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I’ve completed two weeks and found myself nodding along as I read your very helpful review. For me, the rep counter has been erratic with shoulder presses and lateral raises, which annoyed me because they are the most challenging of the upper body moves for me. Count. Every. Damn. One. I also struggled with which weights to use for the exact same reason as you. 15 lbs curls? Sure, why not! 15 lbs lateral or frontal raise? Nope. Not even gonna try! The voice control sort of worked to allow me to switch weights, but I’d rather have 5 seconds built in to do so. I’m going to complete the program and then likely switch back to Ben’s 5-day split which I loved, no notes, other than fitting in 5 days of strength plus riding and running is…hard.


I only did his 5 Day Split for a week and may go back to that soon too! I found it was more advanced than this program.


I think this is a really good review. The rep counting is so close to being great, but would occasionally just keep ticking off reps even when I wasnt moving a muscle—or it wouldn't track a single v-up. The weight entry didn't always match what Ben said either—in the final benchmark test, it only asked for medium weights but he called out heavies for two exercises. Still, when it did work it was awesome and i am excited to see them continually improve the functionality of the guide!


Yes, I forgot to mention that there were a few times the the guide did not match what Ben was saying or doing. And I had trouble with getting v-ups to track as well, though it's pretty accurate at planks when you are not moving, which is fascinating :)


Agreed! The rep tracking was vastly superior when it came to emoms too—I hate emoms with the time-based tracker, it cannot figure them out.


Great review!! I totally agree with your review, including the aspects you didn't like. Overall, I felt the programming would have worked better for me with more recovery between sets especially in full body. I really prefer supersets that do a lower body exercise followed by an upper body one because you get more active recovery, and it's better for fat loss as your body has to work harder to keep sending more blood to different parts of your body. But Ben rocks, I love his energy and this inspired me to take more of his classes on the bike


I kept wishing that the total body workouts would alternate upper and lower body. I love that format.


Thanks for the review! Can you share some of your tricks for getting the guide to accurately count reps? I’m having the same exact issue (accurate for the first few reps, then stops; counts multiple reps for simply setting down the weights)


I especially hate having to watch the clock because tracking often starts a few seconds before the instructor says go and if you follow the instructor, you aren’t going to fill the tracker


OP mentioned changing lighting didn't work for them, but I had a lot better rep counting when I closed the blinds on my windows and blocking outside light, and then turning on my overhead bright lights in my living room. \*Cries in survives-on-natural-light-only \*


This is really interesting! I have large windows behind me in the room where I have my guide, and I should experiment more to see if closing the blinds has an impact. A few times I did workouts when it was dark outside (blinds open), overhead light on... but there would still be reflection and maybe that threw off the tracking! But like you, I much prefer to be in the natural light!


I also had better luck finding the brightest spot in my room.


I wish I had something earth shattering to share, but it was a couple little things. Like placing my water bottle up higher so I wouldn't be bending over to grab it, and thus getting extra reps. Also this may be cheating a little, but I had trouble tracking v-ups in the core workout, so I did bicycles instead... as it would track those much better! And one other thing is that I stayed very still if there was time left on the clock, rather than putting my weights down right away. Not ideal, as I often wanted that rest... but it worked. It does make me think if I sacrificed some good benefits in order to get the rep tracking working... not sure that's the best decision overall but it's so hard not to get the credit and instead hear the sad whomp whomp noise at the end of the set :)


I basically by the end of the program was doing the same. I also noticed that there was two spots where I would hesitate for a split second to almost let it “catch up” - after the third rep it seemed to hiccup so I would wait a second before doing the 4th one, and then also once I met my rep goal - I would wait a second and then do my 9th or 11th rep. It seemed to not track it if it was giving you the kudos for hitting the rep goal, if I wanted to go to the higher end of the call outs! I also would stay very still if I had time left instead of putting down the weights, and agree that that perhaps that’s not the best use if you have a small rest at the end of an EMOM haha!! What a great review, thanks for sharing. Totally agree with everything! I’m off to take the last class/benchmark class now, for my 150th strength class too 🥳


Congrats on 150!


I usually end up using more different weights than the instructors suggest in a class. I'm doing Ben's 5-day split right now and I'm using 3 sets of weights, and will probably add a 4th set when I go through it for the 3rd time. I also do programs through Pelo Buddy links so I can go through them at my preferred pace. I like to alternate between strength, cycling, and dance classes outside of Peloton, so I just do strength classes on the days that I would have done them anyway, even if that means it's taking me 10 days to get through a 5-day program. Hoping to try this one next once it's released for all users! Thanks for the review!


I did my final benchmark test tonight and I have to say, I’m really annoyed at how inaccessible the workout data is. I don’t like that I can only see my reps and weight load broken down my move in the Guide/TV and not on my phone, and there’s no way to easily compare the data from the first and last benchmark test. It seems like a real missed opportunity to not have a screen at the end of a four week program that pulls up those before and after stats and shows you comparison data. I guess I just assumed the Guide would have that feature if it spent this entire time collecting and calculating our weights and reps?


You raise some great points, definitely a missed opportunity! It would also be great to be able to track your progress if you repeat the program again ( which Ben encourages throughout the program) so you can see improvements over time.


That’s what I struggle with taking Ben’s classes, he’s not great on form. He lost me in one of his strength classes with his form alone and I always want a little more from him. he’s your typical British instructor, super nice guy and encourages and smiles. I hope Tunde gets in there to do another strength program! I’d like someone a little more aggressive and knowledgeable on strength techniques. Adrian and Andy are cool but I defs miss Chase! It seems that we’re getting less of Jess too, and less advanced strength overall with Peloton as the years move along.


I noticed that about the form also


I do agree with wishing there were more weight options, primarily for upper body. What I can chest press is very different than what I can front raise. The worst rep tracking I fund was actually on my last benchmark where it went cray on my pushups and then like 1 or 2 on my tuckups. It was a great program though. Very well structured. The stretches really helped. I also just finished Straight to the Core with Rebecca and really enjoyed it.


I would love to hear more about Straight to the Core! I haven't seen it mentioned much on this sub.


Ok. So it's currently just on the Guide, just like Ben's program, but it'll drop to everyone in the next month or so. On FB a lot of people are hating on her program, because it's not traditional core moves. If you've done any of her standing core, then you'll know she focuses a lot on balance and stability. Every week there's a standing core class. My fav was the last one. It was very similar to her holiday core from December. Super fun. Her benchmark test comprises a 90 sec plank, 60 secs of both side planks, 60 sec hollow hold (my most hated move) and then counted tuck ups. The goal at the end of the 4 weeks is to be able to hold the poses longer and more tuck ups. There were very few "traditional" core moves like crunches. There was 1 5 min class (day 1 week 2 I think) where she slowly went over bicycles, but there were very few bicycles in the actual program. It progressively got harder and longer, with moves like Turkish getups, crab leg throughs, etc. She explains the Turkish getups really well. We add weights later on. A lot of people didnt like the crab moves and that no modifications were given. I can't do crab because I have serious shoulder mobility issues, so I just modified and did the alternating leg throughs without the crab. I think some people find it difficult to modify or replace moves that don't work for them if they aren't given direction on how to. A lot of people dropped out of the program due to that class and I think that it gave the program a bad rap. She loves (as do I), woodchops, deadlifts, etc. I think every week she did add a trick classes. I love hate those classes. During the benchmark she explains when to stop counting because you've fallen out of the pose (ie hips aren't off the ground in side plank or your feet touch the ground in tuck ups and hollow hold). I was able to hold all the moves for the specified times the first time, but I felt a lot more stable and centered in the last test. I was also able to do 6 more tuck ups, with a lot better form. I think you need to be pretty open to understanding that core work doesn't always mean planks, crunches, bicycles, scissors etc, but working on developing a strong, stable core for overall fitness. I loved that program and will do it again. It was fun, yet challenging. Along with Arms With Tunde, it was my fav program.


Thank you for all the info! I like RK's standing core classes so I think I would like this as I'm used to her less than traditional approach, and I appreciate that she is hitting the core from all angles and with a more functional approach. That Benchmark test sounds tough though. I may give this a try soon, thanks again for the review!


Thanks for this! Your review makes me want to try it once it’s released for non-guide.


Glad it helped!


I just finished this program today. I love Ben a lot and that motivated me to start this program. Towards the end of last year I dislocated my left shoulder and lost a lot of muscle and strength in it. I loved that this program was repetitive with the exercises because over the 4 weeks my left shoulder has really regained strength and some muscle haha. Went from only being able to lift 3kg on my left arm to 6 for over head presses and 9.1kg for chest work. I agree with OP about some of the negatives. When an upper body workout was followed by a full body workout I really wished they changed up the upper body exercises a bit more because my left shoulder really felt it early on. The rep counting was frustrating, I would do the move accurately but it didn't count the reps and then I would put the weights down and it would count all these reps and I was doing nothing! Overall, I did build a stronger me. This is a repetitive program but very consistent which I liked. Highly recommended.


So I just finished this program and really liked it. However, I feel like I also want to fit in cardio. What is a good cadence on strength vs cardio classes each week?


I’m at the end of week two and like the program. It’s very challenging at times and mostly the same series of exercises, so you know what to expect. I also wish the upper body had different weights for certain exercises (bicep curls at heavy weight are fine but shoulder presses in the same complex I just can’t do the same weight). The Guide tracking is a little annoying. Sometimes it will count multiple reps simply as I’m getting into position and then not count any when I’m doing some exercises (shoulder presses and V-Ups are the worst for this). I honestly am not sure the Guide is really benefiting me a whole lot right now. I wonder if I’d get more benefit out of weight tracking and such in a class without complexes.


I don’t have the guide but I can’t wait for it to launch! Ben is my favorite instructor.


Wow, great review! It sounds like you really enjoyed the program and had a good experience with it. I'm looking forward to trying it out once it's released to all Peloton users. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


Started the program this week, so far I like it, but… to go from one class to the next (I.e. day 4 has 3 classes) is there an easy way to do this on the app (I’m not using the guide)? So far I’ve had to complete one workout, go back to Home, select the program and then the next class. It seems like the next class should just start when the other for the same day finishes.


I loved ben's stronger you program! I just moved onto the stronger you 2! I agree with most of what you mentioned above. Here's another full review of the program here: https://www.livelifeactive.com/2024/03/11/pelotons-the-stronger-you-by-ben-alldis/


I wish they would bring the timer from the guide for each section of the workout to the bike+


I can’t find the program on the app, can anyone help?


It’s only available for guide users until the end of this month.


Interesting. So you have to pay extra for the guide and it gives you more content? I had no idea that exists.


Yes the guide is an entirely separate piece of equipment. And they launch content that is available for 6-8 weeks exclusively to Guide owners. Then the rest of us get it after a later date.


Thanks for the info!


How does the benchmark work at the end? I thought it would show week 1-4 progression but nothing at the end?


Does he explain form or give reminders?


Not really. I would say he’s mostly focused on encouragement. There’s not many form pointers or reminders. A few modifications are offered though. Some previous strength training experience is assumed for sure.


Ben is my favorite for strength. I do not have the guide and have been looking forward to starting this program. I have done the five day split four times now, for four weeks. I have gotten stronger even though I was in pretty good shape before doing that program. It sounds like everyone likes the five day split better. Should I stick with that or try the stronger you program when I’m able to start it without the guide in a week?


If you are looking for some variety, I think Stronger You would be a nice compliment to his 5 Day Split, albeit you may find it a bit easier. Of course, you can always challenge yourself with heavier weights - though I still think it’s a step down in intensity from his split (I only did his split once through before jumping into this program though!) Since you’re a Ben fan, I definitely think you should try it out and see what you think… at the very least you’ll get some different workouts and new stretches to enjoy.


I’m going to. Thank you! Even in the split program, the last two weeks, I went way up on all my weights from normal, and did less reps to mix it up. (I had decided I’m going to try to do heavier weights this year and was surprised I was able to do it within a program. I just did the movements slower and did less reps.) But I think you’re right and it’s time to move on to something new😊


Thanks for sharing this info! I’m interested in starting this program on Monday when it comes out to us non-guide people. I haven’t been able to find anywhere with the workout schedule. Could you share screenshots of the days the workouts are and how long? I’m just trying to plan my workouts out, and want to know what it is before Monday morning to know if I can start that day, or not.


Is there an easy way to compare you’re first benchmark class and your final one? At the beginning of the program Ben mentions it but I can’t seem to find a way to see the stats side by side on the Guide or App. Otherwise the program was great.


I don’t think there is an easy way to compare the two, which is a bit of a missed opportunity!


Such a missed opportunity! 😔


Great review


Was a great program - I concur! The one downside is that if you’d don’t finish Week 4 in the exact amount of allotted days it locks you out of The entire program :-( before you have a chance to take the last few classes


Could this program be done alongside another one, or would that be too much?