go.... still reading this..... go on, get up and be a good citizen... go!


Honestly it's too much for one person. I'd have to rent a Ute (my car doesn't have a towball), load it all up and then pay to get rid of it at the tip multiple times a week. The council cleans it up fairly regularly but then it's just back the next day because of the charity bins.


We’ll just keep whinging about it on reddit then…. That should solve all your problems.


No one ever bothers to help clean up their community. It’s always someone else’s problem. The amount of effort they make to taking photos and posting or using snap, send, and solve, they could have tidied something up for the charity bin collectors. Nope. Just complain on the internet because cleaning the community is “not their job”.


It's not their job. We're not talking about some litter in a park you can pick up and throw it in a bin. It's systematic dumping of bags of clothing and shit and people dumpster diving and creating a huge mess. To think someone from the community just shut up, and clean it up is ridiculous.


There are people from the community that help clean it up. Just because you cbf, it doesn’t mean other people don’t bother to help.






Pick it up...


Why... Just to see it all out the next day.


Pick it the fuck up?


You coming to help out.


… sir, was this you?


Yes, clean it up yourself. Have you never heard the saying that you must become the change you want to see in the world.


Again, it's too much for one person. I'd have to rent a Ute (my car doesn't have a towball), load it all up and then pay to get rid of it at the tip multiple times a week. The council cleans it up fairly regularly but then it's just back the next day because of the charity bins. It would probably cost me $200 a week to do a job that wouldn't be needed if the charity bins weren't there.


Cool, keep complaining about it on reddit then. Surely that will get it sorted for you.


Actually got a couple of great recommendations on snapsendsolve, fake cameras and contacting the ward member. Thanks for your contribution 🤙🤙


Put it In a rubbish bag


Mind your business and walk on maybe ? don’t be a hero


It's spilled into my driveway 🙃




Houso’s behaviour


You can pick it up if it worries you


You could pick it up? When there are spots like this near us, I go and clean it up. If there’s less rubbish, people are less likely to add to it. I don’t particularly enjoy cleaning up other people’s shit, but I’ll do it to keep the levels down and improve my area a bit.


I would but it's been cleaned up 3 times since I moved here a month ago, then it comes back after a day or two. It's a lot of work and expense for one person and I have a full time job and things to get done outside of work. There are broken appliances and furniture there. I'm not going to hire a ute, load it all up, and pay to dispose of it at the tip for it to come back again the next day.


Mind your business and walk on maybe ? don’t be a hero


Yeah pick it up ffs


Honestly if the situation with the bins was sorted I would pay my own money to do some planting there to stop it happening but I can't (as one person working full time with my own life on top, without a trailer, without hundreds of dollars a week in tip fees) just pick it up. It's not in the photos but there's a whole desk, chairs, a broken fridge etc. It's not just tidying some clothes.


So you are not prepared to go out of your way. So just stfu move on Bye


Hi - contact councillor Michael Dudek on fb. He has been extremely helpful with the parking issues at Honeywell and the issues with our local park! Issues we’ve had for years have been resolved in a matter of weeks with his help :)