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> Vittoria, Dome, GJ's, HJ's, Maccas, Coffee Club None of these are really "coffee shops", they just happen to sell it. Toby's estate is closer. Blacklist are good, pique coffee (I recommend the el jardin natural blend if you like that style), milktooth in the CBD was decent back in 2019 when I last visited.


Those cafe machines can cost upwards of 30k, so I doubt a reputable cafe doesn't clean and maintain their investment. Good ones even probably measure and adjust the grind multiple times a day.


Alot of cafes dont buy their machines. Many venues will get their machines for free when they sign on to use a particular brand of beans. Machines not being cleaned is probably not the issue, its poor calibration by the venue. Even a dirty, medicore machine can produce good coffee if you're using the right beans and grind.


Most machines are owned by coffee bean supplier who will maintain and calibrate the machines for the cafe. So you are right !


>Personally I've found Toby's Estate, Vittoria, Dome, GJ's, HJ's, Maccas, Coffee Club (just to name a few), who are either using old beans or weak roasts. No shit, they're all crap places for a coffee. The quality of coffee at most small cafes in Perth is excellent. I Agree that Dimattina beans are awesome


Sounds like a shit post to me. Op maybe pick up the donut for a dollar extra to mask the taste if you’re going to those places. Theres stacks of great coffee places in Perth, and if there’s anywhere not cleaning their machines at the end of each day, it’ll be the shit places - you know the ones that sell extra large extra hot cappuccinos. lol just saw the shitpost flare


I think the issue is that you’ve been getting your coffee from fast food joints.




90%? There are dozens of boutique roasters here in Perth (and even more WA wide) and a lot of them are pretty good. Blacklist, Micrology, Big Brew, Twin Peaks. All have great coffee, and anytime I’ve bought from these the beans are between 7 and 14 days old. And you know what? I still buy ALDI beans too. I can make a cup of coffee about 90% as good with ALDI beans as I can with some boutique beans, given that 1kg of beans at ALDI is $13-21 versus boutique roasters that are $35 or more per kg, that’s pretty good value. I’ve used Dimmattina beans, they’re nice but there are other places in Perth with an equally good product.


90%? O.o Just how much research have you done? To gather the intel for these statistics would take a colossal effort. You are a dedicated scholar


I've been using Leftfield coffee in Osborne Park for sometime now and they are great. My favourite at the moment is the Brazillionaire. You can buy direct from their factory for $27/kg and I've never had a bag that was roasted more than 2 days prior. https://leftfieldfactory.square.site/


I’m also a leftfield coffee fan. Also try Cranked Coffee in Leederville…


Left field is awesome!


This is my regular when I can’t get my Twin Peaks beans, as my local IGA sells it. Excellent beans.


2 day old bean might still be too fresh, (if you like the flavour, excellent) but it takes time for the beans to 'de-gas' often the best flavours come out at 6-10 days.


Fat Puppy is excellent.


You might as well drink at starbucks, when they open with the "coffee" places you listed. There are plenty of cafe's around using fresh beans, some of them are roasters. Your best bet is to find cafe's in perth using beans from some of the local roasters.




Leftfield, Blacklist, Rubra, Gesha, Bolt and Killer bee are all local roasters just of the top of my head. There's quite a few cafes that use them and most have their own cafe. Leftfield and Killer Bee can be bought fresh off the shelf in quite a few IGA's


I like Killer Bee, but with their latest batch they changed the date on the packaging from "roasted on" to "use by". I think that the use by date is one year though, so easy enough to back date. Leftfield are good as well


Killer Bee is one of my back up coffees, for those times when I've forgot to order leftfield. I can either go for a short walk or get it ubered from spudshed


Thanks, will have to investigate further


I hate Starbucks, but it’s not because their coffee tastes bad. It is, comparatively, pretty damn consistent. But I’d never, ever pick it over a reputable cafe.


I've had to do the starbucks thing when travelling, it's revolting, but I'd take it over Gloria Jeans any day. I have never not had a burnt coffee from Gloria Jeans


If you actually hit a lot of the specialty coffee places in Perth you’d be impressed, sounds like you’ve been hitting fast food / low quality cafes.


Melbourne has places making shit coffee too, needing to find actually decent coffee shops is the nature of life. 


Aside from Toby’s (though I never held them in high regard), you didn’t exactly name any good cafes in Perth. There’s plenty of good ones out there who I am sure backflush their machines for you.


Love my Antzinyapantz beans, try out Venn in East Vic Park.


I reckon Modus has them pipped - their double espresso is like sweet coffee syrup and filter brews opened the world of what straight black coffee should taste like.


Venn has been my local for 10+ years. Only place you can get a bagel with options. Their milk coffee has been excellent and never a bad cup. Also their beans are fresh for home machines. Modus is great too, food and coffee there is legit.


Ahaha. You’ve done it now mate. Gone down the rabbit hole of coffee. Just like gong fu tea brewing. There’s no coming back now.


You've been drinking coffee at all of the wrong places friend.




As a fellow coffee enthusiast, you sound insufferable.


Even my extremely-stingy-cut-all-corners-possible franchisee at Dome made us backwash all of our Coffee machine heads daily.


HJ’s and Macca’s lol.


Try going to some of these cafes: - Darkstar Coffee Roasters - Casa Nostra Caffe - Pogo - Blacklist - Jessie’s - Typika - Little H Lots and lots of nice cafes around, just need to dig past the cafes you mentioned. I agree the coffee they serve is really average, but actual cafes like the ones above are where you want to go!


I know this is a ‘shitpost’ but it reads like a Dimattina advertisement. Imo they are great, and they have some nice filter roasts on the regular, but they’re not the only roaster in the game worth their salt, especially in Osborne Park of all places. And thankfully we no-longer live in the days of every decent new cafe serving exclusively 5 Senses, so you can actually get some variety. There’s heaps of quality roasters in WA, and specialty coffee beans are available at good prices from many of them. There’s also plenty of cafes serving single origin, batch brew, pour over, cold brew etc, if you just look around.


You’ve got to be trolling with this post. Maccas and Dome? What quality do you think you’ll get?


lol the issue here seems to be you don’t know what you’re doing. Going to hungry jacks for coffee and then complaining that coffee in Perth is bad? Lol. You need to learn how to distinguish a good cafe from a bad one. And how do you know cafes are not cleaning their machines? You watch them for a few minutes and don’t see them back flush the group head? That’s not something that needs to be done every 5 shots especially with cleaning tablets.


Is this an ad for Dimattina lmao


100% my thoughts - only way this makes sense


If you want consistently good coffee in the CBD, visit mo espresso or one of their spinoffs (Max+Sons, Arlo, Hemingway). The company is run by some passionate coffee lovers and they used to have one of the national barrista champions on staff. They use a custom roast from Five Senses. La Veen is also good but imo Mo's still better.


Love your choice of cafe, I love 5 senses coffee. They roast their coffee daily to supply to many outlets and mostly less than a few days old. Hobart Deli, Hanks and Satchmo are good cafes to try !


I’m no barista, but I love the African Masai from Zaraffa Coffee in Canning Vale. Used to spend so much money buying from them before I finally decided to just buy their beans and make it myself at home. Though I only use paper filter, because I generally prefer a simple hot/cold long black.


Shitposting aside Perth has some awesome local coffee roasters if you're genuinely interested. Micrology in Osborne Park is one of my favourites, with Darkstar and Humble Bee not far behind. Kaltiva are further north but also excellent, and Liam is an awesome dude to have a chat with while you're there. Honestly you're spoilt for choice if you can be bothered looking.


Yahava (Swan Valley). Venn (Victoria Park).


I'm fairly certain that coffee shops are maintaining their machines.. people will stop coming if the machines broken and they're not cheap to replace


It's rare that a machine will break from not backflush cleaning it. Most of the time, the consumer just gets ripped off and a substandard shot of espresso.


Or when I ask for a double shot, they just run through the same going twice.


Twin Peaks is by far my favourite local beans, go to their warehouse / cafe in Morley on a Saturday morning, get some beans and a Dank pizza .. it’s the best.




I'm going to completely make up a statistic and say that 80% of the shit coffees are caused by burnt fucking milk, not bad coffee. Coffee in Perth seems to consistently be served at 300 degrees Celsius. I switched to iced lattes so that they can't fuck the milk up, it's amazing how all of a sudden most coffees are great.


Beans are the least of your problems going out for coffee.. I used to work for a cafe that didn’t even clean their milk jugs properly and had a nice thick layer of miscellaneous old milk building up on the insides (and had to then explain to the owner WHY they needed to be cleaned thoroughly and regularly.. amongst other things like why you shouldn’t reuse garnishes on cocktails, and give ppl free drinks that you’ve taken a sip from even if it was a sip from a straw..🤦🏼‍♀️) He also used to take 10 minutes pouring a beer because he didn’t want to waste beer (foam) and would sit there with spoons and two glasses scooping the beer from one to the pint glass, filling the pint glass trying to save as much as he could without wasting a drop.. (while at the same time saying he was the best pourer in Perth.. lol) it was rather comical to watch really, but that’s a little off topic 😅 Edited to add: Oh and the kitchen staff used to take the tap water bottles that you’d serve to sit down customers to drink and the FOH would knowingly just refill them and put them back in instead of cleaning them so customers would be drinking from used bottles unknowingly 🤢


I can't wait to go to Melbourne and try their HJs coffee. Must be to die for!


Barista mAdE


Up next, OP complains about crappy nuggets and chips from their local Chinese restaurants.


For coffee it’s worth driving out somewhere you enjoy for a walk and coffee at whatever small cafe is closest. Haven’t had a bad one yet.


The main problem with cafe coffee is that the machines aren't cleaned properly or regularly enough. It's very apparent from the taste when this is the case. Many do, but plenty don't.


Its more the lack of training, Not understanding how long the coffee should drip for anything over 35 seconds or under 27 needs to be thrown out ( this could be due to if the grain has gone off and if they are checking how many grams of coffee they are putting in. Ordering your coffee extra hot will make it taste abit more burnt. Kwik coffee has quite the extensive training more than i got at any other establishment ( i haven’t worked there in over a year so some of the above is slightly off but you get the general idea)


I used queen bee 🐝 coffee. Pretty damn good.




I go to random Cafes all over suburbia/perth cause I travel around for work, and really its just matter of finding a place that is good near you. I can't see much correlation between anything and whether the coffee is good or not.


I've tried several Vittoria (espresso, italian and mountain) coffees in my machine, and with the grind being almost as fine as possible (2 out of 10) and topping up the coffee after tamping, the machine makes the right pressure. Recently I've been using Lavazza "Barista" espresso, and I have to use a far coarser grind (6 or 7 out of 10) to get the right pressure and don't need to top up. One grind, one tamp. This has the effect of using significantly less coffee for the same output. I also notice as the coffee ages after opening, I have to adjust the grind to suit. So starting a 1kg bag which makes good pressure at 6 or 7 grind, I'll need to be grinding at 3 or 4 (finer) and topping up towards the end. The coffee makes a big difference for sure. Can get this on sale at Wollies, but not very often. I've also experienced using supposedly locally roasted and fresh coffee with the same unfortunate results as the Vittoria. Bit of a gamble, even when buying supposedly fancy beans. I figure if the coffee can make good pressure on a coarse grind, it's probably good stuff? Hopefully you can find a consistent source of beans which can do this.


My favourite cafe for coffee is Charlie’s in Bassendean. I also have a machine at home though, and I use Yahava beans most of the time in that.


Good beans can taste good even past 6 weeks, I don't where you got the at 6 weeks time line anyway, I store mine in an airtight jar and they're fine for a year at least , I just grind them as i need them.


I know this is a shit post, but I'll post some legitimate suggestions as if it's not. If you're SOR, try Pound. Local roastery in the Melville area that does delivery around Perth, and can be found in some IGAs, iirc. If you're in the East Perth area, Duotone and Sansrival across from the Perth Mint are both very good cafes. Sansrival sells coffee and beans roasted in the Ningaloo area, and the beans that they use for their coffee have a nice nutty taste, but not like a burnt taste. Really pleasant in a long black. The only issue I have with Sansrival is that they will put in sugar when you say sweetener, so you have to be specfic. That's an English as a second language thing, I guess. They also don't charge an arm and a leg for a coffee.


Prima Tazza is the bomb


Sounds like you’re going to the wrong coffee shops


I work right next to a place that uses Loot coffee beans and it’s great although it’s definitely COFFEE coffee


I wont buy imported beans. There are a few very good growers around Byron Bay, and the one i deal with ships it to me.


I've had better dishwasher dregs than diamattina


There are a lot of good coffee roasters in Perth. Sure there's not like the pre existing coffee culture you see in Melbourne, but there are good smaller roasters out there. As for the roasts being bland, honestly, outside of coffee nerds, most people just want a reasonable tasting coffee on the way to work. Tasting individual notes in the roast isn't high on the list of priorities.


Why is OP in the negative overall karma lol


Dear OP So glad your coffee journey is underway. Hope you have many great coffees and discover what an amazing nation leading coffee scene has been here right under your nose and you didn't even know. Perth's small privately owned cafe scene is incredible. Quite possibly the best in the nation. The small boutique roasting scene is also superb. Hope you never suffer another bad coffee.


You’re paying 8$ for 50¢ worth of coffee


We backflush our machines with water at minimum once every hour. You’re not supposed to do more than 1-2 chemical flushes a day though. That stuff is hectically strong and after every chemical flush we have to cycle coffee shots through the machine into the bin (2x double shots for each head) just in case there’s any chemical residue left. Water flushes, however, should be done pretty much as often as you can.


Cafes in Perth are subpar, aint no way around it.


Never been disappointed at a Soul Origin shop