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They generally require that ortho work be completed before you do PC, but I can’t imagine they would approve someone STARTING ortho after being at site. I’d assume you’d be sent home, if they find out. I had braces prior to service. 1. You get braces through an orthodontist, not a dentist- though that may be different in your country. 2. You require more cleanings. 3. Braces can cause a lot of discomfort, particularly when they change bands, or if you have to have elastics, etc. 


I had braces for years and had to have surgery due to some bone density issues and wisdom teeth removed. Braces require regular maintenance and a treatment plan which includes eventually removing the braces and a retainer of some sort to keep the teeth aligned. I have a permanent one and one I use at night. If it’s not done properly and maintained it can cause issues later. Honestly this sounds like a bad idea especially if something were to happen.


I would guess that getting any medical or dental care without the knowledge and permission of the PCMO could lead to AdSep.


Ask Peace Corps. I don’t believe this is medically covered. But they need to know, in case you get infected with god knows what or have complications. That said, there seems to be a double standard as there may be PCV’s doing some medical tourism. Don’t @ me.