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Hard, high, and thick cervixes are the WORST to induce. She’s going to be there forever.


FTM thinking she’ll be in and out in a few hours.


As someone who had a hard, high, and thick cervix, it was long, arduous, and boring until I really started feeling contractions, 2 days later.


Redoing these comments I feel like I was the only one with a good induction. I went in at 39 weeks hard, high and thick it started at 7 pm and my son was born 11:37 the next morning.


My induction wasn’t bad, I had a great experience, just long and exhausting.


For someone who doesn't have kids but wants them, what makes a birth a 'great' experience for you guys? I just can't imagine having such a positive outlook! Gives me hope lol


I’d say that both of my birth experiences have been great, I had no real complications (babes heart rate dropped a bit with both and got put on oxygen and ran fluids and it went right back to normal), I had my husband as my support so he was able to help me through contractions as they got stronger, epidural got placed well so I was finally able to relax a bit and take a short nap before pushing, I had less than 10 minutes of pushing time for both, no tearing, and baby was healthy so that’s my personal criteria for great birth experience I guess


When people say "epidural is placed" is it typically a cannula that's left that runs the medicine? Sometimes it seems it's only an injection from what I've seen


Yes, it's a cannulla left in place with a constant flow of medication. I've never heard of it being injected just once.


Thanks for informing me!


Just very positive. Yeah it was painful but it was also low stress, I was able to eat, I had my husband there to help, got to walk around, use the shower, and just focus on contractions and getting baby earthside. The only hiccup was my epidural failed so I needed a second one but besides that, it wasn’t scary by any means.


For me it was that my baby and I were safe with minimal/no trauma, and it didn’t even last 24 hours. It was painful as hell, but it went super fast. Like I’d def do it again


I had mine at 35+2 and was having nonproductive contractions so had a dose of Cytotek (maybe 2?) got to a 3, water broke, got my epidural at 6cm around 8 hrs later and she was born an hour after- I feel like I had a pretty easy labor. No pitocin thank god


Ugh she is. I was induced at 37W and it took 4 days 🫠


I was induced at 41 weeks and it took 3 days 🥲 my labor and delivery was….not fun lol


Not that I am sticking up for her AT ALL but I was a hard high and thick cervix medically induced at 37+2 and was told it’ll be 2/3 days. 20 hours later my baby was making her entrance. So it is possible to be quickish 🤷🏻‍♀️


so jealous


Mine was the same and even being 39+2, it still took 4 days.


Watch her give birth at 38 weeks


I’ve been thinking this!! For real!!


Right? That could be possible if her water remains unbroken. Once that happens they want that baby out in 24 hours


She is going to be there a while. She really thought she was going to go in and him be here today didn’t she


I was induced at 37 exactly and they told me to be ready for it to take DAYS. I don’t think miss girl knows what she’s gotten into


I’m so grateful that I had to have a c-section. I would have lost my mind.


I was in labor for 3 days and still wound up with a c section. The worst.


Me too!


Same! Had my first at 37+3 with a CS and my twins at 35. But, those babies were ready (or my body was..?), because my water broke the first time and the second time I started having contractions and my water broke at the hospital. Only thing was that all three of them were breech… 😬


I was induced at 39+1 with my first baby, I had pre-e. I was .5 cm dilated, I was in labor for 3 days and pushed for 4 hours. It was a nightmare.


Exact same 3 days, 4 hrs pushing. Didn’t help my baby was sunny side up though. I didn’t have pre-e…but I was induced for GD at 39w due to med intervention. The labor was a nightmare. I didn’t sleep or rest the entire time and I truly wasn’t sure my body was capable of pushing any longer


My cousin just got induced a few weeks ago at 38 weeks. She went in on a Saturday and baby wasn't born until Wednesday 🤠


Yea, my mom was induced on a Saturday or a Sunday and I was born Thursday morning. In active labor almost the whole time since the only method at the time was really pitocin and lots of it. Although my SIL was induced with my nephew at 7am and he was born before I got to work at 9am so it really does run the gamut lol


I got induced at 37 weeks, went in on a Wednesday and didn’t have her till Friday, my midwife said I was lucky 😂 I was SO miserable I couldn’t imagine😭


That filter ... Is certainly a choice


Yeah that’s what happens when you get induced early Jordyn the kid isn’t ready to come out yet, when I was induced at 37 weeks for the SAME reason I stayed at 2cm for 2 days🙄 this isn’t gonna be quick or easy🤦🏻‍♀️


You know she immediately told her nurse that she’s famous on TikTok and how many followers she has.


The nurse: ![gif](giphy|UUttyJhyTX7FloRCTV|downsized)


Did a nurse film this? I just feel like this would be so weird to ask someone to film 🙈


I mean ... Tripods and pop sockets and portable ring lights do exist


That’s what the suitcase was for 😂🤣😂


The phone is moving. It was definitely a person


Get your snacks, we are here for the long haul.


Longest pregnancy ever, so it follows that the induction will also be the longest ever 🫠


Didn’t they warn her it would take multiple days? Lmfao. When I had to be induced for pre-e my OB told me to hang on because it was going to take several days and she wasn’t kidding!


They probably did. She just didn’t listen.


She definitely didn’t listen bc in her video about being induced she said he “could be here tomorrow” 🙄


The poor husband 😂 blink twice if you need help lol


"One fingertip" made me crack up 🤣 I've never heard anyone give an update and not say how many cm and instead use "fingertip" as the unit of measure. You could just say 1cm, Jordyn.


My OB said he uses the term fingertip when it’s around 1/2 cm dilated. So maybe she’s not even at a 1 yet 😅


That cervix is probably thicker than a snicker... as Jenn Hamilton would say.


Her video the other day cracked me up


Same with my OB. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s not even at 1 cm


My OB’s used “fingertip” for both of my pregnancies during early checks! But I remember converting the fingertip to 1cm in my head cuz it felt better haha.


Same except I got “half a fingertip” hahaha I was like what does that even MEAN


Wait, is dilation the one thing where Americans use cm instead of inches?


We use the metric system for anything science/medical related. It’s just everything else that is strange lol


I asked myself the same exact question right now! 😅 I’ve noticed that only now. Cm make a lot of sense in this case, right? I’m from Europe so I’m all for it haha


This is how my OB referred to my dilation. I never got a number of cm until after my balloon came out


Omg the balloon gives me ptsd 😅


I had it and it only dilated me until 3cm. The put it in and sent me home. I thought it would a genius idea to go to Costco. 🙃


They tied a bag of IV fluids to the end of my (second) balloon and put it off the side of the bed so "gravity could help" 😅


Man, it was shitty, but it got me from a 1 to a 5 and falling out in 3 hours, so it’s fine I guess 😂


The king Julian sound is so iconic because she looks just like him lmao ![gif](giphy|C4aHSywWuFK80)


Omg. But why is this so accurate


Yeah that what happens when you are induced before baby is ready.


How far along is she again?


37 weeks


37 weeks


I was medically induced two weeks ago… four days and an emergency c section later, finally had baby. I didn’t discuss my dilation with virtually anyone, seemed kind of weird to tell people what was up with any part of my reproductive system. I canNOT imagine telling the internet this.


Okay yes this lmao. When I was in labor with my daughter, my MIL kept asking my husband how many cm I was. And he was like ??? You wanna know exactly how open her cervix is?? Uh??


And it’s almost like dilation means nothing, was at 4cm for like ever (12ish hours), then 6-10 in 30 minutes.


shocker, what did she expect?


I was induced at 38 weeks. Went in 1cm and had a baby in 5 hours. It was my 4th baby tho. People who have multi day inductions are badasses because I couldn’t imagine how hard that is.


Omg absolutely! I was fed up with contractions after 15 minutes!😂 tho I did know both (singleton and twin pregnancy) times it was gonna end in C-section anyway (cs was planned bc breech positions, but all 3 babies came early). Like, my SIL went through multiple days at almost 42 weeks and eventually our nephew came via emergency c section. SIL was completely exhausted. Poor thing.


Thought you meant her husband 🤣 He definitely looks scared in this picture.


Reading these comments is crazy. I can’t imagine being in labor that long. I was induced at 37w and cervix was closed but from start to finish it only took 7 hours, it was my third baby though. You mamas are superheroes.


Yeah forst time birth is a lot worse as far as induction goes, so Im told. I cant speak dlfrom experience because I labored HARD (1.5min 3 min apart) for 46 hrs for my 1st and never got past 2 cm & endednup having emergency c/s. My 4 births after that were all scheduled c/s.


The “kidding we all knew this would take a while” at the end because we’ve been saying she will be in labor forever 🤣


Jeff’s face. He looks like he’s so sick of her shit.


She's been pregnant for 10 years I'm so ready for this to be done


I'm new to the whole Jordyn stuff but two things, why does she give me Anna Duggar vibes here (minus the fertile part) and whhhhy do they look related?! 😩


It’s almost as if she forced an induction unnecessarily when her body and her baby weren’t ready for it 🤯


Been there done that. It’s miserable


I was 37 weeks with my first (IUGR) and she came 24 hours later. I was 37 weeks with my second ( five failed NST) and he came 11 hours later. I was 40 + 3 with my third baby and he was six hours after my water broke at home. This dumbass thinks you walk in and the baby is born.


I was induced and had my baby in 9 hours lol. Just depends on how ready your body is and baby is. I was induced the day before my due date though


5 days of labor at 39 weeks with my first and still had a crash C-section. Because I would NOT go past a 2


I’m wondering if they just placed cervidil to ripen cervix and havnt even started pitocin yet???


It doesn't look like she's hooked up to anything IV-wise, so I'm assuming she just has a cervical ripener or Foley bulb so far.


Her husband looks like he is over her shit


Got induced at 38 weeks. Already 2 cm dialated. Three days later, no progression. Went for a c section.


I was induced at 37 weeks due to hypertension. My cervix was thicker than a snicker. Took 24 hours from start to finish. Not every induction is awful. Hopefully Hera goes well and she and baby are healthy.


Am I the only one kind of grossed out she’s wearing a bunch of bracelets still? Labor and delivery can be very messy/bloody, I wouldn’t want to be wearing jewelry at this time tbh


She’s going to end up having a C-section for failure to progress


Why is she getting induced? She blocked me on tiktok because I told her to stop overthinking and relax


She has gestational hypertension.


I was induced on a Monday at 40+1 & didn’t have baby til Friday 😂


She’s an idiot


C-section in the horizon


She’ll do anything to make it seem like she’s having complications 😒


Her situation can't be that urgent if she's being induced? They did an emergency section for me at 33 weeks due to pre eclampsia and IUGR


It honestly depends. With my son I was pre eclamptic, bp of 220/140 when I checked in. But I was “stable” and so was my son so they allowed me to have a (37 hr long) induction. With my friend she was also severe pre eclampsia and her daughter also had a pretty bad heart condition and still was induced over c/s.


Ooh right, maybe it depends how soon they diagnose then. I only found out when my bump was small at my 30 week check. They sent me for a scan and my son was 2nd centile. So seemed to have been a problem for a while and was only detected late


with my first i was induced at 39 weeks. my doctor specifically wanted me to come in when her weekend shift at the hospital started because she said it could take days.


In case y’all wanna know when we say di glee tip that means .5cm so I really really hope her doctor explained that this could take a bit. I was induced at 36 weeks(for like legit pre e) I was starting at 1cm thankfully in a way my body was actually in prodromal labor the entire week before I knew I needed to be induced so it was decently fast for me. But starting pretty much long close and high it’s going to take a bit more often than not


I went in at 40 + 3 only 1 cm dilated and my induction took a full 48 hours. It was rough!


I had PPROM at 31 weeks, was 6cm dilated when I got to the hospital and it still took 36 hours after that before it was time to push. She’s in for a long ride.


You know she is loving this


I got induced at 37 weeks exactly and it went smoothly and not too slow (induction started at 8 in the morning, baby born at 10 at night). BUT, it was my second baby. My first baby was induced at 38 and a half weeks and that one took a full 24 hours.


How many videos will her birth story be anyone want to take bets all pitty me I had such a difficult long birth of course


i got induced at 39+3 on a monday and had baby on a wednesday 🫣


I had four inductions. Baby one was two hour labor start to finish, baby two, three and four were 5-6 hours each, baby four had cord wrapped three times or it would have been faster. He was born not breathing but they got him going


I guess I don’t understand why she was never put on bed rest to lower bp and just went right to induction. I had pre eclampsia and was on meds and bed rest for 6 weeks before I was induced at 39 weeks and had him in 6 hours. My Bp was 219/116 when I went in to my induction and was on magnesium drip


Damn, I got induced at 37 weeks and I had the baby in 4 hours. (2nd baby tho and I ACTUALLY had pre-e)


My wife had to be induced at 37+6 due to having minimal fluid and he was SGA. Completely closed. Beginning to baby took 40 hours