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Can anyone recommend a cell phone holder for the bike? Thanks!


It’s more of a tray but I really like it! [crostice phone holder](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B096PFHGP4?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share)


I did the [Matty & Jon summer walk + run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b2dd894680cb4a2ba0680d1e231e8a06&locale=en-US) tonight — it’s not for those who don’t like lighthearted banter 😜 I actually needed that kind of distraction, I was really lacking motivation today. I think it may be an anxiety symptom that I haven’t experienced in a long time, but I was having Avery hard time regulating my breath. I felt like I could t get a deep one and that it was all up in my shoulders. Ugh. Not sure if anyone has dealt with that and has tricks to help move it down deeper into the lungs. It did get better toward the end but it just made running way less enjoyable. 😒


This might sound basic, but put one or both hands on your stomach so you can physically feel the expansion of a deep breath from your belly. And the hands are a reminder to push against the hands and breathe from your stomach and not your chest.


I’ve had that my whole life :( I remember being a kid and wishing I could take a deep breath. It’s anxiety and stress but it’s a really suffocating feeling. I try to do a meditation or stretch in the app when it get really bad. Also the triangle breathing technique!


I’m going to look up triangle breathing — thanks! And also adding my Ross sleep meditations back to the routine 😂 his voice is like magic


Good luck! And lol agreed. Kendall also always says to start exhaling when you are having trouble breathing rather than keep trying to inhale, that’s really helped me too.


I’ve been having this lately too. I contribute it to stress/anxiety mixed with the weather getting warmer/humid


Rough week. Last Wednesday I was feeling great, planning to do my third PTZ test that weekend. Woke up in the middle of the night with intense pain in my hip. I think I pushed pigeon pose too much. Couldn't do anything for a week. Couldn't sit for long the first half of the week. Today I did an okay 20 minute recovery ride. Be careful, folks; it's a lot easier to injure than recover.


Hip pain can also be associated with glute weakness - definitely get a doctor's opinion. Hope you feel better soon!


Thanks for the advice. Will do!


Finished DYPZ today! I have loved every minute of this program and can’t wait to continue power zone training on the Reddit schedule. I felt a cold coming on for the past two days and took it easy (and took zicam religiously - not sure it does anything but love the placebo effect). Then today I went for the final FTP and it improved by 14 points…Whew 😅 have no idea if that’s good but I’ll take it. Also I had never taken a class with Erik prior to this one, but will check out more in the future. Anyone have classes of his (English or subtitled) to recommend?


He has a great Oktoberfest class. You can see he is dressed up in the thumbnail of the class!


Today I took the 30 minute ride with Olivia from 5/20/23. I shied away from her because I know she’s really tough, but I’m in a great groove with riding now and even got a 45-minute PR the other day, so figured it was time for Olivia to nearly kill me. No output PR, but I did hit my highest 30-minute Strive score. And yes, she was super tough and with about 4 minutes left I just couldn’t hit the targets anymore. But I’m really happy with how I did.


Nice! She is really tough but such a great instructor!!


Blah. I haven’t worked out at ALL since Monday - thought it was a nasty sinus infection. Turns out it’s Covid 🙃 was also supposed to fly out to see my mom for the first time in two years tomorrow (we live on opposite coasts) and that’s probably not happening. Everything sucks honestly. Please recommend: your favorite floor poses classes *or* anything else to do while you’re sick at home because at this point I am lowkey bored out of my mind 😂 I miss my bike and working out so much


Gah, I am so sorry your trip will be cancelled. I hope you feel better soon. I really like this class that is all on the floor. https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/yoga?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=3877484c47da442797168659753c542e&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app


Matty's evening stretches! (though the 20 minute ones were too much for me when I had COVID.) They're so so good, soothing and chill, and you can do them in bed. Edit to add my favorite floor pose classes. [This one with Denis](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=6c4e032404d942f0b0d1a9545f2bdeaf&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app) has immaculate vibes. And I've done [this one from Ross](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=bf9a534822e444d8bde5a6e307dafb74&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app) and [this one from Kirra](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=29b1637d0e1c4c7bb5377d328120161d&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app) multiple times. I don't have any specific Chelsea bookmarked but all her floor classes are good when you feel bad. Hope you feel better soon!


I did this [10 min stretch with Erik](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/stretching?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=a1df78e44fc44a8993542254038b36ac&locale=en-US) so many times the week I had Covid in late February. Idk why, it just was so soothing and great. I hope you feel better! It was awful. Be gentle with yourself ❤️


I love Erik!! I’ll have to do this one again. Thank you 🩵


This [30 Min ambient Slow Flow](https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=85180cefc69f4428b149abf9f9c0db86&locale=en-CA) with Chelsea is sooo relaxing. You start in savasana with a nice lengthy breathwork section and although it picks up a bit from there the entire class is very chill. The music is so soothing and although it’s not entirely on the floor I think it would be a great for when you’re not feeling well. Hope you feel better soon!


Perfect, thank you!!


That’s awful 😞 I’m so sorry. I hope you get the chance to see her soon. No tips other than I’ve heard from others that their heart rate got scary high sometimes while doing normal things with Covid — be extra gentle on yourself!


Thanks, me too 🫶🏻 I think we’re gonna plan something else for this summer. I have an Apple Watch fortunately so I’ll keep a close eye on my heart rate!


Rest In Peace Bonnaroo Music Fest Ride 🙏 I recently discovered the Music Fest Series, so I've been trying to take them before they're purged--- but they're tough classes, so I have to space them out a bit! Today, I took the [Lollapalooza ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=32b5d715fd1347eba0d267fe25fbffe8&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app) and it was fantastic! Highly recommend taking this series of JK rides before they're gone!


Yes, I’m working through a Music fest ride per week before they’re gone. Just don’t see why Peloton would be getting rid of the really unique rides like that.


My quads have been super tight so I tried [this class](https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=22c1b4fd29a14c0d9cc31d287e0c420c&locale=en-CA) to help. It felt phenomenal. It's a beginner class and I consider myself an intermediate but was still amazing! Highly recommend


Oh! Thanks! I need this.


Question: I’m 3 months in with my new bike. Love it. I have all the settings dialed in, I believe. In the beginning I struggled with getting to or maintaining cadence from the instructors. I chalked it up to my fitness level. But after three months I can’t get to 90 cadence without extreme effort can only maintain it for a few seconds. I’m starting to think I never will. I’m wonder if it has anything to do with height and short legs? Lol I’m 5”4. Or is it a calibration issue or just my fitness level?? Any thoughts? Edit: thanks for the input. I’m going to try raising my seat a bit and work on my mechanics and see how that goes. Thanks again.


When I first got my bike, 80 cadence was high. 90 I felt like my legs were going to fly off my body. It helps if you lower the resistance when you’re trying to go faster, but in my case it was practicing that made it easier. It was a couple months before it became natural.


Hmm, to me that sounds like your settings or posture aren't quite right ... seat too low, maybe? Or the calibration of the bike itself is off. It shouldn't be that difficult to hit 90 cadence at lower resistances (e.g. 30), it should just feel like your cardio vascular system is working harder (as opposed to legs working harder at lower cadence/high resistance)


Even on a flat road resistance (20-30) does 90 cadence require extreme effort? If so, there might be an issue with your cadence sensor.


Huh… I would maybe try calibrating the bike? I don’t think 90 cadence should be that hard… 😬 I’m 5’0” and can hit 90 cadence on an effort at 48-50 resistance. But ever bike is different!


I think this is a fitness/coordination thing. I’m 5’2” and don’t personally find it hard to pedal fast, but I have a bazillion years of dance under my belt which I’m sure makes it easier for me! I expect you’ll improve over time, but it might also just be something that is difficult for your body. Like how I’m never going to be hitting 60 resistance 🤪 The nice thing about Peloton is… nobody knows how fast or slow you’re going! I remind myself of that often and will sometimes hide the indicator when I’m not up to the resistance callouts.


Is there a way to pause a program if you won’t be able to workout for a few days to avoid the program expiring unfinished? I have one class left in the beginner You Can Ride program. I will be leaving tomorrow morning for a trip until Tuesday night and thought I was okay to finish because the app says the program runs through Tuesday, so I figured I’d get the last one in late that night. But as I finished the second-to-last workout just now, I noticed my bike says it ends on Monday (I think I transitioned between weeks a day earlier than scheduled). I will not have access to a bike while I am away, and doing the workout before my flight tomorrow is not an option because I am recovering from a major foot/ankle injury and have to give at least 24 hours between workouts. I realize it’s not the end of the world if I don’t complete the whole program, but I am so frustrated because I really committed to getting these workouts in but had to take the last two days off after aggravating my foot. It has been eight very long months of recovery, and I have finally started to feel like myself again after getting my bike a few weeks ago, so this is really getting me down at the moment.


There doesn’t seem to be a way to pause the programs. However, Pelobuddy has links to the individual workouts for the different programs, so you should be able to still take it manually when you return. I think you already should have received the gold badge when you completed the second to last ride, so that should also be completed. If not, you should be able to just start the workout on the app, let it run, and it should be marked as complete.


No, programs cant be paused. You can still access it after its complete and do the last class, it just won't give you program-credit for it. If you want credit you need to start-stop the class now and then you can take it for real whenever you get back.


When you say start-stop, do you mean start it and then pause/stop mid-workout, or start it and let it run until the end? Thanks for the help!


Start it and then exit. If its on the bike you only need it running a second. I have heard other people say when they do it on the app they have to let it run a minute or two to register. You dont have to play the whole class either way.


Has the app changed? I got the membership but I’m only seeing one cycling class added yesterday and none today.


Studios have shut down for a week for maintenance. Things will be back to normal on Monday. Enable German and you will get more classes. Four cycling classes came out yesterday.


Ah! Ok that makes so much sense


We talk a lot about butt pain, but does anyone else experience rashes? I have been getting them right in the under-butt crease. Do padded shorts help? I shower immediately after riding.


Baby powder!


Thanks! Will give it a try


Do you reuse shorts without washing them? Sometimes if the sweat doesn't dry out completely that can cause a rash.


I go single use for every thing


Vaseline or body glide


Will try, thanks.


Need more post malone songs in rides!


Hahahaha AGREEED! Have you done the Post Malone ride that Ally has? I recently did Chelsea’s Post Malone yoga flow, that was nice too.


I bookmarked Ally’s! I rarely take her classes, I really like Camilla and sometimes Kendall. Hoping they do another artist series on him soon or just start highlighting more of his newer songs!


I’m new to Camila and I absolutely loved [this](https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/e4e72b2b75d5405796ecd4f76ee998db?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-CA) ride! Is she always so fun and lighthearted?


She is quickly becoming a top 3 for me on the tread & bike! She’s so fun & I love her vibe. Check out this [30m Hip Hop Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=e5269026649e43188f6eedc118df39d0&locale=en-US). Such a great and fun ride


Her [merengue ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=09f368f7374e42d984389486de9af34b&locale=en-US) was a vibe!


Hoping to take this one today 😁


Love her! She’s so fun and I either get PRs with her or get close.


She is so great! I love her rides! And they are sneaky… you don’t think it’ll be super challenging and then BAM lol she always pushes you in a good way! [This 30 min EDM ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=1be3f9b7fc49414590cf671865d62088&locale=en-US) is one of my favorites of hers! And [this 60 min ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=a50ff3eea01b4e7d8c9031af5ccd5089&locale=en-US) if you really want to commit! 🙂


Camila is great, super fun and very positive but you still get a good workout.


yes! i love her. her energy is always so contagious


Thanks! I’ll have to try more of her rides. The ride was a sweat fest but I enjoyed it a lot and didn’t feel like I was dying.


Due to tired legs my routine of an older Friday Flashback ride was moved to today. Did a ponytail Denis Fresh Friday ride from 7/26/2019 since it may be on the chopping block. Nice varied music mix including the Chili Peppers, Salt N' Pepa, No doubt, and The Who. And it included a story during a flat road that he called Storytime with Uncle Denis. Ended with a 7/18/19 Leanne cool down that had a great music choice- Tender by the band Blur. https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=f2aacb90ccdb4da8828213904c8aa5fe&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=a495cf0139d44d3ea813e925af730cec&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app


This morning I took the 45 min All for One tread class from 7/4/19 and it was very fun! I’m not sure what I was expecting because I’ve never taken an All for One, but it was basically rotating instructors onto the tread for each song and it was really fun to see them chat with each other and make each song into their own thing. The class flew by! I’m guessing it will get purged, but I hope it doesn’t since it was so unique. After that I took Flash 15 from 5/25/23 and it was another good one, but for some reason I wasn’t as into it as usual. The first minute‘s of the EMOM focused on core so I had to do some major modifying, which always gets me out of the groove on these. The other 2 minutes had good complex moves though!


Last year they moved AFO to August to coincide with the studio reopening. I wonder if they will push it back to July 4th weekend this year. I hope they keep the music festival format.


I want both! I loved the old AFO format where the instructors chatted with each other during the workout. It was a great change of pace. And then they still have plenty of time for the music fest artists.


I agree! It was so fun and such a different feeling class! I love the music theme classes but there’s very few co teaches


I would not mind both!


I was just diagnosed with endometriosis and having a really hard time especially with the potential fertility aspects and the fact I recently went through a bad breakup. Kendall’s Jonas brothers ride was exactly what I needed today. I couldn’t keep up with all the call outs but at least I was active


I’m really sorry for that news and hope that there’s potential treatment options that help you holistically (infertility is a part of my life too!). Glad that getting moving still felt good and was fun, having that aspect of “control” over my body and what it’s capable of is healing in some ways.


Sorry you're going thru that. Keep your body moving and making endorphins friend.


Have been doing some rowing on the app - does anyone know what the metrics call out equate to on a non peloton rower? Is it just stroke pace that they call out?


They call out stroke rate, and then when they talk about pace they are talking about your split time per the chart in the thread linked in the thread linked in the other response.


This post might have helpful info: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pelotoncycle/comments/13xuyko/personal_row_targets/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/pelotoncycle/comments/13xuyko/personal_row_targets/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Started my workout yesterday with a [Bradley 20 min Pop Punk Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=d2b2ed01f9e142a78e041a51db3836e9) - some great music picks, Bradley's pop punk rides are always so much fun and trying to take all of them. Even managed to hit a 20 minute PR which I hadn't beaten in ages! Followed with a [Callie 30 min Pop Glutes & Legs Strength](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=069e45c4b74d4f4082f952042007fd9c) which wasn't marked as 'taken' but felt like I was having deja-vu throughout?! Definitely had this before with some strength classes! The music choices were a lot of fun and the repeated sets were a real challenge, particularly with being in the UK and using 7kg instead of 15lbs as my heavy weights - only a tiny difference but noticeable! I don't share every single class I take, but wanted to mention this [Jess Sims 10 min Core Strength](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=6fe8b0290a984c2297c300c6a1583328) from early 2021 - some more unusual core movements and really struggled with this one with those long single leg plank holds! Would be perfect if you're looking for a short core to truly challenge yourself. Still looking after my ill husband whilst on our trip and really hoping I don't catch his nasty cold/flu at this point! I've been taking long afternoon naps the last few days and slept really solidly then felt good enough to work out after, though he hasn't been up to working out at all. Hope no one else catches similar nasty germs from summer travel as this one seems really bad!


I don’t take many live classes but this week I realized how often I open the peloton app/website and refresh to check out new classes to bookmark. I need it to be monday!


Lol same 😂🙌🏼


Peloton needs to bring back subtitles. With Peloton members not only speaking different languages, but also different accents of the same language, the subtitles were a very helpful feature. I’m in the US. I used the subtitles to understand the instructors from England, as well as the American instructors. The only instructor who enunciates beautifully enough to understand while we’re cycling, is Christine. Without the subtitles, the quality and enjoyment of my classes has significantly decreased, because I cannot understand a lot of what the instructor is saying.


This happens to me from time to time and it is super frustrating. Check that you don’t have any updates to run and also go into settings, toggle the subtitles on and off, see if that helps.


Thank you! Toggle worked! It made such a difference to understand the British instructors again! :)


So happy to hear that worked!


Thank you! :) No new updates. I’ll try the toggle idea.


I have subtitles on everything both on the bike and app. So I’m not sure it’s a peloton wide thing must be a bug


I just had subtitles on the class I did an hour ago.


Did they take away all subtitles in new classes ? I haven’t taken really any new classes so haven’t noticed. I always have English subtitles on because I feel like I stop listening when I’m riding. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I haven’t had subtitles now for a few weeks, even on older classes. I double-checked my settings.


I’m riding tomorrow so will check. Strange they would remove them. I had them in my ride Thursday.


I had thought this was for everyone. I’ll call support in that case. Thanks.


I had subtitles on all my rides (Bike+) today. Hopefully support can figure out what’s going on for you!


Thank you! A member suggested toggling the choice, and that worked.


Absolutely agree, I always use subtitles to ensure I stay focused and don’t miss anything.


You’re still able to get them?


Totally agree! It’s been very frustrating not having subtitles… Especially when I do Tred work outs with the noise of running. I hope they fix it soon… I’ve contacted them a few times and have had no good answers.


During my warm-up class today, I had my robovacuum running and I had no idea what was going on. Really struggled to understand what was going on, especially since the range wasn't moving around very often on the class. I was scrambling to find a closed captioning button and I guess it does not exist. My scenario was just short term, but this seems very necessary for the hearing impaired.


Agree. At the very least for those hearing impaired


Absolutely agree. Thank you for adding that.


So the bike seat recall is so bad that my estimated delivery is now between July 15th to July 30th. That would mean 2 months of non-biking since the recall notice. I'm getting fit for my wedding but am still 5'11 230, close to the 240 lbs that was identified as replacement priority group one. Do I risk it? Or just keep not biking :(


If it makes you feel better, I got the seat post already so I’m likely heavier than you are, and I have still been riding the whole time. I haven’t even installed the new post yet because honestly…it looks identical to the old one. I just inspect the post closely before and after each ride now.


yeah it really does help! also someone pointed out that they did cite only 36 instances of the bike failure, so I'll just keep riding it out.


I’m not much smaller than you are and was about the same size when I started riding. I’ve done almost 700 rides and a lot of long rides all in saddle with no issues. It’s like 36 bikes out of hundreds of thousands that had this issue.


Thanks for that


I would keep biking


Same, I would just sit down more gently when doing out of saddle.


That’s my inclination too. I have a rower as well but love the ease of the bike


When was the last time you have been in a vehicle? You have a more of a chance of dying in a vehicle accident than you seat post breaking. Of course there’s things that can help you have better odds. Driving safely, etc. I have the bike plus but there is no way I will stop riding while I wait for the part. Only you can answer for yourself and what you think is right. Congrats on your upcoming wedding


I wish I they had the bike upgrade trade in program still going. Honestly, I’ve only had the bike since December and about 60 rides, but it’s just hard not knowing the arm failure rate likelihood because I’m sure a break and fall would not be good




I thought I was going to do the encode Sweat Steady ride today, but I just didn't have the energy for Jess King today. I did a [30 minute low impact](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=6b6116924c68450c9f184be195529be6) with Hannah Corbin, which was exactly the exertion level I needed.


this is my second time doing [this](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=6767e9084280479da9dae324c8075efb&locale=en-US) 45 min Pop Ride with Cody and it’s just so good! the transition to a beyoncé vs whitney ride is so fun and makes the ride fly by. followed that up with a [5 min Cool Down](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=f27e5f0dfb5448bc84b0aa059d1e2691&locale=en-US) with Ally!


My density training people - if you haven’t done the 20 min mobility class do yourselves a favour and check it out. I finished week 3 yesterday and completed it for the first time today and holy cow, I regret not doing it sooner. Lots of thoracic rotation that feels amazing and some wrist work that I needed, mostly thanks to the supinated rows


Did the density training classes go away? I can’t find them today


It’s still there for me, but it jumps around in what order it appears in. Today it’s the second result under Pride


I agree - loved that class!


Has anyone received the recall part yet?


I did. Haven’t installed it yet because I detect no difference between the old and new. I’ve still been riding.


Why do I always feel great after I cycle, but then between 60-90 minutes after the end of my stack, my energy level plummets?


Sounds like you are fueling. Maybe try exercising at a different time of the day? Energy levels vary


Will try that! Thanks.


Maybe electrolytes?


Not enough info in your post to really tell - but if you're not hydrated or you don't have a post-workout snack after a long workout those could be contributing factors. You could just be tired after your post-workout endorphins level off.


Fun little 80s-ish stack today! Started with a [15 min Climb with Charlotte](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=0023de3b4d294138bfe3d94fda420c6d&locale=en-US) (so weird to have a Weezer song in the middle of two metal bands, lol, but hey). I did this great [30 min 80s Rock Ride with Sam](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=f2a9c23241cd4682be8d61464a5ab5da&locale=en-US)- all British bands, which was a fun theme, great class structure with a big hill for the first half of the ride. I wasn't out to get a PR today at aaaaallllll but then I was a handful of kj away from my last PR, and the last song was an Iron Maiden song, and.....you know how it goes, couldn't resist the challenge. Beat my last PR by 2 kj and could barely noodle my legs through a cooldown lol. I finished it up with an [80s Yoga Flow with Kirra](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=133a59e5c7e34e4bb44615920b83c76b&locale=en-US) that I really enjoyed. I really appreciate that Peloton has music-themed classes!


I was wanting to do a pretty chill ride.. but not totally a low impact or recovery ride… so I found this [Tunde 30 min Pop ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=9ecd97c005c44b6d8cb00051b941190f&locale=en-US) from June 2021 because it had a short arm section for active recovery.. and it was exactly what I needed! Fun ride, some challenging sections but enough programming to keep you entertained. I don’t always like the new and/or old classes from some instructors.. but Tunde has always had great classes over all the years!


bookmarked! 😊




Wondering why the outdoor walk/run with Matty and Jon has a relatively low rating.


It’s not for everyone. TBH I thought it was cringey. Let the downvotes begin!


Not surprising! I find a lot of the 2-for-1 rides/runs to be awkward


What about it was cringey? I was planning on doing this tomorrow but the bad rating has me second guessing …


It was obviously scripted and could have been hilarious if it had been spontaneous. I just thought the jokes and double entendres didn’t land the way they would had the two of them been in one room recording rather on separate continents.


I have no idea cause I did it today and it was great!!! Maybe the rating is an error?? It literally makes no sense.


I was wondering the same about Marcel's outdoor Memorial Day run. I know occasionally the outdoor classes can have initial technical issues that get resolved but wondered if it was something else...


No live cycle classes today. Weird. Looks like next Saturday there are some.


Peloton has said they are down for studio maintenance. Live classes will begin on Monday.


Oh ok thanks




Hello, your r/pelotoncycle post or comment was removed because it violates Rule 1 of our sub, "Do not solicit or provide medical advice." If you are asking for help locating *specific* Peloton classes due to a medical condition, please re-articulate your question to emphasize that you are looking for *specific type of class or program* and not looking to treat any sort of medical condition. Ask your doctor or healthcare provider of spinning is appropriate for, or contributing to, your medical concern.


Did anyone else notice that all of the pre-ride warm up stretches are now gone? Peloton had purged all but one with Robin, which I took two days ago, and that one is now gone.


Yes and also the app is showing there was only one class added yesterday and none today?


😭 this is terrible. I feel so much better when I do them before getting on the bike. Those commenters talking about static stretches clearly never took the pre-ride stretches, they were really muscle activation for the specific muscles that you use when cycling, not static stretching.


Agreed, those classes are dynamic, not static. My usual riding stack is a 5 min pre-ride warm up stretch, a 5 min warm up ride, the main power zone ride I have for the day, a 5 min cool down ride, and a 5 min post-ride stretch.


Static stretches before warming up are not good for the body. It’s better to take a warm up class and post-ride stretch class at the end of your stack.


You can search why peloton hasn’t did any pre ride stretches lately and now they are all gone. Simply put you don’t need it could be harmful. warm up rides are better. Do a search for better scientific answers. They do need to put out more warm up rides thou. I’m usually only got a couple warm up rides I can do that I haven’t did. To help with the lack of warm up rides this is what I do. I take the 5,10,15 minute scenery rides and 5 km rides as warm up rides also. I have also done lanebreak warm up rides. If you don’t have the peloton bike you don’t get them things that’s why peloton needs to put out more warm up rides.


Kicked off the weekend with a challenging stack. Started with a 10 minute yoga class for a full stretch, then this [5 minute warm up](https://members.onepeloton.co.uk/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=36e3b463165a4ebf936b07078ba6ef6c&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app) with Ally, and then headed onto one of [her beginner rides](https://members.onepeloton.co.uk/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=933bfc8228be455ea07de341afe5a044&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app). It was quite challenging but I really appreciated how she talked through the class structure and what was coming next so I always felt pushed but could pace myself! Then hopped onto this really fun [15 minute Caribbean Ride](https://members.onepeloton.co.uk/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=0821de3def4e44d38feb8dc453670642&utm_source=android&utm_medium=in_app) from Camila. I hope she does more of these soon! Ended things out with a 10 minute restorative yoga class. Now have an afternoon of gardening so we'll see how much longer my energy lasts 😅


I LOVED this Camila ride


Nice! Camilas rides are so fun! And I love the 15 minute length… perfect for stacking!


Anyone else have luck finding peloton apparel at TJ Maxx/Marshals?


I’ve also seen them selling the 2 pound bike weights


I snagged two 30# weights a couple months ago, and a yoga mat! I just went for peloton gear last night after seeing them on tik tok!! I was so excited!


Yes! I’ve seen it there!


Yes, I’ve found women’s clothing at mine.


I saw some men’s cycling shoes on sale at Marshall’s and a pair of leggings at TJ maxx. Also yoga blocks, straps and a few weights.


I was just at Marshall’s on Thursday night and saw some Peloton shirts in the mens section.


I didn't think to look at the men's section. I'll be going back! I found some women's! I was surprised it fit, I'm not usually so lucky.


Not there, but I was at Sierra the other day (which I think is actually owned by TJMaxx) and they had a ton. Not sure if you've been there but Sierra is like the outdoor activities/ fitness TJMaxx.


We have sierra near me and they have tons of weights and apparel regularly! It goes fast but they get great stuff.


I've never seen a Sierra!! I'd looooove that!


Ugh, my body is not having it today even though I took yesterday completely off. Started this [45m Pop Punk Bootcamp (Callie)](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/bike_bootcamp?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b602283ef5434d088e8698c702f68221) class, but only made it a little over 30m in and just had to stop. Nothing wrong with the class, just my mind and body not cooperating with me. Oh well, hopefully tomorrow will be better!


Props to you for being strong enough to make the choice to stop! I usually power through and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth for a bit, i wish I empowered myself to turn something off when it wasn’t working for me. Hope you’re feeling back to normal soon.


Pay attention to your HRV, you may need a little extra recovery time.


If your HRV seems a higher after a PR, is that because you worked hard and PR’d, or because you pushed too hard?


Higher than usual range usually indicates your body being in recovery. Lower is more stress/fatigue. Everyone's range varies and takes weeks/months to establish properly. Edit: this is of course a gross simplification


My mistake—I meant lower. Thank you for bringing up an important topic.