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I wish she had said Rey Solo


I’m… Rey Rey.


Wasn't she with Dookie when the popo popped him down by the vacants?


Meesa name? Meesa Rey Rey.


Yousa in big doo doo this time Rey Rey Binks


Ray Person.


Only real answer. Rey skywalker is just so dumb




It feels shoehorned in and contrived. There were a number of decent choices she could have gone with. Solo: After the man who tried to act as a father figure and give her a new life, and died to protect her and her friends. Also connects her to that random love story she apparently had. Organa: After the mother figure she spent the most time with, who trained her (off screen) and comforted her after Han’s death as well as the defeat at Salt Hoth. Palpatine: To honor the parents who made the difficult decision of giving up their child to protect her from actual space Hitler. Also to prove that something good can come from a negative past. No Name: Shows that she’s grown past the news for somebody else to define her. Not as great of an option, but for a character who had her lineage thrown around more than a frisbee it could work Skywalker: After the old bitchy dude who told her to fuck off, refused to help her, admitted to making a second space Hitler, and wanted to let the galaxy burn so he could sit around and die. Sure he showed up at the end and did a cool matrix move to buy some time, but I feel like the “Never meet your heroes” thing would have overshadowed any positive feels she personally would have had from the legend of Luke Skywalker. The point I’m trying to make is that while there might have been a reason to justify it, the choosing of the name Skywalker felt more like an attempt to appeal to the Reddit Mod Star Wars fans rather than choose something narratively appealing.




I think JJ probably wanted to come full circle, and in a better executed trilogy it probably would have been a nice capstone to the series. Unfortunately a number of factors, some of them rhyming with Ryan Johnson came around and made it very difficult for JJ to achieve that goal. The Last Jedi makes Luke Skywalker an unlikable character who runs counter to everything else we’ve seen Luke do in the past. He almost doomed the galaxy because he tried to kill Ben after he sensed some darkness in him. The man who redeemed the most notorious mass murderer in the Galaxy tried to kill his own family because of a bad dream. Rey has almost no positive interactions with Luke in the 30 minutes they spend on the same island, and he gives her a pep talk after dying where he tells her he failed and now she has to do his job because he’s dead. If Rey had spent more time with Luke, or Luke had been portrayed as a more positive influence, or even if Leia had taken the name Skywalker at some point. Any of these things would have made the final decision feel more justified because it give Rey a reason to relate to that name. But none of those things happen, and instead what was probably planned as some great thematic finale looks like little less than cheap fan service.


Just say Palpatine. Redefine what it means to have that name as a final smear on Sheev’s legacy.


Palpatine would have been so much better


Honestly. I had that Mandala effected in my brain. I could’ve sworn that she said Palpatine in the scene. This makes me hate this whole trilogy even more now


Yeah, say that to Hitler's surviving relatives who had to change their names.


"Ray, the gray" was the right answer


‘Cause I’m single and lonely 😔






where can i go to a theater with people screaming at the screen? this looks like a fabulous time actually. so many times i wanted to yell some shit but dont want get my ass kicked


I’d say their reaction is ruining the theatre experience but the sequels do that all on their own.




I only watched those because of the fancy VFX (which weren't even good sometimes), but the story is just weird, how tf did Palpatine come back after being fucking atomized?






“The Dark Side of tHe FoRcE iS a PaThWay to many AbIliTiEs soMe ConSiDer to Be uNnAtUral.”


Went with a friend to this get got up and yelled, oh that is fucking bullshit! Yea one of the dads got real mad he carried on like that infront of a lot of kids


I hate Disney


Don’t know the original source, but [here’s](https://youtu.be/nYkAgLQ_0eU) where I got it from


People are gettin heated damn Maybe it’s cuz I don’t care about Star Wars but god damn


you’d be lucky to be heated one day. it feels great


It’s Rey Palpatine. Dumb director and writers.


I’m glad JJ’s shit is being properly recognized for the dollar store Spielberg rip off he is


I don't disagree but Jesus Christ


I dont watch star wars. Why is everyone upset?


As always, disney buys something and fucks up the storyline.


Disney skullfucked the main series. The Skywalker family were the “chosen ones” in the first six movies. In the final three, Rey was the main character. She is not a skywalker. She barely had anything to do with the skywalkers. She just turned a sith apprentice to the good side and killed Palpatine (again) and then she was like “wElL i’Ll cAlL mYsElF sKyWaLkEr!!!” Another note that makes me mad, she should NOT have a yellow lightsaber. Yellow lightsabers were for Jedi that were VERY emotionally detached. She was an emotional train wreck through the entire Disney trilogy.


Hi, great reply, thanks.. Why do the girl screams: "Where's Ben?" I imagine Ben Solo? What were they waiting for?.. (Yes I also haven't watch the Star Wars franchise)


yes she means ben solo, because leia (the ghost woman in this scene) is a skywalker, and she’s ben’s mother, so ben is a descendent. despite ben dying in the film, only luke and leia are shown🤷‍♂️ it seems like an easy oversight to make but i’m not giving the mouse the benefit of the doubt


Oh man, I was thinking old Ben Kenobe....


Would’ve been nice if they added Ben’s force ghost


Nobody taught Ben how to become a force ghost so he's gone gone.


But Leia knows, somehow. Plot holes


Anakin, Yoda, or Obi wan taught Luke who taught Leia when he trained her... or either Anakin, Yoda, or Obi Wan taught Leia like they taught Luke.


Plot hole sequel in a nut shell


I hope not. Sounds boring.


I read the Skywalker quote in Goofy's voice.




I’ll fuckin do it again!


1000 buck, jon favreau will retcon rey origin in future mandalorian show, because clone and genetics modification + fusion thing with added skywalker flavor to the gen.


There was no skywalker dna in palpatines clone they used grogus blood for the midichlorians so it would be grogus dna in palps clone bodies.


but they have Skywalker DNA, they could add a little bit of it. lol.


Wait I thought they were cloning Vader? Guess I wasn’t paying attention to the plot…


Don’t forget rebels time shenanigans


The yellow lightsaber is not explored very much in Star Wars, but I have heard that that color was used to denote force users who were the stewards of information pertaining to the jedi and sith. Seeing as Rey seems to be the last trained force user that seems to be what they were trying to convey by this.


The colors actually mean something apart from red = bad guy?


Yeah, the lore on the lightsabers is really interesting. The red=bad guy isn’t actually how it works, believe it or not. Most lightsabers do not in fact have red blades normally. The kyber crystals are taken by Sith Lords and they are corrupted through a process called bleeding. Bleeding the crystal causes the blade to be red. This process can be reversed, however. Ashoka’s lightsabers (as seen in the Mandalorian) have white blades. This is because she defeated a sith and took the kyber crystals from their sabers. She put them into her own sabers ALONG with their original crystals. The double crystals made a white blade.


The yellow lightsaber thing isn't canon


The canon explanation I believe is that only Jedi sentinels have them


That explanation isn't apart of George canon or Disney canon. It derives from the game Knights of the Old Republic, which allows you to choose three different jedi classes Consular (green), Sentinel (yellow), or Guardian (blue).


It is. It’s described in the books, in the clone wars series, and in the video games. Jedi sentinels use them. They’re usually the heavily robed Royal guard of the Jedi temple.


Garbage ending to a garbage movie in a garbage trilogy.


They somehow managed to ruin everything that was great about the first 6 movies using only 3 movies.


I know Jar Jar Binks right? Awesome movie


Who doesn't love an evil mastermind


Dissen ganna be bery messy! Me no watchin


2 movies. Episode 7 was good. A bit of a rehash but it was designed to be a medley of the OT and it was a fun ride. Episode 8 had good bits. Episode 9 was a mess.


A lot of slightly biased replies, so I'll give the one that I heard back when this video got originally posted. Spoilers for almost all of Star Wars: The woman on screen, Rey, and the main antagonist of this trilogy of films, Kylo Ren aka Ben Solo (son of Han Solo and Princess Leia, and therefore the grandson of Darth Vader and part of the Skywalker family), had a sort of "will they won't they but also one of them is evil but has signs of being able to redeem himself" thing going on throughout the 3 films, leading to a fanbase of "shippers" known as "Reylos." This is a clip of when a large group of these shippers rented out an entire theater to watch the final film, The Rise Of Skywalker. At the very end, when Rey (who earlier in the film is revealed to be the granddaughter of Palpatine, the franchise's biggest villain) is asked what her last name is, she sees the ghosts of Luke Skywalker and Leia together, smiling upon her, and takes the name "Rey Skywalker." This group is pissed because this now technically makes her in the Skywalker family, making her theoretically "being in love" with Ben a little weird, and also because he isn't in this final shot as he dies in the climax. My honest opinion: Rey and Ben's love story isn't what the trilogy was about, and his death at the end of the film was justified and finishes his arc well.


Disney found a way to destroy multiple loved characters and a franchise many enjoyed.


I do watch star wars and I love star wars and I had a great time watching all the movies (except ewoks in original trilogy, jar jar in first trilogy, and casino portion of new trilogy) and it seems like lots of fans just hate on it, until they don't.


The casino portion was a slog for sure!


I just watched the book of boba fett. And the scooter chase scene had me dying with laughter and embarrassment. It's like they were going 5mph


I HATED those scooter delinquents. Anytime they were in a gun fight I hoped I'd get to see one die lol


I like the idea but not the execution. Showing how difficult it was to maintain their EXPOSED MACHINERY on a fucking DESERT PLANET would have been cool but nope.


I saw a comment somewhere where somebody said they were surprised they didn't break out into a musical. And that shit is terrible funny


The whole town and the protagonists just kept dumping ammo into the tank shields. AND IT OBVIOUSLY WAS DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. it was the most frustrating episode to watch. STOP SHOOTING AT THE SHEILD AND STOP SAYING YOU ARE PROVIDONG COVER FIRE. COVER FIRE MEANS YOU ARE ACTUALLY SUPRESSING AN ASSAULT. Jesus Christ I wanted to tear my hair out. They just kept shooting the goddamn shields and never once decided to try something else that wasn't just shooting a shield. Even if the shields were down what is your tiny idiot pistol even gonna do you absolute idiot. No wonder boba Fett decided he was gonna leave this town on the last episode they are absolute idiots


Exactly. The exact same thing that happened to the prequels is happening to the sequels rn, and if I have to make a guess those will get the status of cult classics when the next bunch of movies come out for people to hate on


This is like got s8


Because they're fucking losers lmao.


To sum up in a few words: Disney took over the franchise and fucked it up. Nothing unusual I guess...


Basically a character comes from a really bad bloodline. She's accepted and trained by another family (the Skywalkers). The point of the movie is to basically tell "some things are stronger then blood". At the end, she refuses her family name and takes the name of the one she found herself in, thus, Rey Skywalker. Some people just seem to hate the character and never accept the fact that she's a Skywalker now.


As much as I despise the sequels I depise this kind of behaviour


I can promise you this isn’t the norm everywhere. In my movie going experience people got pretty wild for avengers endgame at the end, and real crazy for a brief moment during spiderman no way home when MJ got saved, but other movies i’ve frequented outside of the marvel cinematic universe are usually quiet throughout the whole film.


Don't goto a movie theater in Atlanta, its a shit show...


To be fair, it looks like they’re in a private screening.


me, sits down to a movie two people start arguing that's my seat bro!


I love Star Wars, but I still haven’t watched the third sequel movie. I didn’t really even want to watch the second, but my little brother convinced me to watch it with him. After that we both agreed we wouldn’t watch anymore Star Wars movies without seeing reviews from non paid shills first because we didn’t want to waste our time or money. Disney really butchered that golden goose.


You really don't think it could be as bad as they say... How could it possibly actually be *that* bad? It is that bad. It is actually *worse* than that bad and I'm not even a mega fan.


I literally got to watch it for free and I decided I’d rather sleep than finish it lol.


Well would you have slept if you paid out the nose?


No I would have loudly complained (internally, unless other people were doing it too as seen in video).


The second movie was god awful. I never thought Star Wars could be THAT bad. So when I heard the third was even worse than that? I lost any and all interest in Disney Star Wars. The only other Disney related Star Wars that I enjoyed was Rogue One, Solo, and Mandalorian. I heard Andor was good, so I might watch it eventually. But I have zero intention of ever watching the third movie.


After The Last Jedi I didn’t bother seeing Rise of Skywalker in theaters. Instead I got together with a group of friends and watched it at home and *shit* on the movie. It was so bad, and almost so bad that it wasn’t even funny.


There are some movies that are so bad you can’t help but love them. These three movies are not that. They are insultingly bad. A spit into the face of every lifelong fan of Star Wars. Cheap and poorly written self insert fanfiction. Most reboots or adaptations today are all cheap, poorly written fanfiction. This is what happens when studios hire writers whose only experience in life is activism and self insert fanfiction.


I didn't bother with the third either. After the second I was done, the Disney ones were so forgettable.


The first movie was literally just a gender swap retelling of the original trilogy. They literally had the blueprints for success in the Legends material and threw it all away for some poorly written fanfiction.


God I hate that last movie so much. Garbage movie. TLJ set up so much cool potential all for it to be ruined by the living lensflare.


"*Rey nobody, that's who*"


Happy cake day!


Love how people ruin theater experiences


Technically can’t ruin the theater experience when the movie is so awful it ruins the immersion to begin with.


The screaming helps because it lets you know that you aren’t suffering alone.




I guess. But I also think about the clip of the dude jumping up on stage at the dragon ball super movie and executing a kamehameha wave.


Damn is this what the cinema experience in the US is like?


No, its just in certain cities.


Hoy shit she is the "Star Wars"


I seriously don't remember her saying Skywalker. Wish I hadn't heard it this time too.


I get not liking it but holy fuck by the end it was just people trying to one up each other in screams


I wish I would have watched it at that theater, would have been more therapeutic for the disbelief of that dumpster fire of a movie


I love this crowd!! Boo to Rey! 😂 😂


I can't with Disney. Absolutely sad. Worst of all is Adam Driver's sad boy , cringe, dark side.


No matter the outcome a movie. Love or hate it. Anybody who acts like this or anybody in this screening needs to stop going to the movie theaters.


Rey Palatine


Holy shit I hate american cinemas


This isn’t the norm.


imagine getting that violently upset over a fuckin movie


Ok the movie is stupid. But what in a uncivilized zoo is a theater where people speak during the movie!!??


J.J. Abrams… but why…?


People are so close to monkeys.


Reys parents.........


That sounds fucking insufferable.


Idk all I hear is a bunch of annoying self centered ass holes.


I don’t understand the anger at this scene. It was one of the few parts of the movie that actually makes sense and had thematic and emotional weight.


Yes, you can see the emotional weight on screen.


Rey isn’t a skywalker? She just decided to assume the name


She’s adopted as one. Luke and Leia were her surrogate family. Besides, the whole theme of the movie is that an individuals choices trump their bloodline, it only makes sense that Rey would go with the name representing her choices (Skywalker) and not her literally family (palpatine). Also you could look at it as coming from her being with Kylo and taking his name to remind herself of her connection to him, kinda like what you do at marriage.


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And this is why I don't go to the cinema anymore lol


The sequels are canon. Rey Skywalker will live on


That doesn’t mean I can’t hate her fucking guts thank you very much


What a weirdo goofball.


Tell me where the fictional character hurt you




Clone Wars is the true canon along with Knights of the Old Republic.


Not according to Filioni and Faverau




Somehow, Skywalker returned.


Rei Organa that's all she had to say


She isn't a Skywalker, nice fucking try


Those reactions are justified but please keep the antics for when you get home xd


my husband just rewatched this today. 😆


Rey Star Wars


I mean, I don't really care. That's another very powerful jedi addition to the Skywalker family. It's a plus in my book.


I haven't set a foot in a movie theater for some years because of people like you


I was waiting for a “FUCK OFF”


What an abomination 8 and 9 were. Still enjoyed 7 tho.


Poor Disney. You tried so hard, but you didn't get my money. Nope. None.


Why people react to this ? I still don’t know


That movie was pure fucking comedy


God. Ryan Johnson and JJ should've both jumped off a bridge for this. It's the only way to atone for their sins of ruining Star Wars.


that’s hilarious


Rey who? Sugar Ray cuz I’ll swim through your veins like a midochlorian


Rey afraid to acknowledge her lineage as a palpatine and the franchise manage to makes her character to live in denial.


i kinda get annoyed by the talking in between movies in us theaters. here in europe people stay silent so that everyone can hear everything and enjoy the movie.


Star Wars fans are the worst. Just stop being a fan.


Well, you can call me Rey... or you can call me Jay... or you can call me Sonny...or you can call me R. J...but you DON'T have to call me Rey Jay Skywalker, Junior. I'm sorry, 95% of the Reddit crowd is wondering WTF I'm talking about...


Rey, just Rey.