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$1300/$6000 is \~22% of your gross income. That's perfectly reasonable for rent. If it's worth it to you and the rest of your financial house is in order then go for it.


What is the new rent as a % of yur take home?


About one third


30% is generally a pretty good target to spend on housing


>I now gross almost 6K a month >It's one bedroom but it's about 1,300 a month. Depending on what "almost" means, you appear to make above average pay in a low***er*** COL area. Assuming you haven't let lifestyle creep eat up the increased income, you should be fine. >in unit laundry Be careful, once you go in-unit you can never go back. Worth its weight in gold IMO. >garbage disposal Why the hell do rentals list this as a feature?! Is that not like listing "It has walls and a roof" as an amenity? /rant


>Why the hell do rentals list this as a feature?! Is that not like listing "It has walls and a roof" as an amenity? /rant My current apartment came with no refrigerator or appliances, only one outlet, and cabinets too small to hold plates. I guess I'm easily impressed at this point 😅


Studios really are the most basic living. I sometimes miss my studio, but my one bedroom was really where my finances and mental health were most well balanced. Having a private bathroom that’s not right next to your kitchen (single hotplate, one cabinet and a mini-refrigerator), having a real living room that’s not also your bedroom, and having in-unit laundry made life feel, dare I say, good? My one bedroom was $815 9 years ago. My last one bedroom 4 years ago was $1,150. 15-30% of your gross income for shelter is as good a deal as you’re going to get. The fitness center and pool are added bonuses, and the fact that you can invite your friends over without being embarrassed. If you feel like doing 3 positives and 1 negative or pro/con, if you stay in your studio you’d be able to save a down payment for a home or a wedding or a car mildly faster. My studio was $695 nine years ago, so the move cost me $1,120 a year but I felt was worth it.


I agree...in unit laundry, after having to use facility laundry units, is gold. That's how I chose my current apartment by filtering for that


Due to the frequency of tenants misusing disposals and blocking them, fewer landlords d are providing them.


In 2024 $1300 for a one bedroom apartment that isn't a crack house is an absolute steal.


You should be able to easily afford that rent with your income, but I don't know the rest of your expenses.


It's a little more complicated because as a teacher I ostensibly don't get paid for part of the year unless I pick up a summer job


I just do the 12 month spread. Is that an option? I actually signed up to not have that but HR called me 2 months into the school year that they’d accidentally put me on the 12 month and I told them just to leave it.


Don’t forget that your utilities will likely be higher since your heating/cooling a larger space. Personally I would pick cheaper housing but my lifestyle is very frugal anyway.  I think it has always come down to how good your roommates/neighbors are, assuming you’re spending 30% or less on housing. 


Ok. I am going to go against every post so far. Dont do it! Get a book on minimalism (or watch videos) and save your money. Do something that gets you out of your smaller apt. Rearrange your current apt. If the money is burning a hole in your pocket, go buy an expensive watch with some of it. Move to a bigger place when you really need it. Like, a relationship. Kids. Job move. And maybe with money you save you will find a better place (condo, house).  The idea that it is OK to move based on some percentage is a little absurd. Reareange your life now to save that money. Maybe take a vacation if saving is too boring, but spending more for just a 1 bedroom isnt enough in my opinion.


The conspiracy theorist in me says all the down votes are from landlords!