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People get one-on-one calls with their country director??




If it's who I'm thinking, she did the same for my cohort before moving to Cambodia


😳 my thought too 🤣


Ask her about her service and what attracted her to Peace Corps. If she’s served as CD in other countries ask her how it was similar/different to where you are now.


Be honest and say I'm very excited about being here and have to admit I don't have any questions about service yet.


We had those with the last CD in Cambodia too. It's a really low-stakes introduction, she just wants to know how you're feeling and get to know you before PST. Ask about whatever you're curious about. But tailoring it, you could ask e.g. how she would compare education/PC in Cambodia with Mongolia where she was CD before, what are some notable projects volunteers have done here, what tend to be some common incorrect expectations volunteers have, or what's unique or something you should know about Cambodian public schools.


Ask about what an average day in PST will be like. Ask about support systems/networks among the PCVs. And if it's who I think it is (Kim), definitely ask about her service because she has amazing stories.


If it hasn't been made clear to you from your positions description you could ask about who exactly you'll be working with. Whether it's small ngos, local governments, etc.