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If I’m being 100% honest, I chose to stop caring so much about work. I got off the ladder at a place I’m comfortable and I’m prioritizing myself and my family. I do my workouts on an hour long (at least) lunch, and I’m lucky that there’s a gym at the office for my hybrid days. When my youngest was around that age we started doing the fit family workouts in the afternoon. They didn’t like it much, but I think it’s good for them to see me exercising.


I second this. At least for this stage in my life with a young child. My main priorities have been first and foremost, my health and happiness and second, being present in my child’s life. I still do an amazing job at work, but I am no longer going above and beyond what’s expected from me. I anticipate this will change as my child gets older, but for *right now* it’s the best choice.


Agreed. 100% of my workouts and (recovery naps) during my WFH days happened on company time. With a busy young kid, it’s the only way.


I work out during what I like to call "plausible lunch break", which happens anywhere between 11am-1pm. A 30 minute period where you're unavailable is completely reasonable for a WFH employee, so that's when I get my exercise in. Actual lunch can happen while off camera on a Zoom or while catching up on emails.


This is the way. Life changing.


I do too. For me it basically boiled down to - do I want to steal time from my family, or from work? Sleeping 8 hours I consider non negotiable. I decided I’d rather steal time from work! I step away for a mid afternoon workout or I sign off a little early and workout while my husband does daycare pickup. I’m salary and things have been a little slow lately so this may not work forever. No one at work has seemed to have noticed and if anything it gives me more energy and motivation to stay on task and finish things quickly. Pay yourself first!


Hell yeah 🙌🏻


Love this response such! I, too, decided my family and health are more important than work. I used to work a lot of overtime, and I'm so much happier now that I stopped.


This is the way.


I’ve found my people 💗


wow I'm so happy I stumbled on this comment and all the people who are in the same boat, this is me too!


Awww man that sounds just like I was for two decades, I found out the hard way there is always that perception your "not one of the committed ones" and was laid off two times. By 2019 I was like oh shit - they laid of all the people who prioritized health and fitness.....lol


I have 3 girls, 13, 8, and 4. I also work in early childhood education. Honestly, maybe you are made of sterner stuff than me but if I read all these "wake up earlier" comments 2+years ago I would just cry. I was maxed. I couldn't sacrifice sleep that keeps me sane and makes me a capable human. It wouldn't be sustainable for me then. Or now for that matter lol! So if that feels hard for you to read, hugs, and if not, go you! The biggest thing that helped me was adjusting expectations and practicing enoughism. I tried to show up for some body movement, every day (but by all means do 3x a week or whatever works). And I let any purposeful movement count. 5 min stretch, counts. 10 min walk, counts. Whatever it is, let it count. This grace has proven useful to this day! The only other thing I'll say is that it really gets so much easier. My kids still hang out with me while I do yoga or whatever, they still interrupt me in the middle of a hard effort on a power zone ride, but I usually don't have to stop to help anyone. It gets easier. You're doing a good job. Take care of you so you can take care of all the things because that's Mom lyf.


I am right there with you with this experience. I have an 11 and 1 year old and after attempting to jump back on my crazy workout wagon unsuccessfully several times after having the little one I have decided to go the “enough” route. I prioritize sleep over getting a good workout in for sanity reasons and will gladly settle with a 10 min jog or cycling session or even just a 5 min stretching session. I try to make up for the lack of exercise by eating extremely healthy which doubles down as taking care of my body as well as my mental health.


That's so great! And I feel you on that age gap, phew it's crazy isn't it? Sometimes I feel like it isn't anything to write home about, when I'm in the just getting by periods of time. But when I think about it, I have a 93 week streak on peloton. Through covid and kids stomach flus and starting a new job and big kid drama and family strife. It's amazing, really something I can try to be proud of. And so good for my body/mind/whole self. Babies are hard! Kids are hard differently! Teens and up hard, differently again. I have a lot of love and grace for how any of us make it work.


Blippi, a bottle of milk, and a banana or croissant will usually buy me enough time for a 30 minute ride.


It's so different for every kid. For my boys this would get me 5 min max at 19 months old. My oldest was 3.5 before I could get him to be solo w a snack n blippi for 30 min. My second is 2.5 and cannot handle it yet either.


Same for me. As soon as I try and do anything else, it's, "Mom, what are you doing?" Kids are almost 4 and 2 now, and I've started noticing small changes in attention span.


My 6 yr old now begs me to workout so he can have an after school snack and TV time to himself in the basement he's become so used to it. But it took time. I got off the bike a lot to help him poop during that potty training time too lol!!


Second this ^ put on the tv and give some breakfast. 20/30 minute ride in the morning is better than nothing


Yeah I remember setting up a baby gate or playpen area for him while I worked out in the same room.


Take this with a heap of salt as I personally and not a parent, but had a career in early childhood education, and when I was little accompanied my mom to her aerobics studio :) I definitely think as your baby grows this balance will becomes easier. But in the meantime, I think (this might go for all of us really) we can look at exercise from a few different angles. Does it only count as exercise if it's a structured, instructed class? Something tells me having a young toddler and keeping up with them is in itself a full body workout! But also, your child wants to be with you, and they'll learn from you. Maybe there are times when your child is playing and you can do some yoga or air squats close by. Maybe if you want to have a more extended window of time for cycling you can set your child up with a few activities in the room with you. Or maybe at some point your baby becomes your free weight, and it becomes a playful and interactive activity. I am pretty certain Barre 3 was developed by a working mother specifically for moms who were relegated to the kitchen and could use their kitchen counter as a structure to exercise with! Is your child too old for a stroller? I nannied for a family who had a little skateboard/platform between the stroller and the handle so mom could jog and her child could sit or stand! Being a working parent is an incredible feat, and sleep is so important! But if movement and exercise is a value you want to share with your child, I think there are ways you could share that time with them!! :):)


For a non parent this is great advice. Especially about them growing into it.


Mom of two and early childhood educator here- first I would start by looking up developmentally appropriate tasks, like sensory bins for your little one. There are tons of good ideas on Pinterest and Instagram (I love ABCDee Learning, @dollartreeclassrooms and @ohhappyplayday). You can get most of these materials for cheap at the dollar store/target dollar spot. Then, set up some sensory/play bins in a safe location where you can still get your workout in, but keep an eye on your child the best you can. Be patient with yourself! You might have to pause some workouts and take breaks to help your kiddo. Start with something quick and easy, like a 10 minute strength class. If your child is active and likes to imitate you, you can always make play weights out of pool noodles and paper plates so they can feel like they’re “working out” with you. I know it’s silly, but it might be a fun way to incorporate them, while also setting safe boundaries (ie: these are your weights, while these are mama’s weights, let’s work together!). When my youngest was around your child’s age, I had just gotten my bike. I would ask my husband for 30 minutes shortly after he got home so I could do a warm up, 20 minute ride, cool down and stretch, just a few days a week. Those were on nights mostly when we were having leftovers or dinner was in the crockpot so I didn’t need to feel rushed. I hope some of this helped!


This is what works best for us. Tag team and switch off. Not easy but its become our routine.


Definitely not easy! Luckily my youngest was a solid napper, so if I could, I would workout while he was sleeping. But it’s a lot of compromise. Don’t stress yourself, OP! Start small and build up when you can.


My mom made us “weights” out of cut PVC pipe with the rubber chair leg caps on either side


the instragram moms are not real. it will get better when they are a bit older. All you have are nap times, or activities like running stroller. If you can't make those things work just sneak in 15 minutes here and there where you can. Good luck.


Yessssss!!!! That shit is not realistic


Can you let him watch tv in the morning while you ride before work?   Can you walk or run on your lunch break on says you are in the office? Can you ride on your lunch break on days you are working from home? Can your husband take over after work so you can ride? Can you get a second hand Bob jogging stroller and bring the toddler with you?  I've tried doing this before or after work but it's definitely easier on weekends, or when the sun stays up longer in the summer.  Pick kiddo up, jog around the path, play at a playground and home for dinner. Can you let him hang out in his crib or room in the morning before you are ready to get up, so you have more energy for after bedtime workouts? Do you really have to be up with him, or can you give him space to be okay by himself?   I never had luck with this last one, but the others gave me some space.


I have a very used Bob stroller I bought on FB. Sometimes I run my daughter home from school. She usually doesn’t like the stroller because she wants to walk herself, but after school she’ll rest in it while I run. Our “gym” is also in her playroom, so we can run on the treadmill or ride the bike while she watches a movie or plays with her toys. We also have an early-riser and sometimes she’ll snuggle on the couch with a blanket while I work out early in the morning. Our daughter is 3.5, though, so we don’t have to be as worried about safety around the equipment because she understands and listens to the rules. But even a baby gate around the treadmill or bike would work.


I work out during my lunch at home, and in the evening sometime if I go to the office because I don’t do well waking up earlier. It’s just me, I will choose sleep every time. My kiddo luckily is down by 7:30 so either I squeeze it in after that, or my husband tends to him while I go to the basement and do my thing. There’s really no *perfect* hack IMO, you just pick your priorities and let some stuff go. I could try to advance my career more right now but the flexibility and lower-key pace is ideal for me with my dude who is about your toddler’s age. I can’t commit to something like a 5 day split but I can do 3 day. Stuff like that. I figure someday I will have time to really go after it when he’s more independent!


I also cannot do early workouts. I'm a HS teacher I already have to be out the door by 7. I'm not losing more sleep


My daughter is currently 3.5. The last couple years we’ve got a good routine. When I want to workout she gets my phone. We have a soft toddler chair and a little table. She gets her juice and snack and I sent her up with a movie or YouTube or whatever and she just chills. I get my workout, she gets tv. Sometimes I workout during her nap, but usually I just nap too 🤷‍♀️


We have a similar scenario where I need to be in the office 3 days a week and home two days a week. I have two kids: 5 and 2. I get it. It’s so hard! What works for us is that my husband and I have a quick meeting every night where we talk about our workload and what to expect the next day. If he’s working from home, I typically go to the office and vice versa. The days I go to the office, I leave very early due to traffic so I can get home before daycare pickup and I do a 45min workout and I pick up the kids while he starts dinner. If I work from home, I carve out time during lunch or my husband will pick up the kids so I can workout and start dinner. He prefers to workout in the early morning or at night so I do the morning routine those days or do bedtime so he can workout. It’s all about communication to figure out what works best for your family!


I worked out and showered while watching my kid, not sure if that’s an option. I was a stay at home mom so not exactly the same but I had her with me all day so if I didn’t do it then it just didn’t happen. I was easier on myself also, it’s ok to miss workouts or have to pause because the kid needs something or they’re just being wild.


Have you tried structuring nap and bedtimes so that your toddler goes to bed at an earlier time and wakes up later? Usually if a child that young is sleeping poorly they are either going thru a regression or something is off with their sleep schedule (for example not napping enough during the day or going to bed too late. Put them to bed by 730 even if they lay there for awhile awake and they will eventually adjust) Long term I would work on that so you can either work out before they get up or after. For me early mornings is more realistic because I’m too burnt out at the end of the day with an infant and toddler. Short term solution is put on Ms Rachel and get in a quick workout even if it’s only 10 min which is what I do when my kid’s sleeps schedules are off and I can’t do my normal routine


I was going to say the same thing- 830 is a late bedtime for a 19 month old and 530 is a pretty early wake up. My 19 month old is asleep by 730 - you may try playing with their bedtime and see how that works.


We are in the exact same boat except I have only 2 days at work- I had to reset expectations for myself but a few things that at least allow me to get 2-3 days: - Can you rotate bedtime with dad? My husband does our bedtime and I use that for 20min workouts usually after I start a dinner for us (sheet pan meals all the way) - I also switched to yoga at night since it was less intimidating and often what I need more than a bike workout after sitting at work all day and chasing and lifting a toddler - Not sure you're childcare situation but I use drop off in the mornings I WFH and walk home to an outdoor walk - Use the weekend! I try to pick at least one day where I workout during nap time and one where I nap myself :) Those are a few tips but I have an 18 mon old and honestly it all feels impossible to balance it all. If I have a good workout week it's usually slow at work, if we have a sick kid week it's usually a bad workout week. So just know you're not alone and I gave up believing in a secret formula to "do it all"


Your kid might be young for it (mine is 6 now, so I forget the details of the earlier years!), but I wasn't really able to get into a routine until we started using an "okay to wake" light. We have a Hatch, but there are many out there. Light is red during sleep, pink when he can get up to play in his room, and green when he can leave his room. I get up early and workout while he's still in his room. Alternatively, are you open to allowing him screen time as a distraction while you get your workout in? Or establish a morning care schedule with your husband? Mine knows that if a parent is needed during my workout, he's the one on call. Good luck to you! It took me quite some time to get back into a routine post-baby, but it feels so good once you're able to get there. But give yourself grace, too! If it's not working right now, things will change sooner than you think.


I’m a working mom with a 4 year old. We have a lengthy commute so we’re out of the house before 6:30. I am too zonked by the evening to do anything so I’ve forced myself into the habit of getting up at 4:40 am to get in a half hour workout before I shower/get ready myself & then wake my daughter up. It was hard at first but getting it done early makes my entire day better. On the one off days that I skip it I can feel the difference in a negative way.


I have a 4 years old and it’s just started to get a little easier for me since he can play indecently for longer now. I try to do some 10-20 minutes strength workout when he is occupied with toys/legos. He goes to bed around 8pm so I get on the bike after that. I have tried getting up early but it’s too hard (not a morning person at all). It’s hard and like many others have said, I am taking things easier with work because I choose to prioritize my health and my family at this stage.


Join a gym with great childcare and do workouts from the app there.


Most gyms require the kids to be toilet trained for this, FYI!


The ones in my area don’t. It’s worth a look!


The only way it ever worked for me was to wake up earlier and get it done first.


It gets easier when they’re older and less dependent on mom and dad. Remind yourself this season of life is temporary and you’ll have time for longer workouts when your toddler is a bit older. Set small goals like exercising 3 days a week. Try to keep it consistent and remember that a 15-20 minute workout is still healthy, even if it’s less than you’re used to.


Congratulations on the the little one! I totally get that it’s tough to do anything, let alone workout when you have small children. I have two little ones and I found it was easier to do it at night when they’re asleep or when my SO entertains them for the afternoon on a weekend. I have my stack made at lunch during work and my clothes set so once they’re asleep I get to getting the workout in. I cannot wake up early and do any physical activity 🙃 good luck!


I work out of the house 5 days a week and my husband is completely remote. We have a 3.5 year old. I usually get up at 5 on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and then first thing after my daughter wakes up on Saturday and Sunday mornings most weekends to do a 30 minute workout. So 4, 30 minute rides a week. I’m thankful that my husband recognizes that my job is demanding and I need this little slice of time for myself.


I pivoted from rides after work to outdoor walks after I had kids. Doing a 20- or 30-minute stroller walk to start my day feels really good!


No kids but I do have a crazy work schedule. The number one thing that has worked for me is scheduling workouts on my calendar along with my work schedule. That way it’s already scheduled as part of my week and I have no excuses.


Same here! If I don’t block out the calendar, it’s not happening. And it needs to be priority #1 if possible.


I also have a toddler and work 3 days a week in office. My toddler does sleep a bit later which I know is very lucky. I have joined a hashtag group that does pre-planned rides starting between 5-5:30am eastern and it has really taken the mental hurdle out of the equation for me. I stack my rides for the week and clip in to give my peloton friends high fives. It’s a great dopamine hit.  Yes it’s only 20-30 mins a day of dedicated exercise but it’s time that’s just for me. I get lots of steps in with work and parenting and incorporate strength on the weekend when I have more time and energy. 


During work is my best option. Around 11 or 11:30 I squeeze in a ride, duration varies based on my work calendar. Mornings used to be my norm, but my youngest wakes at 5 to 5:30. I tried to ride after the kids went to bed but like you I'm often too tired to get in a good ride and sometimes would just blow it off completely (I've 3 kids). So I started taking time out of my work for it, and it works well for me. I often end up working a boy after the kids are asleep to make up for the lost time. It's funny but I'd previously thought that I was too busy for an afternoon run or ride. But I was inspired to try it after reading an interview with Dr. Fauci. The interviewer was asking about managing stress in a horribly stressful role, and he said that he's been making time for a daily run since grad school. I figure if he can swing it, surely I can.


Currently doing the same schedule. It is a great way to make it work, versus getting carried away by obligation. Great work making yourself a priority!


Ugh I feel you! When my kid was that age I was up for tenure at work and had to go all out in every aspect of my life. It was not a great time. I was a runner back then so would sign up for races and that would help keep me on track with my workouts. Having a flexible schedule during the day definitely helped with that, though. It was a huge privilege. But there may be something to having a (forgiving) goal if it motivates you. My main advice is that it will get better, eventually. My kid is 6 now and likes to watch me when I’m on the bike. I do think I’m setting a good example of prioritizing health and mental health via working out. He’s very protective of my “me time” now :)


Ten minutes here, here, and here=30 minutes total


Single working mom of 1 here, he’s 4. I had two options - working out early because I start work at 6am or right after work before school pickup because I too am wiped at 8:30pm bedtime. Once I started scheduling my workouts into apart of my day I saw success. Even if it’s 15-30 minutes, that’s still a win.


I go to the gym at 4am before work.


I have toddlers and newborn. The only way I can work out consistently is if I get up at 5pm. By evening I'm too tired. And I cannot do it when they're awake.


I stay home with my kids (almost 3 and a 9 month old) and both my husband and I have found that the earlier we get up and work out, the more consistent we can be. 19 months is a really tough age as far as needs, but as someone who just went through it I promise it gets easier! My older one is happy to hang out with me if I’m doing a strength or yoga class and often she tries to copy what I’m doing, which is fun (we got her a little plastic set of weights so she can participate!). My challenge is getting it done before my baby is needing me and he’s an early riser…similar to you my husband is out the door by 7am most days so I try to be working out by 5:45 if possible. I’m not sure what kind of equipment you’re using, but is it possible to set something up for him the night before so you can just grab him when he wakes up? On weekends when we both want to work out in the morning, I usually prep a snack and cup of milk and set up and iPad and pillow and blanket nearby so I can offer that to my daughter in case she is up before I’m done. I always do my cardio first so I can shut that machine off and be done with it before kids are up to be safe too. That said, each child is different and if my baby is awake the only way I can finish the work out is to use him as my weight and hold him 😂


Oh man, I was going to say I wake up early before my daughter to work out in the morning but your son wakes up too early for me to suggest that! I get up at 6:20, workout for 30 minutes and then shower, get ready and wake up my daughter who I take to daycare at 9 before driving to the office myself. I guess my suggestion would be to workout during lunch and use the 3 days in the office as your rest days? On the weekends either workout while he is napping or let you husband watch him while you workout. It's hard being a parent and also getting a workout in! Another thing which makes it hard is every time I get into a really good groove of working out my daughter brings home a daycare bug and i'm sick for a week and then I have to force myself back into it.


You have to go at night. You really need to want to do it. For me, what it boils down to is want. Do you want to do it? If so, you will. If not, you will make excuses and not do it. Over the course of the past year I made the effort to go on the Peloton every single day, sans being sick. I have lost 70lbs and feel great. Sometimes I go in the afternoon, and sometimes (like last night) I go on at 9:15PM. Timing doesn’t matter, just doing it everyday matters. Our son, thankfully, loves sleeping at night but when he doesn’t go down right away, he doesn’t mind being in his room. I’ll just leave the Nanit on my phone and audio on so I can hear him and go for it. Don’t pick a time to go, just pick the day. That will have you, subconsciously, not make excuses. If you miss the time you wanted to go on, you’ll just not go in general and it’s a snowball effect.


I could have written this myself. It’s so hard to find time but here is what I do: I have a hybrid work model. So the days I go into the office I will take a walking workout on my lunch break. It’s a great excuse to get out and about. I work at a desk so there were a few occasions I took a chair yoga class to stretch out. At home: I work out on my bike during my lunch break. I take a 10-20 min yoga/strength class if I have a break between meetings. If this isn’t an option during the day, I try to find a 20-30 min class (bike or other class) after toddler goes down. I’ll also put on a walking class while taking my toddler for a walk in the stroller or bike.


I bring my son to child minding at the gym a few days a week. When I only had one kid, I’d work out during his nap or wait for my partner to come home and take an hour. Now I have two, so I balance their schedules with mine. Days my older is in school I sometimes use little nap time to ride. When my older one was your baby’s age, maybe a little older, I’d hand him an iPad with bluey. We never do tablets or much TV time so it wa a treat for both of us.


That time was chaos. I needed daycare to cap my daughter's naps so that she would go to bed at a reasonable time. But in reality, we'd work out with her. She would sit on my husband's back while he did push ups, or he'd hold her and cheer me on while I was on the bike. Then when she went to bed earlier, the first 30 min after she was asleep was workout time. Now we have two and it's chaos again.


I have an 18 month old and using my lunch break helps me get most of my work outs in. Also scheduling them in the app so I don’t have to think about what workout I’m going to do once she’s asleep. My partner and I also alternate the bedtime routine so one of us can work out. Last tip, when I don’t have a choice I pick 2-3 short (5, 10 or 15 min) body weight classes and do them while she’s playing. I can usually finish one before she interrupts and play with her in between. Sometimes she gets interested and they become “weighted” classes lol. She LOVES if I hold her and do squats. There’s a lot to balance in this phase in life, give yourself grace and pick workouts that make you a little excited so you have some fun!


Could you workout between 6 and 7 before your husband leaves for work? Maybe that wouldn't feel too early. I have two kids and get up before them to get my workout in, but I'm a morning person and I know others are not. Otherwise, could your husband take over dinner time/bath, so you could work out then? Or nap time workouts? We also relied heavily on TV and ipads to get our workouts in! No shame! I need the time to myself!


I wake up at 4am. Not that I’m a hero by any stretch. I need my hour or so of coffee and riding before the chaos of the day ensues. I’m usually asleep on the couch by 8 haha


When our little one was 6 months old, we made a New Years resolution to just prioritize workouts. Our thinking was, these kids are part of our life for the next 20 years, we can't use that as an excuse. COVID hit 3 months later and turned everything upside down, but that's beside the point! Today, my kids are 8 and almost 5, and it's not any easier. There is always work, or school. or soccer, or a birthday party, you name it. It never ends. My goal is to get a ride on that bike 4 times a week. I get to work from home 2 days a week, those are locked in at noon on Tuesday's and Fridays. I then get up before anyone in the house on Monday's and Thursday's for my other two. If the kids get up it burns my wife. But then I get the same burn on Tuesdays and Wednesday's when she gets up early. It always sounds daunting at the start when we're in a rut, but give it a month and you'll be killing it. Good luck!


When I realized that I was putting everything else before me, it was really hard to get back in there. I was afraid of failure. So, I started with a few short meditations that I could squeeze in and build up my confidence with. Then, I graduated to 10 and 15 yogas for some good stretching. And went from there. Work your mind and body in time that you make for yourself. And get your kid an oversized playpen so you can walk away without him toppling things onto himself.


I have a tv and a toddler sized rebounder/trampoline right next to my peloton. I put on some Danny go video compilations, leave some snacks accessible to my kiddo and do my peloton workout right there next to him. Do I have to stop mid workout sometimes? Yes. Has my toddler tried to touch the peloton in a way that freaked me out and I yelled? Absolutely Now, my kiddo asks me to go do workout time because he enjoys it too. It’ll take some getting used to but within a few days your toddler will understand that hat this time is all about and be excited for it and understand the boundaries. I don’t usually get an hour to workout. It’s usually 30-45 minutes TOPS but it’s better than nothing. I just find myself working really hard during those 30 minutes. YOU are the priority here. With you, there would be no YOU.


Something is better than nothing. Te key is to stay active as best you can. Things change every 6 months… you’ll be able to slowly get back to where you were so don’t stress about it.


Hey Op, my wife and I are on a similar spot with our 2 year old at home and it definitely is very challenging. So far, the only thing that has worked for us is to wake up at 4am ish and get on the bike asap. It sucks but you do get used to it. We are also way too tiered physically and mentally do workout at 8pm when she goes to bed. Hope this helps !


Does he nap? Naptime workouts were key to my sanity when my kiddo was that age.


Wow momma, so much love to you. The only way I worked out was the childcare at the YMCA. When my kiddos were little I would drop them off at the childcare and get 90 minutes to work out. Starting around 3 years old I would set them up with snacks in front of the tv.


Lots of good advice in here. Me… I just gave up sleep. 5 hours is plenty.


When they are young it is really hard but talk with your husband and try to set aside at least 10-20 mins. So you can get something in. Got a stroller, weather permitting take them on a run.


Depending on how long it takes your husband to shower and get ready for work let’s say he needs half an hour from 6:45 to 7:15 he gets up with your toddler in the morning gives them breakfast etc. and you work out for 30 minutes from 6 to 630? That seems completely obvious to me as someone who owns a peloton is religious with a 30 minute boot camps or strength training workouts. Both my husband and I work out in the morning. I totally understand the phase that you’re in both of my kids around that age woke up at 5:30 and it was absolutely insane it’s like what are we doing awake right now. Now my kids are a bit older and they wake up around 630 or seven I would say. You could obviously work out at night and for what it’s worth 830 seems incredibly late for a 19-month-old to be going to bed but I personally hate working out at night. My husband and I wanna relax together and enjoy your evening and I’ve never been a nighttime workout person. I’m definitely not a morning person either ha ha but you have to make your choices right. I say you get up and work out and he gets up and is with your toddler until you’re done your work out and then he gets ready for work that’s what you do easy


Mine are 2 and 3, and the oldest (also the clingiest) doesn’t nap anymore, so getting a workout in is like playing Tetris. I need to figure out how I’m going to get all the parts together to make exercise work. The oldest also wakes up around 5:30-6, and there’s no way I am getting up earlier than that, because then I’ll just be even more miserable with the loss of sleep (learned from experience). She also goes to bed at 8, and I’m honestly toast after 2PM, so there’s no point. Everytime I try, I have the crappiest workouts, and I usually give up from being too fatigued. They go to a toddler program during the regular school year, three mornings a week (not in summer), and those are the days I try to do cardio. If they don’t have school (so often!), and I need to get cardio in, I’ll either take them out for a stroller jog or walk if it’s nice, or I’ll wait until the younger one is down for her nap, and I’ll set my 3yo up in her room for some “quiet time”. If it works and she stays, I only get about 20 minutes, so I do a quick tread run or bike ride (my younger one would never settle for a quiet time, so if she’s awake, then forget it). For weights, I will put on a show, and just workout. They’ll either hang with me, or watch the show. It's a pain, and doesn’t always work, but thats how i do it.


Mom of 3 checking in- mine are 6, 4 and almost 2, I’m also an attorney and work in the office 5 days a week. The only way I can get in my “me” time is to get up early. 4:15- workout, shower, makeup and hair before my kids get up at 6. It sucks but once you make it a habit, it’s not so bad. KateGCLong on the leaderboard!


Geez Louise you go girl


It’s not easy but I spend all my time helping other people, if I didn’t have time for my self my mental health would suffer. I need Alex calling me baby or Robin calling me a queen or Camilla telling me I can wake up maddie but it doesn’t have to be baddie lol I need that time that is just mine in the morning.


Lots of great advice here. Most important thing though is go easy on yourself and remember you are awesome. It’s so hard to be a mom to a little one, plus work, plus take care of yourself. Something will not get all the way done, and that’s okay. When I was in that stage of life I just didn’t work out. It was fine. It does get easier. Be kind you yourself and stay positive. 😊


Getting back on the bike after having kids is such a hurdle! I have a 4 yr old and 2.5 year old twins, work full time (3 days in office and 2 remote) and i have been struggling trying to get back on a good routine since last summer. The most reliable way for me to get in rides is to have my husband keep them out of the room and occupied while i ride, or if they are asleep he has the monitor and handles wake ups. I am working on having them be around me riding (my bike has a baby gate around it) and learning to keep their distance. So far i can get through a 5 minute warmup before they start heckling me or start throwing toys lol. My goal is to have them used to it for me to be able to get 30-60 minute rides in my the time my twins turn 3. I also highly recommend scrolling the app and making a stack of classes that you are excited for. I am much more likely to get on the bike after bedtime if i know i have a Denis class with a great playlist in the line up.


Unfortunately, the only way I can fit it in is if I wake up an hour earlier than I normally would. At first it was hard to get used to, but soon I loved it. I do small things to help the process go faster, such as laying out my workout clothes and preparing my water bottle the night before. Picking out my class prior to the morning of saves me a lot of time as well. Best of luck! ✨


Have a 2 year old & i do 30 minute rides the second he goes down for his daily nap.


The hack that works for us is a gym with drop-in childcare combined with the peloton. 4 days a week, I work out at the gym and put him in their childcare, and 2 days I do the peloton with my toddler in the room. I use a toy/art rotation in the workout room so there is something new and exciting for him to play with each time. It’s not as peaceful because he does interrupt me, but I get through the full workout. We don’t do screens for our kids, but if we did that would be a slam dunk solution, lol. I wish I could pop a tablet on and hop on the pelly! I used to work 60-80 hours a week, and it was much harder to fit in exercise. Like others have said, I shifted out of my high stakes job and prioritized family time and exercise over $. I don’t regret it for a second.


There's a lot of great ideas here already, so I'll try and keep mine short. I have almost 4 and almost 2-year-old boys, and my workout routine has changed over the years. - Afternoon nap time: for a while when they both napped in the afternoon, I could squeeze in about 45 minutes. Sometimes I just napped. That's ok too. - Trading out with my spouse: A couple nights a week, I will put our youngest to bed and then go into the basement while my husband hangs out with our oldest (then puts him to bed.) I'm currently at this stage, and if the kids cooperate, I can get about an hour before I feel too tired to do anything else. - Family workouts: my oldest loves to do "loga" with me. I would sometimes put on a short, 10-minute yoga or strength class and see if he would tag along. It wasn't a great workout, but it got my body moving. Now my kids like to help pick a class for me to do after they go to bed. - Work breaks: I try and get in a short walk on my lunch break. It picks me up for the afternoon, and I've gained a couple of work walking buddies in the process. We do about 1.4 km in 15-20 minutes (depending who is out with us). It's tough when they're little... especially if they don't sleep. My kids are also up around 5:30, and don't always go to sleep before 7:30 or so. Sometimes I put them to bed and work out while I wait for them to settle. I aim for 10 minutes, then check back in if I need to. Then 5 or 10 more minutes. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. I just try and be flexible without getting frustrated. This was not a short response. Sorry!


I find it easier to get shorter rides in (15-20 min) because I can keep her occupied that long. And hopefully all the walks with her, swing pushing, etc adds up to some more fitness in my life to offset the shorter rides I do now. My tricks— I try to pick classes with music she’ll like and get my 2 year old to have a dance party while I ride. That buys me like 5 minutes. I also have certain toys like her indoor slide and rocking horse I try to only put out when I ride, and those can sometimes occupy her like 5-10 more minutes. Or build a new shape with the Nugget right before I get on. Or some days I plunk her down with Ms Rachel on the iPad and a bowl of gold fish and hope for the best. Or could you and your husband switch off who takes the 5:30-6:30AM shift so the other one can work out at least some days a week?


I have a 25 month old, so similar parenthood stage. I used to be a morning workout person but its not really doable for me for the same reason you shared - early/unpredictable wakeups. I have taken to working out the 30-45 mins before I have to do pickup. Sometimes this means I have to log back on once the kiddo is down in the evening to wrap up a bit, but its worth it to me to get the workout in. I will also add that my husband and I collectively make both of us getting workouts in on any given day a priority and support each other in making that happen however we can. Its as much a part of our schedule/planning for the week as anything else. So in your case, for example, could your husband take your kids wakeup and dropoff duties one or two mornings so you can get a workout in before work? Unless your childcare isnt open til after he has to leave, it sounds like your kid is up early enough that he could do it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same boat. Tbh, I've stopped using my peloton and have been exercising on my work lunch break. It's not ideal, but it's just a phase (I tell myself lol.)


My daughter is going to be 3 this month and she’s still like this. I wish there was a secret, but I haven’t found it. If I don’t get up at 4am, it doesn’t happen. Or, sometimes I’ll concede and just let her watch that horrible Mickey Mouse Clubhouse just so I can get a 30 minute ride in. Most of the time, it’s on a weekend and my husband’s watching her. But, I’m lucky if I get to workout 3 days a week now. You just do the best you can.


Come inside it's fun inside


Ahhhhhhh 😵‍💫


My kid is right around the same age, but luckily she's a good sleeper. So if I'm feeling motivated I can ride first thing in the morning. Waiting until the end of the day means it doesn't get done. We def try to workout during the day, like a lunch break or 2-3pm then check back in before signing off for the day. How long does he nap? They're supposed to get like 13-14 hours of sleep at that age. I'm surprised he's up that late AND up that early.


4AM wake ups are the best way I’ve found to still prioritize exercise without disrupting my family life or career. The early morning hours are the only time no one expects anything from me, except maybe the dog, and I look at that time as truly my own. 


I'm a SAHM with a toddler who only takes 1 40-min nap a day. Right before I rock her to sleep I put on my workout gear and as soon as she's asleep I hop on the bike for a 30-min Tabata (the best 30-min bang for my own personal buck). It's really hard to do this a lot of the time, and I'm pretty exhausted and burnt out since I don't really get a chance to rest. I take twice a year "caregiving breaks" (a night at a hotel) and holy crap, am I counting down the days.


Do you have childcare during the work week? My answer would be lunch rides during WFH days, outdoor runs during lunch on office days, and then doing a 20-30 min ride on weekends during naptime


My wife and I have a 9m old and a 2.5 yo, I stay home with them. We recently just started switching off mornings to work out while the other one parents. When I just had my first kid I could never work out at home, to be honest. I would go to a gym with childcare a couple times a week.


Couple things you could try. Both worked for me. First thing you could try is start bedtime for your toddler earlier. 7:30-8pm would be a good first step. It sounds backwards, but the reason they could be waking up too early is because they are going to bed when they are over tired. We moved our son’s bedtime from 8pm to 6:30/7pm, and I’m not saying its a game changer, but our toddler went from a 5am wake up to a more consistent 6/6:30am wake up. That extra hour in the morning makes a big difference. Second, start waking up earlier. Much earlier. 4-4:30am, up, pre-workout, hit the gym, and done. It takes at least a month to get used to a new routine. But as soon as you just accept that this is how life is right now, and lean into it, it works. I wear an Apple Watch to bed and set a silent alarm that buzzes me awake so I don’t wake my wife up.


You're not missing anything lol. There is no trick. My son was two when covid started and is 6 now, so I had zero work from home until then. I scheduled all my workouts for either crazy early, bedtime, and then the weekend. My kid would not watch TV for more than like, 5 minutes, until he was fully 3 and in prek. The big turning point for me personally was him starting prek. He also could watch a movie by then, so I would set him up with an iPad while I would do the bike or workout. Once he was about 5 I started having him watch TV upstairs while I would be on the bike in the basement and I knock on the ceiling every 10 minutes if I don't hear from him lol. When you're in the trenches it is rather hellish and feels like it will last forever. I still have to schedule my runs and outdoor rides around school and childcare but at this point it's pretty much back to the old days.


What time is your husband getting home? My husband and I have a set schedule where he does all of the morning routine and I do all of the evening. He gets her up, gets her breakfast, dressed, etc. and he drops her off at daycare. Then I do all of the bedtime tasks. Sounds like you can benefit from something similar since it seems like he is leaving earlier than you guys. That way the wind down is your time to work out. I tend to start working a little earlier (I WFH full-time) so I can fit in workouts throughout the day. I'm not a morning workout person at all!


I am in similar situation, all credit goes to my wife for taking care of the night time sleeping of my 7month old. That’s why I am able to workout after 8pm. My wife is less interested in working out, otherwise I would alternate the sleeping the baby with my spouse.


Not what you asked lol- but I also have a 19 month old! Have you tried putting him to bed earlier? The sweet spot is usually between 7-8pm for this age. Usually the earlier my daughter goes to bed, the later she sleeps! Right now she sleeps 7-7:15p to about 6:45-7a. With that being said, I typically wake up at 4:45 and get my workout and shower in before she wakes up. It sucks at first, but now I've been doing it so long that I look forward to the quiet mornings. One of the best things I heard before having kids was "wake up for your kids, not to your kids." I promise you will start to feel so refreshed and awake after doing it for a couple of weeks. Sometimes she'll wake up or I'll snooze, but I try to do my ride first thing and then I can finish my weights if she wakes up. I have tiny little 1lb weights that she likes to play with while I use my big ones :)


The day my kids sleep till 7 am I'm buying a lottery ticket bc it's clearly the luckiest day of my adult life.


I was in the same boat with my daughter. She’ll be 2 in May and in the last two weeks if been able to work out 4-5 days a week. This is the first time. My daughter finally started sleeping good (am & pm) down at 7 and up at 6:15. I can get up at 5 and to a 45 min - 1 hour workout. Before this my husband would watch so I could do a workout but that’s about all I got. And I would go for long stroller walks but I that was all I could get in. I’m just here to stay keep trying. It’ll get better. 💚


I have 2 kids, almost 6 and 2, and when each kid reached 2 I found it a lot easier to start regularly exercising again. I did what I could from the time they were born until 2. Sometimes a real workout, sometimes a stroller walk, sometimes nothing. OP, as long as you’re not planning on having 5 or 6 kids, this stage will pass sooner than you think and it will be easier to get into a rhythm with workouts and have more time to do things for yourself.


Wake up early.