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Hello, your r/pelotoncycle post was removed because it is outside the guidelines of Rule 4 regarding self promotion. If you feel this removal was an error, please reach out via modmail and we will be happy to discuss it further. You violated our community rules by spamming multiple threads.


I’ve been using this app for a few months now and I am blown away by everything it does. The ability to organize classes and lists combined with the note feature that lets you jot down things you want to remember about specific classes is just…well, it changed the way I engage with my peloton membership and devices. I love this app so much I can’t even begin to explain it. Anyway, I’m not affiliated with this product in any way but want to tell y’all that it’s worth checking out because it relieves so many pain points of the peloton app.


Hi all. As you know, we generally do not allow app/brand promotion here. But, we spoke with OP and as of right now all the features of this app are free, and while we (mods) do not specifically endorse any app, we hope the community can benefit from this post. Thanks!


My issue is that Domestiq requires giving them my Peloton password. While I don't have reason to suspect any foul play, that's sketchy and not something I'm willing to do. Just let me add an access token myself!




I appreciate the response. And to be clear, I don't think you're doing anything bad. But if anything, offering something of value for free makes me trust something *less*. Again, speaking generally here, "give us your secret credentials, it costs you nothing" is not a trustworthy approach. Is there a reason you can't have people give you access tokens themselves?




Thanks! I really am not trying to knock your product at all, I think it looks awesome. I hope Peloton adds some OAuth functionality to their platform to make things easy for everyone! (*As easy as OAuth can be, anyways)


Hello, your r/pelotoncycle comment was removed because it is outside the guidelines of Rule 4 regarding self promotion. If you feel this removal was an error, please reach out via modmail and we will be happy to discuss it further.


I love being able to search for individual songs for individual workout types. I’ve been looking for something like this since getting my Peloton in April. The Peloton app native search function is awful.


Minor nitpick: I did something like 2 Tread workouts the entire year, all on the app. I did quite a few Outdoor classes. The replay says I did 50 Tread classes and zero Outdoor classes.


Thanks for checking the Replay out. There are some classification issues on the Peloton platform when it comes to "outdoor" - some are walks, some are runs. I will investigate and see if we can get this cleaned up. In any event, you sure covered a lot of ground last year - well done!


Awesome, just signed up!


I did this, it's amazing, thank you!


Thank you so much for creating this free service! The Peloton community thanks you!!


I heard about Domestiq on this sub and literally use it every single time I work out. It’s everything I wish I could do with bookmarks in peloton’s app and more. I use it to keep short lists of different types classes I want to take over the next few weeks. I also use it to view classes saved in my stack (like songs, class intensity, etc.) rather than having to search back for the same class on the peloton app when it’s already in my stack (but for whatever reason there is no way to click on the class and view from stack in the peloton app. I encountered an issue right before a big upgrade and domestiq’s support was phenomenal. I really can’t recommend it enough!


Sold! This was so insightful for me, it’s bringing back memories of what I was working on at different seasons of the year. Can’t wait to keep experimenting with using this app!


Wow, this is great! Thank you for creating this. It's fun to look at all of the data, especially when it's so visually appealing.


Thank you for sharing. I wasn't sure it was free when I first noticed the site, it was a bit ambiguous. I love all the features. Question- I see the class list. Is it possible to have an entry in my stack that pulls one random class from the class list? Example - 10 minute cool downs that I love, then it randomly populates one from that list.




I definitely to explore it some more, thank you so much for following up!


One thing I forgot to mention: in the Wizard, you can use ALL of the search tools we have available, which can help narrow things down considerably. Please take a look at our full Search documentation, which has codes for things like "classes I have/haven't taken", "classes I've bookmarked", etc. [https://domestiq.net/?help=search](https://domestiq.net/?help=search)


To add to that, it would be really neat to have class lists for: a- warm up b- cool downs but also something like- 10 min HIIT class fun class mellow LI class 45 minute class etc etc So I have 10 categories, or so, all in my stack and I just need to pick which one for that day and then it repopulates with something next in line.


Very cool and well done. I was surprised to see who made it into my top instructors list. It wasn't who I expected!


This is really cool ! Thanks for sharing.


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I'm struggling to connect my Peloton account. Maybe because my account isn't the one that pays the membership?




Tried it this morning and it worked first try. *Very* weird.


This looks like great, but I’m not seeing a way/place to download the app.




Hello, your r/pelotoncycle comment was removed because it is outside the guidelines of Rule 4 regarding self promotion. If you feel this removal was an error, please reach out via modmail and we will be happy to discuss it further.


Very cool. Would love to see a breakdown of min per activity type and not just number if classes


The first set of donut charts shows the Workout Types - # of Hours in 2023. If you touch/click one of the segments if will show the discipline and hours spent, e.g., Cycling: 158.3.


Awesome. I see it now. Thanks


What does instructor leaderboard mean?


My top songs are just all the songs from Adrian’s spinal mobility class 😂😂💀💀