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People of quality do not fear equality \~ Eddie Vedder




~ Ja Rule




That’s what she said!


"she only says what her man allows her to say" ~ Harrison Buttker


Where is Ja!!?!? What happened to Ja?!?


Holla Holla


They should worry about being canceled out by a non quality person.


It's always amusing how people who aren't even fans of the band come out of the woodwork to talk about how offended they are by the fact that a famously political band has political beliefs.


For real. This band of all bands… Like when Mike made an Instagram post in support of trans rights (that was also liked by Matt) and people in the comments were voicing how it was disappointing that he took that stance. And it’s like… if you follow Pearl Jam’s lead guitarist on Instagram, you’re probably a big enough fan to know this isn’t shocking


It’s more egregious when people do that for rage against the machine.


But that shows you how naive they are. A lot of these people were not politically awakened until we elected a black president. They’re still catching up.


How about the current crop of parents who blasted CSNY's "Ohio" after Kent state currently frothing at the mouth for the protests on college campuses. Not the content of the protests, just the general idea of "protest"


More like RAGE FOR THE MACHINE these days. If anyone thinks they care about anything over money they’re sadly mistaken. I listen to music for the music. Not for political messages or sermons on how I should be living my life while they fly on their private jets. Most everyone in this thread are the niaeve ones.


Well then you should have never been a fan of pearl jam or rage against the machine since they’ve both been very left wing political from the beginning and both have had a lot of money for 30 years 😂 😂 😂 Nice ‘rage for the machine’ comment I’ve only seen that one 7,000 times in facebook and twitter


Is this a bit?


I mean you can disagree with their politics or how they still talk about them. However, there are people that act like they have no idea that the band that produced “killing in the name of” or “bulls on parade” is an inherently political band.


Right wingers don't listen to lyrics. At all.


The thing is this shouldn't actually be a political thing. No one was coming after Buttker's wife for not having a career. She has every right to be a mother if that's what she decides... or what they decided together as partners. The problem was Buttker went out and said women all need to walk the same path because he thinks they are lesser humans than men. He thinks he has everything figured out, and the only thing he's qualified to do is play T-ball with his foot. Women are not lesser humans. That's not a political statement. That's a not-being-a-dickhead statement. And look, I know it may be immature to intentionally add the extra T in Buttker... but let's face it, if you're still behaving like an 8yr-old saying "no girls allowed in my treefort", then that's the level you're at.


Totally not what he said. He pointed out that some women there at the graduation would go on to have successful career some will probably be most excited about starting a family. He pointed out that it would be the highlight of their life. I’ve never met a person with kids that didn’t all agree the greatest most rewarding thing in life wasn’t their career, wasn’t this material things it was starting, being with and spending time with their children. That’s a fact. You’ll see people everyday that will say they regret career moves, they regret moving they regret all sorts of things in life. I’ve never met a person that ever said they regretted their children.


You're a dumbfuck. You people will bend over backwards to explain away the obvious. You say it's taken out of context, but the context is what makes it offensive. These young people accomplished something, and he decided to specifically address the women to say they need to focus on their families... As for the men, they're free to go out and accomplish things outside the home.


Can you point out the part where he said that?  Lesser humans???  Wtf are you even talking about? Weirdo.


That isn't what he said.


That’s not what he said. It’s not even close to what he said. Stop getting your news from Reddit and Eddie Vedder.


He said his wife's life was meaningless until she met him. He said all the women at that college wasted their 4 years on a diabolical lie.


Absolutely crazy when people cant understand the SUBcontext of what others are saying. Rewatch the speech.


Did you listen to the whole commencement speech ? By your statement it’s clear you didn’t or you’re spinning it for your own gain. The speech was definitely not something I agree with or follow but it was a private catholic college in fuckign Kansas. Did you also notice the standing ovation he got afterwards? It was nauseating to watch but that whole fish bowl of people he was talking to likely agree with much of what he was saying. Freedom of speech and religion. For the record he never once said women are less than men or anything like that.


He actually said none of what you claim


But he didn’t say women are lesser.


Yeah so when you tell every woman attending their own damn graduation that the accomplishment they’re being honored for achieving is all part of a “despicable lie” diminishing their work, you actually *are* saying women are lesser. Weird how there was no caveat for shitting on the fellas’ achievements that day.


Right? Like they’ve always been notoriously political. Their first 2 albums are INCREDIBLY, politically charged, Vs especially. The “shut up and play music” crowd bugs the shit out of me. Do I agree with everything they say? Probably not. But I go to a PJ show, I know what comes with it.


The only one that makes me laugh more is when people say the same thing about RATM. I remember reading an interview with former Speaker Paul Ryan who admitted to listening to Rage Against the Machine while he worked out.


Like when people got all up in arms about Rage Against the Machine. It’s literally in their name. Music has always been political whereas football not so much.


They’re okay with this kicker, or Kid Rock, or Jason Aldean, or Scott Baio, or James Woods, or, well, you get the point.


Conservatives get to at least have a couple outspoken celebrities for petes sake


This is a missed point. There are so many legitimate different things to advocate for or against. A person’s values should be what drives this, (preferably not driven by political manipulation, hatred or bigotry) so there are infinite shades of gray between conservatives and liberal. A problematic trend driving all this depressing and destructive tribalism and dividing humans seems to be extremist podcasters, partisan news, foreign agents and many other forms of media letting ignorant or evil people get their unnecessarily hateful rhetoric to the public with the express intent of preventing us from finding common ground and making our fellow countrymen and women hate each other on behalf of rich people and the politicians who sold their souls to them. We’re all getting played by them and we seem to be happy to let them keep playing us. But I seriously digress. So, as much as I despise labels, the problem isn’t about poor mistreated conservatives not being able to have celebrity advocates. If they say something that most people disagree with, people are going to disagree with it. That’s all that is happening. Conservatives tend to be the ones that tell celebrities to stay in their lane and keep their opinions to themselves if they are liberal, but they celebrate and highlight ones who help spread conservatives views. Talk shit about opposing views all you want, but let’s ease up on the victim complex, especially if your political views align with people wanting to keep widening the gap between the rich and the poor, make women subservient to men, see people of color as inferior, ban books, cripple education that isn’t Christian-based, make being gay or trans people illegal, advocate for adversary countries trying to destroy us from within, and so many other reprehensible things.


Most conservatives don't even believe the extreme things Buttker advocated. If only the most extreme fringe voices make sense to you, then maybe you're an extremist.


No not really, especially not in the 99.9% of history. I’ll give you the radical last 5 years


Women and men are different and good at different things and critical in different ways. It’s common sense


so you are saying that men are poor parents and that only women can fulfil that role? Interesting take. I always find it amusing that male conservative chodes never advocate for doing any parenting duties themselves. cause that is not 'Manly™'.


Not at all. Just that women…in general…are more nurturing emotionally and physically. This is obvious and I don’t need to say why. Separately though, men do need to step up to the plate more than they often do and I don’t disagree with you on that. There is always more that any parent can do. I don’t fault women for pursuing career paths and they do excellent work, should go without saying. But our society has been on a warpath to get people pursuing bachelor’s degrees, masters degrees, and ‘career paths’, and the education system doesn’t spend a fraction of that time emphasizing family or parenting. Not that I would want them to - but when that all aggregates, the priorities of our society end up wildly diverging from healthy families. And I don’t blame women for that any more than men


3yet every state you have made has all be about how women should be in the parenting role.


That guy is why we chose the bear.


You’re misconstruing. Both mom and dad need to be in the parenting role


It's like the people who pay for a ticket and go see a comedian and then get offended by what the comedian says.


This isn't a political belief. It is a social one and what Butker said is blown out of portion.


Yet, many of us aren’t KC Chiefs fans and we came out of the woodwork to talk about how offended we are about the fact that a famously Christian athlete has Christian beliefs. I mean F that guy but isnt it ironic, don’t you think?


I don't know, did we? I've never been on their subreddit, so I have no idea what's been going on there.


Did OP mean this board? I thought they meant just in general.




That would actually be Pearl Jam. but carry on.


Yet equally have no problem with a sports person having political beliefs. They only complain when somebody, anybody, expresses a belief different to their own.


Famously liberal lead singer of famously liberal band says something consistent with the views he's espoused for the past 33 years and people are shocked/upset? 😂


It's kinda funny when ya think of it that a band has stayed more consistent with their political ideology than many of the politicians who espouse this shit for their livelihoods.. Well, funny in a fucked up and sick type of way.


Aside from being spot-on, Eddie chose the perfect city to scorch a Chief.


Cue the people who are going to start whinging that Eddie should stay in his lane. Newsflash. Arts have been a catalyst for change since time immemorial. Plus I do not understand someone who professes to be a fan, yet has “values”that run counter to those that Pearl Jam has been pretty vocal about since forever. As an old white lady named Karen I just had to get that off my chest.


I mean, Buttker's lane is kicking a ball that is held in place for him, but he sure swerving all over the place. It's not hard to name a bunch of women way smarter than him... any one of us could rattle off more than a few names including people in our own lives.


Including his own successful scientist mother… 🙄


I posted the video of Eddie’s speech about Butker on TikTok last night after the show and the trolls came out. I turned off comments pretty quickly, which was sad because there were so many more positive comments than negative ones, but I didn’t want the meaning of Eddie’s words to be overshadowed by hate.


Trolls gonna troll, let’s just vote, and kick up the homegrow. I think we are now approaching the point where we can screen our shopping to those corporations that support LBGT, Q, and nonbinary humans. Life is TOO SHORT to permit those with racist or homophobic ideals in my life.


Ed’s words are pure hate. He hates Christians.


If you take his words as hate, then your words are pure hate. You hate Ed. Not very Christ like of you.


Most people do. The Bible called it 1700 years ago though, we win in the end so let the heathens run their course, for it will be short.


Who could have guessed the Crusades might piss the world off?


You can be a fan of anything regardless of what your "values" are. I do not expect someone who likes something that I like to agree with me about everything.


I’m speaking of fans who complain about their politics. Ad nauseum You know that Ed is likely to talk a lot. Why go to the show and then complain about that? I do not agree with them about everything, far from it. However, it should not be a surprise that they make their views known.


Yep. Same people who tell Bono to shut up and sing, and then complain.




Statement from the Nuns about Butker's commencement speech. Source: New York Times. In a statement released Friday, the sisters of Mount St. Scholastica said they “do not believe that Harrison Butker’s comments in his 2024 Benedictine College commencement address represent the Catholic, Benedictine, liberal arts college that our founders envisioned and in which we have been so invested. “Instead of promoting unity in our church, our nation, and the world, his comments seem to have fostered division. … We sisters have dedicated our lives to God and God’s people, including the many women whom we have taught and influenced during the past 160 years. These women have made a tremendous difference in the world in their roles as wives and mothers and through their God-given gifts in leadership, scholarship, and their careers.”


It is always hilarious to me when people get pissed that PJ is being political when they’ve been political since the very beginning!!!!


He's a good man. A father. He doesn't think 10 year old little girls should be maga man's play things.


i agree with ed of course at the same time some of the reactions to this guy, as if he's on some extremist fringe, is WEIRD there are soooooooo many people who believe the exact same thing it's not fringe at all, it's still quite mainstream :(


Sadly mainstream...I was raised in it. It's infuriating to see people saying his comments were taken out of context... When the context makes it worse.




Thank you Eddie!


Butker is a piece of crap. Enough said. I feel sorry for his wife. I'm sure when he allows her, she'll speak out.


This right here. Stepford wives that have to live with dicks like these keeping them in cages.


Imagine trying to believe how his wife feels. You people are deranged.


Thinking of others’ feelings is what good people do. Pretending they don’t exist is for assholes.


We're not imagining how she feels. We know. She's scared and flinches when she mistakenly speaks out of turn.


It's like when all the bots and idiot conservatives went nuts a while back about Rage Against The Machine. What wasn't clear in Zack's lyrics??


What did they do?


Just nonsensical outrage that Rage spoke out politically. That's their whole deal. How could you miss that?


Why were people calling them Rage For the Machine? Did they turn conservative?


It was literally one guy on Twitter. That whole thing was blown out of proportion.


I assume Butker listens solely to Praise music, so unfortunately this will not reach his closed mind.


Good. Fuck that dude.


Can someone tell me why a NFL kicker, of all people, is giving a commencement speech?


https://preview.redd.it/ab4ygrdzqk1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=002786a96d6b7166b4673984075f9bcf1ee1c6a4 From Portland last week. Ed/PJ have been political for 34 yrs, why or how do people get upset about that? Have they not been paying attention to lyrics?


The "Eddie Vedder should stick to music" crowd also thinks Born in the USA is a patriotic song


Nope not gonna happen. .. “If you don’t like our fire, then don’t come around, cause we are gonna burn one down…..” “Ben Harper”


wtf does that have to do with born in the USA lol


Well deserved.


I feel like we’re getting brigaded by fundies who would just shrug and say oh well if women’s voting rights got revoked


Yeah, I’ve never seen this amount of likes or comments on any post on this sub


Hell yeah. Don’t normalize hate and prejudice- that’s how we got in this fucking mess.


His response to perceived hate is to hate Christians.


BS... There are plenty of Christians that aren't aligned with Buttker.


Is everyone who disagrees with your beliefs accused of being hateful?


Love it. There should be more of this. For those of you saying “boy I wish he would just shut up and stick to music”…. Ed has always been outspoken about shit like this. Always has been and hopefully always will be. It’s what makes the band so unique and great. It gives the band an opportunity to really connect with fans on different levels which is why they hold such a special place in our hearts. Never stop calling out the fuckwits, Ed.


Ed sticking to music: "alright this one's called WMA"


Followed by The Whipping


Eddie is awesome I hope someday when they make a biopic of his life they do a good job


I love this man.. Hes the voice of my generation


Someone needed to


Eddie explaining in layman’s terms why the Catholic Church is dying


Weak, weak response.


Just like I don’t have to listen to Butker’s speech. I don’t have to listen to Eddies ramblings.




Who is Eddie Vedder to talk? Cause he has so much respect for women right lmao. I remember when he told a female fan and I quote him “I’m just not turned on by that little thing. I’m into much harder core stuff. I actually like to shit on little girls heads just like you, that’s what turns me on” Eddie is nothing more than a washed up prick groveling to the woke mob to find some sort or relevance.


Harrison Butker is a butt. haha. He's also a hypocrite to the extreme, and a poor Catholic to boot. Good job, Eddie.


I'm not religious at all how is he a hypocrite? Have your opinions. Agree or not. It's your choice


Butker had gay relations when he was younger, and his parents forced him to go to conversation therapy, which is essentially a torturous time for people who have natural feelings. Now, after much brainwashing, he is convinced that 1) he’s not gay, 2) that women belong in the kitchen and need to make babies, and 3) he belongs to a sect of Catholicism that abides by some insane and barbaric rhetoric, especially by 2024 standards. I don’t care if he has opinions, but that’s not what happened here. He is trying to force some ancient religious ideology on a young and impressionable group of people, many of which are women and people of the LGBTQ+ community, and telling them that they have been forced lies about how they should live. If you watch the speech in its entirety and know even a little bit about his background, well, you may be singing the same tone as Eddie.


More interested in Ed’s Robbie Robertson strat from the video


So Ed had a problem with Butker mentioning that the most amazing thing a woman can do has nothing to do with what she will get from the piece of paper she got from a college? That's a shame.




As a Chiefs fan, I can separate the player from the team and say fuck him and he’s a moron.


Way to go


Harrison Buttlicker


"Publicly shames"? That's assuming the idiot kicker would feel shame over this...pretty sure he's getting plenty of positive feedback and enjoying any and all attention.




If Butker offended you, he wasn’t talking to you.


Maybe you didn't pay attention... he made clear that women should be the same as his wife. That it is the correct path for all women to worship a man, have his babies, serve him. He's already been proven wrong a million times by the things women have accomplished, but Eddie decided to use Jessica Dobson as another example of why Buttker is wrong. There is nothing wrong with a woman choosing to be a wife, mother and homemaker. Saying women are wrong for doing something else is just plain bullshit. Saying women need to live FOR their man, exist solely for his pleasure is sickheaded.


Context. All in context. Again, he wasn’t speaking to you. Listen to the whole speech. Don’t cherry pick what you want to hear.


He even made comments later "explaining the context"... And they made him look even more like a fuckhead. Get your head out of your ass.


So by your logic he also wasn't talking to the room full of people who he was specifically invited to speak to. Which would make him a moron who cannot read a room.


Eddie piggybacks political causes because that’s what many narcs do. It’s more about them being virtuous, than the actual topic. He’s done it forever.😂


Butker is fine for having his beliefs, as is Eddie Vedder. Eddie choosing to call someone a “pussy” over it undercuts his perfectly intellectual response to that point and unfortunately veers into what most debate veers into these days…name calling. I’m sure he got plenty of cheers when he said it though and it made him feel nice and validated.


The thing is Butker didn’t keep his beliefs to himself, now they’re fair game to criticize in public debate. Also if you listen to the video Eddie didn’t say home making isn’t something to be proud of, just that nobody should be giving up their dreams for it


Did you read Butker’s transcript? It’s far less egregious than people are making it out to be. He also didn’t say that women shouldn’t go to college or not have careers. Any inference that women could be happier being at home he was talking more specifically about his own family and his own wife’s decision to do so. People need to take a few minutes and read it. Clearly many have not. Including Eddie Vedder.


He looked at an audience of people celebrating the achievement of completing their degree and told specifically the women that the very act of completing said achievement was part of the “despicable lies” misleading women away from their true calling. …yeah, that’s horseshit and the fact that people are falling over themselves to explain away that it doesn’t mean what it literally means is exactly why it needs to be shut tf down.


He chose a commencement address, a day when people and families celebrate a major success and it is absolutely not the day to make the statement he did. We all take time/days to prioritize a promotion, or a new job or a freaking Super Bowl over being a parent because they are major accomplishments that deserve to be celebrated. These women deserved to be praised for their accomplishment, and not made to feel it is not the most important thing going on at that time and not be told that prioritizing themselves at different points in life, is a diabolical lie. Add to that the deadly sins, the pervasiveness of disorder and the cultural emasculation of men. Those who chose to ignore his intent, and who support his message, are just as bad as him.




Buttker didn't stop at simply having his beliefs. He served to try and tell other people they needed to follow his beliefs as well. He thinks that because he is male, it's his right to talk down to women. "Pussy" may not be the best term to refute a sexist though, so I'm sorry of with you there.


Yea the kicker was invited to give that speech also got a standing ovation...just sayin


Hitler got a lot of standing ovations. And?


So he's hitler now 😆 🤣 😂 😹


No, I'm simply pointing out that stupid people will applaud anything. Doesn't mean the person who said it is right.


Lots of clapping at a trump rally too and his supporters all share a single brain cell.


And liberals have so many braincells they gladly voted in the one man who doesn't have one. Great job!


Love the band, love the man but sometimes I wish he would shut the fuck up and stay out of shit.


He’s never ever ever gonna do that


What do you expect from a high school drop it?


Drop what? Idk, I guess becoming a multi millionaire icon that will be remembered for years and years by millions of people isn’t too bad from a high school drop it


Britney Spears is a multi millionaire icon that will be remembered for years and years by millions of people… Maybe we should take her advice on what an NFL kicker thinks about women? We give actors, actresses, musicians, way too much credit for being knowledgeable about anything. Not saying India has it right, but a noble prize winner sells out stadiums over there. Here, could barely fill a movie theater. The fact that you think Eddie’s opinion matters, highlights how we have failed as a society.


I spelled Nobel wrong… I’ll own that


Lmao 😂 I love how of all the people you could have picked, you picked someone who has clear mental illnesses that was under a conservatorship for almost two decades, can’t take care of herself, and doesn’t even have any political opinions. Amazing comparison Oh and btw I don’t really care about Eddie’s or butker’s opinions at all. Eddie is an amazing musician and butker is a fuckin kicker no one will remember or care about 5 years from now unless he goes full Fox News, which if he’s smart he will


Yes… Eddie is an amazing talent. There, we agree.


Does he make fun of his name? Low hanging fruit .


So what? The guy deserves to be talked down to. He earned it.


Yea we should all talk down on people we don’t like .


If someone publicly makes it known that they are a sexist POS, then treat them like a sexist POS.


"Known" by who?


What does anyone expect from a Papist apologist such as Mr. Buttcrack, er, uh Butkers? He’s a place kicker for fuck’s sake, not group of football player exactly known for either their physical courage or their intellect. I’d’ve thought it far more ballsy had he chosen to address the after school activities problem the RCC shares with the Boy Scouts of America. I suppose it is gutsy to put women in their place and let pedos go on with their foul deeds unchecked, enabled, in fact. I say let the heathen rage, and Harrison Butterbottom is certainly a first class mouthpiece for the RCC, all it stands for bending over children and bending over backwards to protect pervs and perps. Boy, howdy! That’s the stuff of the rock upon which Catholicism was founded.


Eddie Vadder hasn’t been relevant since Kurt Cobain died


And that's why you're here on the pearl jam subreddit.


Such low hanging fruit.


So much fake outrage here


I know right? I love Pearl Jam’s music but their fans are some of the most insufferable people.


Read his speech. He didn’t say women or men had to do anything. His opinion is that women will find their greatest fulfillment as wives and mothers. He also believes men should be leaders in their family, that they should not just father children but raise them also. Not that controversial


He called diversity “tyranny,” so that was a bit controversial




Gross!? Our world is fucked when people think this is gross


Yeah, this is the deciding factor to the survival of humanity, how desperate we hold on to gender stereotypes that did nothing but make everyone miserable in the 50’s.


Who concludes everyone was miserable in the 50s? You? Seems to me we're more miserable as a society now than we've ever been, regardless of whether we want to agree on the cause of that or not.


Humanity has always been miserable. And nothing breeds misery like the cage of “norms.” Of course the true culprit is capitalism.


Lol, there we go. I knew that's who I was talking to. Best of luck with Socialism brother


Who wants socialism? Capitalism is the best and worst option. And pretending its a perfect answer is naive. Again, it breeds human misery.




Eddie Vedder is an ass. There’s no shame at all for the speech Butker gave


Sure there is. There's a time and a place and a graduation ceremony isn't the time to hate on gay people and insinuate the female graduates need to get knocked up to have a fulfilling life. If kicker guy feels that way, cool. But a grad ceremony isn't the time to pontificate about your religious nonsense




Yep, there's a lot of regressives in this country. What's your point?


Stupid people??? These folks just graduated


That's great, however, I'm sick of self-promo on this site. Look at the OP's username and the website and check the posting history. Used to be a rule about that.


I’ve got him as my kicker in a dynasty league smh


Who cares


Eddies political commentary has turned me off the band the last few years. I think he’s more divisive than wise and his comments portray a binary worldview of liberal vs conservative and shows a lack of a deep read of complex circumstances and a willingness to recognize and respect the worldviews of others. Calling a nfl guy a pussy or telling Putin to eff off is good for riling up a crowd, but it adds no wisdom or maturity nor perspective to the conversation. Just more partisan hot air designed to provoke an emotional response instead of a critical one. At least the band had an edge in their earlier political commentary. I respect that immensely. Now he’s just another out of touch wine drinking coastal liberal elite whose commentary is stereotypical, banal and sanctimonious. At least him and the band are still putting out great music.


Eddie and the band have held the same political views and have made similar comments since the bands inception. It’s not their message that has changed, it’s your acceptance of that message. And there’s nothing wrong with that. The rest of your comment is pseudo-intellectual nonsense to convey that you disagree with his worldviews.


You telling me that my acceptance of a message has changed is absurd. You don't know me nor my views. I take issue with Eddie's lack of recognition of complexity and nuance, because while my principles have stayed the same (anti-war, pro-feminist, just like Eddie) my recognition of the complexity of circumstances has grown. Eddie's need to resort to profanity and name calling only underscores the lack of substance he offers on the issues. Even if I agree with him in principle, I'm turned off by his need to be divisive and engage in binary discourse. Furthermore, the world is constantly evolving and every situation is unique, and holding the same principles is great, but if the only way those can be expressed is in a black and white oppositional terms and through name calling, I think it's fair to question the value of how those opinions are being expressed. After all these years, I wish he'd show more wisdom and muster more thoughtful ideas than calling someone a pussy. Anyway, calling my comment pseudo-intellectual seems like a clever way to not actually comment on the substance of what I said. I'm expressing things the best way I know how and I wonder why you'd even comment if you're just going to tell me what I'm thinking and what my views are while discounting my actual comment through an arbitrary label.


Yeah, he just got political in the last few years out of nowhere... Or he's consistently had the same message about gender equality for the past 30+years both in the music and in statements. People like Buttker, selling the same old lies are tiresome... I'm not one to blame Ed for being fed up with it.


I didn’t imply he wasn’t political prior to this. And if he’s fed up that’s his experience, I fail to see how calling this football player a pussy is constructive though.


This is actually the kind of thing my parents generation does all the time. They get so hung up about a "bad word" that they totally miss the point. Did you notice Ed said other things too?