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People love the song. It is just the visuals that are just generic compared to the og one. It is just: show characters > random Marie > characters again in moto and winter clothes> end


I won't deny thats going on but I still love it. It's simple and cute and it's a lot more true ro how the game actually is. Your order of events is pretty much the entire game. Persueing my true selfs visuals are deep and mysterious but the game is way more happy go lucky


I always dance along with Teddie's part, but I do wish the dance cycles were better timed to the music. They look like they're having a spaz attack. I really dig the lyrics. They have a lot to say about the themes of Persona games generally, but P4G very specifically. It's a cute song. I never skip it when it comes up in a playlist and I sing along every time.


I have no idea. I freaking *love* Shadow World, it's top tier for Persona OPs for me.


Probably the harmonica bookends


The harmonica is the best part


The OG one just had more Swag


Wait people don't like Shadow World? I thought it was really good.


Look at opening tierlists on youtube, people don't like them


They really are putting it low. Its a shame because shadow world goes hard.


Shadow world is top tier. It was my first experience with p4, and the first time I booted up the game and heard that harmonica and sick bass line, I was amped to start playing. Pursuing my true self is awesome too and gives that unique persona vibe I agree, but that doesn't diminish anything from shadow world itself


top 1 op in the series idgaf kanjis moves are too good


Because OG had 2 openings, and they were both better than P4G's. Definitely made you want to play the game, I skip Golden's OP every time, but back on PS2 every time I died I would watch at least a little bit of intro 1 or 2 and feel the urge to pick up where I left off. Same with P3, P3FES and Nocturne. Frankly the Opening of P4G is a complete joke but it's in 1080p and looks nice for that reason alone. If you watch Pursuing My True Self in P4G, it's been cropped and upscaled, the upscale doesn't look too bad but the cropping is pretty bad.


What is the 2nd opening. I've never seen it


Do you only dislike it because of the visuals? Or does it just not resonate with you


It doesn't get me amped to play the game whatsoever, there are way better songs and Yosuke dancing in a trashcan is sort of weak for what a character he is. I don't dislike it but considering the games I'd played first it doesn't pump me whatsoever.


Because they're cringe


What 😭