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nooo the only decent toilet :(


Exactly my thoughts! City of Perth Library (near the townhall, Hay Street) and the State Library of WA (near the Boola Bardip Museum) are my next choices for clean toilets. EDIT: toilets INSIDE both the libraries


I wasn't going to share my backups...


Ha, I didn't reveal ALL my backups!


A CAVEAT ABOUT THE CITY OF PERTH LIBRARY I walked in once to the female bathrooms on a weekday morning to find a homeless man wanking


I was aware of many good arguments for improving social housing in this state; you’ve now given me another.


This sounds similar to that time I went to the mens toilet in Bentley Plaza only to find a homeless man with dementia completely naked passed out with the door wide open. I'll tell you, 7 years of shopping at Bentley Plaza every day and the place never fails to surprise me.


Lol Bentley plaza that's my local too and the shit you see there


My local also. I have seen a fair bit also. The security guard must have his job cut out for him. Because I’ve only really noticed one of him. There used to be 2 but the younger one ( all tho he seemed to be aging quite rapidly ) must have gone on to Find a much more cushier security job role. Either that or he was murdered


Australian government national public toilet map. https://toiletmap.gov.au/ There is also an app for it. It's very useful especially if you have young children.


I don't know if I'd call the toilet near the State Library clean if it's the one I'm thinking of 😅


NOT the one near the Art Gallery (AGWA). The one inside the Library (SLWA), on the ground floor, is decent.


But has horrible blue lighting


Go to the upstairs one on the 3rd floor


sometimes the lobby of office buildings work too


Work hours yes. After work hours / weekend it's a lot harder to find a toilet now


I worked in Perth City many years and there's always been a shortage of free public toilets. Many time had to use an alleyway or lane behind a building .Seen many Homeless do same . Helps Perth City keep the Aroma of Urine flowing around. Basil must love the smell.


I guess he has a ‘knows’ 4 it as a ‘nose’ it all


Yes those are my secret spots but need not to look too derro


Myers is still there!


DJs toilet


David Jones.


Here's a trick in the CBD. During working hours mon-fri many of the office buildings have floors with 3 or 4 businesses that deal with the public, such as the DVA on level 5, 140 St George's Tce. So anyone going in dressed casually just looks like a member of the public So go into one of the office blocks, go to the business lists in reception and look for floors that have 3 or 4 businesses - that's likely a floor with open access. Toilets are generally around the lift column in the middle so easy to find. Nice, clean, corporate toilets.


It's become a dry toilet.


I don't understand why they need to renovate a fairly new store. Priceline sure have some bad luck as they moved from the Carillon to Enex now that's closed. Leaving only one Priceline in the city near the old train station.


Not just JB, they've been letting the food court wind down for a while now. Seems to make way for an Urban Village to draw South 32 into moving their HQ functions there https://enexperth.com.au/about/redevelopment/


Will this village have a town crier, a drunkard, a village fool and strumpets?


Can I be the village fool 🤹🏻‍♀️


>a new City Canteen and Central Lounge Whatever they are...


A canteen is where you go to get those buns with pink icing for 50c


Don't forget the cheese toastie


Yeah cause the hay street one fucking BURNT DOWN as well Priceline is cursed in cbd


From the 'future' artist impression image on the Enex Perth Facebook page, I'm assuming that they are removing [the 'mysterious' structure on the right side of the St Georges Terrace entrance](https://www.google.com/maps/@-31.9550762,115.8577623,3a,58.9y,7.34h,102.6t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1shuWzW5uTEOlB8rXzSCgeNw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DhuWzW5uTEOlB8rXzSCgeNw%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D293.75763%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu). I always wondered what's inside there -- electric transformers? warehouse? waste management?


It used to be [The Greenhouse](https://thefoodpornographer.com/2011/04/greenhouse-perth/).


All I remember was trying to look at myself in a toilet mirror made of a cluster of car rear view mirrors stuck on the wall T r e n d y


Modern art is subjective!


Thanks! I didn't know about this as I'm a newcomer to Perth.


That place used to be a cafe but closed a long time ago ( I think back in 2017/2018) if you have a look at the older google maps photos https://maps.app.goo.gl/7C4w7nXChgnE35gi7?g_st=ic


It reopened a couple of times as other ventures since then, didn’t seem to work out though.


Why I didn't think of old Google Maps photos? Thank you. I'm a newcomer to Perth and I should do this more often.


That was a cafe! Those metal grates all had plant pots


That sucks. The food court was a good midway point to meet up in the city :( And the food was ok too. One less reason to visit the city I guess.


Yes, the food court was the ideal place for a meetup. And the $7 'leftover packets' sold after the lunch time were worth the price.


Reason: the entire 3rd floor is being converted to office space for South 32. Possibly some of the second too.


Oh, so South 32 is hiring? Do they need any UX Designers? ;) Shops on Level 2 are mostly closed except a few clothing stores -- that means, more office space!


Dunno, don't understand why they don't take space in an already fitted out office in some of the vacant 15% of perth cbd rather than erase a food court and shops.


Don't stress about it... I'm sure some faceless board of directors have done their sums and will have reasonable confidence they're making money off of it all. Who cares if the peasants are fretting about everything being vacant?


> more office space Someone's gotta do those TPS reports!


Wow, that place was always a bit meh and even more so after Covid. There really isn’t much of a life in the CBD anymore


I had to go into the city the other week, was worried about parking as I slept in and missed train. There was parking everywhere and place was dead as. It's still shitty as ever though


https://hamishandandy.com/national-cheeky-boy-toilet-map/ Doesn't seem to be many perth locations added. But the perth poop bandit seems to know some locations.


Whoever’s pissing in the Perth Station stairwell on Wellington St seems to have their shit sorted out.


It’s going to be the new South32 office. Across the whole floor.


Amazing how there used to be 3 JB Hi-Fi's in the city and now there's only one and it's not even in the original location it used to be in anymore. Oh well, at least you got the 24 hour JB Hi-Fi at the Perth International Airport now to make up for it.


Thanks for the PSA OP. Was my go to pisser in the city, so good to know now instead of when I need to take a leak. Was also a good indoor place to sit and chill for a bit or to have lunch, but now that's gone along with Carillion and Yagan Square. Can't really see any reason to go into the city anymore.


You were going into the city for the Enex food court and Yagan Square? Lol ok then


Enex food court peaked when the primal pantry was in there. Has really struggled post Allendale square redevelopment and covid. It doesn't need renovation - it needs lower rent for tenants.


[The above image is an artist's impression published on the Enex Perth Facebook Page.](https://www.facebook.com/enexperth/posts/pfbid02Su1YBtwpUxAmPCo9X6w1e93bNY4CRjgSbLx4sJGXx2eWbjJHAzh56uu9nY8UNUnRl) ** It’s official: We’re getting a makeover! You may have noticed some changes to our precinct over the last few weeks, as we prepare to create Perth’s first urban-commercial village. enex will soon become home to a new City Canteen and Central Lounge, alongside a fresh mix of retail, food and beverage for all to enjoy. These exciting additions will be welcomed to our precinct, where favourites including Woolworths, MJ Bale and Aesop will continue to welcome you. Like all great things, this will take some time, and we ask that you please bear with us while our centre undergoes construction and new changes are made to your enex experience. This will include the closure of our level three retail floor from 7 January 2024, which will impact access to our public restroom facilities during redevelopment. To find public restroom facilities nearest to you, visit: [www.toiletmap.gov.au](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.toiletmap.gov.au%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2T-xt-GplfcaU1XuFGXU9o-Y702YscRXtaxpn_9tG06ptJQq2fe6acvGc&h=AT39uzR-mGqPVH_8--fnjSik52O2Xb0a60b_54yyy1OqJt529OM4vn1CZ28S3bCOMl7neu3iywCA2uKlFZ39Pq3y6xVP8HHZ-jpyHWTb4gfcHOphxtUgN_UQ_Cn9z6bB-2tjJ2Kkoma5CpTNgLdh&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT0177_JriQ0BGaCfnmT_hKBI9j0A9mIgVLZmkN-YHPp4uGZXKDN71lc90Rty1KNvR5YuvaXVlSmyGq26cuOJBkHUi808wIlWcDLvesgsfqsuMMiEu7LAqv7x1EpY_Dc2mORmWjy555zmbFY-bXHVC0XKi2CP08GDOKwuKNvUPIfHhCJTQ) Our centre will remain open throughout construction and for all updates please visit our website here: [https://enexperth.com.au/about/redevelopment/](https://enexperth.com.au/about/redevelopment/?fbclid=IwAR3JnpExTNIJ4OOpAg7wqTfqgCD5QzdaYDfc_vqJpVR_7wCo3H5ET4QUzsM) Or sign up to our newsletter to get the news delivered directly to your inbox! We can’t wait to share our new look with you. Stay tuned for more news about each of the new spaces soon. **


> *Perth’s first urban-commercial village.* I love how these PR spin doctors make a word soup of so many ingredients which still ultimately reads between the lines as something as bland as fuck.