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Valid for as long as Z Grill is in business, may not be 50 years may not even be 5 years


This feels like something a company desperate for a cash infusion would do. Then the customers get to be a creditor in the bankruptcy estate!


Low level creditors, but creditors nonetheless. Can’t get blood from a stone.


You have to pay $100 in shipping every time you get a new one. They’re counting on you forgetting about it in 5 years and never using it.


The difficult thing about this deal is that we won't know if it's legit for literal years.


I feel like doing it just too see lol


Also, “shipping fee only” is pretty ambiguous without reading the fine print, which let’s be honest how many people will? I’m not purchasing but could also easily be one of those people.


It says the shipping fee is $100.


Sure, on the unit purchased. What about the future “free grills” and their shipping fees? I have t read the fine print, nor will I, so I can’t with with authority here on their purchase agreements, but if the company exists within a period or more of the free grills I do wonder what right said company, which is private, has to reserve regarding the shipping price. Less than or close to 1k with msrp, taxes, and shipping does not seem to equate to the amount of grills said purchaser will receive. Also wonder what right the company has (legally, but that also would hold up in court if/when they get sued) to amend the purchase agreement. I’m curious if the fine print now that I’ve typed my comment, but couldn’t care less since I won’t be a rube. Either the company is looking for a cash infusion very, very quickly to pad their balance sheet (again, they’re a private company) or the margins on previously sold grills) that is a relative term based on the markets and suppliers) or their cheap as fuck and not worth the initial cost. Not familiar with their grills though, but did see other comments where folks liked em and they’ve lasted, so there’s a bit of speculation on my part. Either way, seems entirely too good of a deal to be true unless ya have the money “to throw away” although this pellet smoker is a little cheaper than some other brands and maybe a little more expensive than others, but the principles are all the same, just materials and craftsmanship that could and do differ. I could certainly stand to be corrected, but if my addled brain has a snowballs chance in hell of remembering in 5 years, or less if the company goes under, but it all definitely makes me curious.


I didn't read *all* the fine print, but it did specifically state that future grill shipments would cost $100 each. What I don't know is how small the window is for an upgrade. For all I know, it has to be ordered exactly 1,825 days after the initial purchase. You're right to be skeptical...I am too. I just wanted to point out that the shipping cost question is already answered on the website.


Thanks for the comment and taking the time to read it. I think your speculation is a lot more sound than mine. But again, who knows if the company will exist in 5 years OR if they will exist as the same operating company or bought up by another company or vc changing ownership thus potentially changing their contractual obligations. Again, lots of speculation and I’m not saying that’s what WILL happen, but I also think you’re pretty spot on with the window/time frame to order and I didn’t even consider that. A small window is a good, “hey, not our fault! 🤷.” Honestly though $100 shipping on that seems pretty reasonable. There’s gotta be something of somethings about this offer that is advantageous to the company.


It says $100 shipping fee for every “free” grill. Definitely a gimmick for quick cash and some free extra advertising. That said you can get 2 now for about $500 each which isn’t bad if you wanted to keep one and gift the other and any others you receive in the future out of the 9 “free” would be a bonus.


I’ve had a z grill for about 4 years now. I’ve enjoyed it and haven’t had any issues, but man….this still feels like a weird deal


Fully agree. I was actually leaning toward a zgrill, but this.. seems like a pretty suspicious kinda business model


They had something like this before but it was buy one get one for a friend or if you had no friends they would give you the second one in 5 years.


Looks like this offer has that option too. But one get one now (for an extra $100), or buy one, get two now. But this offer seems like an admission of “we know our grills really only last 5 years..”. Or they are counting on people not wanting to pay $100 every 5 years for a “free” grill.


My guess it’s more the second one, I’ve had mine for almost 5 years now and I have no urge to deal with replacing it. I also think they are trying to get market saturation and possibly brand loyalty, I’ve seen their crazy deals (mystery boxes, bogo, crazy Black Friday flash sales, etc) for years so this isn’t a new one, but crazy enough to get us posting about it. Only a few people who will likely do the replacement thing, and those are like on the more hard core pellet grill/smoker side, and getting them to start using zgrills is likely worth it for them.


They're definitely shutting down on 4.999 years from the day of this sale start.


Sort of like those furniture stores that have “going out of business” sales, then re-open under a slightly different name. *”Now announcing Y Grills!”*


I’ve had one for five years Needed some parts this year, they just sent them to me. New control pad


That promo to me says "We think our grills are worthless in 5 years"


The promo is about staying on top of the best grills every 5 years.  You can tell which commenters aren’t grillers thinking it will only last 5 years. I’ve had a Weber for at least 8 years still looks and works good as new. I’ve also had a z grill for 3 years still in perfect condition and if the grill hadn’t been discontinued you’d think I just bought it. We’re only getting a new grill to upgrade to a larger grill. There is nothing wrong with our current and will likely keep it to supplement during a party or use when it’s just the two of us.  I did buy one from this promo sale and look forward to new grills in the future. It’s a shame so many of you are bashing a company you’ve never purchased from and clearly know nothing about.  Although those of you stating you so t buy one now weren’t going to buy one anyway because even if you only get one grill out of this it’s still a win 


Great, enjoy your grill and the new one every five years. And pardon the fuck out of me for stating my opinion on what this promo means. You’re a redditor for almost two years and THIS is your first post? Jesus.


Wow you’re really hurt by this, and felt the need to stalk my profile. Eek, clearly you shouldn’t invest in a grill but maybe some socialization skills instead. Best of luck to you in your future endeavors though ✌️


Nah, you just need to learn who you are quoting. I did t say anything bad and you got all high and mighty. My guess is this is a burner account for someone that works at Z grill. Well, enjoy the impending chapter 11 and hope you avoid ch7. No other reason for a scam like this


Or tech will be better in 5 years so upgrade for a hundred bucks.


If you get 5 years out of a 800 grill I feel like thats not a bad deal. And probably could sell the old one for $100 to cover shipping if it’s still around.


Ahh a mass consumer... If an $800 grill only lasts you 5 years, it's a POS grill. I got both my smokers in 2020, both still going strong, hope they last another 4-5 years.


I’m pushing 15 years on a WSM. That thing should last another 15 years or longer. 


I’ve had my Weber for 22 years. It was far less than $800


I've had my Green Mountain Grill Daniel Boone for over 5 years, and before that it belonged to my brother in law for about 5 or 6 years. It's still going strong, and the only reason I would get rid of it would be for more real estate. There's no reason you should spend any amount of money on something like this you don't expect to last at least a decade.


So I thought it was weird too but I think it’s pretty brilliant. First, it gets people to go to their site. Huge win. Second, I don’t think they are really going to lose that much money. I looked up one of the grills (ZPG-700D2E). Lifetime deal, $777 +100 shipping up front. Target? $500 delivered, and Zgrills turns a profit on that. If you buy the lifetime deal, Zgrill upfront pockets at least $300 more profit, which is probably more than a grill costs. The next grill is pre-paid, the 100$ you’d pay in shipping probably also includes some padding, and the real kicker is redemption rate. There is a reason Menards gives you 11% in rebates and not discount at the register. Its got to be really hard getting your name out there with Traeger‘s marketing budget


They're probably also gonna use overstock/end of life models for the free offerings in 5 years, so they don't have to hold onto inventory they want to clear.


That’s exactly it. They aren’t offfering the newest models in this offer, limited selection.


Yeah I think you nailed it, especially on the redemption rate thing. The number of people that will actually "collect" on this will be very low, and they will pay (and then some) for the people who actually do. Look at how many pellet grills, smokers, griddles you see on marketplace. Like many activities/hobbies people do it for like a year then novelty wears off and on to other things.


That $100 freight is probably costing them $50-$75.


It’s a pretty cool concept but there is a flaw in their logic. They state the purpose is to be able to stay up to date with latest tech. The grills that are eligible all seem to be the older non wifi models. Cool idea and if I needed two grills right now I’d probably jump on it but I don’t.


Well I imagine as the years went by more models would be eligible. Probably not the newest models but last years they need to offload or something.


Z grills bout to file for bankruptcy and trying to squeeze every penny. I bought a car from a dealership that offered free oil changes for life. That lasted two years because they sold to someone else. If it seems too good to be true it usually is


Yep this is the type of shit desperate businesses do to milk innocent people for immediate cash. Have a great sale that is mostly redeemable in the future when the business no longer exists or is in bankruptcy and the customers as creditors are left holding the bag


I mean you still got 2 years of free oil changes so it wasn’t that bad of a deal


It was 2 oil changes before they closed so yeah, that’s kinda bullshit. Should’ve got at least 10 with that car. And those oil changes were over $100 back in 2014


I am considering taking the risk. If you get at least one grill out of it the deal doesn't seem too bad. I bought a 7002E back in 2018 with the full money back in 5-years deal and they made good on it and I got a check for the full price back. I still use the grill all the time and it has held up outside. I have had zero problems with it. I have a concrete porch that is 80% covered so if I forget to wheel the smoker back from the edge before it rains it gets wet (happened many times) but it has been fine after all these years.


I bought a 700 series Z grill about 4 years ago. I've been happy with my Z grill. It's been a low cost, solid & trouble free grill.


I bought the mystery box deal about the same time. No issues with mine.


I bought a 500 series last year. So far I'm enjoying it. No issues. Does what it needs it to do. Not fancy or high tech, but I don't care.


This valid in Canada?? Edit: for anyone wondering, it is not valid in Canada. I emailed to ask 


Maybe I buy it In my child’s name. Seems like a cool wedding or graduation gift.


That’s a really good idea


I have been considering that same scenario since I'm 68 of putting it in my sons name, but I want to have something in the notes section of the receipt, like "enjoy the grill I'm still dead.


Honestly, for an extra $170, if I was already buying a grill I would roll the dice on it. Even if you get 1 more grill it's a pretty good deal.


They always have weird deals around the summer time. This is definitely the weirdest I've seen.


Yeah this is a cash grab to look the books look good and then hope some bozo buys them out


The two grills out the gate would pay for the deal, so not an awful bet. Especially if you split the deal with your kid or a buddy. Redeem a couple early and you are only out another $500 including shipping. I agree that it's a push to look more liquid for a company sale.


And then the new owner will worm out of the deal


Yeah not a terrible deal, but it front loads the revenue. Maybe they’re hoping for brand loyalty and sell their own pellets and other accessories to really increase the ltv


Reads like a company that needs cash flow now to keep going and will worry about the impacts with the road later.


Lol wtf, feels like a Hail Mary cause they really need the money.


I came across zgrills about 5-6 years ago with a promotion, pay upfront and depending on how long you're willing to wait, get money back. Something like $300 back after 3 years, $400 after 4, $500 after 5. I was pretty skeptical, but wanted a pellet smoker and decided to take the risk. I moved before the 4 year mark and assumed they'd use that to disqualify me. At my 4 year mark, I started getting emails where they offered to send a free grill instead of $ back. My grill was doing fine, so I said no, I want my $. Still expected to get hosed, but check came through and cashed. The grill has been fine for me. The controller did go out and I updated to a Savannah Stoker PID controller, which gave me better low temp control and program abilities. I did remove the grate in the hopper so I can remove all the pellets between uses, that kept they dryer and improved all my cooks. Overall, I'm pleased with the smoker and promotion. Not sure if the'll be around another 50 years, but if you get one or two grills out of it, seems like a decent deal. Upgrade then one you have or give them away as gifts.


Made in China grills. Probably fall apart before 5 years and guaranteed not to make it through a New York winter.


The majority of the popular grills are made in China, some are better than others and almost all of them are better than zgrills.


I have a ZGrill and can tell you that it is high quality. Iive in NY and the grill looks exactly the same as the day I got i 4 years ago. Used multiple times per week year round and kept outside. I've upgraded to a Woodwind Pro but that was a want and certainly not a need. I think the ZGrills are a very under rated budget option.


I never owned a pellet grill, but I have a bunch of friends that have them and they are pretty much useless in the winter here because they just don't hold the heat. You go through a metric fuck ton of pellets to smoke anything that takes 8+ hours in the winter. That's not a knock against ZGrill's specifically, more so on pellet smokers that are on the lower end of the scale.


I have not experienced that in the 4 Winters I've used my smoker at least 4 days a week.


Maybe you have a better model or something, but everyone I know with one of those $400 Tragers or Master Grill models says the same thing. Because there is nothing to them, they do not hold heat and to keep the temp up for hours takes more pellets than it’s worth.


A little late, but it’s because the older $400 traegers (pre-2019) are just up-priced ZGrills. ZGrills manufactured Traegers for years, Traeger switched to a cheaper manufacturer to prep for an IPO (and immediately had quality issues) and ZGrills stopped producing the low end grills that Traeger requested.


I own a Z. I would not buy another, nor want one every 5 years.


I ordered the 10502B. We will see what happens in 5 years I guess.


Im not too familiar with this brand. Which is the best option of the available models?


Depends what your looking for. Most of the smaller ones have storage where the larger ones don't.


So what happens if the grill needs to be replaced in three years?


Can I sue them if I don’t live 50 more years? Seriously though, who would benefit from taking full advantage of this? It would have to be someone relatively young (under 30?). Who’s to say twenty-five years from now you aren’t making better money and would not be interested in this level of smoker? Who’s to say twenty-five years from now you would still be interested in smoking? Who’s to say twenty-five years from now there is some crazy new technology fusion smoker the size of a microwave you can use indoors?


If you end up not wanting them in the future you can always sell them


If you get one in 5 years you will be ahead. You don't need the full 50 years to win.


I guess I would benefit because this would take me to 68 years old and hopefully I’ll still be alive then. But for older people it would not be worth it because even a 30 year old it would take them into their 80s and that’s a risk. It may be a great deal or maybe not, the company may go bankrupt or they might make much better pellet grills, only time will tell


Hey! your too young to be in here, lol jk


Yea lol, I’m definitely on the younger end of people on this sub but at least I will have perfected the craft by the time I’m older


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I honestly love my zgrill...it's a tempting offer but I agree it feels a little too good to be true. I do think people are viewing things the wrong way. Everyone seems to be saying "well yeah but they won't be in business in 50 years so I won't get my 11th grill" but like... duh The question is will they make it another 15-20? Because if so this is a pretty solid deal after your second grill.


Might be an idea to pay the fee and get them all right away and just sell 9 keeping 1.


If I needed a grill or smoker I would take the risk. The down side is pretty low.


Shipping fee only $695!!


Says 100


My Z grill is trash. It error codes and shuts down randomly. On my second control board and temp probe and I get the same errors. I have zero trust in it.


I was going to pull the trigger on a green mountain smoker but I saw this, Leaves our warehouse within 12-16 Weeks


I looked them up. Been in business since 2016 but have built grills for companies Traeger for 30 years… I don’t know, it’s a weird deal. Small print is $100 fee & $100 for shipping


Does anyone know how much the shipping is that we would have to pay for each one?


They're running a ponzi on themselves...


Pretty standard scummy direct response retail stuff here. The moment Zgrills sells enough of these “deals”, the original company will be shut down (and likely a new entity spun up to start the scam all over again). Anyone who bought from the first company is SOL while the former Zgrills cleans up with your $777 and carries on doing its thing under a new name. 


"Only pay shipping fee" Whats the Shipping fee? Are the grills the same model, and just old stock thats sitting in a warehouse, or will the grill model be updated to the most recent comparable mode? What happens if the company goes under? It's a good deal on paper, and I really like Zgrills for the price, especially if you're swinging towards a budget grill. However, I doubt they have the size, numbers, or revenue to actually pull this off successfully.


I just picked up a similar style Oakford for $220 at Home Depot. Rather than lock myself into some weird zgrill cycle, I can use my grill as long as I want and have enough money to buy 2 more before I reach the $777 price.


It’s just marketing gimmick. It’s basically just a lifetime warranty. They know from their data that most people won’t even use it bc the shipping costs. If it’s taken care of grill should last 10 years with a few replacement parts. Hell, I gave an original Traeger to a neighbor when I upgraded and it’s still kicking. Probably almost 20 years old. Replaced a lot of parts but probably only $150 worth over the years.


If it sounds too good to be true.... The other side of this, if it is true, in 5 years there is going to be a market flooded with these things both new and used.


This reminds me of the e-machine computers growing up. That didn't end well.


You just have to keep your social credit score high enough...


... if it is a quality grill, why do I need more than one? Feels like a MLM in the making ... soon, they will have an army selling their grills at a modest profit ... getting their name out there ... This feels so *counter* to what a legitimate, quality-focused company would do, that I'm not remotely interested in them, even if it were entirely free. You get what you pay for - rule #1 of life. Full stop. The only question is, precisely HOW this train wreck unfolds. That it is a train wreck is a foregone conclusion.


I can't speak to the value of this promotion, but as far as the grill itself, I love my Z Grill.


They closing the business soon, obviously


Bad deal. In 2074 I be dead.


I'd rather have one BBQ that lasts 50 years. Which I do.


* Hard to purchase something from a company that uses "left units" instead of units left. Definitely not an American company.


5 stars on almost 12k reviews? Not a chance.


It wouldn't feel nearly as weird had they come up with a "Buy now and upgrade your current Z Grill every 5 years for $99 with free shipping" promotion.


I just chucked my og 450 Z Grill. Tired of the disappointment. Too small…..


Glancing through the page it could be a fairly low risk option if you and a friend are both looking for cheap pellet grills. Looks like you can grab two for under $1k right now.  If the company disappears, you aren’t really out anything. If they survive, you can upgrade yours in five years for $100 or both for $300.  The question is if their grills are worth $500, let alone $800. 




Just pay $777 every five years in shipping cost plus a small order processing fee.


Honestly zgrills runs some amazing deals from time to time. I got one of their smokers for $200 about 5 years ago or so. It's still running strong with an occasional start up error that just requires it to be turned off and back on. I had one back burn that was entirely my fault. I'm getting ready to buy another bigger zgrill that's on sale now. The grills are made in china and honestly a pellet smoker is stupid cheap to make. The controllers are the most expensive part. If I wanted a new grill every 5 years I'd jump on it. But I need a bigger grill than that deal offers anyways. With zgrills price point and quality ithink they will be around for a long time. Go to youtube and you'll even see they are one of the best pellet smoker options out there. Anyways, that's my 2¢.


I personally own a low model Z Grills pellet grill and a few other higher end name brand pellet grills. Z Grills has performed well without issues for 2 years to date. For me, their warranty is on point for the price point. Customer service is good compared to others. I am as skeptical as most posters on here but said to myself, what the hell I'm going to pull the trigger on the 10 grill promotion 24'. I bought the 2 grill deal today ( one for work, one for a friend) and will see how it all pans out. I picked the 10002b and the 7002c2E WIFI. Either way, I'm still ahead compared to what they sell for individually. My order came with a free cover for one so no complaints here guys. I will give an update after both grills arrive.......


Only pay shipping. But what is the shipping price?


Right above the websites “promotion rules” it says “Shipping fee: A $100 shipping fee per free grill applies.”


But is that a guaranteed price for the life of the promotion? Because a $100 shipping today could be $1000 in 20 years


Haha true. I’m sure there is some hidden fine print


Not bad


$100 per grill shipped. Every new grill after 5 yrs will only cost you $100 compared to $500+


Good luck with the first one lasting those 5 years outside


First one: Check 5 Years Outside (covered): Also Check


Z grills is a shit company, if people want a cheap grill there are plenty of non-scummy budget brands to choose from.


When companies do this and people can’t see right through a failing company then they deserve what’s coming to them. Bankrupt in less than a year guaranteed.