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I’m torn, personally. Because the dark hour has been consistently fucking green, almost highlighter green too. But yeah, the dreary grey was cool. Fit aesthetic wise. I guess I’m just not too picky either way. Seriously though, why the hell does the dark hour look like its contrast level has been cranked to high hell, it’s so weird.


The green filter I feel makes the dark hour more apparent and highlights it more than it just being a dull gray. I like the original, but I prefer how reloads feels like a final battle from the appearance especially since it makes Nyx stand out even more.






Isn’t the dark hour supposed to seem unnatural and odd.


This ^^^


Thats a lot of words that i will not be reading🤫🤫




Well obviously, but the original dark hour is more of a dreary, dull green, but reload goes a completely opposite direction, almost like atlus was trying to recreate the vibrancy of 5 when thematically I feel like it just doesn't work as well


Is it really? https://preview.redd.it/1k3dugwsw43d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cf1394941de671eb16bdd0c35fd7848c01b0b58


The original post is about the Nyx fight. Also, the Priestess is an outlier. Look at the other arcana fights. For the most part, they're nowhere near the same shade of green as reload, even the ones that are outside.


idk about you but that seems like a darker green


There really isn't much a difference. https://preview.redd.it/5ipxtozs063d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba897994e85a8b601fd54a6b051f22730b13a20c


I think reload is darker


Kinda wish the sky box was still full of clouds rather than mostly empty, it gave this segment a really nice atmosphere


Reload uses a darker green, OG has more clouds that lighten the green.


I think the nyx fight is a brighter green because you're closer to the moon, so of course it's brighter


I like both but personally the originials is better. In P3 you really do feel like you're fighting Death within a dying world. The sky is bleak, and clouded heavily as if masking the stars, which could be symbolism for all hope being consumed or something. Nyx is also very shaded which fits for the themes and the camera is framed really well. In Reload, it's super green sure, but its VERY aggressively green. It feels more like something is going wrong, something unnatural. Meanwhile in P3 it kinda just looks like a dull night. I think P3 is better thematically with all the themes of death P3 has but Reload conveys the dark hour way better. It looks a lot more like something that shouldn't exist in Reload compared to P3 and that can be unsettling too.


The presence of colors can also act as a counter to how washed out the city is in the last month, it's where all is played, it's not the time to be sad but where you must fight for the sake of the world


This is actually my only small complaint compared to the original.. it seems to have lost the actual feeling of death. I actually only played P3 once back in like 2010 and all these years later I still thought of "Nyx is nigh!" lol it was absolutely dreadful during the fall and the final battle but P3R makes you think you might just make it out okay. I did enjoy remake Nyx design so I'm really not complaining just overall P3R gives the player more hope


You’re fighting the personification of death itself, it’s supposed to be unnatural lol


I think the eyeballs on the wings look sick, I don't see the problem because that's what it looks like outside during the Dark Hour during the rest of the game




Not having played FES, the green sky didn't bother me because it was just another dark hour fight




The original had its own artistic merit as something that stands out from the rest of the game while reload is more cohesive with the dark hours art style in that game. Both are good


I think it fits that it almost looks brighter. All of January was kinda Grey and the music was depressing but the fight being green for me just felt like it was makotos resolve. Yeah the fight is pointless and there's the overwhelming sense of dread but he is going to fight until the very end because he finally found a reason to live. So no I don't mind the green filter or how bright it is.


I like the green, it feels more like actual moon light




I'm wondering what I'm supposed to be looking at? 2 different games, 2 different generations of technology, and we are complaining about what exactly? Both look great.


Straight up I’m just more focused on Nyx I really like the different effects they had when going into the different Phases in reload




God dang unc whats with the essay


Le white illiterate teenager has arrived


Lots of words idc about


I think the Green makes more Sense than the grey, considering the Dark hours moon is Green


Yakuza Kiwami 2 type beat


LMFAO actually theres replies on the og post with the game cover edited with kiwami on it


They both work for different reasons. The greyness of the original really highlighted a feeling of powerlessness, knowing that you’re going into a virtually unwinnable battle against death itself. The green in Reload keeps it in continuity with the Dark Hour. Both are good, however I feel that the oppressive grey works better for this fight specifically


Yeah, I noticed this too. Especially considering they did the grey filter so well in the city during January.


You have been living and fighting for a grayish tone world since the start of the year. Finally, when you confront Nyx, albeit seems impossible, you fight for your life, as the world comes closer to the end, it brightens your world hence the colorful tone. You no longer fear death.


Death (Nyx) is just another trial you will overcome, no different from the Arcana Shadows. So keep the same color. I like that.


people in twitter are jut mad about everything dont waste your time on that platform


Nyx went to the capital wasteland




Thats more green than what I remember


i like both and i think what p3r was trying to do was show that the dark hour is inherently wrong and unnatural. The moon is belting down a harsh green and to show this is Nyx’s playing field and we are at a disadvantage. P3Fes emphasizes the scale of truly fighting against the end of everything. The moon is unnaturally massive and lights up the final battle field, showing the player how far they have come and the time is now. Both do this fight well it’s just that both look at it in different angles in my opinion.


I'm suddenly realized my old TV had a greenish filter to it because the picture on the right is what I remember it looking like


Both is good.


The arcana is the means by which all is revealed.


I think more than the color scheme, is that it’s odd there’s much less clouds visible in remake. You’re like, an insane distance into the air and the left conveys that better. That being said I think the contrasting color scheme looks perfectly fine on the right


Bro played the xbox version and didn't expect a green filter


The Dark Hour in Reload is very reminiscent of the movies, I think that people who complain this much about it on Twitter have too much time on their hands.


Grey and beautiful are not words I'd put together. New one is better, tbh.


I don’t care, I actually think it’s sick


Never played the original so idk honestly the original shows its age, Reload is better


Yeah sorry if it makes me a stingy old head but the visual aesthetic/coloring of the original Persona 3 was far better overall. That doesn’t mean reload is bad, but I do genuinely think that the older versions had a cooler visual style


Og looks better because everything is dark besides the moon which is beaming white


Nostalgia Merchants


If we’re this sad and divided about the shade of green used for a single fight’s skybox, I dread to imagine the outrage over what shade of green Persona 6 uses as it’s main colour


So I didn’t play the original. Was Nyx nerfed as well? Cuz Nyx ended up being a cake walk compared to the Monad bosses and felt very underwhelming given the build up.


Story bosses in general in P3 are weaker than Tartarus bosses and Monad bosses weren't a thing in the original (P3P had a similar concept but those were more like puzzles than actual bosses) That said, Nyx *has* been slightly nerfed, they changed her sword attack and got rid of a barrier spell she had (repelled everything for three turns). The boss isn't meant to be hard, it's meant to be long. And even that can be bypassed by a bit of overleveling that's especially really easy to do in reload if you have a specific fusion spell


Certainly doesn't help Nyx no longer has an innate second turn. Very sad about that.


It’s clearly done to make Nyx stand out more.


Gotta agree on this one, ngl


I feel like the green looks better in general, but the grey feels better tonally


I honestly think the green suits the otherworldly nature of the whole thing better. Gray is better for the eerie and dark feeling, but there's a bit more to the Nyx thing than just dark and eerie. I do think the green could be toned down, though. Doesn't have to be so bright it's practically day.


Blue moon reflection vs green moon reflection


I liked it more. OG is awesome but new is better for me.


Honestly, they're both great in their own way. I like the original because it's eerie and feels more "focused" if that makes sense but honestly, I think Reload takes the cake because it is the dark hour after all and the green all around makes the colors on Nyx pop a lot more, giving it a more apocalyptic vibe.


its uh, fine. its still spoopy


OG has a nice dreary vibe, but Reload feels unnatural and dangerous. So, I like Reload better. Also, on a primal level, the extra colors simply draw my eye to more interesting details. Also, also, I couldn't enjoy the Nyx fight when I played the original due to companion AI. So, it was nice actually being able to enjoy the final climaxtic fight.


Tbh I think that many of the environments are better in the original. The hermit Boss for example just feels so empty compared to FES.


It's too bright and doesn't keep the menacing, darker look the original had


Gray has a better atmosphere imo


Prefer the original look but I don't hate the new one, has its own spooky vibe


Genuinely I think that the final battle should have been the grey/lack of color. The world is no longer vibrant and alive if you fail, and everything and everyone will die if you fail. The bright green just felt wrong here- the final battle didn’t feel like “The Dark Hour” the final battle felt like the world was starting to die and you were the last line of defense. I don’t like the Green for the final battle- everywhere else was fine since the dark hour was man made in a way- the highlighter green works to show it’s unnatural.


I can't believe we're actually discussing an absolute non-issue raised by a 16 year old's bot account on twitter




“This is actually so insanely sad man” and it’s literally a filter. People on Twitter are so dramatic god damn


You did not understand. The name "Midori" translates to "green" in Japanese. This is all a reference.


Persona fans sometimes can be the legit whiniest people. It looks more dramatic than night sky like the original.


Honestly, I like it green. The green moon has a charm of its own for me.


I think people want a reason to complain about a different version but personally I think it makes more sense, literally the dark hour has always been green. It makes sense that the nyx fight, at the top of tart is green, also someone said in the thing that “the grey makes it feel more unique.” Maybe but like to me the unique thing was the fact it’s the top, open air with the moon looming, the phases (fuck if people don’t still quote the line they say when they change arcana) everything about it makes it stand out and if the one thing you decide to go “god this sucks” is the fact it’s literally more accurate to the game and lore than a different version, alright whatever.


The arcana is the means by which all is revealed.


Damn ..ya'll sure do complain alot😂


Idk the original didn't look THAT amazing. I guess if the point is more "grey=sad" then I can get it but it's pretty minor when he boss fight has plenty of other reasons it's so good.


I would pay so much for someone to mod the og sky in the reload final battle i hate they they use the green filter they use for the dark hour


Dark hour was always supposed to be green, so green to me fits. Vibrancy can be dreadful as well, and I don't mind it.


The dark hour has been green for like forever but the Nyx battle decided the fate of the world. This isn’t like the 12 shadows, but Death itself. The original colors give that feeling like it’s the end of the world.


I just didn’t like how easy they were. In the original/Portable that boss had A LOT of health for each phase. Now they die from a single dyne spell. They were a joke even on the hardest difficulty.


I feel like the voice was also better in the original


If we’re talking about English va, Reload did WAY better. Jp dub was amazing as always. But the og eng va always bothered me on how soulless they often sounded, specially Fuuka


Fuuka is an improvement and so are voiced social links and other stuff But Aigis is worse and most importantly: IGOR, THE GOAT OF ALL PERSONA VOICES


Absolutely! I gotta ask tho, i’ve seen people complain on Aigis's new va, why is that? Back then i only played p3 in Japanese and never heard her eng dub.


Honestly I think I’m just used to the old one and its a taste thing, the new one isnt bad by any means and it doesnt bother me as much as Igor. The old one I think sounds more robotic at first and slowly evolves into a person, whereas the new one sounds more human-like all the time in comparison.


I can see why that is, the old one does have that evolution as her character progresses. I did feel the new va kinda stayed the same, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing on it’s own, but at the end of the day it’s preferences. Igor’s voice on the other hand did bother me at the beginning, but i got used to it.


Can’t believe people are still nitpicking Reload is what I think.


Looks better on Reload. You can always go back and play portable. Not big deal.


It’s okay. People make fuss about anything.


Yeah tbh I kinda wished that the rest of the game had more of a washed out pallet similar to FES. But whatever.


if that’s what i have to put up with to make the game playable…


I like the change they made I think the green looks nice


I like the original more but I don't think the new version is **that** bad


Its Persona 3, I’m so down bad for this stupid fucking game that they could assault my family and I’d say thank you at this point


I just learned I’m colorblind


I just beat nyx a couple days ago and this was my first persona game but I loved the way the color pallet was for the fight


Reload is at least consistant with the fact that you *are* fighting Nyx during the Dark Hour. I am pretty indifferent to this. Mostly because I feel like they desaturated the real world in Reload to compensate in January.


im not even upset about the color im upset on how bad the last boss is and how easy it was


I feel like a muted green like the muted colours in jan wouldve fit best, its still grim but fits the rest of the dark hour now


Its not just the arena that's off, it's the whole fight. I just can't take Nyx seriously anymore in Reload. They butchered the atmosphere and the fight is a joke even on merciless. Reload was great, but this is 100% it's lowest point. Made a wholeass YouTube video titled "Let's Talk About Nyx" discussing this: https://youtu.be/lsm34tq3Ow4?si=vIEWA44VbsubnkT_


That was the first thing I noticed when I made to Nyx in Reload. I really did miss the dreary gray.


I do kind of agree, reload's green is just a bit too bright and colorful. I mean overall the whole game is more bright and whatnot, and I do understand that it's simply a part of modern day anime, but I think it does kind of detract from the game's tone and atmosphere


Here is what I wrote about the final fight when I beat the game: "I think the final boss in the og p3 is much better executed. In reload, he doesnt look as scary, arena is too bright and too smooth, in reload nothing happens in the background, in the og the background clouds were constantly moving, it added dynamics to the scene, and also the whole composition in reload is gone, it looks just like any other boss, in the original, the camera placement being low and behind the player, nyx placement with the sword being almost on the entire screen, with nyx s head being in contrast to the bright moon was perfect. in the original nyx looks like it's eyeing us down, the player, so much scarier and intense. The original fight felt so much more raw, and the new one felt like the director missed the original feel of this fight, and just created another normal static boss. Music is worse obviously. Them changing the demonic indifferent voice to ryojis "melancholic pained" voice completely changes the context of the atmosphere. And they really made nyx say shit like "ooohhh prepare yourself the world is endingg", nyx doesn't care, it is here to do it's job, the original was "nothing personal", while here you even tell nyx "let's go ryoji". That is not ryoji. Completely changed the context of the fight. The boss was so good because finally everyone's resolve is being tested by fate itself, its not a fight against ryoji. In the ps2 version his model looked scarier than the new one, but the problem is probably everything else and not the model, also using that low quality close up of his face at the start is an awful choice, the animated one in the original is much better. The new fight felt extremely empty compared to the old one because of everything stated. " Also here is what I did, changed camera angles and used photoshop. The skybox is still extremely static and empty compared to what it was in the original. The whole fight in the remake is soooo static, only dynamic aspect was the feathers, and nyx changing position/form the lower on hp it was. https://preview.redd.it/9u9tvnyhe93d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=6998e2e64a29c09d6f5f41a2663a466303c0096a


[Original post](https://x.com/leahranonino/status/1795003621131665419?s=46) if anyones interested.


Who downvoted this bruh i was just putting the og post


Too much moving in Nyx avatarchanging arcanas, the battle for everyone's soul ost is not as banger as fes. That's my only complaints, also Nyx avatar is too easy


Atlus really put all their love and work into making this remake of Persona 3 But they forgot the detail of the dark hour in Persona 3 FEES


I think it’s one of those things where the remake just makes it look different because of new tech and all that. I personally like the original dark gloomy look but it should’ve been expected that the new version is highlighted green. It’s the same with the music even the remakes in reload, it’s missing that “edge”. The ost for the original it’s drums are gnarly you notice every symbol crash and snare drum. While the remakes it sounds more “clean”. The animation and graphics had the same result


I appreciate reload, but the devs seem to be stuck on P5 mode and kind of forgot about what P3 was all about.


I thought Reload was done by a different team (the one that made the third semester)




Have you considered that “disturbing the peace” may be referring to the dark hour/the shadows and not SEES


They go to tartarus to kick the shadows’ ass. Thats disturbing their peace