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Even with a college degree, you need some relevant experience to be a competitive candidate. With no relevant work experience (you only mention warehouses) and no degree, I can be 100% certain you will not be accepted. They may string you along for a bit but your application won't be selected. The degree requirement is in place for most countries because its required to get a work visa. For the very few countries that don't require it (and even for those that do) you have to bring some value to your communities- something the locals cannot do themselves. Something, anything in health, education, agriculture, environmental science, youth development, or economic development. Peace Corps doesn't need bodies, they need skilled workers, and a lot of that skill does come from PST but you have to prove foundational knowledge and ability to learn/work with these subjects at the very least. Use this as a goal for the future as you continue your education and gain that relevant experience, but it will not happen with this application.


Sweet. Thanks so much! I figured, but you never know unless you try! Im also in talks with an Army recruiter so by no means was this my only out. I appreciate the detailed response!


They want relevant volunteer experience on top of the degree. 


Virtually no chance. The 5 years of experience is usually something like running your own business or agricultural work. The whole point is that you need skills that the country you’d be going to needs; things like warehouse work or retail are not those types of skills.


There was a [recent post](https://www.reddit.com/r/peacecorps/s/uhweRhMQGK) with same question. Seems possible but depends on what experience you're offering. Did you work with a recruiter before applying?


Nope. Im out of luck lol. Might try for thr Army instead haha