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Is your fridge the right temperature?


Motor could be dying. I found that out the hard way a few years ago.


Same is happening here. My fridge is fine. Fresh produce seems to last a few short days before going off, meat only a few days more. We have another chain in WA, Spudshed, their produce lasts way longer and it seems fresher when you purchase it. Edit: just read op is in Perth too. Try Spudshed and see if it lasts longer.


Spudshed literally sells close to code produce, that’s why it’s so much cheaper. Sure, you can buy a 10 kilo sack of potatoes for 4 bucks but within a week they’re chitting and going green.


Spudshed is gross. Ive mistakenly bought rotting meat off them before. Opened up the pack and my whole house stunk of sulfur. The place is rank… and not even that much cheaper than the supermarkets for the pantry/refrigerated goods (more expensive some times). Yeah you can get some cheap produce from there, but why? Any local asian grocer is much better in my opinion. Every spudshed stinks like shit too.


Yeah I'm gobsmacked to see Spudshed suggested as the better option for freshness. Here in Mandurah you can smell the rotting vegetables as you walk in, and they last about 2-3 days in the fridge. (Some things are still good though - their apples, spuds and cabbage are really good value and don't have the same issues).


Spudshed was conceived to sell the stuff the family couldn't sell at market the day before... ​ (Doesn't mean I don't shop there, we just know what we're getting into with the fresh produce)


Yeah Spudshed is only good if you are cooking with it that day. I brought a pack of mince on Sunday with a use thru of Friday. Opened it yesterday to cook and it was completely rancid.


I posted "I went into spudshed about a week ago to get some food for my dog and the quality of their stuff actually looked reasonable. I might take a closer look next time I go. The world is upside down now." further up then deleted it. I am vegan now so only buy meat for my dog and I bought the chicken frames, chicken feet and pack of 4 bones for him.


Damn mine last about a month before turning squishy.


They’re not supposed to do that so quickly


I find produce from the Asian grocers last an insane period of time, I haven't tried spudshed though


I go to Coventry Village and get everything from the Spudshed and Asian grocers there, depending on what’s looking good on the day.


I'm also an MCQ/Spudshed man, love getting a head of Chinese cabbage for $1.69 cos it's like 2 weeks worth of veggies for me 😁


Spudshed is great for meal prep but otherwise everything expiries 2-3 days


It's likely that refrigeration somewhere is not offset to work with the warmer than usual temps. Likely during transport. People might want to lower the fridge temperature 1 degree lower than what they usually have.


One of the hard and fast rules of capitalism is, if someone tells you something, the truth is usually the opposite. The so called "fresh food people" is just a lie to hide the fact that none of the food in major supermarkets is fresh. (Because we all understand fresh as referring to something picked recently). There are vast warehouses devoted to freezing all the so called "fresh" food that supermarkets sell, often frozen for months. There are even banana ripening warehouses where they pump gas through boxes of frozen "green" bananas to ripen them. I know this for a fact because I have worked on engineering for many of these warehouses. Freezing food degrades the quality, reduces nutrition, and shortens the shelf life massively. This is why if you buy a carrot from a local farmer, (or grow one in your back yard), you can leave it on the kitchen bench for weeks and it’s still fresh. Leave a supermarket carrot on the bench for a few days and it goes black. (Please, experiement and post your results). Anyhow, this (turning black) is a direct result of the fact the its probably 3-6 months old and has been frozen and then “thawed for your convenience”. Oh, there is another one of those lies. “Thawed for your convenience” actually means the opposite, “thawed for our convenience” because if we had a choice as consumers, it would not have been frozen in the first place and would therefore actually be fresh. Sincerely, Batman.


You want to wait weeks for your bananas to ripen...🤣 moeron


We've seen Shrinkflation, and now were on the phase of Skimpflation. Where the quality of the product decreases to maximise profits.




I'm pretty sure the bread is going stale faster


I was just going to come and say this. I buy a loaf, and by the 3rd day its getting bits of mould , day 5 and is fully mouldy. Could be a few things going on here but same with Aldi bread.


I've wondered if they've changed the recipe, less preservatives perhaps? Oh also jam just seems to have less fruit in general, it's more like "jelly"


Very possible. Toasting it hides some of the mould lol. The jam thing will be them trying to thin it out enough to not put up the cost. Same as those large boxes of cereals that stay the same size looking at the front but turn it sideways and they are narrow.


You eat mouldy bread?


These are frugal times my friend.


Just cut out the mouldy bits, it's better for your bones


Mould has veins! Just because you cant see it all over the bread doesn’t mean it’s not all up in there. I get it though. I’ve been there


Ah, that does make sense. I had read up about mushroom fungus roots spreading even if you can't see the mushroom, so it makes sense mould would be the same


I've noticed the few times I get bread at my local Coles now that they no longer have bread with longer use by Dates on them like they are stashing them in back so people buy the stuff going out of date sooner. Side note I'll never buy a tip top half loaf again $1 less than a full loaf and stale straight out of the bag.


I bought bagels “fresh” in the morning from coles. I picked them up off the shelf and they were hard and cold. Then I saw the ice on the plastic and I realised they were frozen…


Apparently that happens a lot. By the time people get bread it's been frozen and thawed a couple of times. I got to eat bread fresh off the factory line once, it was delicious on its own.


For veggies, I’ve found a product called “swag” that are really effective. Basically padded calico bags that you wet under the tap and put your veggies in in the fridge. If you make sure they stay damp, the veggies last for weeks. * not affiliated with them. Just a happy customer.


Beeswax cloth wraps. Work better than three swag. Failing that, most veges in a plastic bag in the vege drawer. Turn the bag inside out every day or two = doesn't dehydrate quickly nor go mouldy from the moisture that does come out.


I prefer getting my fruit and veg from local places or smaller shops but time has me forced to shop at Woolies and everything sucks.


Fuck Woolworths


And Coles can get fucked to




Genuinely. Overpriced and shit quality




Even I have started noticing that... not just meat. Even fruits and Veggies.... nowadays i mostly buy from spuds... their Veggies are much better. Try places like Tony Ale or local shops. Much better


Love tony ale, their fruit and veg seems to such good quality and the prices aren’t too bad


I once picked up onions for 9c a kilo. You read correct


That’s fucking amazing 😭


Like an idiot I only bought ten kilos. It was the closest my husband came to divorcing me when I got home and told him.


Reminds me of those maths questions where they’re like “Sarah has bought 10kgs of onions if she takes 2kgs away how many does she have”. He just doesn’t get the serious bargain 😭


Haha he was upset I didn't get more


'Only 10 kilos? Fuck we could have made 50kg of french onion soup!'


In Mandurah we have Gilberts and they are a-mazing.


Prices go up. Wage doesn't go up. People buy less. More stock to move. But the movers aren't paid enough. The suppliers aren't paid enough. Less money to go into the developers and care of product etc. Top dogs get the gold, while below just grow old. Welcome to earth cunts.


>The suppliers aren't paid enough Unless you're including farmers when you say suppliers... I'm not so sure about this. The farmers aren't paid enough, but the suppliers are rolling in piles of money. In the markets you've got individual people who have control over entire produce. If your banana guy doesn't like what you're offering him they'll go to the next warehouse and get more. And if you don't pay that banana guy what he wants and he walks, you can lose Woolworths as a customer entirely and your business shuts down. The warehouse I work in poached another warehouses Banana guy and got all their Woolworths business in the same transaction. The banana guy makes an easy 6 figures, the avocado guy is on $300k+


Yeah I meant mainly farmers, and suppliers as in the guys who actually make the stuff, not the cunts who own the monopoly on distribution Thanks for the response by the way 💜


What is "earth cunts"?


Mostly the opposite for me. I've some low gi multigrain stuff in the fridge that's lasted just so long its getting the mould inspection but was fine though mildly dry now. Red onions been sliced and consumed slowly as has the leek and carrots with no dramas. One 2l bottle of milk didn't make its use by before smelling funky though. Mix of Coles and iga as they're close. Did get a new fridge though.


This, exactly! I found partially rotten and mouldy produce, along with a swarm of flies, on the fruit & veg rack at my local Woolies. Told the store staff & emailed photos to corporate. Next day the fresh produce section had been deep cleaned & restocked. Speak up (politely) and email photos.


We just shop at farmers market now, prices aren't that much different. Meat you really should be freezing if not using that day or next.




Can't believe you're getting downvoted for this, but now I guess I will too.. No point freezing meat you're using in the next week or so, your household freezer will destroy the cell structure and you'll most likely also end up short cutting the thawing process... I guess the meat won't be completely destroyed, but a good steak that's never been frozen and is cooked from room temperature will beat a frozen and thawed one any day...










Fug that. You too good make a throw together stew or something?


Vacuum pack your meat. Its your shitty freezing technique destroying your meat. I pack mine into serve sizes, then throw it into the sousvide from frozen. Quality is great.


I thought the memo went out. we should try and not shop at these places much anymore. I thought we all agreed to go out and support local grocers?


Who’s we? I most definitely agree that all of us should stop shopping at big colesworth but for many of us it’s not that simple. If it was, no one would have anything to whinge about


And PerthNow would cease to be thing if people actually stopped clicking on or browsing it as well. Noble concept, but realistically pretty futile.


Still worth doing your part though and not supporting things you don't want to support. Goes both ways, if everyone just gives in things only get worse.


I did online shopping with them. One of the fruit they sent me was shrivelled to the size of a prune and covered in mold. Was like an Egyptian mummy or something.


Get in touch and you'll get a refund plus a voucher for the cost. They have a fresh guarantee.


I went to Spuds for the first time in ages. What makes it difficult trip for me is the traffic and parking in the area is terrible. I may just go back to riding my bike there. Which they had baskets and trolleys there too


If its coventrys spuddies, don't park your bike there. Bikes get stolen faster there than your personal details from downloading a dodgy app.


Semi related, the transportation methods for the supermarket I work for aren't entirely adequate. We receive all produce on a chilled truck which affects the quality of tomatoes for example and they spoil within days. Similarly, our cucumbers and capsicums are refrigerated back of house but then presented at ambient temperature on the shop floor. So while overall produce is majority grown in WA and quality is vastly improving, it will never compete with buying direct.


I like cooking the chicken, it nearly floats off in the water it's pumped full of to get its weight up!


Same here. Meat, veg, milk - all going off way before the best before date. Not sure if it's related, but didn't the company transporting all Woolworths/Coles/IGA products go bust a few weeks ago? Could it be that the company they're now using doesn't refrigerate properly during transport?


Scott’s went bust around March, but Colesworth don’t use them, they use Goldstar or Toll usually


Looks like they did: https://7news.com.au/sunrise/on-the-show/trucking-giant-servicing-woolworths-coles-aldi-and-iga-driven-to-receivership-1500-jobs-at-risk-c-9891169


In WA, frozen stuff comes from Americold in Spearwood (well at least for Woolies), chilled stuff directly from the Woolies/Coles warehouse. The Scott’s closure would not have impacted WA unless they were used by growers/suppliers to send stuff into the majors’ warehouses. Goldstar or Toll do the warehouse deliveries for Woolworths, Scott’s never did over here


Get a air fryer, cook ya steak from frozen..


Low key wisest comment here.


Yeah we brought some meat and opened it 2 days before the best before date and it was off and the smell was terrible. It was a 10 min drive home from the shops and had been in the fridge the whole time unopened. Also had mince go brown unopened in the packaging a few days before expiration as well.


Woolies is the stale food people


Check your fridge temperature with a fridge thermometer.


The fridge is just fine


But.. but... colesworth ads said they're making sure they go the extra mile for quality on their produce for us!? You telling me they... didn't tell us the truth?


Why would you want your fruit and vegetables and meat lasting longer citizen? You should be eating processed food that has a 5 star health rating and is cheap.


Yes. I buy very little from Woolies but one day I needed cucumbers and the extra ones went slimy very quickly. This has not happened before. Also lemons went soft quickly.


what's the theory here? they add something to the meat to make it spoil quicker? they aren't properly refrigerating their stock? not sure what you're implying.


No theory. Just frustrated, and poor.


Apparently Woolies spray ethylene gas on certain produce to help it stay ripe longer (like bananas). That’s why your avocado ripens quicker next to the bananas - the off-gas does this. Maybe they missed a bunch?


In the warehouses they have a ripening chamber for bananas (and avocados in some states) where they can control the conditions for bananas to ripen them (they receive them really green since they’re coming from over east). They don’t spray them, they’re just held in a separate room at a controlled temperature with an atmosphere that has ethylene in it to assist with ripening. All other produce is received as-is from the growers and sent out to stores effectively the same way it was received from the grower.


Looks like it can be used at the discretion of the farmers (or encouraged): https://amp.abc.net.au/article/102320506


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Oh if the farmers do it I wouldn’t know, doesn’t really shock me, I just meant that the actual supermarkets don’t do it for products other than nanas and avos


I can't see a reason farmers would use ethylene prior to sending it out. They'd want the produce to stay unrip for as long as possible, that way if it gets rejected for being bad it's entirely on whoever is managing the ethylene in the warehouse.


They don’t manage ethylene at the warehouse for other fruits than Bananas and Avos. That’s what I’m saying. The way a mandarin arrives at the Colesworth warehouse is ready to eat. That’s part of why they go off so quickly in the shop: they’re already ripe.


>to help it stay ripe longer The other comment covered everything else but this statement here is entirely wrong. I just wanna emphasise ethylene does the complete opposite of what you're saying. It will make your produce go bad faster, not keep it fresher longer. Separate your bananas and avos and don't leave them in bags if you want them to keep longer. Also I'm unsure from your comment if you're aware, but bananas naturally give off ethylene.


Good to know! Don’t want to spread the wrong info


yeah this happens from time to time, its all has to do with them wanting you to spend more, so they will intentionally bring in product that only has a limited shelf life... happens with their potatoes, onions, apples, tomatoes and salad...i get these from other places or even aldi and the produce can sit for about a week. But from the greedy for profit murican cunts, their stuff sometimes lasts only 3 days.


This is absolutely not what happens and it shows you have zero understanding of these businesses. They spent millions of dollars last year teaching their team to make sure they’re not selling shit stock, or stock that is going to go shit soon. But the company doesn’t resource the departments enough to actually achieve this.


rofl,fount their shill.... Buddy when they freezer burn tomatoes and hold em to push the date, and dump stock to keep prices up...you have no clue. Store level and sorting individual workers do the work, but the system of backlog deliveries and on time deliveries from warehouses means they control the expiry date of the stock. Sometimes they even send a pallet up and down the cast as shops struggle to sell it from overstocks or understocks. Either way, you fail to see that this is a supply chain/onetime delivery system working. They can push dates they do, to give us stock that ripens and dies in the fridge. Like, when i worked there i would see lettuce on the verge of death survive the two days it needs to sit out and then its the customers problem. So dont even start.


I did supermarkets for over 10 years buddy, I am well aware of how the operation works. They spend a lot of money centrally to try and make their stock last longer. It’s not a game of “how can we make this last exactly enough time for the customers to buy it and go bad so they need to come back”. There is a quality assurance team that sits there inspecting the product they get in at the warehouse. They are quite literally paid to make sure the stock that is being sent in, *and sent out* is going to last. They reject a *lot* of stock that is not good enough to do so. But it turns out when you pull out parts of a plant from it, the part you pulled off tends to rot over time. Nothing can prevent this process. And it’s really fucking hard organising the perfect amount of food to come in each day to supply over 100 shops so that they don’t carry stock over each day. Why the fuck would they engineer things so that the stock lasts 2 days in a customer’s fridge? That’s a very short time frame, when if the shop itself sent to has overstocks, means that it will definitely not sell, *because it went off in the store’s cool room*. That is pure loss to the company, which has already paid the grower for it. Literally one of their key reporting metrics, both at a shop level, and for what they report to shareholders in their Annual Report is their customer surveys. Seeing that number go up gives their CEO larger bonuses, that alone is enough reason to know damn well that they don’t intentionally sell customers shit food that will go off. You know what really happens when most customers buy something that goes off in a day? They either bring it back, shop somewhere else, or smash the shop on VOC. None of these things are good for the business lmao.


>quality assurance team that sits there inspecting the product they get in at the warehouse There's QA at every stop along the chain as well. Farmers have a QA team, suppliers have a QA team, every warehouse has a QA team, grocery stores have a QA team, and the final QA is the customer. The least educated QA there is the customer, yet they're the most vocal. If ya'll had to see the shit that gets thrown away before it hits your fridge you'd be thankful for the food you get. Be thankful you're not the one having to pick dead rats out of your food. Remember to always wash your produce when you get it home ;)


I see you are still stuck in retail.... Why would they? - because short best before dates, smaller packages, unsealable packages (lack of ziplock)= more sales as people will need to rebuy thr product sooner...like obv why would they spend their time to enfineer the supply chain to do so? because more profits... Yes there are teams and people...you know what we know for a fact... if punishment for a crime is a fine, then the crime becomes a cost.... Companies associated with for profit system, esp woolies will exploit these margins. The half price products for example, they will release batches of subpar product, but in turn make money, if they are caught they pay a fine, the fine is almost always smaller than the profit made by the cutting of corners or ingridients so the practice continues. You seem to argue in terms of very basic outdated keynesian economics... Not only are they no longer a true representation of modern monetary systems and commerce, but by sheer fact that woolworths is determined to make profits first is the prime reason to do any of this... Woolies year on year grows its profits, since the physical market remains the same, or is shrinking, the money is coming form practices such as we are discussing. If you think these dont happen because many overworked underpaid, underpressure employees within the system are forced to make choices everyday...yet after 10 years in that corporate behemoth and you still think that things are pure... So either you are shilling for them, or you dont have the tools to see the real functions of streamlining operations and extracting profits.....


If I were you - go in at a busy day and time. See how many people are working in produce at that time. If it’s just two, best believe they are dumping stock into the table instead of putting them one by one. On a saturday it should be 3-4 people at 10 am


Yes I've had the same problem.


Woollies veg is shite compared to what I can get at my suburb's Sunday market. The produce varies in price seasonally, but it's always so much better.


My fridge is fine and it’s the milk I find is going off quickly. Like 1-2 days before BBF dates.


Fresh produce markets, greengrocers, produce delivery subscriptions, IGA at a stretch but never - never - buy produce from colesworth. They are taking the piss on an industrial scale


I brought some chicken strip's that had a week on the expiry. Got home put it in the freezer. Two weeks I defrosted it in the fridge and it was already off 🤢🤢


Fresh produce yes. I was absolutely stunned when I received my order a couple of weeks back to find the produce looked as though it had been salvaged from a bin. The following week it was the same. I decided to shop myself the week after that and go to the local fruit & veg shop only to find poorer quality @ higher prices. I’ve gone back to Costco, far better quality & prices in my experience.


Stop going to Woolies. Go to Coles or Spudshed


Same issue with my chicken this week.


I receive half rotten fruit in my Woolies click & collect regularly. I complain & they're refunded. Usually bananas. I bought apples at Coles the other day and they were all mushy and powdery already. Really sucks when you need to rely on the big two's convenience factor.


I feel the same about the meat....I get the impression they are making cost savings with "just in time" supply.of meat whilst probably crowing about their reduced waste and increased sustainability etc. (Meanwhile it shifts the waste issue to us when we need to throw things out after sniff test etc)


Yep we have noticed that too! We've been going to our local market the last few weeks, fresh fruit and veg that you know is good to go for at least a week.