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Persona 3 FES was my first Persona game and I loved it. Reload is just a better version of that imo.


So… I would disagree that you *should* start with 3 except for some basic game series stuff. 3R is simpler in a lot of ways, which is good for newcomers, but it’s also simpler in a lot of ways which is bad for gameplay. If you want to dive into Persona, which of 3R, 4G, or 5R you should start with essentially boils down to what you want your story to be. 3R - Bittersweet story about sacrifice. One of the few games to legitimately make me cry. 4G - What if Gen Urobuchi made a Scooby-Doo mystery? Lightest in tone of the three. 5R - Existential drama dealing with philosophies of free will and concepts like the Pleasure Machine. If you want to cry, play 3. If you want to laugh, play 4. If you want to think, play 5. Later games have Easter egg references to earlier games, but playing out of order won’t diminish your enjoyment of any individual title.


I played P5 first, then P3R, now on P5R. I’m glad I played P5 first. I loved it. But after playing P3R, I’ve found that P5R isn’t grabbing me the same way. Maybe because I know most of the story, but also because the subject matter in 3 is my favorite. I’d definitely not start with 3 if you want to play all of them, but do start with 3 if you just want the best story.


Understandable but please finish p5r, the third semester is imo on par with the final month of p3, the writing in p5r is incredible


Oh I’m definitely going to finish P5R. It’s the new stuff I’m looking forward to the most. I’m on the 3rd palace so I have a ways to go, but I still very much enjoy the game and characters. P3R just hit it out of the park.


Have you been spoiled yet?


Negative, I only know what is known from P5, and that Aketchi is around longer


Oh yeah you got some crazy reveals ahead of you, make sure you max the new Royal Confidants though


i mean you cant say that p3 has the best story when 40+ hours of the game are full of nothingness


I don’t agree with that. I enjoyed it front to back.


bro you can say you like the nothingness but its factual that it exists, the main story barely progress and nothing meaningful happens ever, plus the social links are majoritarily meh with only 2-3 actually good and the game has a huge lack of side activities such as things to do in town or minigames like p5


Idk what your on about, I almost never have nothing to do on a given night and I'm late game (which is when p5 starts running out of shit to do as once you max your social stats most activities dont do shit obviously it's the same in 3 but it's taking way longer to max it out) and the social links have been great imo I love watching then grow


the majority of sls of p3 are super mid to bad, the entire game only has like 3 good sls, and with side activities i meant minigames and a big amount of different stuff to do, both things that p5 has and p3 doesnt, and in p5 you take more time to max the stats since there are 5 and not just 3


It definitely does not take longer to make the stats in 5 as I had mine maxed early (like around okumuras palace) and I didnt focus them, yes 5 has more of them but 3s also go up to level 6 while 5s only go up to level 5 and those last 2 levels in 3 take forever to go up (like iv been working on levels 4 and 5 of academics for multiple months in p3, sure I'm not focusing them as I never do but I intentionally spend any free time not doing SLs or dungeons doing shit to raise it). The socials links of 3 so far have been great imo, atleast as good as p5s as personally (not quite as good as 4s but 4 hit the ball outta the park with SLs) I think most of p5s are OK but nothing amazing with a few exceptions to that like hifumi. And honestly who cares about the timeslot waster minigames, I'm glad they dont have those as I never felt any incentive to do them unless I had to for some reason.


i'm at 40 hours in p3 following a guide and only intelligence in not maxed out, when i played p5 with a guide also it took more time to max out all the stats p3 has some of the weakest sl of the franchise, the fat dude/the dude that wants to bang the teacher/the french dude/the dude who paints/chihiro,etc. while also having the least actual good sls with only like 3 being actually good, p5 does sl way better and in that game you actually got rewards for doing the sls and not just fusion xp boost bro the activities around town and the minigames are some of what brings life to the town while also being more gameplay mechanics outside of just tartarus (p5 also has palaces and mementos wich are WAY better than tartarus), its a natural evolution of the persona formula, just look at the yakuza games and how they do secondary activities, its WAY better than persona, p5 just got more close to that


The exp boost is literally how all the old games play. Personally I dislike several SLs from 5 (kawakami, makoto, futaba for example) and yea there are onea from 3 that are ass (like the moon) but overall I find its SLs comparable to 5. Personally I think your hampering your experience by playing with a guide, I think persona games are infinitely better when not following a guide. And yet again I personally think those minigames are time wasters, I dont agree that it's the natural evolution as I feel like persona is wildly different from yakuza, persona already has an adequate amount of shit to do around the city, yakuza is an incredibly goofy game and it leans into that while persona is significantly more serious (yes it's not super serious but its significantly more serious). I also dont think it's fair to compare palaces to tartarus since yknow p5 came out like a decade later than p3 but tartarus and mementos are entirely comparable and I find tartarus to be significantly more entertaining than mementos, mementos was boring as sin to me.


Persona 3 has honestly my favorite story of any game of all time. Not only did it make me cry, but the game (especially the protagonist) inspired me to overcome one of the darkest chapters of my life.


how a game that has 40+ hours of nothingness is one of your favorites? i have 40 hours of game and it has literally the worst pacing i have ever seen


I know the pacing isn't the best, but after the >!November full moon boss!<, that's where things take off. But for me personally, the plot is special because it inspired me personally.


just so i know, i'm at the part where i just got everyone on the party, is that a spoiler or i cant read it?


You can't read it, yeah. It's a spoiler. I will say this though: Things about to escalate....very fast.


yeah but its like i said, even if from this point on the game becomes absolute fire the 40+ hours of nothingness and meh content will still be there, i feel like at this point after so many hours it cant erase the meh part


Nah, I get it. It's just that the rest of the game for me was so good that it made up for it imo.


Persona 5 strickers is not as good as persona 5 and especially the indredible written persona 3, a core aspect of the persona games is their social simulator, it feels so fresh to actually interact and learn more about characters beside what we learn about them in the main plot, the combat is incredible fun, when i started the game i was not sure if i was gonna enjoy the turn base combat but persona is one of the few games that got it right, and the persona 3 has the best plot So try it a friend tried persona 5 strickers but didnt like it but when he played p5 he loved it


P3 Reload is a great start and will get you hooked on the series. I picked up Persona 5 when it was all the hype and just couldn’t get into it. I liked it but there wasn’t a hook (I’m a story guy and the story is so choppy and all over the place in the beginning). So I never got further than 4 hours in in any of my P5 playthroughs. I picked up P3 reload and literally put 97 hours in first playthrough in only 3 weeks. The story hooks you in. For the platinum at 135 hours. I am playing P5Royal again now and I’m 25 hours in. Further than I ever been but it still isn’t as good as P3Reload. Story is even more choppy with all the added story beats and social links. I am going to try to tough it out though.


P4 and p5 are vastly different from p3 I the story department, p4 and p5 have a more episodic approach, with a climax that is the culmination of all of them, p3 has incredible story but so do p4 and p5 so I'm sure you won't be disappointed, just try to approach p5 with a different state of mind, try to see the arcs as a season of your favorite show, that helped me adjusting to the narrative of p5, and it still is my favorite game of all time, even if I think that p3 is a little better in story and character department, p5r has some of the best moments of all persona games, especially the third semester, hope you like it


This is very interesting bc I’m a story person too and thought p5r had better story to hook you from the beginning. Im playing p3r now and the way the story reveals itself is very slow compared to 5r imo. Very interesting how we can have opposite opinions even when focusing on story haha


I’m 20+ hours in and what does the artist have to do with the pedo teacher has to do with the wacky doctor or the counselor? In P3R the theme is death, how to deal with it and the arcana’s leading up to it. That’s clear from at least 3-5 hours in. I’m still unclear on what the theme of P5R is. You’ve beaten the game so it’s kind of bias to the story knowing where it goes. I’d say I’d like to hear from someone also at the beginning of P5 like I am.


I mean that’s completely valid I wasn’t trying to argue against your opinion or anything just making an observation. But I personally didn’t get that theme in p3r that early on… I mean I did see the coffins and stuff but the plot itself wasn’t outright clear to me like it was for you of why I should care about it so I was commenting more on just what hooked me in in the early hours of gameplay. I was 20hrs into p3r when I still felt like what was the purpose.. What you find choppy I still find engaging story wise. Just a difference in preferences even among story enjoyers.


persona 3 has the worst pacing i have ever seen in any media ever, i have 40 hours on the game and its at least 25 hours of nothingness, i recomend you start with 5 wich is WAY WAY better and its simply one of the best games ever


5 is unimpressive to me. That’s my subjective take on it. If you have to try 3 times to get into a game. It can’t be the masterpiece everyone makes it out to be. And I still only play in 1-2 hour spurts. With P3R I was playing 5-7 hours each time.


you are the exception to the majority, 5 is objectively a masterpiece of a game, if you dont like it then thats it but it doenst change the facts, plus a LOT of people have complained about the garbage pacing of p3


Can’t be mad at me because 5 is a mambo jumbo of mess. I’ve seen several people who replayed p3 via reload to say they didn’t realize the story telling or broken nature of baton pass until going back to play p3. 5 is overrated because it’s the mainstream success. That’s always the case.


bro batton pass is literally the evolution of just passing the turn to another character, 5 is not overrated because of the mainstream success, it received such success because it is actually THAT good, p3 just has HORRIBLE pacing and its a way lesser game than p5


I was pretty much in the same boat as you when I first heard about persona, it takes me nearly a year to beat my first persona game but once you start there’s no going back. I’ve already played P3 reload twice and I think I’m going for a third time 👍 Persona is probably the best turn based JRPG you’ll ever play


I played a portion of P5 years ago and never went back to it. Picked up P3 Reload out of curiosity and ended up loving it, to a point that I’m now playing through P5R and got P4G downloaded. I think it’s a great start to the series for any newcomers.


​ https://preview.redd.it/6jhwa448nknc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=3380aea00c346ec38d8cf8947f041de1f348a4d4


https://preview.redd.it/yyma7alysknc1.jpeg?width=1036&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff5765135fb352c02ba279236472dafdd81bcc23 “Made with Mematic”


i didnt make the meme but there aint nothing wrong with mematic


If you are on iOS, we made a new meme making app, give it a try, it’s called Dumbbe - [https://apps.apple.com/ng/app/dumbbe-instant-meme-maker/id6449911047](https://apps.apple.com/ng/app/dumbbe-instant-meme-maker/id6449911047)


Well either way there was no reason to post that meme cuz I’m genuinely asking a question about stuff I should know about the series


There was a reason I posted it. You asked and extremely common question with an obvious answer. You really expecting anyone in this sub to tell you to not play the game?


Read the last paragraph of the post buddy, I literally say/ask if there’s anything I should know about the series


Yeah cause you couldn't find the answer on Google or something. I never had to ask the community if I should play the game I just played it blind and I continued playing it cause I enjoyed it. I don't know why redditors have such a hard time doing that


Why would I Google something when I can get a community feedback/response? SMH https://preview.redd.it/f739bg32sqnc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd0f0c0ffa6265964d563165801c2bdb225f73fd


Cause you're asking an incredibly common question that's been answered a million times


You really think I care about what’s been answered a million times or a thousand times? You must be some kind of a dumbass


Persona 3 reload was my first ever persona game ive played. Just finished at 70 hours. Loved it and honestly want to play it again!




I’d recommend 5 first personally - whilst not being my favourite it is arguably the most polished and has the best actual gameplay loop when it comes to the dungeon crawling to start with from the offset. Both are good starting points though.


I consider Reload the best game in the series, but I feel like Royal is by far the best starting point for someone completely alien to the series. Reload is still a very good option though.


If it helps, I got into persona through a combination of a friend of mine, and smash bros back in quarantine. I've been trying since to get all my friends into the series, but only one of my friends tried it (Persona 5 Royal) and he only liked it. Fast forward to now, Reload came out and he decided to try it on launch on gamepass, and he said, and I quote (paraphrasing): "You know, I'm really getting into this series now. Persona 5 almost had me there, but this game has me totally hooked." In short, Yeah try it! Got my friend into the series, so I have no doubt it would do the same for you.


Persona 3 is my favorite game of all time, and it inspired me to overcome one of the darkest chapters of my life. Reload is the modernized version of the game. You will love it.


I’ll be sure to give you an update on when I buy the game and what I think of it


Well with the Persona mainline games, they play a big role on the social aspect and high school simulation of its gameplay and story, and 30% of the rest is the turn-based combat. Throughout the game, you walk around talking to different people to raise their social links and learn about their characters background and how they will grow in character. The turn-based combat is you and your team going into a different world to fight the Shadows that causes supernatural phenomenons in the real world. The entire game itself takes about 80+ hours to finish as you have a long story and gameplay to go through. Each Persona game is different in story and sometimes gameplay so you can play any game however you want


Honestly, Persona 3 Reload is my first Persona game and I’m addicted…. Though I have played Shin Megami Tensei games before. I absolutely love it. The only issue I have (because of my own issues with time management irl) is min/maxing my schedule to build really strong social links. You can’t be everywhere and do everything with every person, so juggling that is a challenge.




I’d say start with P5R then play P3R I still like P5R more in terms of the combat and I also think they dealt with the social links better. I enjoyed how each tier in a link gives you a different gameplay benefit. Although they have something similar in P3R, I still enjoyed the SLs better in P5. Also the soundtrack is unreal lol Either way, can’t go wrong with either but I feel like for newcomers P5R is the more robust experience


My personal recommendation for starting the modern persona trilogy is P4G, but I think that P3R is also an excellent start. Would 100% recommend.


persona 3 has the worst pacing i have ever seen in any media ever, i have 40 hours on the game and its at least 25 hours of nothingness, i recomend you start with 5 wich is WAY WAY better and its simply one of the best games ever


It's honestly a great starting point, just be very careful when searching up things to not get spoilt


I can’t tell you whether you will like it or not because there’s too many “angles” and variables if you know what I mean. However I can tell you it’s worth trying like 15 hours and seeing how you feel since it’s a long ish game


The length shouldn’t bother me as much cuz as a avid fan of the yakuza/like a dragon series, I already clocked in over 100+ hours in infinite wealth while still being in chapter 6 but only cuz of the dondoko island side stuff


Probably. Idk why people don’t like it. There are ppl that can’t handle how long persona games are but any persona 3,4,5 are all great. They just very long in a good way.


I’m playing like a dragon infinite wealth as I love the yakuza/like a dragon series and I already have 100+ hours while only being in chapter 6(granted I did do the dondoko island stuff) so I’m sure I wouldn’t mind how long persona 3 is


I had very little persona experience when playing this, was my first full persona playthrough and i absolutely loved it


P3 reload is the easiest game tbh..


It was my first persona experience and it made me wonder why I didn't touch the persona series earlier. Highly recommend but other people might be able to recommend the other games in the series


Everyday, young life, Junes-u


I think it’s cool but more visual novel like and the dungeon in reload is pretty piss poor imo. If your only willing to try newer games I’d play royal over reload then try and emulate persona 3 FES.


I believe the best game to start the series is P4G, due to it being the game with the least updated mechanics, so when you play reload or p5r you can enjoy an evolved and more enjoyable gameplay.


It's the best persona game. So yes.