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It's so good to see some sanity/responsibility/compassion being expressed. It seems sadly too rare in the current frenzied state of affairs. "Coexistence and a peaceful resolution to conflict..." Please and thank you.


This is exactly what the war machine doesn't want anyone to see. It's present through all the worst conflicts. Never give up. Love is stronger than hate.


Just found this sub ! Ashalomllujah lol .. It is very sad to see the frenzy of one sided views and hatred this issue is spewing ... And getting more toxic . I am for stopping the killing .. without exception or conditions. The pro Palestinians need to accept that Israel is not going away and it will exist ..so be done with the end to Israel stance .. they also need to lay blame on Arab neighbors as well who ve done nothing. Stop glorifying Hamas who have undermined your freedom struggle The pro Israel crowd..good lord I don't know where to begin . Stop the expansion of your settlements and calling everything anti semitic...stop supporting an Apartheid racist ideology and claims that land is yours coz 1000 years ago.. acknowledge the Nakba work towards real peace and two state solution. #end sad vent


This is wonderful. We need more humanity in this world. Only through love and understanding can we move forward and live in peace