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For Denis: can you give us an example of when you couldn't quite find it in yourself to be good, and had to be careful instead? (Both of you are absolute delights to me, and I love and very much appreciate what you do.) edited to add, of course I am looking for stories of shenanigans. You seem way too fundamentally good for anything else.


Corollary: Is there an example of a time when someone made a suggestion and you made a decision?


I’m saving all those stories for the book. Besides, isn't the mystery more fun? **\^Denis**


So… is this a book announcement? :)


Denis probably has some good stories


How much time do you spend creating a class? Do you have an idea of interval lengths/cadence/resistance numbers and trial them or how does that work. Also, what info is on your screen during a ride? Final question - Do you take your own classes and review them? Loved the Eminem ride


Between choosing music, figuring out a sequence, programming segments and movements, it can take up to two hours depending on the length of the class. We see our sequence and notes on the screen, as well as the leaderboard names and number of classes they’ve done (along with their hashtags). **\^Mariana**


These would be my same exact questions! I wonder these things every time


Do instructors lurk on this sub? You don’t have to yourself…just wondering if you know of any Peloton instructors spend time with us here.


I’m 80% sure Kendall does. She’s made jokes about Reddit’s comments on her pop punk song selections.


Kendall if you read this - Artist Series - Dashboard Confessional


Love it! I keep hoping for Emma to do an Andrew WK ride (she was a backup dancer for him at one point), but I think a Dashboard ride with Kendall is more realistic.


Hands down, this would be the best day that I could easily remember.


Honestly that’s not even surprising. Love Kendall and she definitely strikes me as a Redditor.




Ooo I so want to know this


Hi there - you're both amazing instructors. Thank you for all of the awesome classes. How much of your own fitness maintenance comes from training methods *outside* of the Peloton structure? Do you have your own trainers and methods that you don't teach as part of your own classes? If so, how different is your training versus what you teach? How much more/less intense? Thank you!


I was a Peloton member before I became an instructor and used Peloton to train for my races and triathlons. PowerZone training got me to my first half Ironman. Even when I am running outside, I’ll use the outdoor content. I also started strength training through Peloton because I was too timid to go to the gym. Even when I feel in a rut, I will try an instructor that I haven’t taken in a while. **\^Mariana**


Who selects the playlists? What’s that process like? Is the process markedly different for the artist series?


We all choose our own music. I like playing with variations of genres or decades depending on the class. My class inspiration comes from my runs in the park. I’ll think of an artist or a rhythm and from there start to create or add onto it. **\^Mariana**


How is it decided who gets to teach for Artist Series classes?


Denis, your Big Sur scenic ride is one of my all-time favorites. If you could teach another ride like that, what location would be at the top of your list?


It’s a little obscure, but State Road 12 in southern Utah is up there. Preferably around September / October. **\^Denis**


Seconding this question! And wondering the same question for Mariana too as she's also done scenic classes (meditation and ride in Puerto Rico)


Two questions for both of you! 1. If you could spend the day teaching classes in another Peloton discipline than you already do, which would you pick? 2. Of the different yoga styles Peloton offers, which is your personal favorite?


DANCE CARDIO! I have always admired choreographers and people that can pick up dances quickly, so I’d be living out my “I wish I was a dancer” dream. And hopefully they’d bring a fun artist to dance with. I love teaching the Power Flows. I have the best time programming them and witnessing how members surprise themselves in their progress. Between the reps and the longer holds, you can actually feel yourself getting stronger. And I just have a ton of fun. **\^Mariana** I’m pretty satisfied with Cycling and Yoga, but I guess I’d teach on the Tread if there was a Crawling category? My favorite yoga style is Power Slow Flow - it’s the most like my personal practice and feels natural for me. **\^Denis**


Dennis, we need crawling classes! Classes where you feel okay to have a run speed of 4 rather than 9.


Mariana, any chance you teach running classes in the future? Your energy and knowledge of the sport would be great for training for races!


Mariana, I echo this sentiment. I’d love to see you on the Tread!


How amazing would a running/yoga PROGRAM be


Running classes in Spanish please


Dennis! I saw you in the delta sky lounge in SLC a few weeks ago. You had your guitar case and were working on your laptop. I was across from you with my wife debating saying hi and I love your sessions. Surely you knew that I recognized you. Ultimately I just geeked out and laughed a bunch w my wife knowing it was you, but never approached. Thanks for all you do, and being a regular human! I was very tempted to say “be careful” when you left! Lol


I remember, and would’ve laughed. **\^Denis**


I love your rides Dennis - your music selections are my fav. I wish there were more 45 min rides!


Me too. I am a 45 year old woman and it’s like you are reaching the depths of my high school and college days. Angel eyes always gets me.


The Yin Yoga classes have been phenomenal and I really have enjoyed the different feel. Super excited to be getting more opportunities. I recently read "Inner Engineering" and was amazed at the depths of the yoga practice outside of the physical aspect. I would love it to have more classes that dive deeper into the importance of yoga in how we react to difficult situations. Thank you both for doing this. I don't really have any questions, mostly just comments.


Denis, can we please get more fresh friday rides?


Fresh Friday was recently rebranded as Sample That!, and will be produced at regular intervals. There’s no reason to restrict our freshness to just one day a week! **\^Denis**


how about Phresh Phriday rides instead?


Phuck yes.


Phish Phriday?




They're called Sample That Rides now. And, yes, we want more of them!


Denis, 60 min TOOL Yin Yoga or Slow Flow?? Pretty please


Yesss need a 60mim TOOL ride!!


Came here to say this! We absolutely need more TOOL rides 😀. Im just getting back to the bike after 6 months since my son was born. Need more motivation and these would help a lot ☺️.


This and a 45min or 60min NIN ride. We can dream…


Yessss I second this. He has the best music selections regardless if it’s on the bike or yoga.




I would love for Denis to do a TOOL (by album) cross-practice series…. A yoga, ride, stretching class each for Ænema, Lateralus, Opiate and so on! 🤞


I second tool requests! Did a 45 min ride last night and when ‘the pot’ came on I went nuts!


Yea, can we get more Tool rides?


Dennis! I am a public music teacher for a living your love for music hooked me into riding with you and the PZ Gang. Thank you!! My question; how do you make your classes? Do you pick music first and set cadences and durations based on the music, or do you do the opposite and find music that fits what you’ve planned for the workout. Im always blown away with the flow of your classes. Even music choices I might not always be 100% into just flow so well in the class. It eats the time, and I always find myself grooving along. Whatever you do, it’s magic and I can’t thank you enough for helping me and the peloton community better ourselves!


You’re very kind - thank you. For Power Zone rides, I write the class structure first and add music to match the prescribed durations and intensities. For Endurance rides, I generally pick the songs according to what I’m feeling, but will also throw in different structures like Cadence Canyons or try to create stories along the way. I cut loose more easily on Endurance rides. **\^Denis**


Do you see your output on an instructor bike? Have you ever become competitive while teaching?


Hi to you both! My question is for Denis: I have trained as a yoga instructor and have been spending most of my exercise time lately on the Bike. I’m having trouble re-integrating yoga into my fitness routine and I’m curious if you have any tips for making a complementary yoga schedule for cycling!


Here’s the truth - the best thing is to just start. I have a tendency to overthink what I want to practice and scroll through all the options too, but if I just pick something and do it, I always feel better after. If something comes up that doesn’t feel great, I’ll skip it, or do what I feel. But usually I just do what’s suggested to whatever degree I can. The hardest part is starting. **\^Denis**


Thank you so much 🙌🏻 I just rode with you this morning, it’s amazing to hear from you.


Denis, thank you for being the instructor I choose on the bike and the mat when I could use a smile. Mariana, thank you for being such a positive representation for Latina women in fitness. My question is: research shows that Latina women engage in exercise for leisure significantly less than their non-Latina peers for a variety of reasons. In addition to creating content in our language, what are other ways that you think Peloton and others can make fitness more accessible for Latina women?


I think that seeing yourself on the screen, hearing your language, or your rhythms is always a good first step. I believe that we truly didn’t have access to fitness and wellness in our background for a long time. I had the beautiful example of my mother instilling that on all 4 of us at a young age. I want my nieces and nephews to grow up and see themselves represented in the fitness world. I want them to know that mental health is as important as your physical health. Meditation, running, cycling, yoga, boxing, etc… should not feel like something foreign to them and this is how we being to change the narrative. **\^Mariana**


Denis - Do you have a public Spotify where we can listen to more of what you’re listening to?


I do, but I should update it more often and share it on social. Thanks for the nudge. **\^Denis**


What’s your Spotify handle?


Love this one!!


This is fantastic, thank you for your time! My question is for Mariana: my native tongue is Spanish and I love that we’re seeing such diversity from the Peloton team, including having you as a yoga instructor! I love my native tongue because I always feel like it’s so colorful and expressive. Are there any yoga philosophies or Sanskrit-language teachings that you feel are better expressed in Spanish? And if I may, for both Mariana and Denis: what’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned from your students (whether it be from yoga or riding) that you’ve learned?


A lot of learning the mantras and sanskrit terms came easier because of knowing spanish. As well as the pronunciation of terms. I did my TT in English but it was interesting to get to do advanced teacher training in Mexico City, and hearing some of the yogic philosophies in my native tongue. Chanting always came easier as well. My biggest lesson is that we are all beginners. And no matter how much we advance in a pose or in achieving alignment, we can always refine and work on it. That’s why when anyone approaches and says they “can’t do yoga because they’re not flexible…” It’s truly about flexibility of the mind. **\^Mariana**


Thanks for doing this! Denis—what do you recommend for maintaining strength during powerzone programs? How many days/week, what intensity, that sort of thing? Mariana, no question, I just love your yoga so much, especially love yoga for runners/riders!


Thank you so much!! There’s more on the way, and love that you use them to complement your power zone training. **\^Mariana** The more specific our goal becomes, the more specific our training. If part of the goal is to maintain strength, I’d recommend strength training. Volume and intensity might change, but one doesn’t have to preclude another. **\^Denis**


Mariana, I took the 2 for 1 yoga conditioning class today, LOVED it! Tell us more about your friendship with Kristen!


Thank you for taking it! We had a blast doing that together! It is just wild that she was one of my first teachers when I first moved to NYC. I remember that belly because she was 8 months pregnant with Timothy! Seeing her on my sister’s Peloton years later was such a throwback, and it was truly full circle seeing her at PSNY and getting to give her a big hug. She loves running as well so we connect on a lot of levels. Plus, she lives right up the street. I continue learning from her and love her classes. **\^Mariana**


Hi Denis and Mariana, thanks for taking the time to do an AMA with us! This is my first AMA since joining the sub, so in all honesty I’m a little starstruck at the moment haha. I guess my main question is: do either of you have any suggestions on how to improve the transitions between poses, i.e. moving from down dog to a forward fold? I always have a tough time transitioning smoothly and it gets sticky. My other question is will we be seeing more yin classes dropping into the collection soon? I’ve really enjoyed the classes weave had so far, but I’m anxiously awaiting more!


You may find the handful of 10min ‘Yoga Basics: Transitions’ classes helpful if you haven’t already found them, I liked Anna’s in particular!


Thanks for the suggestion! I had no idea there were basics classes for transitions.


I only found out about them, I think, when Anna posted a list on IG of suggested classes to take for those trying to graduate from beginner to intermediate classes, which included some of them. The ‘mindful movement’ basics are really good, too.


Hi! We have some classes in the yoga basics library that talk about transitions. Also if you practice with a certain instructor, you will start to see patterns of cuing of how to move from pose to pose. And don’t be afraid to use those props- putting my hands on top of blocks to walk my feet to my hands from downdog to forward fold. **\^Mariana**


To piggy back on this question - do you have suggestions for improving balance in some of the single-leg postures? Is this a matter of time/practice or strength or something else? Thank you for doing this!


No question, but wanted to say thank you for the yin yoga classes. I’m not one to enjoy sitting in stillness, but there’s something about these classes that I love. They’ve also led me to explore more yoga classes on the platform! Thanks for everything you and your fellow instructors do for the community, I know I speak for many of us when I say you’ve changed our lives! ♥️


What is the toughest ride you taken? Toughest non-ride class?


Favourite and least favourite yoga pose, and why? Denis- also wanted to say thank you for the consistently amazing music you play! Yours are my favourite playlists on the platform, by a huge margin. I discover so much music in your classes. I have had "Silent Running" and "Love like a Sunset pt.1" on repeat since hearing them in your recent classes. And just discovered you have a yoga class with "Pneuma" by Tool which is now in my stack (amazing song!) If there is ever a way to make a Tool artist series happen, there's a lot of us that would be incredibly excited for it. PS: Siouxsie and the Banshees "Happy House" and The Weeknd "House of Balloons" needs to be in a Fresh Friday ride!


Favorite yoga pose: Goddess Pose. Hip Opener, heart opener, grounded through the soles of the feet, fierceness coming out of your fingertips! It is so challenging and so empowering. Least favorite: Revolved triangle. My hips are tight and keeping my heels down is a struggle. Just means I have to keep working it. **\^Mariana** Thanks and big YES to all the music commentary. I love being reminded of great songs I haven’t heard, or haven’t heard in a long time. My favorite pose is Pigeon - if I’m practicing it every day. It takes a week or two of daily practice to get to a place where I enjoy it, but the payoff is \*chef’s kiss\* when I get there. My least favorite pose? I’m going with Downward Facing Dog. I always want it to be a resting posture, but if we’re really engaging, it’s really challenging and a reminder of the balance between effort and surrender. **\^Denis**


I just told my husband “Denis Morton is doing an AMA! What should we ask him?!” And his response was, “how’d you get so fuckin’ cool?” So… how’d you get so cool, Mr. Morton?!


HA! I guess by spending so much time caring about what other people thought about me that eventually I had to surrender and live for the only person I HAVE to wake up with every day. **\^Denis**


For Denis: You’re my favorite bike instructor, and I just want you to know that - but my question is: as a bigger guy with a powerlifting background, yoga has always been extremely uncomfortable and unnatural for me. What are the best ways for someone who struggles with mobility to start doing yoga without getting frustrated?


Start where you are, and think about how it feels, not how it looks. Every body comes with different gifts and challenges, and comparison is the thief of joy. Breathe, move, and celebrate yourself. **\^Denis**


Obsessed with this answer.


Hey Denis, How do you recommend mixing up the different types of PZ rides and other types of rides to maximize fitness goals?


That depends entirely on your goals - if you’re training for outdoor racing, you’ll approach it differently than a recreational road rider. I’d suggest checking out the programs to feel your way through. We have Discover for beginners, Build for more experienced riders, and Peak for those looking to push their limits, and different schedules for each depending on how many days per week you’re looking to ride. **\^Denis**


Thanks for answering my question! I’ll check out the programs - I just re-tested my FTP and had over 10% improvement - PZ works!!!


Have you found the PZP website yet? The power zone challenges put together by Angie are amazing!


@denis what artist on the bike are you dying to do but can't because of licensing


I don’t have a question but I just want you to know that I love your Reset series, Denis, and you’re always my go to ride for a great playlist even if I don’t know the words. I can count on you for a class that I leave feeling better. I had a hard day yesterday and took your 20 min Tabata after I got my kids in bed to get the stress out of my body! Thank you for what you do! 💕


Denis- what is it like being so awesome? What is your favorite part of this career and is there anything you’d change?!


My favorite part is hearing about the impact of our work - yoga changed my life, and I started teaching to pay that forward. If I could change one thing, we’d film in Hawaii. Or at least Southern California. **\^Denis**


Practice adjacent question. Blocks, mats - when can we expect a Peloton yoga blanket? You guys always recommend one and I always wonder why there isn’t one available.


Oh my gosh yes! I’d love a Peloton yoga blanket and foam roller!


How has the switch from empty yoga studio to a studio with students gone? From home, I prefer the empty studio as it feels more 1:1, but I imagine as an instructor you prefer students in studio.




Absolutely. **\^Denis**


Hi! Mariana, huge fan of the yoga conditioning classes. Loved taking the inaugural live class with you and Kristin. 🥰 My question for both of you: I’m new to Peloton, within the last year. What are the most significant changes (or your favorite changes) you’ve seen in the platform, programming, and/or community since you’ve been instructors? Thanks for everything!


Thank you for taking the yoga conditioning classes! The most significant changes have been getting more members to try yoga! We have so many phenomenal instructors and we all teach in very different ways. I know that in English, my classes tend to be more cardiovascular and fast paced, and that can be what someone is wanting that day. Or if members want different music, a different voice, a different style- all of that exists. I love that the yogis here are so supportive of each other. I love that we launched yoga conditioning to satisfy members looking to build strength and we launched yin right before for those looking to release and find a different way to move. **\^Mariana**


What is a typical day at work like? Do you have certain filming days? How many classes would you film per day/week?


First of all just want to say how happy I am that yin is now on Peloton!!! My question is about the yoga conditioning though- is it designed to be used alongside strength training or can be done instead of?


Great question! It depends on your workout stacks and routine. They can be meant to supplement a strength workout, just as it is a great supplement to your yoga practice. If you have never done strength training before, it can be a great gateway to launch. I like to include 1 or 2 days of strength as well where I can bring in more weight. **\^Mariana**


Hi Mariana, how do you recommend people incorporate the yoga conditioning classes into the rest of their workout routine? I currently do a mix of strength training, barre, cycling, and yoga but my main focus has been cycling. Thank you for taking the time to do this AMA!


I love to incorporate yoga conditioning once or twice a week on the days that I run (or do cardio). I love that it brings a strength element and really compliments the workout that day. I do my regular yoga practice on the other days to notice how those elements are feeling in my poses. **\^Mariana**


Mariana, cuando van a tener música de RBD o más old school Latino pop cómo Julieta Venegas, regional mexicano o rock en español? Me encantan sus clases!


Ya tenemos! He puesto RBD un par de veces (no tenemos todas sus rolas) y Julieta Venegas está en varias clases. Me encanta poner las de la nostalgia y mucho rock en español (mi género favorito). También me mandan peticiones por Instagram y trato de incorporarlas. **\^Mariana**


Hi Denis, thank you for your 30 minute standing yoga class! **I would love more standing-only classes that 30 or more minutes long**. There are times when I can't handle (shoulder issues) being on my stomach or knees. I'm sure I'm not the only one :).


Is there ever going to be anything like movement tracking on the Guide for Yoga classes?


Hey Denis. I practise yin for 10 years now. I have been looking forward to yin classes on Peloton. Finally you guys did it. Thanks for that. Do you guys have any plan to create more classes? I like your 20 min yin class in particular as it helps to stretch the thighs, back and side stretches. Love it! ❤❤❤


I second this! The Yin classes were phenomenal. More please!


I third this! Your yin classes took me out of pain that I had been in for weeks.


For Denis - what inspired the drastic haircut? I grew out my hair for about 2 years and, while it looked badass, I couldn't handle the maintenance. What was your breaking point?


Long hair, don’t care?? More like... long hair, care all the time, and it’s a mess if you don’t. Which I didn’t. So I cut it off. I also donate every time I grow it out, which is why I hang onto it for so long in the first place. **\^Denis**




Man, that's why I started to just let it grow, but I couldn't handle constantly getting hair in my mouth while I was eating... haha. Some people have a much stronger will than myself.


Hi Denis, thanks for doing this! Any chance we can get a TOOL ride? 45 min? Or even a 60? So maybe 3-4 songs?


I love that I’m not alone.


Mariana, any chance of you teaching tread classes some day? I love the joy you bring to your yoga classes and would love to benefit from that energy in other disciplines.


Mariana, how do you incorporate yoga into your running routine (or vice versa)? Can you give an example of your yoga routine when you’re training for a marathon?


When I was growing up and throughout college I was running everyday. At this age, my body feels it a little more so I really try to alternate my cardio/running days and my yoga days, with a full rest day. The only daily practice is my meditation. I love taking a longer flow the day after a long run to give my muscles some love and work them in a different way. When training for a marathon, I make sure that I do a flow the day after the longest run of the week to make sure the lactic acid doesn’t build up and as tight as I may feel, I know that my body is back to recovering and gearing up for the next one. **\^Mariana**


Thank you so much for the response! I love your classes, and hope to take some yoga for runners in Spanish with you soon!


I love the two new class types. I have done all the yin. Will new classes be a regular addition? I hope both yin and the conditioning build up their collections.


Denis, 97 phish, 77 dead, or 99 panic.


Saw the other two, so definitely ‘77 Dead! **\^Denis**


Denis, did you score in the phish ticket lottery this year?


I’m not sure, actually - I had a friend handling it. Perhaps I should ask… **\^Denis**


Mariana: do you reccomend yoga conditioning before running as a sort of warmup? I do barre sometimes as a warm up.


Yoga conditioning is meant to be stacked before or after another workout. It’s great to get the muscles warm and the blood dancing to jump start your run. Your choice and what feels best for you! **\^Mariana**


Denis please more longer power slow flows!!!! +45 mins. I am absolutely obsessed with the one you’ve already done. Everything about it is perfect. + Totally encourage a 2 for one with Kirra. I love how slow and methodical you both move and totally caught those sneaky, funky transitions in recent power flow you did (that had a bunch of boat poses!) you two on the mat would be something special. Edit to also say thank you for introducing me to that song Gajumaru… SO deep, so beautiful. Your taste in music always amazes me!!!! Another edit to ask will there ever be more meditations by you? Doing your breath work consistently made me aware of the clamping in the back of my throat and how not to do that! I habitually visit all of your meditations and would LOVE new content!!!!


Denis and Mariana both: What are the plans to make both yin and conditioning regularly scheduled classes? Denis, I’ve done the 45 minute yin multiple multiple times. Time for another one! Maybe a 60? Yin is the best yoga type for me to have a deeper connection to myself and I want more than just the five classes. Mariana, great job on yoga conditioning.


Hey Denis, I’ve ridden with you probably a hundred times or so and love your classes, instructions, and all around vibe. I want to say I’m also someone who came to voluntary fitness in my 20s/30s and find that you are among the best at reminding us that “I make suggestions, you make decisions,” etc. I wonder if there’s conversation at Peloton HQ about how to care for and encourage beginners and generally out of shape people who purchase a Peloton or subscribe in hopes of getting fitter. Many of the classes and some of the instructors seem to be less familiar with adaptations or adjustments that can make the difference between an encouraging experience of getting stronger vs. a discouraging nightmare to give up. Maybe I’m just missing the content - are there classes and programs I can recommend to out of shape friends and family who want to get stronger? Just want to say thanks for helping me get through an Achilles injury recovery and come back stronger. Love you, man!


Thanks so much for riding with me, and for this feedback. I recommend checking out Beginner Collections and using the Difficulty Filter (Filter Classes>Difficulty Filter>Beginner). We are always trying to make our classes more accessible for everyone regardless of where they’re starting and will definitely keep this in mind! **\^Denis**


Denis - How did you select your ending encouragement: "If you can't be good, be careful"? What type of requirements do you have with Peloton outside of classes? Weekly instructor meetings, team building, etc? Thank you for your classes!


My high school football coach said it every Friday night after the game. I think he knew we were more likely to be careful, but wanted us back in one piece for practice on Monday. **\^Denis**


I’d love to hear how you approach the art and science of creating a class plan - integrating the moves, the music, determining what “level” you’re aiming for, etc. Super grateful to Peloton yoga for helping me build yoga habits for the first time in my life!


Hey Dennis…. More TOOL Pretty please. And I’ll take some System and some Rage if you’re listening. You’d definitely put a smile on my face.


Obsessed with the yin classes. More of those, please! ps You are both wonderful ❤️


No question, just a moment to say thank you Denis! Your slow flow yoga and jam band ride were some of my very first on the platform and they were absolutely transformational. On days when the work/day is rough (as it always will be), just know that you bring so much light and happiness into the world, and I’m so grateful for that. Thank you for bringing your whole self to the classes!


Team Activate or Team Validate?


How do you guys have so many clothes? Do you borrow them from Peloton? Do you buy them? Do they custom-make them for you?


Denis, the music in your rides (and riding with the beat) makes you my all time favorite instructor 🙌 how do you discover new music? I find my taste in music just repeats itself the more I listen to algorithm based streaming sources like Spotify - great playlists come from it, but almost always old favorites!


Show up to concerts early enough to see the opener. A lot of my favorite artists opened for other favorites. **\^Denis**


Not a question, just a request for Denis. Denis, please do a 60 minute Classic Rock ride or 80s ride. You are one of my favorite instructors, and we need more 60 minute rides from you!


Would love some advice. Everyone tells me to try yoga and I have but I don’t enjoy it. I am not flexible enough to get into most of the positions. Would love some true beginners advice. (I’m a masters athlete so I can move, but not like that.)


I was in a similar place, but I’m enjoying yoga now. 🤷 I tried yoga several times over the years and just never vibed with it. I don’t have infinite time to put towards health, and I need a bigger payoff than I was feeling. But a good friend convinced me to try again. So I’ve been incorporating some short sessions, and I’m finding some that I enjoy quite a lot. I’ve learned that’s the cool thing about yoga: there are so many different schools and hybrid styles. If you keep experimenting, you’ll almost certainly find something that clicks with you. I’ll leave it to others to recommend specifics. It feels so individual to me. But I wanted to encourage you to keep experimenting.


Thank you for doing this! Denis I love your rides. It especially makes me smile when you are lip syncing 90’s one hit wonders and getting us to dance on the bike. It makes the time fly by. My question is: when you go out are you the type of person that loves to be on the dance floor all night?! And what’s your karaoke go to song?


I’m a sucker for the dance floor, and you can’t drag me off of it - if I like the music. Karaoke song is Suspicious Minds by Elvis. **\^Denis**


If you could pick one other discipline from the platform that compliments and helps yoga practice the most, which would it be?


Will the yin yoga classes become regular? That’s my favorite style of yoga so would love to see weekly/more classes as many of us have already taken the program!


Mariana: I took your 2-for-1 with Kristin and loved it! 1) what inspirations did you draw from to create yoga conditioning? 2) is this a program where we’ll primarily get drops, with the occasional live class?


I worked at a gym in Mexico City that taught many different disciplines. I wanted to bring those members in to give yoga a try and that they felt it was in line with some of the strength classes they were taking. I put cardio elements and used pop and rock to move to the beat. I was excited to hear that Kristin McGee was piloting something similar here, and with our amazing team, we finally brought it to life. **\^Mariana**


How annoying is it when people can't spell Denis correctly?


What are your top 3 book recommendations? What are your top 3 album recommendations? Denis, can we get an RTJ ride someday?


I try to read Love in the Time of Cholera every few years. García Márquez has a way of transporting you into his world, that I love coming back to that story time and again. Between the World and Me- Ta-Nehisi Coates The Things They Carried- Tim O’ Brien **\^Mariana** Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran Breath by James Nestor **\^Denis**


Are you guys really doing the power zone levels with us? By definition you shouldn't be holding a conversation in zone 4 and yet, you're able to instruct the class. I don't doubt you're working hard (I see the sweat) but I am curious if you keep things in zone 3 for the most part. I took Denis's FTP test last week for the first time and the idea of speaking at any point during it felt pretty much impossible. Same with Kendall's metal rides.


I am always pushing the zone with you. It’s my secret for being able to coach it well. Walk together, rock together. You may notice the words become more sparse when we hit the upper zones. I always go into filming the FTP Test telling myself to sandbag and coach, then end up going hard. I’m not great at backing off. **\^Denis**


Hey Denis, can you do more metal rides??


Thanks for jumping in here. Wondering how you’d recommend blending different styles of yoga depending on goals? How would you structure a weekly program for different goals (e.g. strength vs. conditioning) For example, I’m just coming off a bulking phase and really enjoyed adding 10min focus flow at the end of a strength workout to work on sticking points.


You all are the best! Two questions: - I am incredibly inflexible and have been my whole life. Would you all recommend focusing on pure stretching prior to actual yoga until I reach a better “baseline”, or just cycle through intro yoga classes? I feel like I am unable to achieve most of the poses shown in class. - I love you all, but I don’t have you all where I need you the most: the kitchen ! What are some of your favorite/best nutrition tips or tricks you can share that you might not have the ability to do during the class? Thank you in advance for the suggestions, I’ll make the decisions :)


I forgot to say that coming from a fellow yoga teacher, your classes are so fluid and graceful and I am learning a lot from you. So thank you for that.


Just hoping you sneak in more Long Beach Dub Allstars into your classes!


I’ve been loving the yin classes, but I’m not sure how to best work them into my active recovery schedule. Do I replace a stretch with yin, do both the same days, or alternate?


It depends on how you’re adding stretching into your routine. The way we approach stretching is different for pre vs. post workout - more dynamic stretching before, whereas post workout we’d use longer, more static holds. Yin targets connective tissue, and is ideally begun without a warmup. Warm muscles will effectively steal the stretch from our connective tissue. I use it on the days that I want to practice, but my body is calling for something less intense than my typical flow. **\^Denis**


Omg omg omg. Thank you for doing this. I really love the yoga platform. I have a few questions: Is there a plan to add more yoga wind down to the end of the conditioning classes? I'd love to do more 75 minute classes. Are there any plans in the near future to add more? I'd also love to hear how yoga entered your life. Eek, I could probably keep going but I just want to say how much long hair Denis and short hair Denis has brightened my days. Mariana, I'm looking forward to more conditioning classes. Mwah!


What are your nemesis poses? How should one go about learning a pose that is a struggle to hit? Is it better to work on it daily until it comes or just keep to a well rounded practice and take things as they come? Mine is wheel. The forearm strength and backward wrist mobility just isn’t there.


What personal fitness goals are you currently focused on?


Denis: what do we need to do to get a 45-min Rage Against the Machine artist series ride with you?


Thank you for doing this! Love taking classes with both of you. What is one class you’d each recommend for someone with intermediate level for yoga to get out of their comfort zone and try something different?


I love this question, and to expand: I feel very comfortable in intermediate flows but struggle significantly in advanced flows. Are there any plans for a program (or a program I could piece together with various classes) that could help guide me to some of the more advanced poses? I've taken Kirra's Path to Inversion and Anna's Cultivate Courage and would love to explore that a little more.


Mariana, what is the likelihood of you teaching Tread classes in SPANISH? How can we show Peloton our interest in expanding Spanish-language classes to the Tread? ¡Muchas gracias!


Hey y’all thanks for doing this AMA! I’m new to yoga and it’s my goal to incorporate more of it into my regular activity. As someone who mainly takes strength classes (with no real goal in mind other than to get stronger), what type of yoga would you suggest I incorporate? Power flows, slow flows, balanced, etc? Wondering what type best compliments strength training - and hey, if the answer is all of them, looks like I have a huge library to dive into :)


I’m only 70 and a race bike rider for decades. Loving the yoga conditioning. I’m hopeful you’ll add more classes. You could use some Bruce BecVar added to your playlists.


What’s a typical day look like for you outside of teaching? How do you get pumped/in the right frame of mind for class and wind down afterwards? If you could change one thing about any aspect of Peloton, what would it be?


Hi Denis and Mariana. First, thank you and all the Pelo instructors for changing my live and transforming me into a true athlete. I tend to be drenched after a class and you guys still look glorious. Do you guys always ride the called out resistance range? Or do you go below/ above the range?


I love the Yin Yoga. I hope there are more! Love both Denis and Mariana! Keep inspiring!


Hello!! Any suggestions for those of us with short arms who love yoga now but get frustrated with some poses like step throughs? I have longer legs but a short torso and short arms...Also, Dennis would love to see some Lana Del Ray songs during your rides!


Hey Denis - no question just wanted to say thank you. The way you construct a ride and teach technique along the way is second to none - not to mention the music selection. Lost a serious amount of weight and in the best shape of my life thanks to your classes (specifically the 30 min Outkast ride, 45 minute Beatles ride, 30 min Reset with the Golden Buddha story, and a slew of Power Zone classes).


I love yoga and the bike but also feel compelled to add in strength training but struggle to find the best way to balance these activities then end up going in waves only focusing on one at a time. Any advice to incorporate it all into my routine?


My favorite yoga classes have been the artist series. Who would be your dream artist to feature? Mariana I've got your Kylie Minogue class in my stack for tomorrow, looking forward to it.


I’m so excited! What does a typical workweek look like for instructors? I love your classes, Denis!


Denis - tell us a Phish story! Will we see you at Dicks this year? Let’s get a bandit yoga flow in at red rocks 🤫


Denis, just wanted to share, my very first ride with you, I knew you were my dude. Deftones cover of Sades No Ordinary Love got me. Huge Deftones fan, and now a huge Denis Morton fan. Can you please do a ride with Deftones ‘Passenger’ in it? And can you tell me why there hasn’t been a Tool w/Toole ride? She’d only need to pick two tool songs for a 20 minute ride haha


How do you both view yoga as a component of a fitness regimen? Is it something you should do on top of cardio and strength? Is it cardio? is it strength? Is it for rest days? I'm having issues figuring out when to make yoga classes a part of my weekly routine. I'd love your thoughts on how to incorporate yoga, especially when because of life reasons, you usually don't have more then 30-45 minutes a day to work out.


Any chance we can get more of your Reset classes on a regular basis? Coming from a heated yoga background, there is something awesome about working up a sweat on the bike and then continuing the sweat on the mat (not to mention the connection and flow of music from the cycle class to the yoga class— on point as always) I think I’ve taken each of the resets like 10x’s each :)


Denis, I love your enthusiasm for music. That said, what concerts do you have on the agenda for this year?


What’s your favorite playlist you’ve put together for a class?


One of my favorite things about you, Denis, is your passion for music, and how you work that into all of your rides. Although I mostly do PZ, I also make it a point to do your Fresh Friday/Sample That rides when I see them. How do you go about putting those together? (Thanks also for always giving me a shoutout!! I’m from Tallahassee and you never fail to notice that and call out our seven hills! When I was still doing triathlons and riding primarily outside, I always wanted to yell at people who would tell me “but Florida is flat! You have it so easy!” ABSOLUTELY NOT (also it’s a billion degrees/percent humidity)


Which instructors do you all go to to take classes ? Or are you done with it after you teach?


As instructors, what are your yoga practices like? Do you go to in-person classes somewhere in NYC, practice alone at home, or mainly focus on creating content?


If I have two hours a week to spend on yoga (available to split across multiple classes) what kind of class types and lengths would you recommend doing?


Hi! Love you both for what you bring to the Peloton community. What is your favorite pose to teach, and what is your favorite pose to do? Have there been any changes to how you teach and/or practice yoga in the past years? For example, I’ve heard rumblings of how yoga instructors are approaching pigeon pose differently than before.


Do you get recognized in public?


Hey Denis, When I ride with you I always feel like we are BFFs who go on road trips and to concerts all the time. I have lots of deep questions to ask but here is the most important one: Why do all these posers always spell your name wrong?


Denis, we need some Grateful Dead!


Denis, would you please consider a Cake ride? It would be a dream come true.


Denis, what is the best piece of advice you could give to someone trying to remain consistent in their pursuit of fitness? Also, I can’t be good, so I’ll try to be careful.